예제 #1
파일: pyyrascii.py 프로젝트: ways/pyyrascii
def get_pyyrshort (location, offset = 0, hourstep = 1, screenwidth = 80):
    weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

    if not weatherdata:
        return False, False

    offset = int(offset)

    ret = "" #all output goes here

    if verbose:

    shortened_source = source_to_concise_string(source)

    ret += shortened_source + \
      ' at %(from)s: %(temp)s C, %(symbolname)s' % \
      {"location": location,
      "from": weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['from'][11:16],
      "temp": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['temperature']),
      "symbolname": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['symbolname']).lower(),

    if 0 < float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation']):
        precipitation = "rain"
        if 0 > float (weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['temperature']):
            precipitation = "snow"
        ret += ' ( %(precipitation)s mm %(name)s )' % \
          {"precipitation": str(math.ceil(float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation']))),
          "name": precipitation}

    if 0 < float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']):
        ret += ', %(speed)s mps wind from %(direction)s' % \
          {"speed": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']),
          "direction": weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windDirection']['code']}

    ret += '.'

    return ret, source
예제 #2
파일: pyyrascii.py 프로젝트: ways/pyyrascii
def get_pyyrshort(location, offset=0, hourstep=1, screenwidth=80):
    weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

    if not weatherdata:
        return False, False

    offset = int(offset)

    ret = ""  #all output goes here

    if verbose:

    shortened_source = source_to_concise_string(source)

    ret += shortened_source + \
      ' at %(from)s: %(temp)s C, %(symbolname)s' % \
      {"location": location,
      "from": weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['from'][11:16],
      "temp": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['temperature']),
      "symbolname": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['symbolname']).lower(),

    if 0 < float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation']):
        precipitation = "rain"
        if 0 > float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['temperature']):
            precipitation = "snow"
        ret += ' ( %(precipitation)s mm %(name)s )' % \
          {"precipitation": str(math.ceil(float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation']))),
          "name": precipitation}

    if 0 < float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']):
        ret += ', %(speed)s mps wind from %(direction)s' % \
          {"speed": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']),
          "direction": weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windDirection']['code']}

    ret += '.'

    return ret, source
예제 #3
def get_pyyrshort (location, offset = 0, hourstep = 1, screenwidth = 80):
  weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

  if not weatherdata:
    return False, False

  offset = int(offset)

  ret = "" #all output goes here

  if verbose:
    print "weather"
    print weatherdata['tabular'][offset]
    print weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['temperature']
    print weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation']
    print weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']
    print weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windDirection']['code']

  ret += '%(location)s at %(from)s: %(temp)s C' % \
    {"location": location, 
    "from": weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['from'][11:16],
    "temp": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['temperature'])

  if 0 < float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation']):
    ret += ', %(precipitation)s mm rain' % \
      {"precipitation": str(math.ceil(float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['precipitation'])))}

  if 0 < float(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']):
    ret += ', %(speed)s mps wind from %(direction)s' % \
      {"speed": str(weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windSpeed']['mps']),
      "direction": weatherdata['tabular'][offset]['windDirection']['code']}

  ret += "."

  return ret, source
예제 #4
def get_pyyrascii (location, offset = 0, hourstep = 1, screenwidth = 80):
  weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

  if not weatherdata:
    return False, False

  if verbose:
    print "offset",offset
    print "hourstep",hourstep

  offset = int(offset)
  hourstep = int(hourstep)
  screenwidth = int(screenwidth)

  ret = "" #all output goes here
  tempheight = 10+1
  timeline = 13
  windline = 15
  windstrline = 16
  rainline = 17
  graph[timeline] = "   " #time
  graph[timeline+1] = " " #spacer
  #graph[rainline] = "   " #rain
  graph[windline] = "   " #wind
  graph[windstrline] = "   " #wind strenght
  temphigh = -99
  templow = 99
  tempstep = -1
  #hourcount = 22 + offset
  hourcount = (screenwidth-14)/3 + offset
  #rain in graph:
  rainheight = 10
  rainstep = -1
  rainhigh = 0 #highest rain on graph
  wind = wind_symbols()

  if verbose:
    print "hourcount", hourcount

  #collect temps, rain from xml
  for item in weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount]:
    if int(item['temperature']) > temphigh:
      temphigh = int(item['temperature'])
      #print "h" + item['temperature']

    if int(item['temperature']) < templow:
      templow = int(item['temperature'])
      #print "l" + item['temperature']

    if math.ceil(float(item['precipitation'])) > rainhigh:
      rainhigh = math.ceil(float(item['precipitation']))

    rainhighmax = 0
      rainhighmax = math.ceil(float(item['precipitationmax']))
    except KeyError:
    if rainhighmax > rainhigh:
      rainhigh = rainhighmax

  if verbose:
    print "high",temphigh,"low",templow,"rainhigh",rainhigh

  #scale y-axis. default = -1
  if tempheight <= (temphigh - templow):
    tempstep = -2
    if verbose:
      print "Upped tempstep"

  #scale rain-axis

  if temphigh == templow:
    templow = temphigh-1

  #create temp range
  for t in range(int(temphigh), int(templow)-1, tempstep):

  if verbose:
    print "temps",temps

  #extend temp range
  #temps = [ (temps[0] +1) ] + temps
  for t in range(0, tempheight):
    if len(temps)+1 < tempheight:
      if t%2 == 0: #extend down
        temps.append( temps[len(temps)-1] - abs(tempstep) )
      else: #extend up
        temps = [ temps[0] + abs(tempstep) ] + temps
  #temps.append( temps[len(temps)-1] -1 ) #TODO:remove me?

  if verbose:
    print "temps",temps

  #write temps to graph
  for i in range(1, tempheight):
    #print i
      graph[i] = str(temps[i-1]).rjust(3, ' ')
    except KeyError as (errno, strerror):
      print "err ",i,errno,strerror
    except IndexError as err: #list empty
      #print "err ",err
예제 #5
import pyofc, subprocess, re, sys, string, math
import os, sys
import urllib, urllib2, urlparse
import xml.dom.minidom
import traceback, codecs, pyyrlib
import datetime


#with codecs.open(file, 'r') as f:
#  filetime = f.readline()
#  print "Filetime ", filetime
#  print "Returning cached data for", id
#  weatherdata = f.read()

weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData("newyork", True)
tabular = []
print weatherdata

for item in weatherdata['tabular']:
  print item['from']


for i in range (1, 22):
  weather = dict()

  fromtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(weatherdata['tabular'][0]['from'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") \
    + datetime.timedelta(hours=i)
  weather['from'] = fromtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
예제 #6
def get_temperatures():
    url = "http://www.yr.no/sted/Norge/Oslo/Oslo/Blindern/varsel.xml"
    wd = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(url)
    t = [int(i["temperature"]) for i in wd["tabular"]]
    return t
예제 #7
파일: pyyrascii.py 프로젝트: ways/pyyrascii
def get_pyyrascii (location, offset = 0, hourstep = 1, screenwidth = 80,
    imperial = False):
    weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

    if not weatherdata:
        return False, False

    offset = int(offset)
    hourstep = int(hourstep)
    screenwidth = int(screenwidth)

    # Init graph
    ret = "" #all output goes here
    tempheight = 10+1
    timeline = 13
    windline = 15
    windstrline = 16
    graph[timeline] = "   " #time
    graph[timeline+1] = "    " #date line
    graph[windline] = "   " #wind
    graph[windstrline] = "   " #wind strenght
    temphigh = -99
    templow = 99
    tempstep = -1
    hourcount = int((screenwidth-14)/3 + offset)

    # Rain in graph:
    rainheight = 10
    rainstep = -1
    rainhigh = 0 #highest rain on graph
    wind = wind_symbols()
    sunrise = None
    sunset = None

    if verbose:
        print("offset %s, hourstep %s, hourcount %s" % (offset, hourstep, hourcount))

    # Convert to imperial if needed:
    if imperial:
        for tid in range(len(weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount])):
            weatherdata['tabular'][tid]['temperature'] = c_to_f(int(weatherdata['tabular'][tid]['temperature']))

    #collect temps, rain from xml
    for item in weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount]:
        if int(item['temperature']) > temphigh:
            temphigh = int(item['temperature'])

        if int(item['temperature']) < templow:
            templow = int(item['temperature'])

        if math.ceil(float(item['precipitation'])) > rainhigh:
            rainhigh = math.ceil(float(item['precipitation']))

        rainhighmax = 0
            rainhighmax = math.ceil(float(item['precipitationmax']))
        except KeyError:
        if rainhighmax > rainhigh:
            rainhigh = rainhighmax

    if verbose:

    #scale y-axis. default = -1
    if tempheight <= (temphigh - templow):
        tempstep = -2
        if verbose:
            print("Upped tempstep")

    if weatherdata['sunrise']:
        sunrise = str(weatherdata['sunrise'])[11:13] #2014-11-21T08:28:42
    if weatherdata['sunset']:
        sunset = str(weatherdata['sunset'])[11:13] #2014-11-21T08:28:42
        if verbose:
            print('sunrise' + sunrise + 'sunset' + sunset)

    if temphigh == templow:
        templow = temphigh-1

    #create temp range
    for t in range(int(temphigh), int(templow)-1, tempstep):

    if verbose:

    #extend temp range
    for t in range(0, tempheight):
        if len(temps)+1 < tempheight:
            if t%2 == 0: #extend down
                temps.append( temps[len(temps)-1] - abs(tempstep) )
            else: #extend up
                temps = [ temps[0] + abs(tempstep) ] + temps

    if verbose:

    #write temps to graph
    for i in range(1, tempheight):
            graph[i] = str(temps[i-1]).rjust(3, ' ')
        except IndexError: #list empty

    #create rainaxis
    #TODO: make this scale
    rainaxis = []
    for r in range(rainheight, 0, rainstep):
        if r <= rainhigh: # + 1
            rainaxis.append('%2.0f mm ' % r)
            rainaxis.append(' ')

    if verbose:
        print("rain axis",str(rainaxis))

    #draw graph elements:
    for item in weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount:hourstep]:
        # Rain
        rain = math.ceil(float(item['precipitation']))
        rainmax = 0 #max rain for this hour
            rainmax = math.ceil(float(item['precipitationmax']))
            if verbose:
                print("precmax", rainmax)
        except KeyError:

        # Wind on x axis
        graph[windline] += " " + \
          (wind[ item['windDirection']['code'] ] \
          if 0.0 != float(item['windSpeed']['mps']) else " O")

        # Wind strength on x axis
        graph[windstrline] += " " + '%2.0f' % float(item['windSpeed']['mps'])

        # Time on x axis
        spacer=' '
        hour=str(item['from'])[11:13] #2012-01-17T21:00
        if sunrise and sunset and \
          int(sunrise) < int(hour) and \
          int(sunset) > int(hour):
        graph[timeline] += spacer + hour

        # Create time range

        # Date
        if '00' == hour:
            graph[timeline+1] += date
            graph[timeline+1] += '   '

        #for each y (temp) look for matching temp, draw graph
        for i in range(1, tempheight):
            #draw temp
                #parse out numbers to be compared
                temptomatch = [ int(item['temperature']) ]
                tempingraph = int(graph[i][:3].strip())

                if tempstep < -1: #TODO: this should scale higher than one step
                    temptomatch.append(temptomatch[0] - 1)

                if tempingraph in temptomatch:
                    if int(item['symbolnumber']) in [3,4]: #partly
                        graph[i] += "^^^"
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [5,7,8,9,10,12,13]: #clouded
                        graph[i] += "==="
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [6,11,14,20,21,22,23]: #lightning
                        graph[i] += "=V="
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) == 15: #fog
                        graph[i] += "###"
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) == 2: #light clouds
                        graph[i] += "=--"
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [1]: #clear
                        graph[i] += "---"
                    else: #Shouldn't hit this
                        graph[i] += "???"
                    graph[i] += "   "
            except KeyError:

            #compare rain, and print
            #TODO: scaling
            if (rain != 0) and (rain > 10-i):
                if int(item['symbolnumber']) in [7,12]: #sleet
                    rainsymbol = "!"
                elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [8,13]: #snow
                    rainsymbol = "*"
                else: #if int(item['symbolnumber']) in [5,6,9,10,11,14]: #rain
                    rainsymbol = "|"

                if 0 > int(item['temperature']): #rain but cold
                    rainsymbol = "*"

                if verbose:
                    print("rainmax: ", rainmax,"i",i,"rain",rain)
                #if overflow, print number at top
                if rain > 10 and i == 1:
                    rainsymbol = '%2.0f' % rain
                    graph[i] = graph[i][:-2] + rainsymbol
                    #print rainmax if larger than rain.
                    if rainmax > rain:
                            graph[i-1] = graph[i-1][:-1] + "'"
                        except UnboundLocalError:
                            print("Err2: " + str(item['symbolnumber']))
                        except KeyError:

                    #print rain
                        graph[i] = graph[i][:-1] + rainsymbol
                    except UnboundLocalError:
                        print("Err: " + str(item['symbolnumber']))

    graph[0] = " 'C" + str.rjust('Rain (mm) ', screenwidth-3)
    if imperial:
        graph[0] = " 'F" + str.rjust('Rain', screenwidth-9)
    graph[windline] +=    " Wind dir."
    graph[windstrline] += " Wind(mps)"
    graph[timeline] +=    " Hour"

    headline = "-= Meteogram for " + source_to_concise_string(source)
    if location.isdigit():
        headline += " for the next " + str(hourcount) + " hours"
    headline += " =-"
    ret += str.center(headline, screenwidth) + "\n"

    #add rain to graph
    for i in range(1, tempheight):
            graph[i] += rainaxis[i-1]
        except IndexError:

    for k in sorted(graph.keys()):
        ret += graph[k] + "\n"

    ret += "\nLegend left axis:   - Sunny   ^ Scattered   = Clouded   =V= Thunder   # Fog" +\
           "\nLegend right axis:  | Rain    ! Sleet       * Snow\n"

    appendix = list()
    appendix.append('[Weather forecast from yr.no, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological ' +\
      'Institute and the NRK.]')
    appendix.append('[Try finger @graph.no for more info.]')
    appendix.append('[Mail a "thank you" to [email protected] if you like the service.]')
    #appendix.append('[Version ' + __version__ + ']')
    appendix.append('[Project home: ' + __url__ + ']')
    #appendix.append('[Hi mom!]')
    #appendix.append('[Your ad here? (Forget it!)]')
    appendix.append('[Blog at http://0p.no]')
    #appendix.append('[Finger not available? Use echo oslo|nc graph.no finger]')
    #appendix.append('[Thumbs up for open data.]')
    #appendix.append('[Served to you by GNU/Linux.]')
    #appendix.append('[Want to help? This service sucks for non-norwegian forecast.]')
    appendix.append("[You can not use US zip codes here. Try finger @graph.no.]")
    appendix.append('[The _ in front of hours means the sun is up.]')
    #appendix.append('[This service now has a client, check out the github repo.]')
    #appendix.append('[Ask me again, I dare you!]')
    appendix.append('[Data is cached for 20 minutes, please dont hammer.]')
    #appendix.append('[Sorry for the instability. Daily requests recently went up tenfold.]')
    #appendix.append('[Data is cached for 20 minutes. No use in asking every second...]')
    #appendix.append('[My bitcoin, flatter, patreon IDs are... Nah, keep your money.]')
    #appendix.append('[Peace, love, linux.]')
    #appendix.append('[Rate limited to survive twitter storm. Max 3 connections pr. 30 seconds.]')
    #appendix.append('[Pipe finger to head -n19 to remove this message.]')
    #appendix.append('[Source data has changed. Sunrise info missing for now.]')
    #appendix.append('[Vote: Add "feels like" temperature as default or option?]')
    #appendix.append('[NEW: Now supports imperial units. See finger @graph.no.]')
    # Add a random appendix
    ret += appendix [ random.randint( 0, len(appendix)-1 ) ]

    return ret, source
예제 #8
파일: pyyrascii.py 프로젝트: ways/pyyrascii
def get_pyyrascii(location,
    weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

    if not weatherdata:
        return False, False

    offset = int(offset)
    hourstep = int(hourstep)
    screenwidth = int(screenwidth)

    # Init graph
    ret = ""  #all output goes here
    graph = dict()
    tempheight = 10 + 1
    timeline = 13
    windline = 15
    windstrline = 16
    graph[timeline] = "   "  #time
    graph[timeline + 1] = "    "  #date line
    graph[windline] = "   "  #wind
    graph[windstrline] = "   "  #wind strenght
    temphigh = -99
    templow = 99
    tempstep = -1
    hourcount = int((screenwidth - 14) / 3 + offset)

    # Rain in graph:
    rainheight = 10
    rainstep = -1
    rainhigh = 0  #highest rain on graph
    wind = wind_symbols()
    sunrise = None
    sunset = None

    if verbose:
        print("offset %s, hourstep %s, hourcount %s" %
              (offset, hourstep, hourcount))

    # Convert to imperial if needed:
    if imperial:
        for tid in range(len(weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount])):
            weatherdata['tabular'][tid]['temperature'] = c_to_f(

    #collect temps, rain from xml
    for item in weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount]:
        if int(item['temperature']) > temphigh:
            temphigh = int(item['temperature'])

        if int(item['temperature']) < templow:
            templow = int(item['temperature'])

        if math.ceil(float(item['precipitation'])) > rainhigh:
            rainhigh = math.ceil(float(item['precipitation']))

        rainhighmax = 0
            rainhighmax = math.ceil(float(item['precipitationmax']))
        except KeyError:
        if rainhighmax > rainhigh:
            rainhigh = rainhighmax

    if verbose:
        print("high", temphigh, "low", templow, "rainhigh", rainhigh)

    #scale y-axis. default = -1
    if tempheight <= (temphigh - templow):
        tempstep = -2
        if verbose:
            print("Upped tempstep")

    if weatherdata['sunrise']:
        sunrise = str(weatherdata['sunrise'])[11:13]  #2014-11-21T08:28:42
    if weatherdata['sunset']:
        sunset = str(weatherdata['sunset'])[11:13]  #2014-11-21T08:28:42
        if verbose:
            print('sunrise' + sunrise + 'sunset' + sunset)

    if temphigh == templow:
        templow = temphigh - 1

    #create temp range
    temps = []
    for t in range(int(temphigh), int(templow) - 1, tempstep):

    if verbose:
        print("temps", temps)

    #extend temp range
    for t in range(0, tempheight):
        if len(temps) + 1 < tempheight:
            if t % 2 == 0:  #extend down
                temps.append(temps[len(temps) - 1] - abs(tempstep))
            else:  #extend up
                temps = [temps[0] + abs(tempstep)] + temps

    if verbose:
        print("temps", temps)

    #write temps to graph
    for i in range(1, tempheight):
            graph[i] = str(temps[i - 1]).rjust(3, ' ')
        except IndexError:  #list empty

    #create rainaxis
    #TODO: make this scale
    rainaxis = []
    for r in range(rainheight, 0, rainstep):
        if r <= rainhigh:  # + 1
            rainaxis.append('%2.0f mm ' % r)
            rainaxis.append(' ')

    if verbose:
        print("rain axis", str(rainaxis))

    #draw graph elements:
    time = []
    for item in weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount:hourstep]:
        # Rain
        rain = math.ceil(float(item['precipitation']))
        rainmax = 0  #max rain for this hour
            rainmax = math.ceil(float(item['precipitationmax']))
            if verbose:
                print("precmax", rainmax)
        except KeyError:

        # Wind on x axis
        graph[windline] += " " + \
          (wind[ item['windDirection']['code'] ] \
          if 0.0 != float(item['windSpeed']['mps']) else " O")

        # Wind strength on x axis
        graph[windstrline] += " " + '%2.0f' % float(item['windSpeed']['mps'])

        # Time on x axis
        spacer = ' '
        date = str(item['from'])[0:10]
        hour = str(item['from'])[11:13]  #2012-01-17T21:00
        if sunrise and sunset and \
          int(sunrise) < int(hour) and \
          int(sunset) > int(hour):
            spacer = '_'
        graph[timeline] += spacer + hour

        # Create time range

        # Date
        if '00' == hour:
            graph[timeline + 1] += date
            graph[timeline + 1] += '   '

        #for each y (temp) look for matching temp, draw graph
        for i in range(1, tempheight):
            #draw temp
                #parse out numbers to be compared
                temptomatch = [int(item['temperature'])]
                tempingraph = int(graph[i][:3].strip())

                if tempstep < -1:  #TODO: this should scale higher than one step
                    temptomatch.append(temptomatch[0] - 1)

                if tempingraph in temptomatch:
                    if int(item['symbolnumber']) in [3, 4]:  #partly
                        graph[i] += "^^^"
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,
                                                       13]:  #clouded
                        graph[i] += "==="
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [
                            6, 11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23
                    ]:  #lightning
                        graph[i] += "=V="
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) == 15:  #fog
                        graph[i] += "###"
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) == 2:  #light clouds
                        graph[i] += "=--"
                    elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [1]:  #clear
                        graph[i] += "---"
                    else:  #Shouldn't hit this
                        graph[i] += "???"
                    graph[i] += "   "
            except KeyError:

            #compare rain, and print
            #TODO: scaling
            if (rain != 0) and (rain > 10 - i):
                if int(item['symbolnumber']) in [7, 12]:  #sleet
                    rainsymbol = "!"
                elif int(item['symbolnumber']) in [8, 13]:  #snow
                    rainsymbol = "*"
                else:  #if int(item['symbolnumber']) in [5,6,9,10,11,14]: #rain
                    rainsymbol = "|"

                if 0 > int(item['temperature']):  #rain but cold
                    rainsymbol = "*"

                if verbose:
                    print("rainmax: ", rainmax, "i", i, "rain", rain)
                #if overflow, print number at top
                if rain > 10 and i == 1:
                    rainsymbol = '%2.0f' % rain
                    graph[i] = graph[i][:-2] + rainsymbol
                    #print rainmax if larger than rain.
                    if rainmax > rain:
                            graph[i - 1] = graph[i - 1][:-1] + "'"
                        except UnboundLocalError:
                            print("Err2: " + str(item['symbolnumber']))
                        except KeyError:

                    #print rain
                        graph[i] = graph[i][:-1] + rainsymbol
                    except UnboundLocalError:
                        print("Err: " + str(item['symbolnumber']))

    graph[0] = " 'C" + str.rjust('Rain (mm) ', screenwidth - 3)
    if imperial:
        graph[0] = " 'F" + str.rjust('Rain', screenwidth - 9)
    graph[windline] += " Wind dir."
    graph[windstrline] += " Wind(mps)"
    graph[timeline] += " Hour"

    headline = "-= Meteogram for " + source_to_concise_string(source)
    if location.isdigit():
        headline += " for the next " + str(hourcount) + " hours"
    headline += " =-"
    ret += str.center(headline, screenwidth) + "\n"

    #add rain to graph
    for i in range(1, tempheight):
            graph[i] += rainaxis[i - 1]
        except IndexError:

    for k in sorted(graph.keys()):
        ret += graph[k] + "\n"

    ret += "\nLegend left axis:   - Sunny   ^ Scattered   = Clouded   =V= Thunder   # Fog" +\
           "\nLegend right axis:  | Rain    ! Sleet       * Snow\n"

    appendix = list()
    appendix.append('[Weather forecast from yr.no, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological ' +\
      'Institute and the NRK.]')
    appendix.append('[Try finger @graph.no for more info.]')
        '[Mail a "thank you" to [email protected] if you like the service.]')
    #appendix.append('[Version ' + __version__ + ']')
    appendix.append('[Project home: ' + __url__ + ']')
    #appendix.append('[Hi mom!]')
    #appendix.append('[Your ad here? (Forget it!)]')
    appendix.append('[Blog at http://0p.no]')
    #appendix.append('[Finger not available? Use echo oslo|nc graph.no finger]')
    #appendix.append('[Thumbs up for open data.]')
    #appendix.append('[Served to you by GNU/Linux.]')
    #appendix.append('[Want to help? This service sucks for non-norwegian forecast.]')
        "[You can not use US zip codes here. Try finger @graph.no.]")
    appendix.append('[The _ in front of hours means the sun is up.]')
    #appendix.append('[This service now has a client, check out the github repo.]')
    #appendix.append('[Ask me again, I dare you!]')
    appendix.append('[Data is cached for 20 minutes, please dont hammer.]')
    #appendix.append('[Sorry for the instability. Daily requests recently went up tenfold.]')
    #appendix.append('[Data is cached for 20 minutes. No use in asking every second...]')
    #appendix.append('[My bitcoin, flatter, patreon IDs are... Nah, keep your money.]')
    #appendix.append('[Peace, love, linux.]')
    #appendix.append('[Rate limited to survive twitter storm. Max 3 connections pr. 30 seconds.]')
    #appendix.append('[Pipe finger to head -n19 to remove this message.]')
    #appendix.append('[Source data has changed. Sunrise info missing for now.]')
    #appendix.append('[Vote: Add "feels like" temperature as default or option?]')
    #appendix.append('[NEW: Now supports imperial units. See finger @graph.no.]')

    # Add a random appendix
    ret += appendix[random.randint(0, len(appendix) - 1)]

    return ret, source
예제 #9
def get_pyyrascii(location, offset=0, hourstep=1, screenwidth=80):
    weatherdata, source = pyyrlib.returnWeatherData(location, True)

    if not weatherdata:
        return False, False

    if verbose:
        print "offset", offset
        print "hourstep", hourstep

    offset = int(offset)
    hourstep = int(hourstep)
    screenwidth = int(screenwidth)

    ret = ""  #all output goes here
    graph = dict()
    tempheight = 10 + 1
    timeline = 13
    windline = 15
    windstrline = 16
    rainline = 17
    graph[timeline] = "   "  #time
    graph[timeline + 1] = " "  #spacer
    graph[windline] = "   "  #wind
    graph[windstrline] = "   "  #wind strenght
    temphigh = -99
    templow = 99
    tempstep = -1
    hourcount = (screenwidth - 14) / 3 + offset

    #rain in graph:
    rainheight = 10
    rainstep = -1
    rainhigh = 0  #highest rain on graph
    wind = wind_symbols()
    sunrise = None
    sunset = None

    if verbose:
        print "hourcount", hourcount

    #collect temps, rain from xml
    for item in weatherdata['tabular'][offset:hourcount]:
        if int(item['temperature']) > temphigh:
            temphigh = int(item['temperature'])

        if int(item['temperature']) < templow:
            templow = int(item['temperature'])

        if math.ceil(float(item['precipitation'])) > rainhigh:
            rainhigh = math.ceil(float(item['precipitation']))

        rainhighmax = 0
            rainhighmax = math.ceil(float(item['precipitationmax']))
        except KeyError:
        if rainhighmax > rainhigh:
            rainhigh = rainhighmax

    if verbose:
        print "high", temphigh, "low", templow, "rainhigh", rainhigh

    #scale y-axis. default = -1
    if tempheight <= (temphigh - templow):
        tempstep = -2
        if verbose:
            print "Upped tempstep"

    if weatherdata['sunrise']:
        sunrise = str(weatherdata['sunrise'])[11:13]  #2014-11-21T08:28:42
    if weatherdata['sunset']:
        sunset = str(weatherdata['sunset'])[11:13]  #2014-11-21T08:28:42
        if verbose:
            print 'sunrise' + sunrise + 'sunset' + sunset

    if temphigh == templow:
        templow = temphigh - 1

    temps = []
    #create temp range
    for t in range(int(temphigh), int(templow) - 1, tempstep):

    if verbose:
        print "temps", temps

    #extend temp range
    for t in range(0, tempheight):
        if len(temps) + 1 < tempheight:
            if t % 2 == 0:  #extend down
                temps.append(temps[len(temps) - 1] - abs(tempstep))
            else:  #extend up
                temps = [temps[0] + abs(tempstep)] + temps

    if verbose:
        print "temps", temps

    #write temps to graph
    for i in range(1, tempheight):
            graph[i] = str(temps[i - 1]).rjust(3, ' ')
        except KeyError as (errno, strerror):
            print "err ", i, errno, strerror
        except IndexError as err:  #list empty