def scanForRemoved(self): conf = self.load_config() dbm = DBManager(conf) wHost = "host_name=\"%s\" AND " % conf["HOSTNAME"] wLoc = "file_location LIKE \"%s" % self.topDir wLoc += "%\"" files = dbm.readFromDatabase("file_location,id", wHost + wLoc) missing_files = [] for file_row in files: theF = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1',file_row[0]) if not os.path.isfile(theF): missing_files.append([file_row[1],theF]) for fpack in missing_files: row_id = fpack[0] if self.disposition is "i": choice = self.handleMissingInteractive(theF) else: choice = self.disposition if choice is "d": print "removing from db" self.handleDeleteFromDB(row_id) elif choice is "r": print "restoring to %s" % theF self.handleRevertFromDb(row_id) else: print "skipping" pass return missing_files
def handleRevertFromDb(self,row_id): dbm = DBManager(self.load_config()) where_str = "id="+str(row_id) rows = dbm.readFromDatabase("file_fingerprint,bin_string,file_location",where_str) if rows[0][1] is None: print "%s was not backed up!!!" % rows[0][2] return False data = binascii.unhexlify(rows[0][1]) local = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1',rows[0][2]) container = os.path.dirname(rows[0][2]) if not os.path.isdir(container): call = "mkdir -p %s" % container print call with open(local,"wb") as f: f.write(data) f.close() print "%s was restored" % rows[0][2]
def hashFile(fileName, blocksize=65536,verbose=None,uploadFile=False,storeBin=False,disposistions=["i","i"],scanFile=True): hasher = hashlib.sha1() conf = load_config() dbm = DBManager(conf) with open(fileName, 'rb') as afile: buf = while len(buf) > 0: hasher.update(buf) buf = fingerprint = hasher.hexdigest() row = {"host_name":conf["HOSTNAME"],"file_name":os.path.basename(fileName),"file_location":fileName,"file_fingerprint":fingerprint} exists = (dbm.fingerprintRecordExists(fingerprint) or dbm.fileRecordExists(fileName)) if storeBin: #hex Encode the Hex Data to store in the DB afile = open(fileName, 'rb') bytes = hexadecimal = binascii.hexlify(bytes) #print len(hexadecimal) afile.close() if len(hexadecimal) > 4294967295:#Max size of TEXTLARGE in MySQL. Working on a fix for this print "Encoded Bin to Large!" raise Exception row["bin_string"] = hexadecimal is_new = "True" has_changed = "False" num_tripped = 0 if not exists: #Handle case where this is a new file print "%s is new. FINGERPRINT: %s." % (fileName,fingerprint) if scanFile: num_tripped = vscan_file(os.path.abspath(fileName),uploadFile) if dispos[0] is "i" or num_tripped > 0: c = handleNewInteractive(fileName) else: c = dispos[0] if c is "d": os.remove(os.path.abspath(fileName)) elif c is "a": dbm.writeToDatabase(row) elif c is "p": print row else: #Handle cases Where files already exists in DB host_name = conf["HOSTNAME"] where_str = "(file_fingerprint=\"%s\" or file_location=\"%s\") AND host_name=\"%s\"" % (fingerprint,fileName,host_name) rows = dbm.readFromDatabase("id,file_fingerprint,bin_string",where_str) is_new = "False" for res in rows: if fingerprint != res[1]: if scanFile: num_tripped = vscan_file(os.path.abspath(fileName),uploadFile) #Handle case where fingerprint has changed if dispos[1] is "i" or num_tripped > 0: c = handleChangedInteractive(fileName) else: c = dispos[1] has_changed = "True" if c is "u": dbm.updateRow(int(res[0]), row) elif c is "r": where_str = "file_fingerprint=\"%s\" AND host_name=\"%s\"" % (fingerprint,conf["HOSTNAME"]) rows = dbm.readFromDatabase("file_fingerprint,bin_string",where_str) data = binascii.unhexlify(b64decode(rows[0][1])) with open(fileName,"wb") as f: f.write(data) f.close() elif c is "p": print row elif storeBin and res[2] != hexadecimal: print "Data changed for %s. Updating." % fileName #Handle Case where File is kown but we want to add the bin data dbm.updateRow(int(res[0]), {"bin_string":hexadecimal}) if verbose is not None: try: is_backed_up = (row["bin_string"] != None) except: is_backed_up = False print 'File :', os.path.basename(fileName) print 'Path :', os.path.abspath(fileName) print 'New? :', is_new print 'Changed? :', has_changed print 'Fingerprint :', fingerprint print 'Backed Up? :', is_backed_up print 'Absolute :', os.path.isabs(fileName) print 'Is File? :', os.path.isfile(fileName) print 'Is Dir? :', os.path.isdir(fileName) print 'Is Link? :', os.path.islink(fileName) print 'Mountpoint? :', os.path.ismount(fileName) print 'Exists? :', os.path.exists(fileName) print 'Link Exists?:', os.path.lexists(fileName) print return (row)