def __init__(self, *args, padding=(4, 4, 6, 6), preventEqualTexts=True): QtGui.QTabBar.__init__(self, *args) # Put tab widget in document mode self.setDocumentMode(True) # Widget needs to draw its background (otherwise Mac has a dark bg) self.setDrawBase(False) if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.setAutoFillBackground(True) # Set whether we want to prevent eliding for names that start the same. self._preventEqualTexts = preventEqualTexts # Allow moving tabs around self.setMovable(True) # Get padding if isinstance(padding, (int, float)): padding = padding, padding, padding, padding elif isinstance(padding, (tuple, list)): pass else: raise ValueError('Invalid value for padding.') # Set style sheet stylesheet = STYLESHEET stylesheet = stylesheet.replace('PADDING_TOP', str(padding[0])) stylesheet = stylesheet.replace('PADDING_BOTTOM', str(padding[1])) stylesheet = stylesheet.replace('PADDING_LEFT', str(padding[2])) stylesheet = stylesheet.replace('PADDING_RIGHT', str(padding[3])) self.setStyleSheet(stylesheet) # We do our own eliding self.setElideMode(QtCore.Qt.ElideNone) # Make tabs wider if there's plenty space? self.setExpanding(False) # If there's not enough space, use scroll buttons self.setUsesScrollButtons(True) # When a tab is removed, select previous self.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(self.SelectPreviousTab) # Init alignment parameters self._alignWidth = MIN_NAME_WIDTH # Width in characters self._alignWidthIsReducing = False # Whether in process of reducing # Create timer for aligning self._alignTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._alignTimer.setInterval(10) self._alignTimer.setSingleShot(True) self._alignTimer.timeout.connect(self._alignRecursive)
def __init__(self, objectWithIcon): self._objectWithIcon = objectWithIcon # Motion properties self._index = 0 self._level = 0 self._count = 0 # to count number of iters in level 1 # Prepare blob pixmap self._blob = self._createBlobPixmap() self._legs = self._createLegsPixmap() # Create timer self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(None) self._timer.setInterval(150) self._timer.setSingleShot(False) self._timer.timeout.connect(self.onTimer)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) # Set font and zooming self.setFont(pyzo.config.view.fontname) self.setZoom(pyzo.config.view.zoom) # Create timer for autocompletion delay self._delayTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._delayTimer.setSingleShot(True) self._delayTimer.timeout.connect(self._introspectNow) # For buffering autocompletion and calltip info self._callTipBuffer_name = '' self._callTipBuffer_time = 0 self._callTipBuffer_result = '' self._autoCompBuffer_name = '' self._autoCompBuffer_time = 0 self._autoCompBuffer_result = [] # The string with names given to SCI_AUTOCSHOW self._autoCompNameString = '' # Set autocomp accept key to default if necessary. # We force it to be string (see issue 134) if not isinstance(pyzo.config.settings.autoComplete_acceptKeys, str): pyzo.config.settings.autoComplete_acceptKeys = 'Tab' # Set autocomp accept keys qtKeys = [] for key in pyzo.config.settings.autoComplete_acceptKeys.split(' '): if len(key) > 1: key = 'Key_' + key[0].upper() + key[1:].lower() qtkey = getattr(QtCore.Qt, key, None) else: qtkey = ord(key) if qtkey: qtKeys.append(qtkey) self.setAutoCompletionAcceptKeys(*qtKeys) self.completer().highlighted.connect(self.updateHelp) self.setIndentUsingSpaces(pyzo.config.settings.defaultIndentUsingSpaces) self.setIndentWidth(pyzo.config.settings.defaultIndentWidth) self.setAutocompletPopupSize(*pyzo.config.view.autoComplete_popupSize)
def __init__(self, parent, **kwds): super().__init__(parent, showLineNumbers=True, **kwds) # Init filename and name self._filename = '' self._name = '<TMP>' # View settings self.setShowWhitespace(pyzo.config.view.showWhitespace) #TODO: self.setViewWrapSymbols(view.showWrapSymbols) self.setShowLineEndings(pyzo.config.view.showLineEndings) self.setShowIndentationGuides(pyzo.config.view.showIndentationGuides) # self.setWrap(bool(pyzo.config.view.wrap)) self.setHighlightCurrentLine(pyzo.config.view.highlightCurrentLine) self.setLongLineIndicatorPosition(pyzo.config.view.edgeColumn) self.setHighlightMatchingBracket( pyzo.config.view.highlightMatchingBracket) #TODO: self.setFolding( int(view.codeFolding)*5 ) # bracematch is set in baseTextCtrl, since it also applies to shells # dito for zoom and tabWidth # Set line endings to default self.lineEndings = pyzo.config.settings.defaultLineEndings # Set encoding to default self.encoding = 'UTF-8' # Modification time to test file change self._modifyTime = 0 self.modificationChanged.connect(self._onModificationChanged) # To see whether the doc has changed to update the parser. self.textChanged.connect(self._onModified) # This timer is used to hide the marker that shows which code is executed self._showRunCursorTimer = QtCore.QTimer() # Add context menu (the offset is to prevent accidental auto-clicking) self._menu = EditorContextMenu(self) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(lambda p: self._menu.popup( self.mapToGlobal(p) + QtCore.QPoint(0, 3)))
def __init__(self, parent, shellStack): QtGui.QToolButton.__init__(self, parent) # Store reference of shell stack self._shellStack = shellStack # Keep reference of actions corresponding to shells self._shellActions = [] # Set text and tooltip self.setText('Warming up ...') self.setToolTip("Click to select shell.") self.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.setPopupMode(self.InstantPopup) # Set icon self._iconMaker = ShellIconMaker(self) self._iconMaker.updateIcon('busy') # Busy initializing # Create timer self._elapsedTimesTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._elapsedTimesTimer.setInterval(200) self._elapsedTimesTimer.setSingleShot(False) self._elapsedTimesTimer.timeout.connect(self.onElapsedTimesTimer)