예제 #1
def test_flatten_unflatten():
    # first consider the 2D case where we assume a 4 X 5 grid of cells
    dim = 2
    ncells_per_dim = IntArray(3)
    ncells_per_dim[0] = 4
    ncells_per_dim[1] = 5
    ncells_per_dim[2] = 0

    # valid un-flattened cell indices
    cids = [[i, j] for i in range(4) for j in range(5)]
    for _cid in cids:
        cid = IntPoint(_cid[0], _cid[1], 0)
        flattened = nnps.py_flatten(cid, ncells_per_dim, dim)
        unflattened = nnps.py_unflatten(flattened, ncells_per_dim, dim)

        # the unflattened index should match with cid
        assert (cid == unflattened)

    # 3D
    dim = 3
    ncells_per_dim = IntArray(3)
    ncells_per_dim[0] = 4
    ncells_per_dim[1] = 5
    ncells_per_dim[2] = 2

    # valid un-flattened indices
    cids = [[i, j, k] for i in range(4) for j in range(5) for k in range(2)]
    for _cid in cids:
        cid = IntPoint(_cid[0], _cid[1], _cid[2])
        flattened = nnps.py_flatten(cid, ncells_per_dim, dim)
        unflattened = nnps.py_unflatten(flattened, ncells_per_dim, dim)

        # the unflattened index should match with cid
        assert (cid == unflattened)
def test_1D_get_valid_cell_index():
    dim = 1

    # simulate a dummy distribution such that 10 cells are along the
    # 'x' direction
    n_cells = 10
    ncells_per_dim = IntArray(3)

    ncells_per_dim[0] = n_cells
    ncells_per_dim[1] = 0
    ncells_per_dim[2] = 0

    # target cell
    cx = 1
    cy = cz = 0

    # as long as cy and cz are 0, the function should return the valid
    # flattened cell index for the cell
    for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
        index = nnps.py_get_valid_cell_index(IntPoint(cx + i, cy, cz),
                                             ncells_per_dim, dim, n_cells)
        assert index != -1

    # index should be -1 whenever cy and cz are > 1. This is
    # specifically the case that was failing earlier.
    for j in [-1, 1]:
        for k in [-1, 1]:
            index = nnps.py_get_valid_cell_index(IntPoint(cx, cy + j, cz + k),
                                                 ncells_per_dim, dim, n_cells)
            assert index == -1