def confirm(request, id): if functions.is_artist(request): user = request.user try: event = Event.objects.get(pk=id) except Event.DoesNotExist: message = "We could not find that event, please try again." return create(request) if event.artist.user == user: if not event.is_confirmed: if request.method == "POST": event.is_confirmed = True request.method = "GET" message = "Your event has now been created!" return single(request, id) else: return render(request, 'event_terminal_page.html', context={'event': event}) else: message = "You have already published this event." return single_event(request, id) else: message = "You do not have access this event." return create_event(request) else: message = "You are not logged in as an artist" return all_events(request)
def hide_show(request, id): if functions.is_artist(request): try: event = Event.objects.get(pk=id) except Event.DoesNotExist: message = "That event does not exist anymore" return all_events(request) artists_events = Event.objects.filter(artist=request.user.artist) if event in artists_events: if request.method == "POST": action = request.POST.get("action_type") if action == "show": event.is_hidden = False message = 'Your event "%s" is now recovered and visible' % ( elif action == "hide": event.is_hidden = True message = 'Your event "%s" is now hidden' % ( request.method = "GET" return single(request, id) else: message = 'We were unable to hide the event, please try again.' return single(request, id) else: message = 'You do not have access to this event.' else: message = 'You are not logged in as an artist.' return all_events(request)
def my_events(request): if request.user.is_authenticated: status = functions.user_status(request) if status == "not valid": request.method = "GET" message = "There is still information missing about you." return edit_profile(request) elif status == "not activated": message = "Your account is not activated." return logout(request) if functions.is_artist(request): artists_events = Event.objects.filter(artist=request.user.artist).order_by('-datetime') return render(request, 'my_events_page.html', context={'event_list': artists_events}) else: message = "You are not logged in as an artist" return all_events(request)
def participants(request, id): if functions.is_artist(request): try: event = Event.objects.get(pk=id) except: message = "This event no longer exists" return all_events(request) if event.artist == request.user.artist: return render(request, 'participants_page.html', context={'event': event}) else: message = "You do not have access to this event." return all_events(request) else: message = "You are not logged in as an artist" return all_events(request)
def edit_profile(request): ''' Present edit profile form for both fans and artists ''' user = functions.get_authenticated_user(request) if user != None: if functions.is_artist(request): form_type = ArtistForm form_obj = user.artist elif functions.is_fan(request): form_type = FanForm form_obj = else: return index(request) #If request method is POST, try to save the form data into the database if request.method == "POST": form = form_type(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=form_obj) if form.is_valid(): form_obj.valid_profile = True messages.success(request, 'Your profile has been saved') request.method = "GET" return my_profile(request) else: messages.error(request, 'Your profile was not changed') return render(request, 'edit_profile_page.html', context={'form': form}) #If it is not POST, generate a new form with all the infromation already in the form else: form = form_type(None, instance=form_obj) return render(request, 'edit_profile_page.html', context={'form': form}) else: messages.error(request, 'You are not logged in') return redirect('account_login')
def edit(request, id): if request.user.is_authenticated: status = functions.user_status(request) if status == "not valid": request.method = "GET" message = "There is still information missing about you." return edit_profile(request) elif status == "not activated": message = "Your account is not activated." return logout(request) if functions.is_artist(request): try: event = Event.objects.get(pk=id) except Event.DoesNotExist: message = "Could not retrieve that event" artists_events = Event.objects.filter(artist=request.user.artist) if event in artists_events: if request.method == "POST": form = CreateEventForm(request.POST, instance=event) if form.is_valid(): message = "Your event %s has now been edited" % ( request.method = "GET" return single(request, else: message = "Your event could not be edited. Double check it." request.method = "GET" form = CreateEventForm(instance=event) return render(request, 'create_event_page.html', context={'form': form, 'type': edit}) else: form = CreateEventForm(instance=event) return render(request, 'create_event_page.html', context={'form': form, 'type':'edit'}) else: message = "You do not have access to this event." return single(request, id) else: message = "You are not logged in as an artist" return single(request, id)
def create(request): if functions.is_artist(request): status = functions.user_status(request) if status == "not valid": request.method = "GET" message = "Your profile is not complete, you need to fill in more information." return edit_profile(request) elif status == "not activated": message = "You have not activated your profile." return logout(request) user = request.user if request.method == "POST": color = random.choice(colors) event = Event.objects.create( artist = user.artist, genre = user.artist.genres, is_active = True, is_confirmed = False, is_hidden = False, red = color[0], green = color[1], blue = color[2] ) form = CreateEventForm(request.POST, instance=event) if form.is_valid(): message = "Last step, double check all your information." request.method = "GET" return confirm(request, else: message = "Your event could not be created for some reason, double check it." return render(request, 'create_event.html', context={'form', form}) else: form = CreateEventForm() return render(request, 'create_event_page.html', context={'form': form}) else: message = "You are not logged in as an artist" return all_events(request)
def data(request): # Get followers # Get number of events if functions.is_artist(request): user = request.user artist = user.artist number_of_followers = len(Follow.objects.filter(artist=artist)) number_of_events = len(Event.objects.filter(artist=artist)) # number_of_boosts = len(Boost.objects.filter(artist=artist)) # number_of_visitors = len(Visit.objects.filter(artist=artist)) # number_of_donations = len(Donate.objects.filter(artist=artist)) # Remember to include future context return render( request, 'data_page.html', { 'number_of_followers': number_of_followers, 'number_of_events': number_of_events }) else: message = "You are not logged in as an artist" # Return somewhere return index(request)
def my_profile(request): ''' Get and present the profile of the current user ''' if request.user.is_authenticated: status = functions.user_status(request) if status == 'not valid': request.method = "GET" messages.error(request, 'There is still missing info about you.') return edit_profile(request) elif status == 'not activated': messages.error(request, 'Your account is not activated.') return logout(request) user = request.user if functions.is_artist(request) or functions.is_fan(request): return profile_id(request, else: messages.error(request, 'Something went wrong, please try again.') return logout(request) else: messages.error(request, 'You are not logged in') return redirect('account_login')
def profile_id(request, id): ''' Get and present the profile of the user with a specific id id: Integer | Primary key used to find the user ''' if request.user.is_authenticated: status = functions.user_status(request) if status == 'not valid': request.method = "GET" messages.error(request, 'There is still information missing about you.') return edit_profile(request) elif status == 'not active': messages.error(request, 'Your account has not been activated') return logout(request) this_user = request.user try: user = User.objects.get(pk=id) except User.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, 'This profile no longer exists') return render(request, 'profile_page.html') if functions.is_artist(request): profile = Artist.objects.get(user=user) try: follow = Follow.objects.get(artist=profile, follower=this_user) following = True except Follow.DoesNotExist: following = False try: boost = Boost.objects.get(user=this_user, artist=profile) if boost.is_active == True: boosting = True else: boosting = False except Boost.DoesNotExist: boosting = False elif functions.is_fan(request): profile = Fan.objects.get(user=user) else: messages.error(request, 'This profile no longer exists.') return render(request, 'profile_page.html') followers = len(Follow.objects.filter(artist=profile)) boosters = len(Boost.objects.filter(artist=profile)) if profile.is_active == False: messages.error(request, 'This profile is no longer active') return render(request, 'profile_page.html') if functions.profile_type(user) == "artist": genre = Genre.objects.get(artist=profile) else: genre = [] return render(request, 'profile_page.html', context={ 'genre': genre, 'profile': profile, 'this_user': this_user, 'following': following, 'followers': followers, 'boosting': boosting, 'boosters': boosters })