def paint1(self, painter, option, widget=None): #Q_UNUSED(a_option); #Q_UNUSED(a_widget); rect = self.boundingRect() tiotype = self.ioType() pen = qtg.QPen(colors.C.SOCKETBORDER.qColor()) pen.setWidth(2) brush = qtg.QBrush() if (self._isHover): brush.setColor(colors.C.SOCKETHOVER.qColor()) elif (self._isDrop): brush.setColor(colors.C.SOCKETDROP.qColor()) elif (self.isSignalOn()): brush.setColor(self._colorSignalOn) elif (not self.isSignalOn()): brush.setColor(self._colorSignalOff) #// else if (tiotype == Type::eInput) #// brush.setColor(config.getColor(Config::Color::eSocketInput)); #// else if (tiotype == Type::eOutput) #// brush.setColor(config.getColor(Config::Color::eSocketOutput)); if (tiotype == NodeIoType.DYNAMIC): brush.setStyle(qtc.Qt.Dense5Pattern) else: brush.setStyle(qtc.Qt.SolidPattern) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(brush) if (tiotype == NodeIoType.OUTPUT): painter.drawEllipse(rect) elif (tiotype == NodeIoType.DYNAMIC): painter.drawRect(rect) painter.drawEllipse(rect) else: painter.drawRect(rect) if (not self._used): painter.setPen(qtc.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(pen.color()) if (tiotype == NodeIoType.OUTPUT): painter.drawEllipse(rect.adjusted(4, 4, -4, -4)) elif (tiotype == NodeIoType.DYNAMIC): painter.drawRect(rect.adjusted(4, 4, -4, -4)) painter.drawEllipse(rect.adjusted(4, 4, -4, -4)) else: painter.drawRect(rect.adjusted(4, 4, -4, -4)) painter.restore() if ( not self._nameHidden): pen.setColor(colors.C.FONTNAME.qColor()) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setFont(self._font) metrics = qtg.QFontMetrics(self._font) FONT_HEIGHT = metrics.height() if (direction.LEFT == self.dir()): painter.drawText((rect.width()) - 4, (FONT_HEIGHT / 2) - metrics.strikeOutPos(), else: painter.drawText(-metrics.width( - IoNodeView.SIZE + IoNodeView.SIZE / 3, (FONT_HEIGHT / 2) - metrics.strikeOutPos(),
def drawBackground(self, painter, rect): penNormal = qtg.QPen(colors.PEN_NORMAL) penAxis = qtg.QPen(colors.PEN_AXIS) #qreal const LEFT{ a_rect.left() }; LEFT = rect.left() #qreal const RIGHT{ a_rect.right() }; RIGHT = rect.right() #qreal const TOP{ }; TOP = #qreal const BOTTOM{ a_rect.bottom() }; BOTTOM = rect.bottom() #qreal const GRID_DENSITY{ (m_gridDensity == GridDensity::eSmall ? 100.0 : 10.0) }; GRID_DENSITY = 100.0 if self._gridDensity == GridDensity.SMALL else 10.0 #qreal const START_X{ std::round(LEFT / GRID_DENSITY) * GRID_DENSITY }; START_X = round(LEFT / GRID_DENSITY) * GRID_DENSITY #qreal const START_Y{ std::round(TOP / GRID_DENSITY) * GRID_DENSITY }; START_Y = round(TOP / GRID_DENSITY) * GRID_DENSITY if self._gridDensity == GridDensity.SMALL: penAxis.setWidth(2) penNormal.setWidth(2) #for x in range(START_X,RIGHT,GRID_DENSITY): x = START_X while x<RIGHT: PEN = penAxis if (x >= -0.1 and x <= 0.1) else penNormal painter.setPen(PEN) painter.drawLine(qtc.QPointF(x, TOP), qtc.QPointF(x, BOTTOM)) x+=GRID_DENSITY #for y in range(START_Y,BOTTOM,GRID_DENSITY): y=START_Y while y<BOTTOM: PEN = penAxis if (y >= -0.1 and y <= 0.1) else penNormal painter.setPen(PEN) painter.drawLine(qtc.QPointF(LEFT, y), qtc.QPointF(RIGHT, y)) y+=GRID_DENSITY
def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): #QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, QWidget #(void)option; #(void)widget; signalColor = self._colorSignalOn if self.isSignalOn( ) else self._colorSignalOff #QColor const notActive{ (isSelected() ? get_color(Color::eSelected) : signalColor) }; notActive = colors.C.SELECTED.qColor() if self.isSelected( ) else signalColor #QColor const hover{ get_color(Color::eSocketHover) }; hover = colors.C.SOCKETHOVER.qColor() #QPen pen{ (m_isHover ? hover : notActive) }; pen = qtg.QPen(hover) if self._isHover else qtg.QPen(notActive) pstyle = qtc.Qt.SolidLine if (self._to != None) else qtc.Qt.DashDotLine pen.setStyle(pstyle) pen.setWidth(2) if (self._valueType.size() > 1): pen.setStyle(qtc.Qt.DotLine) pen.setWidth(4) pen.setDashOffset(self._dashOffset) ''' dash = pen hover2 = signalColor #hover2.setAlpha(85) dash.setColor(hover2) dash.setStyle(qtc.Qt.DotLine) dash.setWidth(4) dash.setDashOffset(self._dashOffset) painter.setPen(dash) painter.drawPath(self._path) else ''' painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawPath(self._path)
def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): #self.updRec(); tcolor = qtg.QColor(203, 217, 81,255) if self.state() else qtg.QColor(244, 53, 64,255) tbrush = qtg.QBrush(tcolor) tbrush.setColor(tcolor) tbrush.setStyle(qtc.Qt.SolidPattern) tpen = qtg.QPen( painter.setPen(tpen) painter.setBrush(tbrush) painter.drawRect(self.boundingRect())
def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): #Q_UNUSED(a_option); #Q_UNUSED(a_widget); rect = self.boundingRect() tiotype = self.ioType() tdir = self.dir() #effectivedir do not apply here because of rotation is handled by scene isInvert = self._parent.isInvertH() isInvertN = isInvert if (tiotype == NodeIoType.OUTPUT and tdir==direction.LEFT) or (tiotype == NodeIoType.INPUT and tdir==direction.RIGHT): isInvertN = not isInvert startAngle = 90*16 if isInvertN else -90 * 16 startAngleOutside = 90*16 if isInvertN else -90 * 16 startAngleInside = -90 * 16 if isInvertN else 90*16 if self.module().mType() == ModuleType.IO: if self.dir() in [direction.TOP,direction.DOWN]: startAngle = 0*16 if isInvert else -180 * 16 startAngleOutside = 0*16 if isInvert else -180 * 16 startAngleInside = -180 * 16 if isInvert else 0*16 spanAngle = 180 * 16 pen = qtg.QPen(colors.C.SOCKETBORDER.qColor()) pens = None pen.setWidth(2) brush = qtg.QBrush() if (self._isHover or self._inHover): #self.module().impl().consoleWrite(f'hoverOn:{}\n') brush.setColor(colors.C.SOCKETHOVER.qColor()) elif (self._isDrop): brush.setColor(colors.C.SOCKETDROP.qColor()) elif (self.isSignalOn()): brush.setColor(self._colorSignalOn) elif (not self.isSignalOn()): brush.setColor(self._colorSignalOff) #pens = qtg.QPen(brush.color()) pens = self._colorSignalOn if self.isSignalOn() else self._colorSignalOff if (self._outHover and tiotype == NodeIoType.OUTPUT): pens = colors.C.SOCKETHOVER.qColor() #// else if (tiotype == Type::eInput) #// brush.setColor(config.getColor(Config::Color::eSocketInput)); #// else if (tiotype == Type::eOutput) #// brush.setColor(config.getColor(Config::Color::eSocketOutput)); if (tiotype == NodeIoType.DYNAMIC): brush.setStyle(qtc.Qt.Dense5Pattern) else: brush.setStyle(qtc.Qt.SolidPattern) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(brush) if (tiotype == NodeIoType.OUTPUT): painter.drawEllipse(rect) #painter.drawArc(rect.adjusted(-4, -4, +4, +4), startAngle, spanAngle) #painter.setPen(brush) if (self._used or self._links.itemCount()>0): painter.setPen(pens) painter.drawArc(rect.adjusted(-2, -2, +2, +2), startAngle, spanAngle) elif (tiotype == NodeIoType.DYNAMIC): painter.drawEllipse(rect) painter.drawArc(rect.adjusted(-2, -2, +2, +2), startAngleInside, spanAngle) painter.drawArc(rect.adjusted(-2, -2, +2, +2), startAngleOutside, spanAngle) else: painter.drawEllipse(rect) #painter.drawArc(rect.adjusted(-4, -4, +4, +4), startAngle, spanAngle) #painter.setPen(brush) painter.setPen(pens) painter.drawArc(rect.adjusted(-2, -2, +2, +2), startAngle, spanAngle) if (not self._used): painter.setPen(qtc.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(pen.color()) painter.drawEllipse(rect.adjusted(4, 4, -4, -4)) #painter.restore() if ( not self._nameHidden): pen.setColor(colors.C.FONTNAME.qColor()) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setFont(self._font) metrics = qtg.QFontMetrics(self._font) FONT_HEIGHT = metrics.height() if (direction.LEFT == self.dir()): painter.drawText((rect.width()) - 4, (FONT_HEIGHT / 2) - metrics.strikeOutPos(), else: painter.drawText(-metrics.width( - IoNodeView.SIZE + IoNodeView.SIZE / 3, (FONT_HEIGHT / 2) - metrics.strikeOutPos(),