예제 #1
def does_ticket_exist(ticket_id):
    Checks if the ticket id exists in the database.
    :param ticket_id: the id of the ticket to be tested
    :returns: True if the ticket id exists in the database
    return bn.get_ticket(ticket_id)
예제 #2
def run_around_tests():
    if get_user('*****@*****.**') is None:
        register_user('*****@*****.**', 'Tester Zero', 'Password123',

    if get_ticket('t1') is None:
        create_ticket('t1', 50, 70.50, '20771210')
예제 #3
def update_post():
    title = request.form.get('upd-name')
        quantity = int(request.form.get('upd-quantity'))
        price = int(request.form.get('upd-price'))
        expDate = int(request.form.get('upd-exp'))
        return redirect('/?uMessage=Field Requires Integer')

    temp = str(expDate)
    expDateLen = len(temp)
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(title)

    if not ticket:
        return redirect('/?uMessage=Ticket Does Not Exist')
    elif not re.search(regex_title, title):
        return redirect('/?uMessage=Name Format Error')
    elif quantity <= 0 or quantity > 100:
        return redirect('/?uMessage=Invalid Quantity')
    elif price < 10 or price > 100:
        return redirect('/?uMessage=Invalid Price')
    elif expDateLen != 8:
        return redirect('/?uMessage=Invalid Date Format (YYYYMMDD)')

    bn.update_ticket(title, quantity, price, expDate)
    return render_template('temp.html', message='Updated')
예제 #4
def buy_post():
    title = request.form.get('buy-name')
        quantity = int(request.form.get('buy-quantity'))
        return redirect('/?bMessage=Field Requires Integer')

    ticket = bn.get_ticket(title)

    if not re.search(regex_title, title):
        return redirect('/?bMessage=Name Format Error')
    elif not ticket:
        return redirect('/?bMessage=Ticket Does Not Exist')

    email = session['logged_in']
    user = bn.get_user(email)

    serviceFee = ticket.price * quantity * 0.35
    tax = ticket.price * quantity * 0.05
    cost = (ticket.price * quantity + serviceFee + tax)

    if quantity <= 0 or quantity > 100:
        return redirect('/?bMessage=Invalid Quantity')
    elif quantity > ticket.quantity:
        return redirect('/?bMessage=Not Enough Tickets Left')
    elif user.balance < cost:
        return redirect('/?bMessage=Insufficient Funds')

    bn.buy_ticket(title, quantity, cost, user)
    return render_template('temp.html', message='Bought')
예제 #5
파일: frontend.py 프로젝트: 15vrs/cmpe-327
def buy_post():
    user_email = session['logged_in']
    ticket_name = request.form.get('buy-name')
    ticket_quantity = int(request.form.get('buy-quantity'))
    error_message = None
    tik = bn.get_ticket(ticket_name)

    if (ticket_name_check(ticket_name) is None):  # no match in regex
        error_message = 'Ticket name is incorrect'

    elif quantity_check(ticket_quantity):
        error_message = "Invalid quantity in ticket buy form"

    elif not tik:
        return "Ticket does not exist"

    elif tik.quantity < ticket_quantity:
        return "Not enough tickets for sale"

    elif bn.get_balance(user_email) < (tik.price * ticket_quantity * 1.40):
        return "Insufficient balance"

        error_message = bn.buy_ticket(user_email, ticket_name, ticket_quantity)

    return error_message
예제 #6
def test_backend_get_ticket_T1():
    # Set up valid ticket
    bn.sell_ticket(test_ticket.name, test_ticket.quantity, test_ticket.price,
                   test_ticket.date, test_ticket.user)

    # Test #1 (valid ticket id)
    result = bn.get_ticket(test_ticket.id)
    assert result is not None
    assert result.name == test_ticket.name
예제 #7
def test_get_ticket_valid():
    # First clear teh database of tickets so that IntegrityError is not encountered
    # Set up valid ticket
    bn.sell_ticket(test_ticket.id, test_ticket.name, test_ticket.quantity,
                   test_ticket.price, test_ticket.date, test_ticket.email)

    # Test if the ticket posted for sale is in the database
    result = bn.get_ticket(test_ticket.name)
    assert result is not None
    assert result.name == test_ticket.name
예제 #8
def update_post():
    name = request.form.get('tname')
    quantity = request.form.get('tquantity')
    price = request.form.get('price')
    expiration = request.form.get('expiration')
    email = session['logged_in']
    user = bn.get_user(email)
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name)
    error_message = None
    #checks if the expiration date is in the correct format, assigns checkDate 
    #to None if it is not
        checkDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(expiration, '%Y%m%d')
        checkDate = None

    #verifies that checkDate is not equal to None
    if checkDate == None:
        error_message = "Incorrect expiration date format"
    #redirects for any errors
   # elif error_message:
       #return render_template('/', message=error_message)
    #error_message = None

    #Validating information submitted in update form

    #Name of ticket has to be alphanumeric only 
    elif not all(chr.isalnum() or chr.isspace() for chr in name):
        error_message = "name not alphanumeric"
    #Name must have no spaces at the beginning or end
    elif name.startswith(" ") or name.endswith(" "):
        error_message = "The ticket name can't begin or end with a space."
    #Name of the ticket can't be longer than 60 characters
    elif len(name) > 60:
        error_message = "The ticket name can't be longer than 60 characters."
    #Quantity has to be more than zero, and less than or equal to 100
    elif int(quantity) <= 0 or int(quantity) > 100:
        error_message = "The ticket quantity must be between 1 and 100 (inclusive)."
    #Price has to be in the range 10-100
    elif int(price) < 10 or int(price) > 100:
        error_message = "The ticket price must be between 10 and 100 (inclusive)."
    elif ticket == None:
        error_message = "Sorry, this ticket is not available."
    if error_message:
        tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()
        return render_template('index.html', message=error_message, user=user, tickets=tickets)
        return redirect('/')
    def test_post_duplicate_ticket():
        Check that a ticket cannot be posted with a duplicate name
        email = '*****@*****.**'
        ticket_name = 'testTicket'
        price = 20
        quantity = 15

        today = date.today()
        future_day = today + timedelta(days=10)
        future_date = future_day.strftime("%Y\t%m%d")

        if bn.get_ticket(ticket_name) is None:
            bn.post_tickets(ticket_name, quantity, price, future_date, email)

        assert bn.post_tickets(ticket_name, quantity, price, future_date,
                               email) is False
예제 #10
def buy_post():
    name = request.form.get('tname')
    quantity = request.form.get('tquantity')
    price = request.form.get('tprice')
    error_message = None
    #returning a user object of the current session to get the current users email.
    email = session['logged_in']
    #storing the returned user in a variable
    user = bn.get_user(email)
    #finalprice = (price*quantity) + 0.35*(price*quantity) + 0.05*(price*quantity)
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name)

    #each character of the ticketname has to be alphanumeric or a space
    if not all(chr.isalnum() or chr.isspace() for chr in name):
        error_message = "name not alphanumeric"
    #ticketname cannot have spaces at start or end
    elif name.startswith(" ") or name.endswith(" "):
        error_message = "space at start/end"
    #verifies that the ticketname is between 6 and 60 characters
    elif len(name) < 6 or len(name) > 60:
        error_message = "username too short or too long"
    #verifies that the quantity is more than 0 and less than/equal to 100.
    elif int(quantity) <= 0 or int(quantity) > 100:
        error_message = "quantity not between 1 and 100 (inclusive)"
    #verifies that the ticket exists
    elif ticket == None:
        error_message = "Sorry, this ticket is not available."
    elif ticket.quantity < int(quantity) :
        error_message = "There are not enough tickets"
    #checks if the  user balance is more than the price of the ticket
    elif  user.balance < ((ticket.price*int(quantity)) + 0.35*(ticket.price*int(quantity)) + 0.05*(ticket.price*int(quantity))):
        error_message = "The user does not have enough balance"
    if error_message:
        #return render_template('/', message=error_message)
        tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()
        return render_template('index.html', message=error_message, user=user, tickets=tickets)
        user.balance = user.balance - ((ticket.price*int(quantity)) + 0.35*(ticket.price*int(quantity)) + 0.05*(ticket.price*int(quantity)))
        if ticket.quantity == 1:
        return redirect('/')
예제 #11
def buyticket():
    ticket_id = int(request.form['ticket_id'])
    buyer_email = request.form['user']
    buyer = bn.get_user(buyer_email)

    message = ""
    user_balance = buyer.balance
    ticket_price = bn.get_ticket(ticket_id).price

    # check for sufficient funds
    if not does_user_have_sufficient_balance(user_balance, ticket_price):
        message = "User balance does not have sufficient funds."

    if not message:  # if message is empty, indicating no validation errors
        bn.buy_ticket(ticket_id, buyer.email)
        message = "Ticket purchased successfully."

    # redirect user to profile page with result message
    return redirect("/?message={}".format(message))
예제 #12
def update_post():
    #extract contents of the update form
    name = request.form.get('update_name')
    price = request.form.get('update_price')
    quantity = request.form.get('update_quantity')
    date = request.form.get('update_date')

    #initialize error message to be empty
    error_message = None

    #check that the given ticket name exists in the database
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name=name)
    if not ticket:
        error_message = 'no such ticket exists'

    #check that the ticket name is alphanumeric only, space allowed only if not first or last character, and contains less than 60 chars
    if is_valid_ticket_name(str(name)) == False:
        error_message = 'invalid ticket name'

    #check ticket quantity is greater than 0 and less or equal to 100
    if is_valid_ticket_quanitity(quantity) == False:
        error_message = 'invalid ticket quantity'

    #check ticket price is in the range 10 to 100 (including 10 and 100)
    if is_valid_ticket_price(price) == False:
        error_message = 'invalid ticket price'

    #check that date format is YYYYMMDD

    #save ticket to database
    ticket = bn.store_ticket(name=name,

    #if theres an error message, output that message. Otherwise, post and redirect to user profile page
    if error_message:
        return render_template('index.html', update_message=error_message)
        return redirect('/')
예제 #13
def update():
    Route to update a ticket.
    This route will validate the ticket form, if valid it will update the ticket on the database
    through a backend function
    if 'logged_in' not in session:
        return redirect('/login')

    # Grab necessary information from update form
    user = bn.get_user(session['logged_in'])
    tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()

    name = request.form.get('name')
    quantity = request.form.get('quantity')
    price = request.form.get('price')
    date = request.form.get('date')

    error_message = check_ticket_form(name, quantity, price, date)
    if error_message:
        return render_template('index.html',

    # Check if ticket exists in database
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name)
    if ticket is None:
        return render_template('index.html',
                               update_message='Ticket does not exist',

    # Update tickets to database
    bn.update_ticket(name, quantity, price, date)
    return render_template('index.html',
                           update_message='Successfully updated tickets',
예제 #14
def test_get_ticket_valid():
    # Create a random test ticket id that is not valid or present in the database
    invalid_ticket_id = -1000
    result = bn.get_ticket(invalid_ticket_id)
    assert result == None
예제 #15
def test_get_ticket_method():  #maybe test addticket
    ticket = get_ticket("Correct Ticket")
    if not ticket:
        add_ticket("Correct Ticket", "11", "11", "20210101")
    assert get_ticket(" no") == None  #test for incorrect ticket name
예제 #16
def sell_post():
    # Get current user's email, with is the ticket owner's email.
    email = session['logged_in']
    user = bn.get_user(email)

    # Get ticket information from post form.
    name = request.form.get('sell-name')
    quantity = int(request.form.get('sell-quantity'))
    price = int(request.form.get('sell-price'))
    date = request.form.get('sell-date')

    # The name of the ticket has to be alphanumeric-only, and space allowed only if it is not the first or the last character.
    # The name of the ticket is no longer than 60 characters
    name_valid = False
    if name.isalnum() and name[0] != " " and name[-1] != " " and len(
            name) >= 6 and len(name) <= 60:
        name_valid = True

    # The quantity of the tickets has to be more than 0, and less than or equal to 100.
    quantity_valid = False
    if quantity > 0 and quantity <= 100:
        quantity_valid = True

    # Price has to be of range [10, 100]
    price_valid = False
    if price >= 10 and price <= 100:
        price_valid = True

    # Date must be given in the format YYYYMMDD (e.g. 20200901)
    date_valid = False
    # If the format is correct, two '-' character will be added at index 4 and 7.
    if len(date) == 10 and date[4] == '-' and date[7] == '-':
        date_valid = True

    # Check if the name of ticket doesn't exist in database.
    name_unique = False
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name)
    if not ticket:
        name_unique = True

    # If all elements have valid format, then ticket information is valid, redirect to sell page and show message.
    if name_valid and quantity_valid and price_valid and date_valid and name_unique:
        ticket = bn.new_ticket_for_sell(name, email, quantity, price, date)
        return render_template('sell.html',
                               message_s="Ticket successfully posted",
    # For any errors, redirect back to / and show an error message.
        # Get all tickets' info from backend.
        tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()
        all_name = []
        all_price = []
        all_quantity = []
        all_email = []
        # Add all information to corresponding collumn.
        for ticket in tickets:
        # Pass all information to the HTML page.
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message_s="Ticket format invalid",
예제 #17
def buy_tickets():
    This function is responsible for completing the buying action on tickets, so taking
    the inputs from the buy section and converting them to bought tickets

    :return: If the forms don't adhere to the required formatting, return with error message,
    otherwise return with successfull ticket selling

    # Retrieve info from forms
    ticket_name = request.form.get('buy_ticket_name')
    num_tickets = request.form.get('buy_num_tickets')

    # Find out info on logged in user and tickets
    email = session['logged_in']
    user = bn.get_user(email)

    error_message = ticket_info_sanitizer(ticket_name, num_tickets)

    # Subtract the bought tickets from amount available
    if error_message is None:
        # Retrieve info on ticket being bought
        ticket_info = bn.get_ticket(ticket_name)

        if ticket_info is not None:
            # Calc cost of ticket
            ticket_cost = ticket_info.ticket_price * int(num_tickets)
            service_fee = ticket_cost * 0.35
            tax = ticket_cost * 0.05

            overall_cost = ticket_cost + service_fee + tax

            if (ticket_info.num_tickets < int(num_tickets)):
                error_message = "Requested more than available tickets"
            elif (user.balance - overall_cost < 0):
                error_message = "Not enough money in balance"

            elif not bn.buy_tickets(ticket_name, num_tickets):
                error_message = "Not a concert"
                error_message = "Unknown Error"

            error_message = "Not a concert"

    # get Info on Tickets
    tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()

    # if there is any error messages when registering new user
    # at the backend, go back to the register page.
    if error_message:
        return render_template('index.html',

    # Update the buyer ans sellers balance to reflect the transaction
    bn.update_balance(user.email, ticket_info.ticket_owner, ticket_cost,

    #Re-render page with updates
    return render_template('index.html',
예제 #18
def buy_post():

    #Get into current user's account to proceed buying process
    email = session['logged_in']
    user = bn.get_user(email)

    #Get the name and quantity from the buying form
    name = request.form.get('buy-name')
    quantity = int(request.form.get('buy-quantity'))

    # the name of the ticket has to be alphanumeric-only and space is allowed with requirements
    name_valid = False
    if name.isalnum() and name[0] != " " and name[-1] != " ":
        name_valid = True

    # the name of the ticket is no longer than 60 characters
    name_len = False
    if len(name) <= 60 and len(name) >= 6:
        name_len = True

    # quantity of ticket is within the range 0(disclusive) to 100(inclusive)
    quantity_valid = False
    if quantity > 0 and quantity <= 100:
        quantity_valid = True

    # ticket name does not exsit in the database
    ticket_exist = False
    #check the ticket name from the backend
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name)
    if ticket:
        ticket_exist = True

        # ticket has more quantaties than required to buy
        quantity_require = False
        if quantity <= ticket.quantity:
            quantity_require = True

        # user has more balance than the ticket price * quantity + service fee (35%) + tax(5%)
        required_price = int(ticket.price) * int(
            ticket.quantity) * (1 + 0.35 + 0.05)
        balance_valid = False
        if user.balance >= required_price:
            balance_valid = True

    # if there is no error in the buying form
    if name_valid and name_len and quantity_valid and ticket_exist and quantity_require and balance_valid:
        return render_template('buy.html',
                               message_b="Transaction successful",
    #there is error(s) in the buying form
        # Get all tickets' info from backend.
        tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()
        all_name = []
        all_price = []
        all_quantity = []
        all_email = []
        # Add all information to corresponding collumn.
        for ticket in tickets:
        # Pass all information to the HTML page.
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message_b="Ticket format invalid",
예제 #19
def update_post():

    # Get current user's email, with is the ticket owner's email.
    email = session['logged_in']
    user = bn.get_user(email)

    # Get ticket information from post form.
    name = request.form.get('update-name')
    quantity = int(request.form.get('update-quantity'))
    price = int(request.form.get('update-price'))
    date = request.form.get('update-date')

    # The name of the ticket has to be alphanumeric-only, and space allowed only if it is not the first or the last character
    # name of the ticket is no longer than 60 characters
    name_valid = name.isalnum() and name[0] != " " and name[-1] != " " and len(
        name) >= 6 and len(name) <= 60

    # The quantity of the tickets has to be more than 0, and less than or equal to 100
    quantity_valid = quantity > 0 and quantity <= 100

    # Price has to be of range [10, 100]
    price_valid = price >= 10 and price <= 100

    # Date must be given in the format YYYYMMDD
    date_valid = len(date) == 10 and date[4] == '-' and date[7] == '-'

    # The ticket of the given name must exist
    name_exist = False
    ticket = bn.get_ticket(name)
    if ticket:
        name_exist = True

    # If all elements have valid format, then ticket information is valid, redirect to sell page and show message.
    if name_valid and quantity_valid and price_valid and date_valid and name_exist:
        # Call backend update ticket method.
        bn.update_ticket(name, email, quantity, price, date)
        # Get all tickets' info from backend.
        tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()
        all_name = []
        all_price = []
        all_quantity = []
        all_email = []
        # Add all information to corresponding collumn.
        for ticket in tickets:
        # Pass all information to the HTML page.
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message_u="Ticket information updated",
    # For any errors, redirect back to / and show an error message.
        # Get all tickets' info from backend.
        tickets = bn.get_all_tickets()
        all_name = []
        all_price = []
        all_quantity = []
        all_email = []
        # Add all information to corresponding collumn.
        for ticket in tickets:
        # Pass all information to the HTML page.
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message_u="Ticket format invalid",
예제 #20
def test_backend_get_ticket_T2():
    # Test input partition #2 (invalid ticket id)
    invalid_ticket_id = 2
    result = bn.get_ticket(invalid_ticket_id)
    assert result == None
예제 #21
def buy_ticket(user):
    ticket_name = request.form.get('name')
    ticket_quantity = request.form.get('quantity')
    error_message = ""

    # ticket contains invalid spaces
    if not check_spaces(ticket_name):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid spaces found in word")

    # Check if ticket name is only alphanumeric
    if not check_alnum(ticket_name):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Name contains invalid characters")

    # ticket name is longer than 60 chars
    if len(ticket_name) > 60:
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Ticket name is too long")

    # Ticket quantity must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100
    if not check_quantity(1, 101, int(ticket_quantity)):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid quantity of tickets")

    ticket = bn.get_ticket(ticket_name)  # have a try catch error here?

    if not ticket:
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Ticket does not exist")

    # ticket quantity has to be more than quantity requested to buy
    if int(ticket_quantity) > ticket.quantity:
        return render_template(
            message="Requested quantity larger than available tickets")

    # user has to have more balance than ticket price + xtra fees
    if user.balance < (ticket.price * int(ticket_quantity) * 1.35 * 1.05):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="User balance not enough for purchase")

    # redirect and display error message if possible
    if error_message != "":
        return redirect('/', message=error_message)
    else:  # add ticket to user's profile
        bn.register_ticket(ticket.date, ticket.name, ticket.quantity,
                           ticket.price, ticket.date)
        # Check if this works
        user.balance = user.balance - (ticket.price * int(ticket_quantity) *
                                       1.35 * 1.05)
        # Now shows updated tickets for user and redirects to sell page
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Ticket bought successfully")
예제 #22
def update_ticket(user):
    # This function will display the update ticket page to the user
    # We need the user information and the ticket information
    # This will then display the update.html page

    ticket_name = request.form.get(
        'name')  # using name but should id be used instead?
    ticket_quantity = int(request.form.get('quantity'))
    ticket_price = int(request.form.get('price'))
    ticket_date = request.form.get('exp_date')

    error_message = ""

    # There must not be a space at beginning or end
    if not check_spaces(ticket_name):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid spaces found in ticket name")

    # The name must be alphanumeric
    if not check_alnum(ticket_name):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Name contains special characters")

    # The name of the ticket is no longer than 60 characters
    if len(ticket_name) > 60:
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Ticket name is too long")

    # The quantity of the tickets has to be more than 0, and less than or equal to 100
    if not check_quantity(1, 101, ticket_quantity):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid quantity of tickets"
                               )  # CHANGE REROUTE TO /UPDATE????

    ticket = bn.get_ticket(ticket_name)

    # The ticket of the given name must exist
    if ticket is None:
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Ticket does not exist")

    # Price has to be of range [10, 100]
    if not check_quantity(9, 101, ticket_price):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid ticket price")

    # Date must be given in format YYYYMMDD
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid ticket date")

    if (int(ticket_date[:4]) < 2020 or int(ticket_date[4:6]) < 0
            or int(ticket_date[4:6]) > 12 or int(ticket_date[6:]) < 0
            or int(ticket_date[4:6]) > 31):
        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Invalid ticket date")

    # For any errors, redirect back to / and show an error message
    if error_message != "":
        return redirect('index.html', user=user, message=error_message)

    # If there are no errors?
        ticket.quantity = ticket_quantity
        ticket.price = ticket_price
        ticket.date = ticket_date
        # can we change name?? look into that

        return render_template('index.html',
                               message="Successfully updated")