예제 #1
def TestHooksCleanup():
  """Remove the directories created by the tests

  master = GetMasterNode().primary
  GetCommandOutput(master, "rm %s/*" % MakeNodePath(master, PRE_PATH))
  GetCommandOutput(master, "rm %s/*" % MakeNodePath(master, POST_PATH))
  GetCommandOutput(master, "rm -rf %s" % _GetHDir())
예제 #2
def _TestGroupModifyISpecs(groupname):
  # This test is built on the assumption that the default ipolicy holds for
  # the node group under test
  old_values = _GetGroupIPolicy(groupname)
  samevals = dict((p, 4) for p in constants.ISPECS_PARAMETERS)
  base_specs = {
    constants.ISPECS_MINMAX: [{
      constants.ISPECS_MIN: samevals,
      constants.ISPECS_MAX: samevals,
  mod_values = _TestGroupSetISpecs(groupname, new_specs=base_specs,
  for par in constants.ISPECS_PARAMETERS:
    # First make sure that the test works with good values
    good_specs = {
      constants.ISPECS_MINMAX: [{
        constants.ISPECS_MIN: {par: 8},
        constants.ISPECS_MAX: {par: 8},
    mod_values = _TestGroupSetISpecs(groupname, diff_specs=good_specs,
    bad_specs = {
      constants.ISPECS_MINMAX: [{
        constants.ISPECS_MIN: {par: 8},
        constants.ISPECS_MAX: {par: 4},
    _TestGroupSetISpecs(groupname, diff_specs=bad_specs, fail=True,
  AssertCommand(["gnt-group", "modify", "--ipolicy-bounds-specs", "default",
  AssertEqual(_GetGroupIPolicy(groupname), old_values)

  # Get the ipolicy command (from the cluster config)
  mnode = qa_config.GetMasterNode()
  addcmd = GetCommandOutput(mnode.primary, utils.ShellQuoteArgs([
    "gnt-group", "show-ispecs-cmd", "--include-defaults", groupname,
  modcmd = ["gnt-group", "modify"]
  opts = addcmd.split()
  assert opts[0:2] == ["gnt-group", "add"]
  for k in range(2, len(opts) - 1):
    if opts[k].startswith("--ipolicy-"):
      assert k + 2 <= len(opts)
      modcmd.extend(opts[k:k + 2])
  # Apply the ipolicy to the group and verify the result
  new_addcmd = GetCommandOutput(mnode.primary, utils.ShellQuoteArgs([
    "gnt-group", "show-ispecs-cmd", groupname,
  AssertEqual(addcmd, new_addcmd)
예제 #3
def AssertClusterVerify(fail=False,
    """Run cluster-verify and check the result, ignoring warnings by default.

  @type fail: bool
  @param fail: if cluster-verify is expected to fail instead of succeeding.
  @type errors: list of tuples
  @param errors: List of CV_XXX errors that are expected; if specified, all the
      errors listed must appear in cluster-verify output. A non-empty value
      implies C{fail=True}.
  @type warnings: list of tuples
  @param warnings: List of CV_XXX warnings that are expected to be raised; if
      specified, all the errors listed must appear in cluster-verify output.
  @type no_warnings: list of tuples
  @param no_warnings: List of CV_XXX warnings that we expect NOT to be raised.
    cvcmd = "gnt-cluster verify"
    mnode = qa_config.GetMasterNode()
    if errors or warnings or no_warnings:
        cvout = GetCommandOutput(mnode.primary,
                                 cvcmd + " --error-codes",
                                 fail=(fail or errors))
        print cvout
        (act_errs, act_warns) = _GetCVErrorCodes(cvout)
        if errors:
            _CheckVerifyErrors(act_errs, errors, "error")
        if warnings:
            _CheckVerifyErrors(act_warns, warnings, "warning")
        if no_warnings:
            _CheckVerifyNoWarnings(act_warns, no_warnings)

        AssertCommand(cvcmd, fail=fail, node=mnode)
예제 #4
def TestPauseWatcher():
    """Tests and pauses the watcher.

    master = qa_config.GetMasterNode()

    AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "watcher", "pause", "4h"])

    cmd = ["gnt-cluster", "watcher", "info"]
    output = GetCommandOutput(master.primary, utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd))
    AssertMatch(output, r"^.*\bis paused\b.*")
예제 #5
파일: qa_job.py 프로젝트: badp/ganeti
def _GetJobStatuses():
    """ Invokes gnt-job list and extracts an id to status dictionary.

  @rtype: dict of string to string
  @return: A dictionary mapping job ids to matching statuses

    master = qa_config.GetMasterNode()
    list_output = GetCommandOutput(
        master.primary, "gnt-job list --no-headers --output=id,status")
    return dict(map(lambda s: s.split(), list_output.splitlines()))
예제 #6
def TestClusterEpo():
    """gnt-cluster epo"""
    master = qa_config.GetMasterNode()

    # Assert that OOB is unavailable for all nodes
    result_output = GetCommandOutput(
        master.primary, "gnt-node list --verbose --no-headers -o"
        " powered")
        compat.all(powered == "(unavail)"
                   for powered in result_output.splitlines()), True)

    # Conflicting
    AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "epo", "--groups", "--all"], fail=True)
    # --all doesn't expect arguments
    AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "epo", "--all", "some_arg"], fail=True)

    # Unless --all is given master is not allowed to be in the list
    AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "epo", "-f", master.primary], fail=True)

    # This shouldn't fail
    AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "epo", "-f", "--all"])

    # All instances should have been stopped now
    result_output = GetCommandOutput(
        master.primary, "gnt-instance list --no-headers -o status")
    # ERROR_down because the instance is stopped but not recorded as such
        compat.all(status == "ERROR_down"
                   for status in result_output.splitlines()), True)

    # Now start everything again
    AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "epo", "--on", "-f", "--all"])

    # All instances should have been started now
    result_output = GetCommandOutput(
        master.primary, "gnt-instance list --no-headers -o status")
        compat.all(status == "running"
                   for status in result_output.splitlines()), True)
예제 #7
파일: qa_job.py 프로젝트: kawamuray/ganeti
def TestJobCancellation():
    """gnt-job cancel"""
    # The delay used for the first command should be large enough for the next
    # command and the cancellation command to complete before the first job is
    # done. The second delay should be small enough that not too much time is
    # spend waiting in the case of a failed cancel and a running command.
    AssertCommand(["gnt-debug", "delay", "--submit", str(FIRST_COMMAND_DELAY)])

    master = qa_config.GetMasterNode()

    # Forcing tty usage does not work on buildbot, so force all output of this
    # command to be redirected to stdout
    job_id_output = GetCommandOutput(
        "gnt-debug delay --submit %s 2>&1" % SECOND_COMMAND_DELAY)

    possible_job_ids = re.findall("JobID: ([0-9]+)", job_id_output)
    if len(possible_job_ids) != 1:
        raise qa_error.Error(
            "Cannot parse gnt-debug delay output to find job id")

    job_id = possible_job_ids[0]
    AssertCommand(["gnt-job", "cancel", job_id])

    # Now wait until the second job finishes, and expect the watch to fail due to
    # job cancellation
    AssertCommand(["gnt-job", "watch", job_id], fail=True)

    # Then check for job cancellation
    job_status = _GetJobStatus(job_id)
    if job_status != constants.JOB_STATUS_CANCELED:
        # Try and see if the job is being cancelled, and wait until the status
        # changes or we hit a timeout
        if job_status == constants.JOB_STATUS_CANCELING:
            retry_fn = functools.partial(_RetryingFetchJobStatus,
                # The multiplier to use is arbitrary, setting it higher could prevent
                # flakiness
                WAIT_MULTIPLIER = 4.0
                job_status = retry.Retry(retry_fn, 2.0,
                                         WAIT_MULTIPLIER * FIRST_COMMAND_DELAY)
            except retry.RetryTimeout:
                # The job status remains the same

        if job_status != constants.JOB_STATUS_CANCELED:
            raise qa_error.Error("Job was not successfully cancelled, status "
                                 "found: %s" % job_status)
예제 #8
def TestClusterVerifyDisksBrokenDRBD(instance, inst_nodes):
    """gnt-cluster verify-disks with broken DRBD"""

        info = qa_instance.GetInstanceInfo(instance.name)
        snode = inst_nodes[1]
        for idx, minor in enumerate(info["drbd-minors"][snode.primary]):
            if idx % 2 == 0:
                break_drbd_cmd = \
                  "(drbdsetup %d down >/dev/null 2>&1;" \
                  " drbdsetup down resource%d >/dev/null 2>&1) || /bin/true" % \
                  (minor, minor)
                break_drbd_cmd = \
                  "(drbdsetup %d detach >/dev/null 2>&1;" \
                  " drbdsetup detach %d >/dev/null 2>&1) || /bin/true" % \
                  (minor, minor)
            AssertCommand(break_drbd_cmd, node=snode)

        verify_output = GetCommandOutput(qa_config.GetMasterNode().primary,
                                         "gnt-cluster verify-disks")
        activation_msg = "Activating disks for instance '%s'" % instance.name
        if activation_msg not in verify_output:
            raise qa_error.Error(
                "gnt-cluster verify-disks did not activate broken"
                " DRBD disks:\n%s" % verify_output)

        verify_output = GetCommandOutput(qa_config.GetMasterNode().primary,
                                         "gnt-cluster verify-disks")
        if activation_msg in verify_output:
            raise qa_error.Error(
                "gnt-cluster verify-disks wants to activate broken"
                " DRBD disks on second attempt:\n%s" % verify_output)

예제 #9
def GetOutputFromMaster(cmd, use_multiplexer=True, log_cmd=True):
  """ Gets the output of a command executed on master.

  if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
    cmdstr = cmd
    cmdstr = utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd)

  # Necessary due to the stderr stream not being captured properly on the
  # buildbot
  cmdstr += " 2>&1"

  return GetCommandOutput(qa_config.GetMasterNode().primary, cmdstr,
                          use_multiplexer=use_multiplexer, log_cmd=log_cmd)
예제 #10
def TestHookDisappeared():
  """Checks whether the global hooks have been executed (status disappeared).

  - Global pre hook should has been executed.
  - Global post hook should with status *disappeared* should has been executed.
  - Global post hook with other statuses shouldn't have been executed.
  master = GetMasterNode().primary
  job_id = ExecuteJobProducingCommand("gnt-debug delay --submit 10")
  GetCommandOutput(master, "gnt-job cancel --kill --yes-do-it %d" % job_id)
  AssertEqual(IsFileExists(master, _GetHookFilePath(job_id, "pre")), True,
              "Global pre hook hasn't been executed.")
  AssertEqual(IsFileExists(master, _GetHookFilePath(job_id, "post",
                           constants.POST_HOOKS_STATUS_SUCCESS)), False,
              "Global post hook has been executed with status *success*")
  AssertEqual(IsFileExists(master, _GetHookFilePath(job_id, "post",
                           constants.POST_HOOKS_STATUS_ERROR)), False,
              "Global post hook has been executed with status *error*")
  AssertEqual(IsFileExists(master, _GetHookFilePath(job_id, "post",
                           constants.POST_HOOKS_STATUS_DISAPPEARED)), True,
              "Global post hook hasn't been executed with status *disappeared*")
예제 #11
def TestNodeListDrbd(node, is_drbd):
  """gnt-node list-drbd"""
  master = qa_config.GetMasterNode()
  result_output = GetCommandOutput(master.primary,
                                   "gnt-node list-drbd --no-header %s" %
  # Meaningful to note: there is but one instance, and the node is either the
  # primary or one of the secondaries
  if is_drbd:
    # Invoked for both primary and secondary
    per_disk_info = result_output.splitlines()
    for line in per_disk_info:
        drbd_node, _, _, _, _, drbd_peer = line.split()
      except ValueError:
        raise qa_error.Error("Could not examine list-drbd output: expected a"
                             " single row of 6 entries, found the following:"
                             " %s" % line)

      AssertIn(node.primary, [drbd_node, drbd_peer],
               msg="The output %s does not contain the node" % line)
    # Output should be empty, barring newlines
    AssertEqual(result_output.strip(), "")
예제 #12
def TestHooksInitialize():
  """Creates global hooks on the master node

  master = GetMasterNode().primary
  hooks_base_dir = MakeNodePath(master, pathutils.HOOKS_BASE_DIR)
  pre_path = MakeNodePath(master, PRE_PATH)
  post_path = MakeNodePath(master, POST_PATH)
  GetCommandOutput(master, "mkdir -p %s" % hooks_base_dir)
  GetCommandOutput(master, "mkdir -p %s" % pre_path)
  GetCommandOutput(master, "mkdir -p %s" % post_path)
  GetCommandOutput(master, "mkdir -p %s" % _GetHDir())
  h_name = "/qa_test_hook"
  create_hook_common = """
echo '#!/bin/sh' > $FOUT
echo 'touch %s/$GANETI_JOB_ID"_"$GANETI_OP_CODE%s' >> $FOUT
chmod +x $FOUT
  create_pre = create_hook_common % (pre_path + h_name, _GetHDir(), '"_pre"')
  create_post = create_hook_common % (post_path + h_name, _GetHDir(),
  GetCommandOutput(master, create_pre)
  GetCommandOutput(master, create_post)
예제 #13
 def AssertInGroup(group, nodes):
   real_output = GetCommandOutput(master_node,
                                  "gnt-node list --no-headers -o group " +
   AssertEqual(real_output.splitlines(), [group] * len(nodes))
예제 #14
def TestClusterModifyISpecs():
    """gnt-cluster modify --specs-*"""
    params = [
        "memory-size", "disk-size", "disk-count", "cpu-count", "nic-count"
    (cur_policy, cur_specs) = _GetClusterIPolicy()
    # This test assumes that there is only one min/max bound
    assert len(cur_specs[constants.ISPECS_MINMAX]) == 1
    for par in params:
        test_values = [
            (True, 0, 4, 12),
            (True, 4, 4, 12),
            (True, 4, 12, 12),
            (True, 4, 4, 4),
            (False, 4, 0, 12),
            (False, 4, 16, 12),
            (False, 4, 4, 0),
            (False, 12, 4, 4),
            (False, 12, 4, 0),
            (False, "a", 4, 12),
            (False, 0, "a", 12),
            (False, 0, 4, "a"),
            # This is to restore the old values
        for (good, mn, st, mx) in test_values:
            new_vals = {
                constants.ISPECS_MINMAX: [{
                    constants.ISPECS_MIN: {
                        par: mn
                    constants.ISPECS_MAX: {
                        par: mx
                constants.ISPECS_STD: {
                    par: st
            cur_state = (cur_policy, cur_specs)
            # We update cur_specs, as we've copied the values to restore already
             cur_specs) = TestClusterSetISpecs(diff_specs=new_vals,
                                               fail=not good,

        # Get the ipolicy command
        mnode = qa_config.GetMasterNode()
        initcmd = GetCommandOutput(mnode.primary,
                                   "gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd")
        modcmd = ["gnt-cluster", "modify"]
        opts = initcmd.split()
        assert opts[0:2] == ["gnt-cluster", "init"]
        for k in range(2, len(opts) - 1):
            if opts[k].startswith("--ipolicy-"):
                assert k + 2 <= len(opts)
                modcmd.extend(opts[k:k + 2])
        # Re-apply the ipolicy (this should be a no-op)
        new_initcmd = GetCommandOutput(mnode.primary,
                                       "gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd")
        AssertEqual(initcmd, new_initcmd)