예제 #1
def cal_snr_blind_qpsk(E):
    Calculates the SNR of a QPSK signal based on the variance of the constellation
    assmuing no symbol errors"""
    E4 = -E**4
    Eref = E4**(1. / 4)
    #P = np.mean(abs(Eref**2))
    P = np.mean(cabssquared(Eref))
    var = np.var(Eref)
    SNR = 10 * np.log10(P / var)
    return SNR
예제 #2
 def test_cabssquared(self):
     s = signals.SignalQAMGrayCoded(64, 2**12)
     s2 = helpers.cabssquared(s)
     assert type(s) is type(s2)
예제 #3
 def test_cabssquared(self, nmodes):
     s = signals.SignalQAMGrayCoded(64, 2**12, nmodes=nmodes)
     s2 = helpers.cabssquared(s)
     assert s.shape == s2.shape