def run_gppkg(pgport, gphome, mdd, loc, options="--install"): gppkg_cmd = "export PGPORT=%s; export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s; source %s/; gppkg %s %s" % ( pgport, mdd, gphome, options, loc) cmd = Command(name="Run gppkg", cmdStr=gppkg_cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.stdout
def run(self): if BuildGppkg( return #Check for RPM and Solaris OS if curr_platform == SUNOS: raise ExceptionNoStackTraceNeeded( 'gppkg is not supported on Solaris') try: cmd = Command(name='Check for rpm', cmdStr='rpm --version') results = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() rpm_version_string = results.split(' ')[-1] if not rpm_version_string.startswith('4.'): raise ExceptionNoStackTraceNeeded( 'gppkg requires rpm version 4.x') except ExecutionError, ex: results = ex.cmd.get_results().stderr.strip() if len(results) != 0 and 'not found' in results: raise ExceptionNoStackTraceNeeded( 'gppkg requires RPM to be available in PATH')
def drop_database(dbname, retries = 5, sleep_interval = 5): """ Execute dropdb against the given database. @type dbname: string @param dbname: Name of the database to be deleted @type retires: integer @param retries: Number of attempts to drop the database. @type sleep_interval: integer @param sleep_interval: Time in seconds between retry attempts @rtype: boolean @return: True if successful, False otherwise @raise PSQLException: When the database does not exist """ # TBD: Use shell when available if not PSQL.database_exists(dbname): tinctest.logger.error("Database %s does not exist." %dbname) raise PSQLException('Database %s does not exist' %dbname) cmd = Command(name='drop database', cmdStr='dropdb %s' %(dbname)) tinctest.logger.debug("Dropping database: %s" %cmd) count = 0 while count < retries: = False) result = cmd.get_results() tinctest.logger.debug("Output - %s" %result) if result.rc == 0 and not result.stderr: return True time.sleep(sleep_interval) count += 1 return False
def check_gpfdist_process(self, wait=60, port=None, raise_assert=True): """ Check for the gpfdist process Wait at least 60s until gpfdist starts, else raise an exception @var wait: wait at least 60s for gpfdist @var port: Port Number @var raise_assert: raise gpfdist error by default """ if port is None: port = self.port process_started = False count = 0 while (not process_started and count < wait): cmd_str = "%s -ef | grep \"gpfdist -p %s\" | grep -v grep" % ( self.ps_command, port) cmd = Command(name='check for gpfdist', cmdStr=cmd_str) content = cmd.get_results().stdout if len(content) > 0: if content.find("gpfdist -p %s" % port) > 0: process_started = self.is_gpfdist_connected(port) if process_started: return True count = count + 1 time.sleep(1) if raise_assert: raise GpfdistError("Could not start gpfdist process") else: print "Could not start gpfdist process"
def get_info(): """ Get the current platform @return: type platform of the current system @rtype : String """ myos = platform.system() if myos == "Darwin": return 'OSX' elif myos == "Linux": if os.path.exists("/etc/SuSE-release"): return 'SUSE' elif os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): cmd_str = "cat /etc/redhat-release" cmd = Command("run cat for RHEL version", cmd_str) result = cmd.get_results() msg = result.stdout if msg.find("5") != -1: return 'RHEL5' else: return 'RHEL6' elif myos == "SunOS": return 'SOL' return None
def delete_rpm(name): """ Delete RPM package @param name: package name """ rpm_cmd = 'sudo rpm -e %s' % (name) cmd = Command(name='delete rpm', cmdStr=rpm_cmd)
def execute(self): cmd = Command(name=self.__class__.__name__, cmdStr=self.cmd_str, ctxt=REMOTE, # TODO! If exception is raised remotely, there's no stdout, thereby causing a pickling error. return pickle.loads(cmd.get_results().stdout)
def test_failed_gpinitsystem(self): cmd = Command(name='create folder', cmdStr='mkdir -p %s' % (self.mdd)) try:"Gpinitystem Failed") except: pass
def run_command(cmd_str): cmd = Command("Local Command", cmd_str) results = cmd.get_results() if results.rc != 0: return results.stderr.strip() else: return results.stdout.strip()
def test_gpdb_gpinitsystem(self): try: cmd = Command(name='run gpstop', cmdStr='export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s; gpstop -a' % (self.mdd)) except:"Gpinitsystem Failed")
def execute(self): timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") config_backup_file = "gp_master_config_files_%s.tar" % timestamp if self.backup_dir is not None: path = os.path.join(self.backup_dir, DUMP_DIR, DUMP_DATE, config_backup_file) else: path = os.path.join(self.master_datadir, DUMP_DIR, DUMP_DATE, config_backup_file)"Dumping master config files") Command("Dumping master configuration files", "tar cf %s %s/*.conf" % (path, self.master_datadir)).run(validateAfter=True) if self.ddboost: abspath = path relpath = os.path.join(DUMP_DIR, DUMP_DATE, config_backup_file) logger.debug('Copying %s to DDBoost' % abspath) cmd = Command( 'DDBoost copy of %s' % abspath, 'gpddboost --copyToDDBoost --from-file=%s --to-file=%s' % (abspath, relpath))"Dumping segment config files") gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL(port=self.master_port), utility=True) primaries = [ seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary(current_role=True) ] for seg in primaries: config_backup_file = "gp_segment_config_files_0_%d_%s.tar" % ( seg.getSegmentDbId(), timestamp) if self.backup_dir is not None: path = os.path.join(self.backup_dir, DUMP_DIR, DUMP_DATE, config_backup_file) else: path = os.path.join(seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(), DUMP_DIR, DUMP_DATE, config_backup_file) host = seg.getSegmentHostName() Command("Dumping segment config files", "tar cf %s %s/*.conf" % (path, seg.getSegmentDataDirectory()), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host).run(validateAfter=True) if self.ddboost: abspath = path relpath = os.path.join(DUMP_DIR, DUMP_DATE, config_backup_file) logger.debug('Copying %s to DDBoost' % abspath) cmd = Command( 'DDBoost copy of %s' % abspath, 'gpddboost --copyToDDBoost --from-file=%s --to-file=%s' % (abspath, relpath), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host)
def get_package_name(name): """ Get RPM package name @param dir: directory @param name: rpm packagge """ rpm_cmd = 'rpm -qp %s' % (name) cmd = Command(name='get rpm package name', cmdStr=rpm_cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.stdout
def run_shell_command(cmdstr, cmdname='shell command'): cmd = Command(cmdname, cmdstr)'Executing command: %s : %s' % (cmdname, cmdstr)) result = cmd.get_results()'Finished command execution with return code %s ' % (str(result.rc))) tinctest.logger.debug('stdout: ' + result.stdout) tinctest.logger.debug('stderr: ' + result.stderr) if result.rc != 0: return False return True
def execute(self): real_filename = os.path.join( self.master_datadir, DUMP_DIR, self.restore_timestamp[0:8], "%s%s" % (MASTER_DBDUMP_PREFIX, self.restore_timestamp)) fake_filename = os.path.join( self.master_datadir, DUMP_DIR, self.fake_timestamp[0:8], "%s%s" % (MASTER_DBDUMP_PREFIX, self.fake_timestamp)) real_file, fake_file = None, None try: if self.compress: real_filename += '.gz' fake_file = + '.gz', 'w') else: fake_file = open(fake_filename, 'w') cmd = Command( 'Copying master dump file from DDBoost', 'gpddboost --readFile --from-file=%s | head -n 20' % (real_filename)) line_list = cmd.get_results().stdout.splitlines() # TODO: copy over data among the first 20 lines that begin with 'SET'. Why 20? See # e.g. # 1 -- # 2 -- Greenplum Database database dump # 3 -- # 4 # 5 SET statement_timeout = 0; # 6 SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; # 7 SET standard_conforming_strings = off; # 8 SET check_function_bodies = false; # 9 SET client_min_messages = warning; # 10 SET escape_string_warning = off; # 11 # 12 SET default_with_oids = false; # 13 # 14 -- # 15 -- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: ashwin # 16 -- # 17 # 18 COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema'; # 19 # 20 for line in line_list: if line.startswith("SET"): fake_file.write(line) if lineno > 20: break except Exception, e: logger.exception('Master dump file build failed.') raise ExceptionNoStackTraceNeeded( 'Master dump file build failed, review log file for details')
def install_rpm(location, dir, name): """ Install RPM package @param location: location of rpm packages @param dir: install directory @param name: package name @return: package name """ package_location = location + '/' + name rpm_cmd = 'sudo rpm --force --prefix %s -i %s' % (dir, package_location) cmd = Command(name='install rpm', cmdStr=rpm_cmd) return get_package_name(package_location)
def run(self,option=' '): ''' @type option: string @param option: gprecoverseg option (-F or -r) ''' if option not in ('-F' , '-r', ' '): raise GpRecoversegException('Not a valid option with gprecoverseg') rcvr_cmd = 'gprecoverseg -a %s' % option cmd = Command(name='Run gprecoverseg', cmdStr='source %s/;%s' % (self.gphome, rcvr_cmd))"Running gprecoverseg : %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0 or result.stderr: return False return True
def execute(self): execname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1] pickled_execname = pickle.dumps(execname) pickled_operation = pickle.dumps(self.operation) cmd = Command('pickling an operation', '$GPHOME/sbin/', ctxt=REMOTE,, stdin=pickled_execname + pickled_operation) logger.debug(cmd.get_results().stdout) ret = self.operation.ret = pickle.loads(cmd.get_results().stdout) if isinstance(ret, Exception): raise ret return ret
def inject_fault(self, y = None, f = None, r ='mirror', seg_id = None, H='ALL', m ='async', sleeptime = None, o =None, p=None, outfile=None): ''' PURPOSE : Inject the fault using gpfaultinjector @param y : suspend/resume/reset/panic/fault f : Name of the faulti outfile : output of the command is placed in this file rest_of_them : same as in gpfaultinjector help ''' if (not y) or (not f) : raise Exception("Need a value for type and name to continue") if(not os.getenv('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')): raise Exception('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY environment variable is not set.') fault_cmd = "gpfaultinjector -f %s -m %s -y %s " % (f, m, y ) if seg_id : fault_cmd = fault_cmd + " -s %s" % seg_id if sleeptime : fault_cmd = fault_cmd + " -z %s" % sleeptime if o: fault_cmd = fault_cmd + " -o %s" % o if p : fault_cmd = fault_cmd + " -p %s" % p if seg_id is None : fault_cmd = fault_cmd + " -H %s -r %s" % (H, r) if sleeptime : fault_cmd = fault_cmd + " --sleep_time_s %s " % sleeptime if outfile != None: fault_cmd = fault_cmd + ">" +outfile cmd = Command('fault_command', fault_cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0 and y != 'status': ok = False out = result.stderr else: ok = True out = result.stdout if not ok and y != 'status': raise Exception("Failed to inject fault %s to %s" % (f,y)) else:'Injected fault %s ' % fault_cmd) return (ok,out)
def is_port_released(self, port=None): """ Check whether the port is released after stopping gpfdist @var port: Port Number @return: True or False """ if port is None: port = self.port cmd_str = "netstat -an |grep '*.%s'" % (port) cmd = Command(name='check gpfdist is released', cmdStr=cmd_str) results = cmd.get_results() if len(results.stdout) > 0 and results.rc == 1: return False return True
def tearDown(self): """ The method that sub-classes must implement as a cleanup for the database Typically called when setup fails midway @return: Nothing if drop db succeeded. Raises TINCDatagenException if dropdb failed """ output = PSQL.run_sql_command( "select 'command_found_' || datname from pg_database where datname like '" + self.db_name + "'") if 'command_found_' + self.db_name in output: cmd = Command('dropdb', "dropdb " + self.db_name) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise TINCDatagenException('dropdb failed')
def _get_version_string_output(self): # Version string is the output of postgres --gp-version or postgress --version # Output in gpdb: "postgres (Greenplum Database) 4.3_PARISTX_ORCA build 43249" # Output in gpdb: "postgres (GPDB) 4.2.0 build 1" # Output in postgres: "postgres (PostgreSQL) 9.2.4" # The following command will fail if the DUT is postgres version_command = Command(name='get gp-version', cmdStr='postgres --gp-version') try: except Exception, e: tinctest.logger.debug("Failed while running get gp-version: %s" % e) version_command = Command(name='get version', cmdStr='postgres --version')
def execute(self): dburl = dbconn.DbURL(port=self.master_port) if self.ddboost: cmd = Command('List directories in DDBoost db_dumps dir', 'gpddboost --listDir --dir=db_dumps/ | grep ^[0-9]') rc = cmd.get_results().rc if rc != 0:"Cannot find old backup sets to remove on DDboost") return old_dates = cmd.get_results().stdout.splitlines() else: old_dates = ListFiles(os.path.join(self.master_datadir, DUMP_DIR)).run() try: old_dates.remove(DUMP_DATE) except ValueError, e: # DUMP_DATE was not found in old_dates pass
def run(self): """ Run gpinitsystem rc=0, gpinitsystem has no warning(s) or error(s) rc=1, gpinitsystem has warning(s) but no error(s) rc=2, gpinitsystem has error(s) """ self.create_datadir() cmd = Command(name='run gpinitsystem', cmdStr='source %s/%s; gpinitsystem -a -c %s' %\ (self.dir, self.source_path, self.config_file)) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc > 1: msg = "stdout:%s\nstderr:%s" % (result.stdout, result.stderr) raise GpinitsystemError("gpinitsystem failed (%d): %s" % (result.rc, msg)) logger.debug("Successfully ran gpinitsystem ...")
def setUp(self): """ The method that sub-classes must implement to setup a particular database. @rtype: boolean @return: True if db is already present; False if it is not present a new db was created Raises TINCDatagenException if db creation failed """ # Assume setup is done if db exists output = PSQL.run_sql_command( "select 'command_found_' || datname from pg_database where datname like '" + self.db_name + "'") if 'command_found_' + self.db_name in output: return True cmd = Command('createdb', "createdb " + self.db_name) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise TINCDatagenException('createdb failed') return False
def stop(self, wait=60, port=None): """ kill the gpfdist process @var wait: wait at least 60s for gpfdist @var port: Port Number @note: previously call cdbfast.GPDFIST.killGpfdist """ if port is None: port = self.port cmd_str = '%s -ef | grep "gpfdist -p %s" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\' | xargs kill 2>&1 > /dev/null' % ( self.ps_command, port) cmd = Command(name='stop gpfdist', cmdStr=cmd_str) is_released = False count = 0 while (not is_released and count < wait): is_released = self.is_port_released() count = count + 1 time.sleep(1)
def execute(self):"Commencing pg_catalog dump") if self.backup_dir is not None: global_file = os.path.join( self.backup_dir, DUMP_DIR, self.timestamp[0:8], "%s%s" % (GLOBAL_PREFIX, self.timestamp)) else: global_file = os.path.join( self.master_datadir, DUMP_DIR, self.timestamp[0:8], "%s%s" % (GLOBAL_PREFIX, self.timestamp)) Command('Dump global objects', "pg_dumpall -g --gp-syntax > %s" % global_file).run(validateAfter=True) if self.ddboost: abspath = global_file relpath = os.path.join(DUMP_DIR, self.timestamp[0:8], "%s%s" % (GLOBAL_PREFIX, self.timestamp)) logger.debug('Copying %s to DDBoost' % abspath) cmd = Command( 'DDBoost copy of %s' % abspath, 'gpddboost --copyToDDBoost --from-file=%s --to-file=%s' % (abspath, relpath))
def is_gpfdist_connected(self, port=None): """ Check gpfdist by connecting after starting process @var port: Port Number @return: True or False """ if port is None: port = self.port url = "http://%s:%s" % (self.hostname, port) if url = url.replace("http:", "https:") + " -k" cmd_str = "curl %s" % (url) cmd = Command(name='check gpfdist is connected', cmdStr=cmd_str) content = cmd.get_results().stderr if content.find("couldn't") >= 0 or content.find( "Failed to connect") >= 0: return False return True
def create_database(dbname): """ Create a database with the given database name. @type dbname: string @param dbname: Name of the database to be created @rtype: boolean @return: True if successful, False otherwise raise PSQLException: When the database already exists. """ # TBD: Use shell when available if PSQL.database_exists(dbname): raise PSQLException("Database %s already exists" %dbname) cmd = Command(name='drop database', cmdStr='createdb %s' %(dbname)) tinctest.logger.debug("Creating database: %s" %cmd) = False) result = cmd.get_results() tinctest.logger.debug("Output - %s" %result) if result.rc != 0 or result.stderr: return False return True
def drop_caches(remoteHost='localhost'): """ Refresh the system caches rc=0, drop caches successfully with no warning(s) or error(s) rc=1, drop caches successfully with warning(s) but no error(s) rc=2, drop caches with error(s), raise TINCSystemException @type remoteHost: string @param remoteHost: Host name of the machine where drop caches should be executed """ cmdStr = "echo 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' |sudo -s" cmd = Command('drop caches', cmdStr, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remoteHost) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc > 1: msg = "drop caches failed with rc=%s and stderr=%s" % \ (result.rc, result.stderr) tinctest.logger.warning(msg) raise TINCSystemException(msg)"drop caches success with %s" % result)
def start(self, options="", port=None, raise_assert=True, ssl=None): """ start hosting the data @var options: gpfdist options @var port: Port Number @var raise_assert: raise gpfdist error by default @var ssl: enable ssl @note: previously call cdbfast.GPDFIST.startGpfdist """ if port is None: port = self.port else: port = str(port) if ssl is None: ssl = "" else: = True self.ssl_cert = ssl ssl = "--ssl %s" % self.ssl_cert cmd_str = "gpfdist -p %s %s %s > /dev/null &" % (port, options, ssl) cmd = Command("Run gpfdist", cmdStr=cmd_str) return self.check_gpfdist_process(port=port, raise_assert=raise_assert)