예제 #1
def certify_and_datumize(dicary: Dict[str, Union[float, Decimal, np.ndarray]],
                         plump: bool = False,
                         nat: int = None) -> Dict[str, Datum]:
    """Convert a QCVariable: data dictionary to QCVariable: Datum dictionary, filling in details from the glossary.

    dicary : dict
        Dictionary where keys are strings (proper case – mostly UC) and values are float-like

    calcinfo = []
    for pv, var in dicary.items():
        if pv in qcvardefs.keys():
            doi = qcvardefs[pv].get("doi", None)
            if plump and isinstance(var, np.ndarray) and var.ndim == 1:
                var = var.reshape(

            defined = sorted(qcvardefs.keys())
            raise ValidationError("Undefined QCvar!: {}\n{}".format(
                pv, "\n\t".join(defined)))

    return {info.label: info for info in calcinfo}
예제 #2
def mol_to_molecule(mol: pb.Mol) -> Molecule:
    """Convert mol protobuf message to Molecule

        Should not use for returning AtomicResults objects because the AtomicResult
        object should be a direct superset of the AtomicInput that created it (and
        already contains the Molecule submitted by the user)
    if mol.units == pb.Mol.UnitType.ANGSTROM:
        geom_angstrom = Datum("geometry", "angstrom", array(mol.xyz))
        geom_bohr = geom_angstrom.to_units("bohr")
    elif mol.units == pb.Mol.UnitType.BOHR:
        geom_bohr = array(mol.xyz)
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unknown Unit Type: {mol.units} for molecular geometry")
    return Molecule(
예제 #3
파일: vib.py 프로젝트: qcdb/qcdb
def filter_nonvib(vibinfo, remove=None):
    """From a dictionary of vibration Datum, remove normal coordinates.

    vibinfo : dict of vibration Datum
        Results of Hessian analysis.
    remove : list of int, optional
	    0-indexed indices of normal modes to remove from `vibinfo`. If
	    None, non-vibrations (R, T, or TR as labeled in `vibinfo['TRV']`)
	    will be removed.

    dict of vibration Datum
        Copy of input `vibinfo` with the specified modes removed from all
        dictionary entries.

    # after a harmonic analysis, remove first translations and rotations and then all non-A1 vibs
    >>> allnormco = harmonic_analysis(...)
    >>> allvibs = filter_nonvib(allnormco)
    >>> a1vibs = filter_nonvib(allvibs, remove=[i for i, d in enumerate(allvibs['gamma'].data) if d != 'A1'])

    work = {}
    if remove is None:
        remove = [
            idx for idx, dat in enumerate(vibinfo['TRV'].data) if dat != 'V'
    for asp, oasp in vibinfo.items():
        if asp in ['q', 'w', 'x']:
            axis = 1
            axis = 0
        work[asp] = Datum(oasp.label,
                          np.delete(oasp.data, remove, axis=axis),

    return work
예제 #4
def certify(dicary, plump=False, nat=None):

    dicary : dict
        Dictionary where keys are strings (proper case – mostly UC) and values are float-like

    calcinfo = []
    for pv, var in dicary.items():
        if pv in qcvardefs.keys():
            doi = qcvardefs[pv].get('doi', None)
            if plump and isinstance(var, np.ndarray) and var.ndim == 1:
                var = var.reshape(eval(qcvardefs[pv]['dimension'].format(nat=nat)))
            calcinfo.append(Datum(pv, qcvardefs[pv]['units'], var, doi=doi, glossary=qcvardefs[pv]['glossary']))

            defined = sorted(qcvardefs.keys())
            raise ValidationError('Undefined QCvar!: {}\n{}'.format(pv, '\n\t'.join(defined)))

    return {info.label: info for info in calcinfo}
예제 #5
파일: vib.py 프로젝트: qcdb/qcdb
def thermo(vibinfo,
    """Perform thermochemical analysis from vibrational output.

    E0 : float
        Electronic energy [Eh] at well bottom at 0 [K], :qcvar:`CURRENT ENERGY`.
    molecular_mass : float
        Mass in [u] of molecule under analysis.
    multiplicity: int
        Spin multiplicity of molecule under analysis.
    rot_const : ndarray of floats
        (3,) rotational constants in [cm^-1] of molecule under analysis.
    sigma : int
        The rotational or external symmetry number determined from the point group.
    rotor_type : str
        The rotor type for rotational stat mech purposes: RT_ATOM, RT_LINEAR, other.
    T : float
        Temperature in [K]. Psi default 298.15. Note that 273.15 is IUPAC STP.
    P : float
        Pressure in [Pa]. Psi default 101325. Note that 100000 is IUPAC STP.

    dict of Datum, str
        First is every thermochemistry component in atomic units along with input conditions.
        Second is formatted presentation of analysis.

    sm = collections.defaultdict(float)

    # conditions
    therminfo = {}
    therminfo['E0'] = Datum('E0', 'Eh', E0)
    therminfo['B'] = Datum('rotational constants', 'cm^-1', rot_const)
    therminfo['sigma'] = Datum('external symmetry number', '', sigma)
    therminfo['T'] = Datum('temperature', 'K', T)
    therminfo['P'] = Datum('pressure', 'Pa', P)

    # electronic
    q_elec = multiplicity
    sm[('S', 'elec')] = math.log(q_elec)

    # translational
    beta = 1 / (qcel.constants.kb * T)
    q_trans = (2.0 * np.pi * molecular_mass * qcel.constants.amu2kg /
               (beta * qcel.constants.h *
                qcel.constants.h))**1.5 * qcel.constants.na / (beta * P)
    sm[('S', 'trans')] = 5 / 2 + math.log(q_trans / qcel.constants.na)
    sm[('Cv', 'trans')] = 3 / 2
    sm[('Cp', 'trans')] = 5 / 2
    sm[('E', 'trans')] = 3 / 2 * T
    sm[('H', 'trans')] = 5 / 2 * T

    # rotational
    if rotor_type == "RT_ATOM":
    elif rotor_type == "RT_LINEAR":
        q_rot = 1. / (beta * sigma * 100 * qcel.constants.c *
                      qcel.constants.h * rot_const[1])
        sm[('S', 'rot')] = 1.0 + math.log(q_rot)
        sm[('Cv', 'rot')] = 1
        sm[('Cp', 'rot')] = 1
        sm[('E', 'rot')] = T
        phi_A, phi_B, phi_C = rot_const * 100 * qcel.constants.c * qcel.constants.h / qcel.constants.kb
        q_rot = math.sqrt(
            math.pi) * T**1.5 / (sigma * math.sqrt(phi_A * phi_B * phi_C))
        sm[('S', 'rot')] = 3 / 2 + math.log(q_rot)
        sm[('Cv', 'rot')] = 3 / 2
        sm[('Cp', 'rot')] = 3 / 2
        sm[('E', 'rot')] = 3 / 2 * T
    sm[('H', 'rot')] = sm[('E', 'rot')]

    # vibrational
    vibonly = filter_nonvib(vibinfo)
    ZPE_cm_1 = 1 / 2 * np.sum(vibonly['omega'].data.real)
    omega_str = _format_omega(vibonly['omega'].data, decimals=4)

    imagfreqidx = np.where(
        vibonly['omega'].data.imag > vibonly['omega'].data.real)[0]
    if len(imagfreqidx):
            "Warning: thermodynamics relations excluded imaginary frequencies: {}"

    filtered_theta_vib = np.delete(vibonly['theta_vib'].data, imagfreqidx,
    filtered_omega_str = np.delete(omega_str, imagfreqidx, None)
    rT = filtered_theta_vib / T  # reduced temperature

    lowfreqidx = np.where(filtered_theta_vib < 900.)[0]
    if len(lowfreqidx):
            "Warning: used thermodynamics relations inappropriate for low-frequency modes: {}"

    sm[('S', 'vib')] = np.sum(rT / np.expm1(rT) - np.log(1 - np.exp(-rT)))
    sm[('Cv', 'vib')] = np.sum(np.exp(rT) * (rT / np.expm1(rT))**2)
    sm[('Cp', 'vib')] = sm[('Cv', 'vib')]
    sm[('ZPE', 'vib')] = np.sum(rT) * T / 2
    sm[('E', 'vib')] = sm[('ZPE', 'vib')] + np.sum(rT * T / np.expm1(rT))
    sm[('H', 'vib')] = sm[('E', 'vib')]

    assert (abs(ZPE_cm_1 - sm[('ZPE', 'vib')] * qcel.constants.R *
                qcel.constants.hartree2wavenumbers * 0.001 /
                qcel.constants.hartree2kJmol) < 0.1)

    #real_vibs = np.ma.masked_where(vibinfo['omega'].data.imag > vibinfo['omega'].data.real, vibinfo['omega'].data)

    # compute Gibbs
    for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
        sm[('G', term)] = sm[('H', term)] - T * sm[('S', term)]

    # convert to atomic units
    for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
        # terms above are unitless (S, Cv, Cp) or in units of temperature (ZPE, E, H, G) as expressions are divided by R.
        # R [Eh/K], computed as below, slightly diff in 7th sigfig from 3.1668114e-6 (k_B in [Eh/K])
        #    value listed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_constant
        uconv_R_EhK = qcel.constants.R / qcel.constants.hartree2kJmol
        for piece in ['S', 'Cv', 'Cp']:
            sm[(piece, term)] *= uconv_R_EhK  # [mEh/K] <-- []
        for piece in ['ZPE', 'E', 'H', 'G']:
            sm[(piece, term)] *= uconv_R_EhK * 0.001  # [Eh] <-- [K]

    # sum corrections and totals
    for piece in ['S', 'Cv', 'Cp']:
        for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
            sm[(piece, 'tot')] += sm[(piece, term)]
    for piece in ['ZPE', 'E', 'H', 'G']:
        for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
            sm[(piece, 'corr')] += sm[(piece, term)]
        sm[(piece, 'tot')] = E0 + sm[(piece, 'corr')]

    terms = collections.OrderedDict()
    terms['elec'] = '  Electronic'
    terms['trans'] = '  Translational'
    terms['rot'] = '  Rotational'
    terms['vib'] = '  Vibrational'
    terms['tot'] = 'Total'
    terms['corr'] = 'Correction'

    # package results for export
    for entry in sm:
        if entry[0] in ['S', 'Cv', 'Cp']:
            unit = 'mEh/K'
        elif entry[0] in ['ZPE', 'E', 'H', 'G']:
            unit = 'Eh'
        therminfo['_'.join(entry)] = Datum(
            terms[entry[1]].strip().lower() + ' ' + entry[0], unit, sm[entry])

    # display
    format_S_Cv_Cp = """\n  {:19} {:11.3f} [cal/(mol K)]  {:11.3f} [J/(mol K)]  {:15.8f} [mEh/K]"""
    format_ZPE_E_H_G = """\n  {:19} {:11.3f} [kcal/mol]  {:11.3f} [kJ/mol]  {:15.8f} [Eh]"""
    uconv = np.asarray(
        [qcel.constants.hartree2kcalmol, qcel.constants.hartree2kJmol, 1.])

    # TODO rot_const, rotor_type
    text = ''
    text += """\n  ==> Thermochemistry Components <=="""

    text += """\n\n  Entropy, S"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_S_Cv_Cp.format(terms[term] + ' S',
                                      *sm[('S', term)] * uconv)
        if term == 'elec':
            text += """ (multiplicity = {})""".format(multiplicity)
        elif term == 'trans':
            text += """ (mol. weight = {:.4f} [u], P = {:.2f} [Pa])""".format(
                molecular_mass, P)
        elif term == 'rot':
            text += """ (symmetry no. = {})""".format(sigma)

    text += """\n\n  Constant volume heat capacity, Cv"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_S_Cv_Cp.format(terms[term] + ' Cv',
                                      *sm[('Cv', term)] * uconv)

    text += """\n\n  Constant pressure heat capacity, Cp"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_S_Cv_Cp.format(terms[term] + ' Cp',
                                      *sm[('Cp', term)] * uconv)

    del terms['tot']
    terms['corr'] = 'Correction'

    text += """\n\n  ==> Thermochemistry Energy Analysis <=="""

    text += """\n\n  Raw electronic energy, E0"""
    text += """\n  Total E0, Electronic energy at well bottom at 0 [K]               {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(

    text += """\n\n  Zero-point energy, ZPE_vib = Sum_i nu_i / 2"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' ZPE',
                                        *sm[('ZPE', term)] * uconv)
        if term in ['vib', 'corr']:
            text += """ {:15.3f} [cm^-1]""".format(
                sm[('ZPE', term)] * qcel.constants.hartree2wavenumbers)
    text += """\n  Total ZPE, Electronic energy at 0 [K]                             {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(
        sm[('ZPE', 'tot')])

    text += """\n\n  Thermal Energy, E (includes ZPE)"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' E',
                                        *sm[('E', term)] * uconv)
    text += """\n  Total E, Electronic energy at {:7.2f} [K]                         {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(
        T, sm[('E', 'tot')])

    text += """\n\n  Enthalpy, H_trans = E_trans + k_B * T"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' H',
                                        *sm[('H', term)] * uconv)
    text += """\n  Total H, Enthalpy at {:7.2f} [K]                                  {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(
        T, sm[('H', 'tot')])

    text += """\n\n  Gibbs free energy, G = H - T * S"""
    for term in terms:
        text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' G',
                                        *sm[('G', term)] * uconv)
    text += """\n  Total G, Free enthalpy at {:7.2f} [K]                             {:15.8f} [Eh]\n""".format(
        T, sm[('G', 'tot')])

    return therminfo, text
예제 #6
파일: vib.py 프로젝트: qcdb/qcdb
def harmonic_analysis(hess,
    """Like so much other Psi4 goodness, originally by @andysim

    hess : ndarray of float
        (3*nat, 3*nat) non-mass-weighted Hessian in atomic units, [Eh/a0/a0].
    geom : ndarray of float
        (nat, 3) geometry [a0] at which Hessian computed.
    mass : ndarray of float
        (nat,) atomic masses [u].
    basisset : psi4.core.BasisSet
        Basis set object (can be dummy, e.g., STO-3G) for SALCs.
    irrep_labels : list of str
        Irreducible representation labels.
    dipder : ndarray of float
        (3, 3 * nat) dipole derivatives in atomic units, [Eh a0/u] or [(e a0/a0)^2/u]
    project_trans : bool, optional
        Idealized translations projected out of final vibrational analysis.
    project_rot : bool, optional
        Idealized rotations projected out of final vibrational analysis.

    dict, text
        Returns dictionary of vibration Datum objects (fields: label units data comment).
        Also returns text suitable for printing.

    .. _`table:vibaspectinfo`:

    | key           | description (label & comment)              | units     | data (real/imaginary modes)                          |
    | omega         | frequency                                  | cm^-1     | nd.array(ndof) complex (real/imag)                   |
    | q             | normal mode, normalized mass-weighted      | a0 u^1/2  | ndarray(ndof, ndof) float                            |
    | w             | normal mode, un-mass-weighted              | a0        | ndarray(ndof, ndof) float                            |
    | x             | normal mode, normalized un-mass-weighted   | a0        | ndarray(ndof, ndof) float                            |
    | degeneracy    | degree of degeneracy                       |           | ndarray(ndof) int                                    |
    | TRV           | translation/rotation/vibration             |           | ndarray(ndof) str 'TR' or 'V' or '-' for partial     |
    | gamma         | irreducible representation                 |           | ndarray(ndof) str irrep or None if unclassifiable    |
    | mu            | reduced mass                               | u         | ndarray(ndof) float (+/+)                            |
    | k             | force constant                             | mDyne/A   | ndarray(ndof) float (+/-)                            |
    | DQ0           | RMS deviation v=0                          | a0 u^1/2  | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0)                            |
    | Qtp0          | Turning point v=0                          | a0 u^1/2  | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0)                            |
    | Xtp0          | Turning point v=0                          | a0        | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0)                            |
    | theta_vib     | char temp                                  | K         | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0)                            |
    | IR_intensity  | infrared intensity                         | km/mol    | ndarray(ndof) float (+/+)                            |

    # displacement of first atom in highest energy mode
    >>> vibinfo['x'].data[:, -1].reshape(nat, 3)[0]

    # remove translations & rotations
    >>> vibonly = filter_nonvib(vibinfo)

    from psi4 import core

    if (mass.shape[0] == geom.shape[0] == (hess.shape[0] // 3) ==
        (hess.shape[1] // 3)) and (geom.shape[1] == 3):
        raise ValidationError(
            f"""Dimension mismatch among mass ({mass.shape}), geometry ({geom.shape}), and Hessian ({hess.shape})"""

    def mat_symm_info(a, atol=1e-14, lbl='array', stol=None):
        symm = np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=atol)
        herm = np.allclose(a, a.conj().T, atol=atol)
        ivrt = a.shape[0] - np.linalg.matrix_rank(a, tol=stol)
        return """  {:32} Symmetric? {}   Hermitian? {}   Lin Dep Dim? {:2}""".format(
            lbl + ':', symm, herm, ivrt)

    def vec_in_space(vec, space, tol=1.0e-4):
        merged = np.vstack((space, vec))
        u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(merged)
        return (s[-1] < tol)

    vibinfo = {}
    text = []

    nat = len(mass)
    text.append("""\n\n  ==> Harmonic Vibrational Analysis <==\n""")

    if nat == 1:
        nrt_expected = 3
    elif np.linalg.matrix_rank(geom) == 1:
        nrt_expected = 5
        nrt_expected = 6

    nmwhess = hess.copy()
        mat_symm_info(nmwhess, lbl='non-mass-weighted Hessian') + ' (0)')

    # get SALC object, possibly w/o trans & rot
    mints = core.MintsHelper(basisset)
    cdsalcs = mints.cdsalcs(0xFF, project_trans, project_rot)

    Uh = collections.OrderedDict()
    for h, lbl in enumerate(irrep_labels):
        tmp = np.asarray(cdsalcs.matrix_irrep(h))
        if tmp.size > 0:
            Uh[lbl] = tmp

    # form projector of translations and rotations
    space = ('T' if project_trans else '') + ('R' if project_rot else '')
    TRspace = _get_TR_space(mass, geom, space=space, tol=LINEAR_A_TOL)
    nrt = TRspace.shape[0]
        f'  projection of translations ({project_trans}) and rotations ({project_rot}) removed {nrt} degrees of freedom ({nrt_expected})'

    P = np.identity(3 * nat)
    for irt in TRspace:
        P -= np.outer(irt, irt)
    text.append(mat_symm_info(P, lbl='total projector') + f' ({nrt})')

    # mass-weight & solve
    sqrtmmm = np.repeat(np.sqrt(mass), 3)
    sqrtmmminv = np.divide(1.0, sqrtmmm)
    mwhess = np.einsum('i,ij,j->ij', sqrtmmminv, nmwhess, sqrtmmminv)
    text.append(mat_symm_info(mwhess, lbl='mass-weighted Hessian') + ' (0)')

    pre_force_constant_au = np.linalg.eigvalsh(mwhess)

    idx = np.argsort(pre_force_constant_au)
    pre_force_constant_au = pre_force_constant_au[idx]
    uconv_cm_1 = (
        np.sqrt(qcel.constants.na * qcel.constants.hartree2J * 1.0e19) /
        (2 * np.pi * qcel.constants.c * qcel.constants.bohr2angstroms))
    pre_frequency_cm_1 = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(
        pre_force_constant_au) * uconv_cm_1

    pre_lowfreq = np.where(np.real(pre_frequency_cm_1) < 100.0)[0]
    pre_lowfreq = np.append(
        pre_lowfreq, np.arange(nrt_expected))  # catch at least nrt modes
    for lf in set(pre_lowfreq):
        vlf = pre_frequency_cm_1[lf]
        if vlf.imag > vlf.real:
                '  pre-proj  low-frequency mode: {:9.4f}i [cm^-1]'.format(
                '  pre-proj  low-frequency mode: {:9.4f}  [cm^-1]'.format(
    text.append('  pre-proj  all modes:' +
                str(_format_omega(pre_frequency_cm_1, 4)))

    # project & solve
    mwhess_proj = np.dot(P.T, mwhess).dot(P)
        mat_symm_info(mwhess_proj, lbl='projected mass-weighted Hessian') +
        f' ({nrt})')

    #print('projhess = ', np.array_repr(mwhess_proj))
    force_constant_au, qL = np.linalg.eigh(mwhess_proj)

    # expected order for vibrations is steepest downhill to steepest uphill
    idx = np.argsort(force_constant_au)
    force_constant_au = force_constant_au[idx]
    qL = qL[:, idx]
    qL = _phase_cols_to_max_element(qL)
    vibinfo['q'] = Datum('normal mode',
                         'a0 u^1/2',
                         comment='normalized mass-weighted')

    # frequency, LAB II.17
    frequency_cm_1 = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(force_constant_au) * uconv_cm_1
    vibinfo['omega'] = Datum('frequency', 'cm^-1', frequency_cm_1)

    # degeneracies
    ufreq, uinv, ucts = np.unique(np.around(frequency_cm_1, 2),
    vibinfo['degeneracy'] = Datum('degeneracy', '', ucts[uinv])

    # look among the symmetry subspaces h for one to which the normco
    #   of vib does *not* add an extra dof to the vector space
    active = []
    irrep_classification = []
    for idx, vib in enumerate(frequency_cm_1):

        if vec_in_space(qL[:, idx], TRspace, 1.0e-4):


            for h in Uh.keys():
                if vec_in_space(qL[:, idx], Uh[h], 1.0e-4):

                # catch partial Hessians
                if np.linalg.norm(vib) < 1.e-3:
                    active[-1] = '-'

    vibinfo['TRV'] = Datum('translation/rotation/vibration',
    vibinfo['gamma'] = Datum('irreducible representation',

    lowfreq = np.where(np.real(frequency_cm_1) < 100.0)[0]
    lowfreq = np.append(lowfreq,
                        np.arange(nrt_expected))  # catch at least nrt modes
    for lf in set(lowfreq):
        vlf = frequency_cm_1[lf]
        if vlf.imag > vlf.real:
                '  post-proj low-frequency mode: {:9.4f}i [cm^-1] ({})'.format(
                    vlf.imag, active[lf]))
                '  post-proj low-frequency mode: {:9.4f}  [cm^-1] ({})'.format(
                    vlf.real, active[lf]))
    text.append('  post-proj  all modes:' +
                str(_format_omega(frequency_cm_1, 4)) + '\n')
    if project_trans and not project_rot:
            f'  Note that "Vibration"s include {nrt_expected - 3} un-projected rotation-like modes.'
    elif not project_trans and not project_rot:
            f'  Note that "Vibration"s include {nrt_expected} un-projected rotation-like and translation-like modes.'

    # general conversion factors, LAB II.11
    uconv_K = (qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.na *
               1.0e21) / (8 * np.pi * np.pi * qcel.constants.c)
    uconv_S = np.sqrt(
        (qcel.constants.c * (2 * np.pi * qcel.constants.bohr2angstroms)**2) /
        (qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.na * 1.0e21))

    # normco & reduced mass, LAB II.14 & II.15
    wL = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', sqrtmmminv, qL)
    vibinfo['w'] = Datum('normal mode', 'a0', wL, comment='un-mass-weighted')

    reduced_mass_u = np.divide(1.0, np.linalg.norm(wL, axis=0)**2)
    vibinfo['mu'] = Datum('reduced mass', 'u', reduced_mass_u)

    xL = np.sqrt(reduced_mass_u) * wL
    vibinfo['x'] = Datum('normal mode',
                         comment='normalized un-mass-weighted')

    # IR intensities, CCQC Proj. Eqns. 15-16
    uconv_kmmol = (qcel.constants.get("Avogadro constant") * np.pi * 1.e-3 *
                   qcel.constants.get("electron mass in u") *
                   qcel.constants.get("fine-structure constant")**2 *
                   qcel.constants.get("atomic unit of length") / 3)
    uconv_D2A2u = (qcel.constants.get('atomic unit of electric dipole mom.') *
                   1.e11 /
                   qcel.constants.get('hertz-inverse meter relationship') /
                   qcel.constants.get('atomic unit of length'))**2
    if not (dipder is None or np.array(dipder).size == 0):
        qDD = dipder.dot(wL)
        ir_intensity = np.zeros(qDD.shape[1])
        for i in range(qDD.shape[1]):
            ir_intensity[i] = qDD[:, i].dot(qDD[:, i])
        # working but not needed
        #vibinfo['IR_intensity'] = Datum('infrared intensity', 'Eh a0/u', ir_intensity)
        #ir_intensity_D2A2u = ir_intensity * uconv_D2A2u
        #vibinfo['IR_intensity'] = Datum('infrared intensity', '(D/AA)^2/u', ir_intens_D2A2u)
        ir_intensity_kmmol = ir_intensity * uconv_kmmol
        vibinfo['IR_intensity'] = Datum('infrared intensity', 'km/mol',

    # force constants, LAB II.16 (real compensates for earlier sqrt)
    uconv_mdyne_a = (0.1 *
                     (2 * np.pi * qcel.constants.c)**2) / qcel.constants.na
    force_constant_mdyne_a = reduced_mass_u * (
        frequency_cm_1 * frequency_cm_1).real * uconv_mdyne_a
    vibinfo['k'] = Datum('force constant', 'mDyne/A', force_constant_mdyne_a)

    force_constant_cm_1_bb = reduced_mass_u * (
        frequency_cm_1 * frequency_cm_1).real * uconv_S * uconv_S
    Datum('force constant',
          comment="Hooke's Law")

    # turning points, LAB II.20 (real & zero since turning point silly for imag modes)
    nu = 0
    turning_point_rnc = np.sqrt(2.0 * nu + 1.0)

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        turning_point_bohr_u = turning_point_rnc / (
            np.sqrt(frequency_cm_1.real) * uconv_S)
    turning_point_bohr_u[turning_point_bohr_u == np.inf] = 0.
    vibinfo['Qtp0'] = Datum('Turning point v=0', 'a0 u^1/2',

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        turning_point_bohr = turning_point_rnc / (
            np.sqrt(frequency_cm_1.real * reduced_mass_u) * uconv_S)
    turning_point_bohr[turning_point_bohr == np.inf] = 0.
    vibinfo['Xtp0'] = Datum('Turning point v=0', 'a0', turning_point_bohr)

    rms_deviation_bohr_u = turning_point_bohr_u / np.sqrt(2.0)
    vibinfo['DQ0'] = Datum('RMS deviation v=0', 'a0 u^1/2',

    # characteristic vibrational temperature, RAK thermo & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrational_temperature
    #   (imag freq zeroed)
    uconv_K = 100 * qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.c / qcel.constants.kb
    vib_temperature_K = frequency_cm_1.real * uconv_K
    vibinfo['theta_vib'] = Datum('char temp', 'K', vib_temperature_K)

    return vibinfo, '\n'.join(text)
예제 #7
파일: driver_nbody.py 프로젝트: qcdb/qcdb
def nbody_gufunc(func: Union[str, Callable], method_string: str, **kwargs):
    Computes the nbody interaction energy, gradient, or Hessian depending on input.
    This is a generalized univeral function for computing interaction and total quantities.

    :returns: *return type of func* |w--w| The data.

    :returns: (*float*, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| data and wavefunction with energy/gradient/hessian set appropriately when **return_wfn** specified.

    :type func: Callable
    :param func: ``energy`` || etc.

        Python function that accepts method_string and a molecule. Returns a
        energy, gradient, or Hessian as requested.

    :type method_string: str
    :param method_string: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc.

        First argument, lowercase and usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational
        method to be passed to func.

    :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>`
    :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc.

        The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined.

    :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>`
    :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr|

        Indicate to additionally return the :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`
        calculation result as the second element of a tuple.

    :type bsse_type: str or list
    :param bsse_type: ``'cp'`` || ``['nocp', 'vmfc']`` || |dl| ``None`` |dr| || etc.

        Type of BSSE correction to compute: CP, NoCP, or VMFC. The first in this
        list is returned by this function. By default, this function is not called.

    :type max_nbody: int
    :param max_nbody: ``3`` || etc.

        Maximum n-body to compute, cannot exceed the number of fragments in the moleucle.

    :type ptype: str
    :param ptype: ``'energy'`` || ``'gradient'`` || ``'hessian'``

        Type of the procedure passed in.

    :type return_total_data: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>`
    :param return_total_data: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr|

        If True returns the total data (energy/gradient/etc) of the system,
        otherwise returns interaction data.

    :type levels: dict
    :param levels: ``{1: 'ccsd(t)', 2: 'mp2', 'supersystem': 'scf'}`` || ``{1: 2, 2: 'ccsd(t)', 3: 'mp2'}`` || etc

        Dictionary of different levels of theory for different levels of expansion
        Note that method_string is not used in this case.
        supersystem computes all higher order n-body effects up to nfragments.

    :type embedding_charges: dict
    :param embedding_charges: ``{1: [-0.834, 0.417, 0.417], ..}``

        Dictionary of atom-centered point charges. keys: 1-based index of fragment, values: list of charges for each fragment.

    :type charge_method: str
    :param charge_method: ``scf/6-31g`` || ``b3lyp/6-31g*`` || etc

        Method to compute point charges for monomers. Overridden by embedding_charges if both are provided.

    :type charge_type: str
    :param charge_type: ``MULLIKEN_CHARGES`` || ``LOWDIN_CHARGES``

        Default is ``MULLIKEN_CHARGES``

    # Initialize dictionaries for easy data passing
    metadata, component_results, nbody_results = {}, {}, {}

    # Parse some kwargs
    kwargs = driver_util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)
    if kwargs.get("levels", False):
        return driver_nbody_helper.multi_level(func, **kwargs)
    metadata["ptype"] = kwargs.pop("ptype", None)
    metadata["return_wfn"] = kwargs.pop("return_wfn", False)
    metadata["return_total_data"] = kwargs.pop("return_total_data", False)
    metadata["molecule"] = kwargs.pop("molecule")
    metadata["molecule"].update_geometry()  # MM
    metadata["embedding_charges"] = kwargs.get("embedding_charges", False)
    metadata["kwargs"] = kwargs
    #    core.clean_variables()

    if metadata["ptype"] not in ["energy", "gradient", "hessian"]:
        raise ValidationError(
            """N-Body driver: The ptype '%s' is not recognized.""" %

    if metadata["ptype"] not in ["energy"]:
        raise ValidationError(
            """N-Body driver: Only energy ptype available for now.""")

    # Parse bsse_type, raise exception if not provided or unrecognized
    metadata["bsse_type_list"] = kwargs.pop("bsse_type")
    if metadata["bsse_type_list"] is None:
        raise ValidationError("N-Body GUFunc: Must pass a bsse_type")
    if not isinstance(metadata["bsse_type_list"], list):
        metadata["bsse_type_list"] = [metadata["bsse_type_list"]]

    for num, btype in enumerate(metadata["bsse_type_list"]):
        metadata["bsse_type_list"][num] = btype.lower()
        if btype.lower() not in ["cp", "nocp", "vmfc"]:
            raise ValidationError(
                "N-Body GUFunc: bsse_type '%s' is not recognized" %

    metadata["max_nbody"] = kwargs.get("max_nbody", -1)
    if metadata["molecule"].nfragments() == 1:
        raise ValidationError(
            "N-Body requires active molecule to have more than 1 fragment.")
    metadata["max_frag"] = metadata["molecule"].nfragments()
    if metadata["max_nbody"] == -1:
        metadata["max_nbody"] = metadata["molecule"].nfragments()
        metadata["max_nbody"] = min(metadata["max_nbody"],

    # Flip this off for now, needs more testing
    # If we are doing CP lets save them integrals
    # if 'cp' in bsse_type_list and (len(bsse_type_list) == 1):
    #    # Set to save RI integrals for repeated full-basis computations
    #    ri_ints_io = core.get_global_option('DF_INTS_IO')

    #    # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 or just scf
    #    core.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE')
    #    psioh = core.IOManager.shared_object()
    #    psioh.set_specific_retention(97, True)

    bsse_str = metadata["bsse_type_list"][0]
    if len(metadata["bsse_type_list"]) > 1:
        bsse_str = str(metadata["bsse_type_list"])
    print("   ===> N-Body Interaction Abacus <===\n")
    print("        BSSE Treatment:                     %s\n" % bsse_str)

    # Get compute list
    metadata = build_nbody_compute_list(metadata)

    # Compute N-Body components
    component_results = compute_nbody_components(func, method_string, metadata)

    # Assemble N-Body quantities
    nbody_results = assemble_nbody_components(metadata, component_results)

    # Build wfn and bind variables
    jobrec = {}
    calcinfo = []
    # TODO hack
    jobrec["molecule"] = metadata["molecule"]
    #    wfn = core.Wavefunction.build(metadata['molecule'], 'def2-svp')
    dicts = [
    if metadata["ptype"] == "gradient":
        #        wfn.set_gradient(nbody_results['ret_ptype'])
            Datum("CURRENT GRADIENT", "Eh/a0", nbody_results["ret_ptype"]))
        nbody_results["gradient_body_dict"] = nbody_results["ptype_body_dict"]
    elif metadata["ptype"] == "hessian":
        nbody_results["hessian_body_dict"] = nbody_results["ptype_body_dict"]
        #        wfn.set_hessian(nbody_results['ret_ptype'])
            Datum("CURRENT HESSIAN", "Eh/a0/a0", nbody_results["ret_ptype"]))
        component_results_gradient = component_results.copy()
        component_results_gradient["ptype"] = component_results_gradient[
        metadata["ptype"] = "gradient"
        nbody_results_gradient = assemble_nbody_components(
            metadata, component_results_gradient)
        #        wfn.set_gradient(nbody_results_gradient['ret_ptype'])
        nbody_results["gradient_body_dict"] = nbody_results_gradient[
            Datum("CURRENT GRADIENT", "Eh/a0",

    for r in [component_results, nbody_results]:
        for d in r:
            if d in dicts:
                for var, value in r[d].items():
                        #                        wfn.set_scalar_variable(str(var), value)
                        #                        core.set_scalar_variable(str(var), value)
                        calcinfo.append(Datum(str(var), "Eh", value))
                        #                        wfn.set_array_variable(d.split('_')[0].upper() + ' ' + str(var), core.Matrix.from_array(value))
                                d.split("_")[0].upper() + " " + str(var), "?",

    #    core.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY", nbody_results['ret_energy'])
    #    wfn.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY", nbody_results['ret_energy'])
    calcinfo.append(Datum("CURRENT ENERGY", "Eh", nbody_results["ret_energy"]))
    if metadata["ptype"] == "gradient":
        #        core.set_variable("CURRENT GRADIENT", nbody_results['ret_ptype'])
            Datum("CURRENT GRADIENT", "Eh/a0", nbody_results["ret_ptype"]))
    elif metadata["ptype"] == "hessian":
        #        core.set_variable("CURRENT HESSIAN", nbody_results['ret_ptype'])
            Datum("CURRENT HESSIAN", "Eh/a0/a0", nbody_results["ret_ptype"]))

    jobrec["qcvars"] = {info.label: info for info in calcinfo}
    pe.active_qcvars = copy.deepcopy(jobrec["qcvars"])

    if metadata["return_wfn"]:
        return (nbody_results["ret_ptype"], jobrec)
        return nbody_results["ret_ptype"]