예제 #1
    def test_full_write(self):
        formatter = GNUPlotFormat()
        location = self.locations[0]
        data = DataSet1D(name="test_full_write", location=location)

        formatter.write(data, data.io, data.location)

        with open(location + '/x_set.dat') as f:
            self.assertEqual(f.read(), file_1d())

        # check that we can add comment lines randomly into the file
        # as long as it's after the first three lines, which are comments
        # with well-defined meaning,
        # and that we can un-quote the labels
        lines = file_1d().split('\n')
        lines[1] = lines[1].replace('"', '')
        lines[3:3] = ['# this data is awesome!']
        lines[6:6] = ['# the next point is my favorite.']
        with open(location + '/x_set.dat', 'w') as f:

        # normally this would be just done by data2 = load_data(location)
        # but we want to work directly with the Formatter interface here
        data2 = DataSet(location=location)

        self.checkArraysEqual(data2.x_set, data.x_set)
        self.checkArraysEqual(data2.y, data.y)

        # data has been saved
        self.assertEqual(data.y.last_saved_index, 4)
        # data2 has been read back in, should show the same
        # last_saved_index
        self.assertEqual(data2.y.last_saved_index, 4)

        # while we're here, check some errors on bad reads

        # first: trying to read into a dataset that already has the
        # wrong size
        x = DataArray(name='x_set', label='X', preset_data=(1., 2.))
        y = DataArray(name='y',
                      preset_data=(3., 4.),
                      set_arrays=(x, ))
        data3 = new_data(arrays=(x, y), location=location + 'XX')
        # initially give it a different location so we can make it without
        # error, then change back to the location we want.
        data3.location = location
        with LogCapture() as logs:

        self.assertTrue('ValueError' in logs.value, logs.value)

        # no problem reading again if only data has changed, it gets
        # overwritten with the disk copy
        data2.x_set[2] = 42
        data2.y[2] = 99
        self.assertEqual(data2.x_set[2], 3)
        self.assertEqual(data2.y[2], 5)
예제 #2
    def test_format_options(self):
        formatter = GNUPlotFormat(extension='.splat', terminator='\r',
                                  separator='  ', comment='?:',
        location = self.locations[0]
        data = DataSet1D(location)

        formatter.write(data, data.io, data.location)

        # TODO - Python3 uses universal newlines for read and write...
        # which means '\n' gets converted on write to the OS standard
        # (os.linesep) and all of the options we support get converted
        # back to '\n' on read. So I'm tempted to just take out terminator
        # as an option rather than turn this feature off.
        odd_format = '\n'.join([
            '?:x_set  y',
            '?:"X"  "Y"',
            ' 1.00   3.00',
            ' 2.00   4.00',
            ' 3.00   5.00',
            ' 4.00   6.00',
            ' 5.00   7.00', ''])

        with open(location + '/x_set.splat', 'r') as f:
            self.assertEqual(f.read(), odd_format)
예제 #3
    def test_incremental_write(self):
        formatter = GNUPlotFormat()
        location = self.locations[0]
        location2 = self.locations[1]  # use 2nd location for reading back in
        data = DataSet1D(location)
        path = location + '/x_set.dat'

        data_copy = DataSet1D(False)

        # empty the data and mark it as unmodified
        data.x_set[:] = float('nan')
        data.y[:] = float('nan')
        data.x_set.modified_range = None
        data.y.modified_range = None

        # simulate writing after every value comes in, even within
        # one row (x comes first, it's the setpoint)
        # we'll add a '*' after each write and check that they're
        # in the right places afterward, ie we don't write any given
        # row until it's done and we never totally rewrite the file
        self.stars_before_write = 0
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(data_copy.x_set, data_copy.y)):
            data.x_set[i] = x
            formatter.write(data, data.io, data.location)
            formatter.write(data, data.io, location2)

            data.y[i] = y
            formatter.write(data, data.io, data.location)
            formatter.write(data, data.io, location2)

            # we wrote to a second location without the stars, so we can read
            # back in and make sure that we get the right last_saved_index
            # for the amount of data we've read.
            reread_data = load_data(location=location2, data_manager=False,
                                    formatter=formatter, io=data.io)
            self.assertEqual(reread_data.x_set.last_saved_index, i)
            self.assertEqual(reread_data.y.last_saved_index, i)

        starred_file = '\n'.join([
            '# x_set\ty',
            '# "X"\t"Y"',
            '# 5',
            '**5\t7', '*'])

        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            self.assertEqual(f.read(), starred_file)
        self.assertEqual(self.stars_before_write, 1)
예제 #4
    def test_multifile(self):
        formatter = GNUPlotFormat()
        location = self.locations[1]
        data = DataSetCombined(location)

        formatter.write(data, data.io, data.location)

        filex, filexy = files_combined()

        with open(location + '/x_set.dat') as f:
            self.assertEqual(f.read(), filex)
        with open(location + '/x_set_y_set.dat') as f:
            self.assertEqual(f.read(), filexy)

        data2 = DataSet(location=location)

        for array_id in ('x_set', 'y1', 'y2', 'y_set', 'z1', 'z2'):