예제 #1
def generate_dataset_table(guids: Sequence[str],
                           conn: Optional[ConnectionPlus] = None) -> str:
    Generate an ASCII art table of information about the runs attached to the
    supplied guids.

        guids: Sequence of one or more guids
        conn: A ConnectionPlus object with a connection to the database.

    Returns: ASCII art table of information about the supplied guids.
    from tabulate import tabulate
    headers = ["captured_run_id", "captured_counter", "experiment_name",
               "sample_id", "location", "work_station"]
    table = []
    for guid in guids:
        ds = load_by_guid(guid, conn=conn)
        parsed_guid = parse_guid(guid)
        table.append([ds.captured_run_id, ds.captured_counter, ds.exp_name,
                      parsed_guid['sample'], parsed_guid['location'],
    return tabulate(table, headers=headers)
예제 #2
    def make_test_guid(cfg, loc: int, smpl: int, stat: int):
        cfg['GUID_components']['location'] = loc
        cfg['GUID_components']['work_station'] = stat
        cfg['GUID_components']['sample'] = smpl

        guid = generate_guid()
        gen_time = int(np.round(time.time() * 1000))

        comps = parse_guid(guid)

        assert comps['location'] == loc
        assert comps['work_station'] == stat
        assert comps['sample'] == smpl
        assert comps['time'] - gen_time < 2

        return guid
예제 #3
def test_generate_guid(loc, stat, smpl):
    # update config to generate a particular guid. Read it back to verify
    with default_config():
        cfg = qc.config
        cfg['GUID_components']['location'] = loc
        cfg['GUID_components']['work_station'] = stat
        cfg['GUID_components']['sample'] = smpl

        guid = generate_guid()
        gen_time = int(np.round(time.time() * 1000))

        comps = parse_guid(guid)

        if smpl == 0:
            smpl = int('a' * 8, base=16)

        assert comps['location'] == loc
        assert comps['work_station'] == stat
        assert comps['sample'] == smpl
        assert comps['time'] - gen_time < 2
예제 #4
def test_guid(dataset):
    guid = dataset.guid
    assert len(guid) == 36
예제 #5
def test_update_existing_guids(caplog):

    old_loc = 101
    old_ws = 1200

    new_loc = 232
    new_ws = 52123

    # prepare five runs with different location and work station codes

    with location_and_station_set_to(0, 0):
        new_experiment('test', sample_name='test_sample')

        ds1 = new_data_set('ds_one')
        xparam = ParamSpec('x', 'numeric')
        ds1.add_result({'x': 1})

        ds2 = new_data_set('ds_two')
        ds2.add_result({'x': 2})

        guid_comps_1 = parse_guid(ds1.guid)
        assert guid_comps_1['location'] == 0
        assert guid_comps_1['work_station'] == 0

        guid_comps_2 = parse_guid(ds2.guid)
        assert guid_comps_2['location'] == 0
        assert guid_comps_2['work_station'] == 0

    with location_and_station_set_to(0, old_ws):
        ds3 = new_data_set('ds_three')
        xparam = ParamSpec('x', 'numeric')
        ds3.add_result({'x': 3})

    with location_and_station_set_to(old_loc, 0):
        ds4 = new_data_set('ds_four')
        xparam = ParamSpec('x', 'numeric')
        ds4.add_result({'x': 4})

    with location_and_station_set_to(old_loc, old_ws):
        ds5 = new_data_set('ds_five')
        xparam = ParamSpec('x', 'numeric')
        ds5.add_result({'x': 5})

    with location_and_station_set_to(new_loc, new_ws):

        expected_levels = [
            'INFO', 'INFO', 'INFO', 'INFO', 'INFO', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'INFO',
            'WARNING', 'INFO', 'INFO'

        with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):

            for record, lvl in zip(caplog.records, expected_levels):
                assert record.levelname == lvl

        guid_comps_1 = parse_guid(ds1.guid)
        assert guid_comps_1['location'] == new_loc
        assert guid_comps_1['work_station'] == new_ws

        guid_comps_2 = parse_guid(ds2.guid)
        assert guid_comps_2['location'] == new_loc
        assert guid_comps_2['work_station'] == new_ws

        guid_comps_3 = parse_guid(ds3.guid)
        assert guid_comps_3['location'] == 0
        assert guid_comps_3['work_station'] == old_ws

        guid_comps_4 = parse_guid(ds4.guid)
        assert guid_comps_4['location'] == old_loc
        assert guid_comps_4['work_station'] == 0

        guid_comps_5 = parse_guid(ds5.guid)
        assert guid_comps_5['location'] == old_loc
        assert guid_comps_5['work_station'] == old_ws
예제 #6
def _assert_loc_station(ds, expected_loc, expected_station):
    guid_dict = parse_guid(ds.guid)
    assert guid_dict["location"] == expected_loc
    assert guid_dict["work_station"] == expected_station
예제 #7
파일: queries.py 프로젝트: asqum/Qcodes
def update_GUIDs(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Update all GUIDs in this database where either the location code or the
    work_station code is zero to use the location and work_station code from
    the qcodesrc.json file in home. Runs where it is not true that both codes
    are zero are skipped.

    log.info('Commencing update of all GUIDs in database')

    cfg = qc.Config()

    location = cfg['GUID_components']['location']
    work_station = cfg['GUID_components']['work_station']

    if location == 0:
        log.warning('The location is still set to the default (0). Can not '
                    'proceed. Please configure the location before updating '
                    'the GUIDs.')
    if work_station == 0:
        log.warning('The work_station is still set to the default (0). Can not'
                    ' proceed. Please configure the location before updating '
                    'the GUIDs.')

    query = f"select MAX(run_id) from runs"
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, query)
    no_of_runs = c.fetchall()[0][0]

    # now, there are four actions we can take

    def _both_nonzero(run_id: int, *args) -> None:
        log.info(f'Run number {run_id} already has a valid GUID, skipping.')

    def _location_only_zero(run_id: int, *args) -> None:
        log.warning(f'Run number {run_id} has a zero (default) location '
                    'code, but a non-zero work station code. Please manually '
                    'resolve this, skipping the run now.')

    def _workstation_only_zero(run_id: int, *args) -> None:
        log.warning(f'Run number {run_id} has a zero (default) work station'
                    ' code, but a non-zero location code. Please manually '
                    'resolve this, skipping the run now.')

    def _both_zero(run_id: int, conn, guid_comps) -> None:
        guid_str = generate_guid(timeint=guid_comps['time'],
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            sql = f"""
                   UPDATE runs
                   SET guid = ?
                   where run_id == {run_id}
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql, (guid_str, ))

        log.info(f'Succesfully updated run number {run_id}.')

    actions: Dict[Tuple[bool, bool], Callable]
    actions = {
        (True, True): _both_zero,
        (False, True): _workstation_only_zero,
        (True, False): _location_only_zero,
        (False, False): _both_nonzero

    for run_id in range(1, no_of_runs + 1):
        guid_str = get_guid_from_run_id(conn, run_id)
        guid_comps = parse_guid(guid_str)
        loc = guid_comps['location']
        ws = guid_comps['work_station']

        log.info(f'Updating run number {run_id}...')
        actions[(loc == 0, ws == 0)](run_id, conn, guid_comps)