def inUnit(self, unit): unitStr = self.unit + '-' + unit if not unitStr.lower() == 'eh-eh': self.Et, self.unit = qtk.convE(self.Et, unitStr) if hasattr(self, 'energies'): for key in self.energies.keys(): self.energies[key], _ = qtk.convE(self.energies[key], unitStr) return self
def __sub__(self, other): out = copy.deepcopy(self) if isinstance(other, qtk.QM.general_io.GenericQMOutput): if self.unit == other.unit: out.Et = self.Et - other.Et else: unitStr = self.unit + '-' + other.unit out.Et = self.Et + qtk.convE(other.Et, unitStr, '-') out.scf_step = max(self.scf_step, other.scf_step) elif (type(other) is int) or (type(other) is float): out.Et = self.Et - other else: out.Et = np.nan return out
def __sub__(self, other): out = copy.deepcopy(self) if isinstance(other, qtk.QM.general_io.GenericQMOutput): if self.unit == other.unit: out.Et = self.Et - other.Et else: unitStr = self.unit + '-' + other.unit out.Et = self.Et + qtk.convE(other.Et, unitStr, '-') out.scp_step = max(self.scf_step, other.scf_step) elif (type(other) is int) or (type(other) is float): out.Et = self.Et - other else: out.Et = np.nan return out
def unfold(self, k_path, folds, epsilon=1E-5, WFK=None, overwrite=False, shift=None, **kwargs): path = self.path cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) f2b_list = sorted(glob.glob('*.f2b')) if not f2b_list or overwrite: if not WFK: WFK_card = '%s/*_WFK' % path WFK_list = sorted(glob.glob(WFK_card)) if len(WFK_list) > 0: WFK = WFK_list[-1] else: qtk.exit('wavefunction file not found.') exe = qtk.setting.abinit_f2b_exe log_name = '%s_f2b.log' % log = open(log_name, 'w') fold_str = [str(f) for f in folds] cmd_str = "%s %s %s" % (exe, WFK, ':'.join(fold_str)) run = sp.Popen(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=log) run.wait() log.close() f2b_list = sorted(glob.glob('*.f2b')) f2b = f2b_list[0] k_path = np.asarray(k_path) def dp2l_vec(X0_list, p0, p1): eps = epsilon denom = p1 - p0 denomabs = np.linalg.norm(denom) if denomabs < eps: return False numer = np.cross(X0_list - p0[np.newaxis, :], X0_list - p1[np.newaxis, :]) return np.linalg.norm(numer, axis=1) / denomabs _data = read_csv(f2b, delim_whitespace=True, dtype='float64', header=None).values os.chdir(cwd) KEIG = _data[:, :3] EIG = np.array(_data[:, 3]) * qtk.convE(1, 'Ha-ev')[0] if not hasattr(self, 'fermi_index'): self.fermi_index = self.molecule.getValenceElectrons() / 2 - 1 if not shift: EIG = EIG - np.max([:, self.fermi_index]) else: EIG = EIG - shift EIG = EIG.tolist() W = _data[:, 4] L = [] ENE = [] WGHT = [] G = self.G_lattice.copy() for i in range(3): G[i, :] = G[i, :] * folds[i] k_path = KEIG = itr_test = 0 dl = 0 for ikp in range(len(k_path) - 1): itr = 0 p0 = k_path[ikp, :] p1 = k_path[ikp + 1, :] B = p0 - p1 dk = np.linalg.norm(B) dist_vec = dp2l_vec(KEIG, p0, p1) ind1 = (dist_vec < epsilon) A_vec = (p0[np.newaxis, :] - KEIG)[ind1] x_vec = / dk ind2 = (x_vec > 0) * ((x_vec - dk) < epsilon) L.extend((x_vec[ind2] + dl).tolist()) ENE.extend(np.asarray(EIG)[ind1][ind2].tolist()) WGHT.extend(np.asarray(W)[ind1][ind2].tolist()) dl = dl + dk L = np.array(L, dtype='float64') ENE = np.array(ENE, dtype='float64') WGHT = np.array(WGHT, dtype='float64') return L, ENE, WGHT
def __init__(self, qmout, **kwargs): PlanewaveOutput.__init__(self, qmout, **kwargs) out_file = open(qmout) data = out_file.readlines() out_file.close() EStrList = filter(lambda x: 'Etotal' in x, data) EList = filter(lambda x: 'ETOT' in x, data) self.scf_step = len(EList) if self.scf_step > 0: Et_list = [float(filter(None, s.split(' '))[2]) for s in EList] self.Et = Et_list[-1] elif len(EStrList) > 0: EStr = EStrList[-1] self.Et = float(EStr.split(' ')[-1]) if len(EStrList) > 0: EStr = EStrList[-1] detailInd = data.index(EStr) self.detail = data[detailInd - 7:detailInd] GStr = filter(lambda x: 'G(1)' in x, data)[-1] ind_g = len(data) - data[::-1].index(GStr) - 1 G_lattice = [] for i in range(3): G_lattice.append( np.fromstring(data[ind_g + i].split('=')[-1], sep=' ')) self.G_lattice = np.array(G_lattice) xangst = filter(lambda x: 'xangst' in x, data)[-1] angst_n = len(data) - data[::-1].index(xangst) - 1 xcart = filter(lambda x: 'xcart' in x, data)[-1] cart_n = len(data) - data[::-1].index(xcart) - 1 Rstr = copy.deepcopy(data[angst_n:cart_n]) Rstr[0] = Rstr[0].replace('xangst', '') R = [[float(r) for r in filter(None, s.split(' '))] for s in Rstr] N = len(R) ZstrOriginal = filter(lambda x: ' typat' in x, data)[-1] Zstr = ZstrOriginal.replace('typat', '') Zind = [int(z) for z in filter(None, Zstr.split(' '))] ZindItr = data.index(ZstrOriginal) while len(Zind) != N: ZindItr += 1 ZindNewStr = filter(None, data[ZindItr].split(' ')) ZindNew = [int(z) for z in ZindNewStr] Zind.extend(ZindNew) NZnuc = filter(lambda x: 'ntypat' in x, data)[-1] NZnuc = int(filter(None, NZnuc.split(' '))[-1]) Znuc = filter(lambda x: 'znucl ' in x, data)[-1] line_znuc = len(data) - data[::-1].index(Znuc) Znuc = filter(None, Znuc.replace('znucl', '').split(' ')) Znuc = [float(z) for z in Znuc] while len(Znuc) < NZnuc: Znuc_new = filter(None, data[line_znuc].split(' ')) Znuc_new = [float(z) for z in Znuc_new] Znuc.extend(Znuc_new) line_znuc = line_znuc + 1 build = [] for i in range(N): Z = [Znuc[Zind[i] - 1]] Z.extend(R[i]) build.append(Z) self.molecule = qtk.Molecule() if self.scf_step > 0: fStr = filter(lambda x: 'tesian forces (hartree/b' in x, data)[-1] fInd = data.index(fStr) fData = data[fInd + 1:fInd + 1 + N] force = [] for f in fData: fStr = filter(None, f.split(' '))[1:] force.append([float(fs) for fs in fStr]) self.force = np.array(force) self.occupation = [] try: r1p = re.compile(r'^[ a-z]{17} +[ 0-9.E+-]+$') r2p = re.compile(r'^ +[a-z]+ +.*$') report = filter(r2p.match, filter(r1p.match, data)) occ_ptn_lst = filter(lambda x: ' occ ' in x, report) if len(occ_ptn_lst) > 0: occ_pattern = occ_ptn_lst[-1] occ_pattern_ind = len(report) - report[::-1].index(occ_pattern) occ_pattern_end = report[occ_pattern_ind] occ_ind_start = len(data) - data[::-1].index(occ_pattern) - 1 occ_ind_end = len(data) - data[::-1].index(occ_pattern_end) - 1 for i in range(occ_ind_start, occ_ind_end): for occ in filter(None, data[i].split(' ')): try: self.occupation.append(float(occ)) except Exception as err: pass except Exception as err: qtk.warning("error when extracting occupation number with" +\ " error message: %s" % str(err)) cell_pattern = re.compile(r'^ R.*=.* G.*=.*$') cell_list = filter(cell_pattern.match, data) cell = [] for cstr in cell_list: cell.append([float(c) for c in filter(None, cstr.split(' '))[1:4]]) self.lattice = np.array(cell) / 1.889726124993 self.celldm = qtk.lattice2celldm(self.lattice) self.molecule.R_scale = qtk.xyz2fractional(self.molecule.R, self.celldm) eigStr = os.path.join(os.path.split(qmout)[0], '*_EIG') eigFileList = sorted(glob.glob(eigStr)) if len(eigFileList) != 0: if 'eig_index' in kwargs: eig_i = kwargs['eig_index'] else: eig_i = -1 if len(eigFileList) > 1: qtk.warning( "more than one o_EIG files found " + \ "loading last file with name: %s" % eigFileList[eig_i] ) eigFile = open(eigFileList[eig_i]) eigData = eigFile.readlines() eigFile.close() unitStr = filter(lambda x: 'Eigenvalues' in x, eigData)[0] unitStr = unitStr.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') unit = filter(None, unitStr.split(' '))[1] spinList = filter(lambda x: 'SPIN' in x, eigData) if len(spinList) != 0: spinFactor = 2 maxInd = eigData.index(spinList[-1]) else: spinFactor = 1 maxInd = len(eigData) ind = [] for kStr in filter(lambda x: 'kpt#' in x, eigData): ind.append(eigData.index(kStr)) band = [] kpoints = [] if spinFactor == 1: for i in range(len(ind)): wcoord = eigData[ind[i]].split('wtk=')[-1].split(', kpt=') weight = float(wcoord[0]) cStr = filter(None, wcoord[1].split('(')[0].split(' ')) coord = [float(c) for c in cStr] coord.append(weight) kpoints.append(coord) s = ind[i] + 1 if i < len(ind) - 1: e = ind[i + 1] else: e = len(eigData) eig_i = filter(None, ''.join(eigData[s:e]).split(' ')) band.append([ qtk.convE(float(ew), '%s-eV' % unit)[0] for ew in eig_i ]) = np.array(band) self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints) self.mo_eigenvalues = np.array(band[0]).copy() if len(self.occupation) > 0: diff = np.diff(self.occupation) ind = np.array(range(len(diff))) pos = diff[np.where(abs(diff) > 0.5)] mask = np.in1d(diff, pos) if len(ind[mask]) > 0: N_state = ind[mask][0] else: qtk.warning("occupation number not available... " + \ "try to use molecule object with closed shell assumption" ) N_state = self.molecule.getValenceElectrons() / 2 - 1 vb = max([:, N_state]) cb = min([:, N_state + 1]) vb_pos = np.argmax([:, N_state]) cb_pos = np.argmin([:, N_state + 1]) self.Eg = cb - vb if vb_pos == cb_pos: self.Eg_direct = True else: self.Eg_direct = False self.fermi_index = N_state else: qtk.warning("spin polarized band data " +\ "extraction is not yet implemented") else: qtk.warning('no k-point information (o_EIG file) found')
def __init__(self, qmout, **kwargs): PlanewaveOutput.__init__(self, qmout, **kwargs) out_file = open(qmout) data = out_file.readlines() out_file.close() Et_pattern = re.compile("^.*total energy *=.*$") f_pattern = re.compile("^.*atom.*type.*force.*=.*$") Et_list = filter(Et_pattern.match, data) f_list = filter(f_pattern.match, data) if len(Et_list) > 0: Et_str = filter(Et_pattern.match, data)[-1] Et = float(Et_str.split()[-2]) self.Et, self.unit = qtk.convE(Et, 'Ry-Eh') out_folder = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(qmout))[0] save = glob.glob(os.path.join(out_folder, '*.save')) # extract force information if len(f_list) > 0: fstr = [filter(None, fstr.split('=')[-1].split(' ')) for fstr in f_list] # atomic unit force, HF/au, converted from Ry/au self.force = 0.5 * np.array( [[float(comp) for comp in atm] for atm in fstr] ) # extract band structure from xml files if save: save = save[0] try: data_xml = os.path.join(save, 'data-file.xml') xml_file = open(data_xml) tree = ET.parse(xml_file) xml_file.close() self.xml = tree.getroot() kpoints = [] band = [] # extract celldm celldm = [] cellVec = [] for i in range(1, 4): cellvStr = filter(None, self.xml[2][4][i].text.replace('\n', '').split(' ') ) cellVec.append([float(v) for v in cellvStr]) self.celldm = qtk.cellVec2celldm(cellVec) # extract structure R = [] N = int(self.xml[3][0].text.replace('\n', '')) Nsp = int(self.xml[3][1].text.replace('\n', '')) for i in range(N): RiStr = self.xml[3][5+Nsp+i].get('tau') Ri = [float(r) * 0.529177249 for r in RiStr.split(' ')] ni = self.xml[3][5+Nsp+i].get('SPECIES') Z = [qtk.n2Z(ni)] Z.extend(Ri) R.append(Z) self.molecule = qtk.Molecule() # access data for each kpoint for k in self.xml[-2]: k_str = k[0].text coord = [float(c) for c in k_str.split()] weight = float(k[1].text.split()[0]) coord.append(weight) kpoints.append(coord) ev_file = os.path.join(save, k[2].attrib['iotk_link']) k_xml_file = open(ev_file) k_xml = ET.parse(k_xml_file) k_xml_file.close() ev_k = k_xml.getroot() ev_str = ev_k[2].text.split() ev = [qtk.convE(float(entry), 'Eh-eV')[0]\ for entry in ev_str] band.append(ev) occ_str = ev_k[3].text.split() occ = [float(entry) for entry in occ_str] self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints) self.mo_eigenvalues = copy.deepcopy(band[0]) = np.array(band) self.occupation = occ diff = np.diff(occ) pos = diff[np.where(abs(diff) > 0.5)] mask = np.in1d(diff, pos) ind = np.array(range(len(diff))) if len(ind[mask]) > 0: N_state = ind[mask][0] vb = max([:, N_state]) cb = min([:, N_state + 1]) vb_pos = np.argmax([:, N_state]) cb_pos = np.argmin([:, N_state + 1]) self.Eg = cb - vb if vb_pos == cb_pos: self.Eg_direct = True else: self.Eg_direct = False cell = [] for i in range(1, 4): vec = filter( None, self.xml[2][4][i].text.replace('\n', '').split(' ')) cell.append([float(v) for v in vec]) self.lattice = np.array(cell) / 1.889726124993 self.celldm = qtk.lattice2celldm(self.lattice) self.molecule.R_scale = qtk.xyz2fractional( self.molecule.R, self.celldm) except IOError: qtk.warning('xml file of job %s not found' % qmout) else: qtk.warning('job %s not finished' % qmout)
def __init__(self, qmout, **kwargs): PlanewaveOutput.__init__(self, qmout, **kwargs) out_file = open(qmout) data = out_file.readlines() out_file.close() Et_pattern = re.compile("^.*total energy *=.*$") f_pattern = re.compile("^.*atom.*type.*force.*=.*$") Et_list = filter(Et_pattern.match, data) f_list = filter(f_pattern.match, data) if len(Et_list) > 0: Et_str = filter(Et_pattern.match, data)[-1] Et = float(Et_str.split()[-2]) self.Et, self.unit = qtk.convE(Et, 'Ry-Eh') out_folder = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(qmout))[0] save = glob.glob(os.path.join(out_folder, '*.save')) # extract force information if len(f_list) > 0: fstr = [ filter(None, fstr.split('=')[-1].split(' ')) for fstr in f_list ] # atomic unit force, HF/au, converted from Ry/au self.force = 0.5 * np.array([[float(comp) for comp in atm] for atm in fstr]) # extract band structure from xml files if save: save = save[0] try: data_xml = os.path.join(save, 'data-file.xml') xml_file = open(data_xml) tree = ET.parse(xml_file) xml_file.close() self.xml = tree.getroot() kpoints = [] band = [] # extract celldm celldm = [] cellVec = [] for i in range(1, 4): cellvStr = filter( None, self.xml[2][4][i].text.replace('\n', '').split(' ')) cellVec.append([float(v) for v in cellvStr]) self.celldm = qtk.cellVec2celldm(cellVec) # extract structure R = [] N = int(self.xml[3][0].text.replace('\n', '')) Nsp = int(self.xml[3][1].text.replace('\n', '')) for i in range(N): RiStr = self.xml[3][5 + Nsp + i].get('tau') Ri = [float(r) * 0.529177249 for r in RiStr.split(' ')] ni = self.xml[3][5 + Nsp + i].get('SPECIES') Z = [qtk.n2Z(ni)] Z.extend(Ri) R.append(Z) self.molecule = qtk.Molecule() # access data for each kpoint for k in self.xml[-2]: k_str = k[0].text coord = [float(c) for c in k_str.split()] weight = float(k[1].text.split()[0]) coord.append(weight) kpoints.append(coord) ev_file = os.path.join(save, k[2].attrib['iotk_link']) k_xml_file = open(ev_file) k_xml = ET.parse(k_xml_file) k_xml_file.close() ev_k = k_xml.getroot() ev_str = ev_k[2].text.split() ev = [qtk.convE(float(entry), 'Eh-eV')[0]\ for entry in ev_str] band.append(ev) occ_str = ev_k[3].text.split() occ = [float(entry) for entry in occ_str] self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints) self.mo_eigenvalues = copy.deepcopy(band[0]) = np.array(band) self.occupation = occ diff = np.diff(occ) pos = diff[np.where(abs(diff) > 0.5)] mask = np.in1d(diff, pos) ind = np.array(range(len(diff))) if len(ind[mask]) > 0: N_state = ind[mask][0] vb = max([:, N_state]) cb = min([:, N_state + 1]) vb_pos = np.argmax([:, N_state]) cb_pos = np.argmin([:, N_state + 1]) self.Eg = cb - vb if vb_pos == cb_pos: self.Eg_direct = True else: self.Eg_direct = False cell = [] for i in range(1, 4): vec = filter( None, self.xml[2][4][i].text.replace('\n', '').split(' ')) cell.append([float(v) for v in vec]) self.lattice = np.array(cell) / 1.889726124993 self.celldm = qtk.lattice2celldm(self.lattice) self.molecule.R_scale = qtk.xyz2fractional( self.molecule.R, self.celldm) except IOError: qtk.warning('xml file of job %s not found' % qmout) else: qtk.warning('job %s not finished' % qmout)
def __init__(self, qmout, **kwargs): PlanewaveOutput.__init__(self, qmout, **kwargs) out_file = open(qmout) data = out_file.readlines() out_file.close() EStrList = filter(lambda x: 'Etotal' in x, data) EList = filter(lambda x: 'ETOT' in x, data) self.scf_step = len(EList) if self.scf_step > 0: Et_list = [float(filter(None, s.split(' '))[2]) for s in EList] self.Et = Et_list[-1] elif len(EStrList) > 0: EStr = EStrList[-1] self.Et = float(EStr.split(' ')[-1]) if len(EStrList) > 0: EStr = EStrList[-1] detailInd = data.index(EStr) self.detail = data[detailInd-7:detailInd] xangst = filter(lambda x: 'xangst' in x, data)[-1] angst_n = len(data) - data[::-1].index(xangst) - 1 xcart = filter(lambda x: 'xcart' in x, data)[-1] cart_n = len(data) - data[::-1].index(xcart) - 1 Rstr = copy.deepcopy(data[angst_n:cart_n]) Rstr[0] = Rstr[0].replace('xangst', '') R = [[float(r) for r in filter(None, s.split(' '))] for s in Rstr] N = len(R) ZstrOriginal = filter(lambda x: ' typat' in x, data)[-1] Zstr = ZstrOriginal.replace('typat', '') Zind = [int(z) for z in filter(None, Zstr.split(' '))] ZindItr = data.index(ZstrOriginal) while len(Zind) != N: ZindItr += 1 ZindNewStr = filter(None, data[ZindItr].split(' ')) ZindNew = [int(z) for z in ZindNewStr] Zind.extend(ZindNew) Znuc = filter(lambda x: 'znucl ' in x, data)[-1] Znuc = filter(None, Znuc.replace('znucl', '').split(' ')) Znuc = [float(z) for z in Znuc] build = [] for i in range(N): Z = [Znuc[Zind[i]-1]] Z.extend(R[i]) build.append(Z) self.molecule = qtk.Molecule() if self.scf_step > 0: fStr = filter(lambda x: 'tesian forces (hartree/b' in x, data)[-1] fInd = data.index(fStr) fData = data[fInd+1:fInd+1+N] force = [] for f in fData: fStr = filter(None, f.split(' '))[1:] force.append([float(fs) for fs in fStr]) self.force = np.array(force) self.occupation = [] try: r1p = re.compile(r'^[ a-z]{17} +[ 0-9.E+-]+$') r2p = re.compile(r'^ +[a-z]+ +.*$') report = filter(r2p.match, filter(r1p.match, data)) occ_pattern = filter(lambda x: ' occ ' in x, report)[-1] occ_pattern_ind = len(report) - report[::-1].index(occ_pattern) occ_pattern_end = report[occ_pattern_ind] occ_ind_start = len(data) - data[::-1].index(occ_pattern) - 1 occ_ind_end = len(data) - data[::-1].index(occ_pattern_end) - 1 for i in range(occ_ind_start, occ_ind_end): for occ in filter(None, data[i].split(' ')): try: self.occupation.append(float(occ)) except: pass except Exception as err: qtk.warning("error when extracting occupation number with" +\ " error message: %s" % str(err)) cell_pattern = re.compile(r'^ R.*=.* G.*=.*$') cell_list = filter(cell_pattern.match, data) cell = [] for cstr in cell_list: cell.append( [float(c) for c in filter(None, cstr.split(' '))[1:4]]) self.lattice = np.array(cell) / 1.889726124993 self.celldm = qtk.lattice2celldm(self.lattice) self.molecule.R_scale = qtk.xyz2fractional( self.molecule.R, self.celldm) eigStr = os.path.join(os.path.split(qmout)[0], '*_EIG') eigFileList = glob.glob(eigStr) if len(eigFileList) != 0: if len(eigFileList) > 1: qtk.warning("more than one o_EIG files found") eigFile = open(eigFileList[0]) eigData = eigFile.readlines() eigFile.close() spinList = filter(lambda x: 'SPIN' in x, eigData) if len(spinList) != 0: spinFactor = 2 maxInd = eigData.index(spinList[-1]) else: spinFactor = 1 maxInd = len(eigData) ind = [] for kStr in filter(lambda x: 'kpt#' in x, eigData): ind.append(eigData.index(kStr)) band = [] kpoints = [] if spinFactor == 1: for i in range(len(ind)): wcoord = eigData[ind[i]].split('wtk=')[-1].split(', kpt=') weight = float(wcoord[0]) cStr = filter(None, wcoord[1].split('(')[0].split(' ')) coord = [float(c) for c in cStr] coord.append(weight) kpoints.append(coord) s = ind[i] + 1 if i < len(ind) - 1: e = ind[i+1] else: e = len(eigData) eig_i = filter(None, ''.join(eigData[s:e]).split(' ')) band.append([qtk.convE(float(ew), 'Eh-eV')[0] for ew in eig_i]) = np.array(band) self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints) self.mo_eigenvalues = np.array(band[0]).copy() if len(self.occupation) > 0: diff = np.diff(self.occupation) ind = np.array(range(len(diff))) pos = diff[np.where(abs(diff) > 0.5)] mask = np.in1d(diff, pos) if len(ind[mask]) > 0: N_state = ind[mask][0] vb = max([:, N_state]) cb = min([:, N_state + 1]) vb_pos = np.argmax([:, N_state]) cb_pos = np.argmin([:, N_state + 1]) self.Eg = cb - vb if vb_pos == cb_pos: self.Eg_direct = True else: self.Eg_direct = False else: qtk.warning("spin polarized band data " +\ "extraction is not yet implemented") else: qtk.warning('no k-point information (o_EIG file) found')
def __init__(self, qmoutXML, **kwargs): PlanewaveOutput.__init__(self, qmoutXML, **kwargs) if qmoutXML: #xml_file = open(qmoutXML) tree = ET.parse(qmoutXML) #xml_file.close() self.xml = tree.getroot() self.Et, self.unit = qtk.convE(float(self.xml[-2][-5][1].text), 'eV-Eh', '-') = self.xml[0][1].text self.SCFStep = len(self.xml[-2]) - 9 try: # kpoints and band structure data kpoints = [] band = [] occ = [] ktag = self.xml[2] if ktag.tag != 'kpoints': qtk.exit("vasp xml structure for kpoints unexpected") if ktag[0].tag == 'generation': k_ind = 1 elif ktag[0].tag == 'varray': k_ind = 0 else: qtk.exit("vasp xml for kpointss has unexpected tag: %s" % ktag[0].tag) for i in range(len(ktag[k_ind])): k_str = ktag[k_ind][i].text weight = float(ktag[k_ind + 1][i].text) band_k = [] occ_k = [] bk_xml = self.xml[-2][-3][0][5][0][i] for b_xml in bk_xml: b, o = [float(c) for c in b_xml.text.split()] band_k.append(b) occ_k.append(o) coord = [float(c) for c in k_str.split()] coord.append(weight) kpoints.append(coord) band.append(band_k) occ.append(occ_k) self.mo_eigenvalues = copy.deepcopy(band[0]) self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints) = np.array(band) self.occupation = occ[0] diff = np.diff(occ[0]) pos = diff[np.where(abs(diff) > 0.5)] mask = np.in1d(diff, pos) ind = np.array(range(len(diff))) if len(ind[mask]) > 0: N_state = ind[mask][0] vb = max([:, N_state]) cb = min([:, N_state + 1]) vb_pos = np.argmax([:, N_state]) cb_pos = np.argmin([:, N_state + 1]) self.Eg = cb - vb if vb_pos == cb_pos: self.Eg_direct = True else: self.Eg_direct = False ind = np.arange(len(self.kpoints))[self.kpoints[:, -1] == 0] if len(ind > 0): ind_w = np.arange(len( self.kpoints))[self.kpoints[:, -1] != 0] self.band_weighted =[ind_w] self.kpoints_weighted = self.kpoints[ind_w] =[ind] self.kpoints = self.kpoints[ind] # DOS data dos = [] self.E_fermi = float(self.xml[-2][-1][0].text) for dos_xml in self.xml[-2][-1][1][0][5][0]: dos_lst = filter(None, dos_xml.text.split(' ')) dos_E = [float(d) for d in dos_lst] dos.append(dos_E) self.dos = np.array(dos) except Exception as err: qtk.warning("error when accessing kpoint data for %s with err: %s"\ % (, err))
def __init__(self, qmoutXML, **kwargs): PlanewaveOutput.__init__(self, qmoutXML, **kwargs) if qmoutXML: #xml_file = open(qmoutXML) tree = ET.parse(qmoutXML) #xml_file.close() self.xml = tree.getroot() self.Et, self.unit = qtk.convE(float(self.xml[-2][-5][1].text), 'eV-Eh', '-') = self.xml[0][1].text self.SCFStep = len(self.xml[-2])-9 try: # kpoints and band structure data kpoints = [] band = [] occ = [] for i in range(len(self.xml[2][1])): k_str = self.xml[2][1][i].text weight = float(self.xml[2][2][i].text) band_k = [] occ_k = [] bk_xml = self.xml[-2][-3][0][5][0][i] for b_xml in bk_xml: b, o = [float(c) for c in b_xml.text.split()] band_k.append(b) occ_k.append(o) coord = [float(c) for c in k_str.split()] coord.append(weight) kpoints.append(coord) band.append(band_k) occ.append(occ_k) self.mo_eigenvalues = copy.deepcopy(band[0]) self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints) = np.array(band) self.occupation = occ[0] diff = np.diff(occ[0]) pos = diff[np.where(abs(diff) > 0.5)] mask = np.in1d(diff, pos) ind = np.array(range(len(diff))) if len(ind[mask]) > 0: N_state = ind[mask][0] vb = max([:, N_state]) cb = min([:, N_state + 1]) vb_pos = np.argmax([:, N_state]) cb_pos = np.argmin([:, N_state + 1]) self.Eg = cb - vb if vb_pos == cb_pos: self.Eg_direct = True else: self.Eg_direct = False # DOS data dos = [] self.E_fermi = float(self.xml[-2][-1][0].text) print self.E_fermi for dos_xml in self.xml[-2][-1][1][0][5][0]: dos_lst = filter(None, dos_xml.text.split(' ')) dos_E = [float(d) for d in dos_lst] dos.append(dos_E) self.dos = np.array(dos) except: qtk.warning("error when accessing kpoint data for %s"\ %
def findBonds(self, ratio=setting.bond_ratio, **kwargs): del self.segments del self.bond_types self.segments = [] self.bond_types = {} if 'no_report' not in kwargs or not kwargs['no_report']:"Molecule", "finding bonds with cutoff ratio", ratio) def to_graph(l): G = networkx.Graph() for part in l: # each sublist is a bunch of nodes G.add_nodes_from(part) # it also imlies a number of edges: G.add_edges_from(to_edges(part)) return G def to_edges(l): """ treat `l` as a Graph and returns it's edges to_edges(['a','b','c','d']) -> [(a,b), (b,c),(c,d)] """ it = iter(l) last = next(it) for current in it: yield last, current last = current itr = 0 bond_list = [] bonded = [False for i in range(self.N)] for i in xrange(self.N): for j in xrange(i+1, self.N): d_ij = np.linalg.norm(self.R[i,:] - self.R[j,:]) atom_i = getattr(pt, self.type_list[i]) atom_j = getattr(pt, self.type_list[j]) Ri = atom_i.covalent_radius + \ atom_i.covalent_radius_uncertainty Rj = atom_j.covalent_radius + \ atom_j.covalent_radius_uncertainty Dij = (Ri+Rj) * float(ratio) if d_ij < Dij: bonded[i] = True bonded[j] = True if self.Z[i] < self.Z[j]: atom_begin = self.Z[i] atom_end = self.Z[j] index_begin = i index_end = j else: atom_begin = self.Z[j] atom_end = self.Z[i] index_begin = j index_end = i self.bonds[itr] = {'atom_begin' : atom_begin, 'index_begin' : index_begin, 'atom_end' : atom_end, 'index_end' : index_end, 'length' : d_ij} bond_list.append([i, j]) type_begin = qtk.Z2n(atom_begin) type_end = qtk.Z2n(atom_end) bond_table = bond_keys = [] bond_keys = [ type_begin + _ + type_end for _ in ['-', '=', '#'] ] try: bond_type_ind = np.argmin( abs( np.array([ bond_table[k][0] for k in bond_keys if k in bond_table.keys() ]) - d_ij ) ) except Exception as _e: self.write_xyz() qtk.exit( "error while processing bond" +\ str(bond_keys) + "with error message %s" % str(_e)) bond_type = bond_keys[bond_type_ind] self.bonds[itr]['name'] = bond_type bond_energy = \ bond_table[bond_keys[bond_type_ind]][1] * \ qtk.convE(1, 'kj-kcal')[0] self.bonds[itr]['energy'] = bond_energy if np.isnan(bond_energy): qtk.warning("Non-tabliated covalent bond %s" % bond_type) if bond_type in self.bond_types: self.bond_types[bond_type] += 1 else: self.bond_types[bond_type] = 1 itr += 1 segments = list(connected_components(to_graph(bond_list))) for s in range(len(segments)): segment = list(segments[s]) new_mol = self.getSegment(segment, **kwargs) ns = len(self.segments) = + '_%d' % ns self.segments.append(new_mol) for s in [i for i in range(self.N) if not bonded[i]]: segment = [s] new_mol = self.getSegment(segment, **kwargs) ns = len(self.segments) = + '_%d' % ns self.segments.append(new_mol)
def findBonds(self, ratio=setting.bond_ratio, **kwargs): del self.segments del self.bond_types self.segments = [] self.bond_types = {} if 'no_report' not in kwargs or not kwargs['no_report']:"Molecule", "finding bonds with cutoff ratio", ratio) def to_graph(l): G = networkx.Graph() for part in l: # each sublist is a bunch of nodes G.add_nodes_from(part) # it also imlies a number of edges: G.add_edges_from(to_edges(part)) return G def to_edges(l): """ treat `l` as a Graph and returns it's edges to_edges(['a','b','c','d']) -> [(a,b), (b,c),(c,d)] """ it = iter(l) last = next(it) for current in it: yield last, current last = current itr = 0 bond_list = [] bonded = [False for i in range(self.N)] for i in xrange(self.N): for j in xrange(i+1, self.N): d_ij = np.linalg.norm(self.R[i,:] - self.R[j,:]) atom_i = getattr(pt, self.type_list[i]) atom_j = getattr(pt, self.type_list[j]) Ri = atom_i.covalent_radius + \ atom_i.covalent_radius_uncertainty Rj = atom_j.covalent_radius + \ atom_j.covalent_radius_uncertainty Dij = (Ri+Rj) * float(ratio) if d_ij < Dij: bonded[i] = True bonded[j] = True if self.Z[i] < self.Z[j]: atom_begin = self.Z[i] atom_end = self.Z[j] index_begin = i index_end = j else: atom_begin = self.Z[j] atom_end = self.Z[i] index_begin = j index_end = i self.bonds[itr] = {'atom_begin' : atom_begin, 'index_begin' : index_begin, 'atom_end' : atom_end, 'index_end' : index_end, 'length' : d_ij} bond_list.append([i, j]) type_begin = qtk.Z2n(atom_begin) type_end = qtk.Z2n(atom_end) bond_table = bond_keys = [] bond_keys = [ type_begin + _ + type_end for _ in ['-', '=', '#'] ] try: bond_type_ind = np.argmin( abs( np.array([ bond_table[k][0] for k in bond_keys if k in bond_table.keys() ]) - d_ij ) ) except Exception as _e: qtk.warning( "error while processing bond" +\ str(bond_keys) + "with error message %s" % str(_e)) bond_type_ind = -1 bond_type = bond_keys[bond_type_ind] self.bonds[itr]['name'] = bond_type try: bond_energy = \ bond_table[bond_keys[bond_type_ind]][1] * \ qtk.convE(1, 'kj-kcal')[0] except: bond_energy = np.nan self.bonds[itr]['energy'] = bond_energy if np.isnan(bond_energy): qtk.warning("Non-tabliated covalent bond %s" % bond_type) if bond_type in self.bond_types: self.bond_types[bond_type] += 1 else: self.bond_types[bond_type] = 1 itr += 1 segments = list(connected_components(to_graph(bond_list))) for s in range(len(segments)): segment = list(segments[s]) new_mol = self.getSegment(segment, **kwargs) ns = len(self.segments) = + '_%d' % ns self.segments.append(new_mol) for s in [i for i in range(self.N) if not bonded[i]]: segment = [s] new_mol = self.getSegment(segment, **kwargs) ns = len(self.segments) = + '_%d' % ns self.segments.append(new_mol)