class TestVhostUserLiveMigration(TestCase): def set_up_all(self): # verify at least two duts self.verify(len(self.duts) >= 2, "Insufficient duts for live migration!!!") # each dut required one ports self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports() # Verify that enough ports are available self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= 1, "Insufficient ports for testing") self.dut_port = self.dut_ports[0] dut_ip = self.dut.crb['My IP'] self.host_tport = self.tester.get_local_port_bydut(self.dut_port, dut_ip) self.host_tintf = self.tester.get_interface(self.host_tport) self.backup_ports = self.duts[1].get_ports() # Verify that enough ports are available self.verify(len(self.backup_ports) >= 1, "Insufficient ports for testing") self.backup_port = self.backup_ports[0] # backup host ip will be used in migrate command self.backup_dutip = self.duts[1].crb['My IP'] self.backup_tport = self.tester.get_local_port_bydut(self.backup_port, self.backup_dutip) self.backup_tintf = self.tester.get_interface(self.backup_tport) # Use testpmd as vhost-user application on host/backup server self.vhost = "./%s/app/testpmd" % self.vm_testpmd = "./%s/app/testpmd -c 0x3 -n 4 -- -i" % self.virio_mac = "52:54:00:00:00:01" # flag for environment self.env_done = False def set_up(self): self.setup_vm_env() pass def bind_nic_driver(self, crb, ports, driver=""): # modprobe vfio driver if driver == "vfio-pci": for port in ports: netdev = crb.ports_info[port]['port'] driver = netdev.get_nic_driver() if driver != 'vfio-pci': netdev.bind_driver(driver='vfio-pci') elif driver == "igb_uio": # igb_uio should insmod as default, no need to check for port in ports: netdev = crb.ports_info[port]['port'] driver = netdev.get_nic_driver() if driver != 'igb_uio': netdev.bind_driver(driver='igb_uio') else: for port in ports: netdev = crb.ports_info[port]['port'] driver_now = netdev.get_nic_driver() if driver == "": driver = netdev.default_driver if driver != driver_now: netdev.bind_driver(driver=driver) def setup_vm_env(self, driver='default'): """ Create testing environment on Host and Backup """ if self.env_done: return # start vhost application on host and backup machines"Start vhost on host and backup host") for crb in self.duts[:2]: self.bind_nic_driver(crb, [crb.get_ports()[0]], driver="igb_uio") # start vhost app: testpmd, predict hugepage on both sockets base_dir = crb.base_dir.replace('~', '/root') crb.send_expect("rm -f %s/vhost-net" % base_dir, "# ") crb.send_expect("%s -c f -n 4 --socket-mem 512,512 --vdev 'eth_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net,queues=1' -- -i" % self.vhost, "testpmd> ",60) crb.send_expect("start", "testpmd> ") try: # set up host virtual machine self.host_vm = QEMUKvm(self.duts[0], 'host', 'vhost_user_live_migration') vhost_params = {} vhost_params['driver'] = 'vhost-user' # qemu command can't use ~ base_dir = self.dut.base_dir.replace('~', '/root') vhost_params['opt_path'] = base_dir + '/vhost-net' vhost_params['opt_mac'] = self.virio_mac self.host_vm.set_vm_device(**vhost_params)"Start virtual machine on host") self.vm_host = self.host_vm.start() if self.vm_host is None: raise Exception("Set up host VM ENV failed!") self.host_serial = self.host_vm.connect_serial_port(name='vhost_user_live_migration') if self.host_serial is None: raise Exception("Connect host serial port failed!")"Start virtual machine on backup host") # set up backup virtual machine self.backup_vm = QEMUKvm(self.duts[1], 'backup', 'vhost_user_live_migration') vhost_params = {} vhost_params['driver'] = 'vhost-user' # qemu command can't use ~ base_dir = self.dut.base_dir.replace('~', '/root') vhost_params['opt_path'] = base_dir + '/vhost-net' vhost_params['opt_mac'] = self.virio_mac self.backup_vm.set_vm_device(**vhost_params) # start qemu command self.backup_vm.start() except Exception as ex: if ex is VirtDutInitException: self.host_vm.stop() self.host_vm = None # no session created yet, call internal stop function self.backup_vm._stop_vm() self.backup_vm = None else: self.destroy_vm_env() raise Exception(ex) self.env_done = True def destroy_vm_env(self): # if environment has been destroyed, just skip if self.env_done is False: return if getattr(self, 'host_serial', None): if self.host_vm is not None: self.host_vm.close_serial_port() if getattr(self, 'backup_serial', None): if self.backup_serial is not None and self.backup_vm is not None: self.backup_vm.close_serial_port() if getattr(self, 'vm_host', None): if self.vm_host is not None: self.host_vm.stop() self.host_vm = None"Stop virtual machine on backup host") if getattr(self, 'vm_backup', None): if self.vm_backup is not None: self.vm_backup.kill_all() # backup vm dut has been initialized, destroy backup vm self.backup_vm.stop() self.backup_vm = None if getattr(self, 'backup_vm', None): # only qemu start, no session created if self.backup_vm is not None: self.backup_vm.stop() self.backup_vm = None # after vm stopped, stop vhost testpmd for crb in self.duts[:2]: crb.kill_all() for crb in self.duts[:2]: self.bind_nic_driver(crb, [crb.get_ports()[0]], driver="igb_uio") self.env_done = False def send_pkts(self, intf, number=0): """ send packet from tester """ sendp_fmt = "sendp([Ether(dst='%(DMAC)s')/IP()/UDP()/Raw('x'*18)], iface='%(INTF)s', count=%(COUNT)d)" sendp_cmd = sendp_fmt % {'DMAC': self.virio_mac, 'INTF': intf, 'COUNT': number} self.tester.scapy_append(sendp_cmd) self.tester.scapy_execute() # sleep 10 seconds for heavy load with backup host time.sleep(10) def verify_dpdk(self, tester_port, serial_session): num_pkts = 10 stats_pat = re.compile("RX-packets: (\d+)") intf = self.tester.get_interface(tester_port) serial_session.send_expect("stop", "testpmd> ") serial_session.send_expect("set fwd rxonly", "testpmd> ") serial_session.send_expect("clear port stats all", "testpmd> ") serial_session.send_expect("start tx_first", "testpmd> ") # send packets from tester self.send_pkts(intf, number=num_pkts) out = serial_session.send_expect("show port stats 0", "testpmd> ") m = if m: num_received = int( else: num_received = 0"Verified %s packets recevied" % num_received) self.verify(num_received >= num_pkts, "Not receive packets as expected!!!") def verify_kernel(self, tester_port, vm_dut): """ Function to verify packets received by virtIO """ intf = self.tester.get_interface(tester_port) num_pkts = 10 # get host interface vm_intf = vm_dut.ports_info[0]['port'].get_interface_name() # start tcpdump the interface vm_dut.send_expect("ifconfig %s up" % vm_intf, "# ") direct_pat = re.compile(r"(\s+)\[ (\S+) in\|out\|inout \]") vm_dut.send_expect("tcpdump -h", "# ") out = vm_dut.get_session_output(timeout=1) m = if m: direct_param = "-" +[1] + " in" else: direct_param = "" vm_dut.send_expect("tcpdump -i %s %s -v" % (vm_intf, direct_param), "listening on", 120) # wait for promisc on time.sleep(3) # send packets from tester self.send_pkts(intf, number=num_pkts) # killall tcpdump and verify packet received out = vm_dut.get_session_output(timeout=1) vm_dut.send_expect("^C", "# ") num = out.count('UDP')"Verified %s packets recevied" % num_pkts) self.verify(num == num_pkts, "Not receive packets as expected!!!") def test_migrate_with_kernel(self): """ Verify migrate virtIO device from host to backup host, Verify before/in/after migration, device with kernel driver can receive packets """ # bind virtio-net back to virtio-pci self.bind_nic_driver(self.vm_host, [self.vm_host.get_ports()[0]], driver="") # verify host virtio-net work fine self.verify_kernel(self.host_tport, self.vm_host)"Migrate host VM to backup host") # start live migration ret = self.host_vm.start_migration(self.backup_dutip, self.backup_vm.migrate_port) self.verify(ret, "Failed to migration, please check VM and qemu version") # make sure still can receive packets in migration process self.verify_kernel(self.host_tport, self.vm_host)"Waiting migration process done") # wait live migration done self.host_vm.wait_migration_done() # check vhost testpmd log after migration out = self.duts[0].get_session_output(timeout=1) self.verify("closed" in out, "Vhost Connection NOT closed on host") out = self.duts[1].get_session_output(timeout=1) self.verify("established" in out, "Device not ready on backup host")"Migration process done, then go to backup VM") # connected backup VM self.vm_backup = self.backup_vm.migrated_start() # make sure still can receive packets self.verify_kernel(self.backup_tport, self.vm_backup) def test_migrate_with_dpdk(self): # bind virtio-net to igb_uio self.bind_nic_driver(self.vm_host, [self.vm_host.get_ports()[0]], driver="igb_uio") # start testpmd on host vm base_dir = self.vm_host.base_dir.replace('~', '/root') self.host_serial.send_expect('cd %s' % base_dir, "# ") self.host_serial.send_expect(self.vm_testpmd, "testpmd> ", 120) # verify testpmd receive packets self.verify_dpdk(self.host_tport, self.host_serial)"Migrate host VM to backup host") # start live migration ret = self.host_vm.start_migration(self.backup_dutip, self.backup_vm.migrate_port) self.verify(ret, "Failed to migration, please check VM and qemu version") # make sure still can receive packets in migration process self.verify_dpdk(self.host_tport, self.host_serial)"Waiting migration process done") # wait live migration done self.host_vm.wait_migration_done() # check vhost testpmd log after migration out = self.duts[0].get_session_output(timeout=1) self.verify("closed" in out, "Vhost Connection NOT closed on host") out = self.duts[1].get_session_output(timeout=1) self.verify("established" in out, "Device not ready on backup host")"Migration process done, then go to backup VM") time.sleep(5) # make sure still can receive packets self.backup_serial = self.backup_vm.connect_serial_port(name='vhost_user_live_migration', first=False) if self.backup_serial is None: raise Exception("Connect backup host serial port failed!") self.verify_dpdk(self.backup_tport, self.backup_serial) # quit testpmd self.backup_serial.send_expect("quit", "# ") def tear_down(self): self.destroy_vm_env() pass def tear_down_all(self): pass
class TestVhostPmdXstats(TestCase): def set_up_all(self): """ Run at the start of each test suite. """ self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports(self.nic) self.unbind_ports = copy.deepcopy(self.dut_ports) self.unbind_ports.remove(0) self.dut.unbind_interfaces_linux(self.unbind_ports) cores = self.dut.get_core_list("1S/4C/1T") self.coremask = utils.create_mask(cores) self.scapy_num = 0 self.dmac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dut_ports[0]) self.virtio1_mac = "52:54:00:00:00:01" # build sample app out = self.dut.build_dpdk_apps("./examples/vhost") self.verify("Error" not in out, "compilation error 1") self.verify("No such file" not in out, "compilation error 2") def set_up(self): """ Run before each test case. Launch vhost sample using default params """ self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf ./vhost.out", "#") self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf ./vhost-net*", "#") self.dut.send_expect("killall vhost-switch", "#") self.dut.send_expect("killall qemu-system-x86_64", "#") def vm_testpmd_start(self): """ Start testpmd in vm """ self.vm_testpmd = "./%s/app/testpmd -c 0x3 -n 4 -- -i --txqflags=0xf01" % if self.vm_dut is not None: self.vm_dut.send_expect(self.vm_testpmd, "testpmd>", 60) def vm_tx_first_start(self): """ Start tx_first """ if self.vm_dut is not None: # Start tx_first self.vm_dut.send_expect("set fwd mac", "testpmd>") self.vm_dut.send_expect("start tx_first", "testpmd>") def start_onevm(self): """ Start One VM with one virtio device """ self.vm_dut = None self.vm = QEMUKvm(self.dut, 'vm0', 'vhost_pmd_xstats') vm_params = {} vm_params['driver'] = 'vhost-user' vm_params['opt_path'] = './vhost-net' vm_params['opt_mac'] = self.virtio1_mac self.vm.set_vm_device(**vm_params) try: self.vm_dut = self.vm.start() if self.vm_dut is None: raise Exception("Set up VM ENV failed") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failure for %s" % str(e)) return True def scapy_send_packet(self, pktsize, dmac, num=1): """ Send a packet to port """ self.scapy_num += 1 txport = self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[0]) self.txItf = self.tester.get_interface(txport) pkt = Packet(pkt_type='TCP', pkt_len=pktsize) pkt.config_layer('ether', { 'dst': dmac, }) pkt.send_pkt(tx_port=self.txItf, count=num) def send_verify(self, scope, mun): """ according the scope to check results """ out = self.dut.send_expect("show port xstats %s" % self.dut_ports[0], "testpmd>", 60) packet ="rx_%s_packets:\s*(\d*)" % scope, out) sum_packet = self.verify( int(sum_packet) >= mun, "Insufficient the received package") def prepare_start(self): """ prepare all of the conditions for start """ self.dut.send_expect( "./%s/app/testpmd -c %s -n %s --socket-mem 1024,0 --vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1' -- -i --nb-cores=1" % (, self.coremask, self.dut.get_memory_channels()), "testpmd>", 60) self.start_onevm() self.vm_testpmd_start() self.dut.send_expect("set fwd mac", "testpmd>", 60) self.dut.send_expect("start tx_first", "testpmd>", 60) self.vm_tx_first_start() def test_based_size(self): """ Verify receiving and transmitting packets correctly in the Vhsot PMD xstats """ self.prepare_start() sizes = [64, 65, 128, 256, 513, 1025] scope = '' for pktsize in sizes: if pktsize == 64: scope = 'size_64' elif 65 <= pktsize <= 127: scope = 'size_65_to_127' elif 128 <= pktsize <= 255: scope = 'size_128_to_255' elif 256 <= pktsize <= 511: scope = 'size_256_to_511' elif 512 <= pktsize <= 1023: scope = 'size_512_to_1023' elif 1024 <= pktsize: scope = 'size_1024_to_max' self.scapy_send_packet(pktsize, self.dmac, 10000) self.send_verify(scope, 10000) self.clear_port_xstats(scope) def clear_port_xstats(self, scope): self.dut.send_expect("clear port xstats all", "testpmd>", 60) out = self.dut.send_expect("show port xstats %s" % self.dut_ports[0], "testpmd>", 60) packet ="rx_%s_packets:\s*(\d*)" % scope, out) sum_packet = self.verify(int(sum_packet) == 0, "Insufficient the received package") def test_based_types(self): """ Verify different type of packets receiving and transmitting packets correctly in the Vhsot PMD xstats """ self.prepare_start() types = ['ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', '01:00:00:33:00:01'] scope = '' for p in types: if p == 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff': scope = 'broadcast' self.dmac = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff' elif p == '01:00:00:33:00:01': scope = 'multicast' self.dmac = '01:00:00:33:00:01' self.scapy_send_packet(64, self.dmac, 10000) self.send_verify(scope, 10000) self.clear_port_xstats(scope) def test_stability(self): """ Verify stability case with multiple queues for Vhsot PMD xstats Send packets for 30 minutes, check the Xstatsa still can work correctly """ self.scapy_num = 0 self.prepare_start() date_old = date_new = date_old + datetime.timedelta(minutes=2) while (1): date_now = self.scapy_send_packet(64, self.dmac, 1) if date_now >= date_new: break out_0 = self.dut.send_expect("show port xstats %s" % self.dut_ports[0], "testpmd>", 60) rx_packet ="rx_size_64_packets:\s*(\d*)", out_0) rx_packets = self.verify( self.scapy_num == int(rx_packets), "Error for rx_package:%s != tx_package :%s" % (self.scapy_num, int(rx_packets))) def tear_down(self): """ Run after each test case. """ self.vm._stop_vm() self.dut.kill_all() time.sleep(2) def tear_down_all(self): """ Run after each test suite. """ self.dut.bind_interfaces_linux(nics_to_bind=self.unbind_ports)