예제 #1
 def getLinkPointForParameter(self, paramIndex):
     offsetX = 25
     if isinstance(self.element, Algorithm) and self.element.paramsFolded:
         paramIndex = -1
         offsetX = 17
     font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
     fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
     if isinstance(self.element, Algorithm):
         h = -(fm.height() * 1.2) * (paramIndex + 2) - fm.height() / 2.0 + 8
         h = h - ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0
         h = 0
     return QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + offsetX, h)
예제 #2
    def getAdjustedText(self, text):
        font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
        fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
        w = fm.width(text)
        if w < self.BOX_WIDTH - 25 - FlatButtonGraphicItem.WIDTH:
            return text

        text = text[0:-3] + '…'
        w = fm.width(text)
        while w > self.BOX_WIDTH - 25 - FlatButtonGraphicItem.WIDTH:
            text = text[0:-4] + '…'
            w = fm.width(text)
        return text
예제 #3
 def getLinkPointForOutput(self, outputIndex):
     if isinstance(self.element, Algorithm) and self.element.algorithm.outputs:
         outputIndex = (outputIndex if not self.element.outputsFolded else -1)
         text = self.getAdjustedText(self.element.algorithm.outputs[outputIndex].description)
         font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
         fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
         w = fm.width(text)
         h = fm.height() * 1.2 * (outputIndex + 1) + fm.height() / 2.0
         y = h + ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 + 5
         x = (-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 33 + w
              + 5 if not self.element.outputsFolded else 10)
         return QPointF(x, y)
         return QPointF(0, 0)
예제 #4
    def boundingRect(self):
        font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
        fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
        unfolded = isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm) and not self.element.parametersCollapsed()
        numParams = len([a for a in self.element.algorithm().parameterDefinitions() if not a.isDestination()]) if unfolded else 0
        unfolded = isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm) and not self.element.outputsCollapsed()
        numOutputs = len(self.element.algorithm().outputDefinitions()) if unfolded else 0

        hUp = fm.height() * 1.2 * (numParams + 2)
        hDown = fm.height() * 1.2 * (numOutputs + 2)
        rect = QRectF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                      -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 - hUp,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + hDown + hUp)
        return rect
예제 #5
    def boundingRect(self):
        font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
        fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
        unfolded = isinstance(self.element, Algorithm) and not self.element.paramsFolded
        numParams = len(self.element.algorithm.parameters) if unfolded else 0
        unfolded = isinstance(self.element, Algorithm) and not self.element.outputsFolded
        numOutputs = len(self.element.algorithm.outputs) if unfolded else 0

        hUp = fm.height() * 1.2 * (numParams + 2)
        hDown = fm.height() * 1.2 * (numOutputs + 2)
        rect = QRectF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                      -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 - hUp,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + hDown + hUp)
        return rect
예제 #6
 def polygon(self):
     font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
     fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
     hUp = fm.height() * 1.2 * (len(self.element.parameters) + 2)
     hDown = fm.height() * 1.2 * (len(self.element.outputs) + 2)
     pol = QPolygonF([
         QPointF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                 -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 - hUp),
         QPointF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                 (ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 + hDown),
         QPointF((ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                 (ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 + hDown),
         QPointF((ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                 -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 - hUp),
         QPointF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                 -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 - hUp)
     return pol
예제 #7
    def boundingRect(self):
        font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
        fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
        unfolded = isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm
                              ) and not self.element.parametersCollapsed()
        numParams = len([
            a for a in self.element.algorithm().parameterDefinitions()
            if not a.isDestination()
        ]) if unfolded else 0
        unfolded = isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm
                              ) and not self.element.outputsCollapsed()
        numOutputs = len(
            self.element.algorithm().outputDefinitions()) if unfolded else 0

        hUp = fm.height() * 1.2 * (numParams + 2)
        hDown = fm.height() * 1.2 * (numOutputs + 2)
        rect = QRectF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2,
                      -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2 - hUp,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + hDown + hUp)
        return rect
예제 #8
    def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
        rect = QRectF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2.0,
                      -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2.0,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2)

        if isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelParameter):
            color = QColor(238, 242, 131)
            stroke = QColor(234, 226, 118)
            selected = QColor(116, 113, 68)
        elif isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm):
            color = QColor(255, 255, 255)
            stroke = Qt.gray
            selected = QColor(50, 50, 50)
            color = QColor(172, 196, 114)
            stroke = QColor(90, 140, 90)
            selected = QColor(42, 65, 42)
        if self.isSelected():
            stroke = selected
            color = color.darker(110)
        painter.setPen(QPen(stroke, 0))  # 0 width "cosmetic" pen
        painter.setBrush(QBrush(color, Qt.SolidPattern))
        font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
        text = self.getAdjustedText(self.text)
        if isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm) and not self.element.isActive():
            text = text + "\n(deactivated)"
        fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
        text = self.getAdjustedText(self.text)
        h = fm.ascent()
        pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 25, ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 - h + 1)
        painter.drawText(pt, text)
        if isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm):
            h = -(fm.height() * 1.2)
            h = h - ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 + 5
            pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 25, h)
            painter.drawText(pt, 'In')
            i = 1
            if not self.element.parametersCollapsed():
                for param in [p for p in self.element.algorithm().parameterDefinitions() if not p.isDestination()]:
                    if not param.flags() & QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagHidden:
                        text = self.getAdjustedText(param.description())
                        h = -(fm.height() * 1.2) * (i + 1)
                        h = h - ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 + 5
                        pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 33, h)
                        painter.drawText(pt, text)
                        i += 1
            h = fm.height() * 1.1
            h = h + ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0
            pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 25, h)
            painter.drawText(pt, 'Out')
            if not self.element.outputsCollapsed():
                for i, out in enumerate(self.element.algorithm().outputDefinitions()):
                    text = self.getAdjustedText(out.description())
                    h = fm.height() * 1.2 * (i + 2)
                    h = h + ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0
                    pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 33, h)
                    painter.drawText(pt, text)
        if self.pixmap:
            painter.drawPixmap(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2.0) + 3, -8,
        elif self.picture:
            painter.drawPicture(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2.0) + 3, -8,
예제 #9
    def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
        rect = QRectF(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2) / 2.0,
                      -(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2) / 2.0,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH + 2,
                      ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT + 2)

        if isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelParameter):
            color = QColor(238, 242, 131)
            stroke = QColor(234, 226, 118)
            selected = QColor(116, 113, 68)
        elif isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm):
            color = QColor(255, 255, 255)
            stroke = Qt.gray
            selected = QColor(50, 50, 50)
            color = QColor(172, 196, 114)
            stroke = QColor(90, 140, 90)
            selected = QColor(42, 65, 42)
        if self.isSelected():
            stroke = selected
            color = color.darker(110)
        painter.setPen(QPen(stroke, 0))  # 0 width "cosmetic" pen
        painter.setBrush(QBrush(color, Qt.SolidPattern))
        font = QFont('Verdana', 8)
        text = self.getAdjustedText(self.text)
        if isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm
                      ) and not self.element.isActive():
            text = text + "\n(deactivated)"
        fm = QFontMetricsF(font)
        text = self.getAdjustedText(self.text)
        h = fm.ascent()
        pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 25,
                     ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 - h + 1)
        painter.drawText(pt, text)
        if isinstance(self.element, QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm):
            h = -(fm.height() * 1.2)
            h = h - ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 + 5
            pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 25, h)
            painter.drawText(pt, 'In')
            i = 1
            if not self.element.parametersCollapsed():
                for param in [
                        p for p in
                        if not p.isDestination()
                    if not param.flags(
                    ) & QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagHidden:
                        text = self.getAdjustedText(param.description())
                        h = -(fm.height() * 1.2) * (i + 1)
                        h = h - ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0 + 5
                        pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 33, h)
                        painter.drawText(pt, text)
                        i += 1
            h = fm.height() * 1.1
            h = h + ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0
            pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 25, h)
            painter.drawText(pt, 'Out')
            if not self.element.outputsCollapsed():
                for i, out in enumerate(
                    text = self.getAdjustedText(out.description())
                    h = fm.height() * 1.2 * (i + 2)
                    h = h + ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_HEIGHT / 2.0
                    pt = QPointF(-ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2 + 33, h)
                    painter.drawText(pt, text)
        if self.pixmap:
            painter.drawPixmap(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2.0) + 3, -8,
        elif self.picture:
            painter.drawPicture(-(ModelerGraphicItem.BOX_WIDTH / 2.0) + 3, -8,