def test_get_torque(self): obs = ConfigurationManager() conf_setter = partial(self.conf.set, 'torque') conf_setter('TORQUE_JOB_OWNER', '') obs._get_torque(self.conf) self.assertIsNone(obs.trq_owner)
def test_get_postgres(self): obs = ConfigurationManager() conf_setter = partial(self.conf.set, 'postgres') conf_setter('PASSWORD', '') conf_setter('ADMIN_PASSWORD', '') obs._get_postgres(self.conf) self.assertIsNone(obs.password) self.assertIsNone(obs.admin_password)
def _test_wrapper_remote(func): """Execute a function on a remote ipengine""" from IPython.parallel import Client from qiita_core.configuration_manager import ConfigurationManager config = ConfigurationManager() c = Client(profile=config.ipython_default) bv = c.load_balanced_view() return _ipy_wait(bv.apply_async(func))
def test_get_portal(self): obs = ConfigurationManager() conf_setter = partial(self.conf.set, 'portal') # Default portal_dir conf_setter('PORTAL_DIR', '') obs._get_portal(self.conf) self.assertEqual(obs.portal_dir, "") # Portal dir does not start with / conf_setter('PORTAL_DIR', 'gold_portal') obs._get_portal(self.conf) self.assertEqual(obs.portal_dir, "/gold_portal") # Portal dir endswith / conf_setter('PORTAL_DIR', '/gold_portal/') obs._get_portal(self.conf) self.assertEqual(obs.portal_dir, "/gold_portal")
def redis_test(**kwargs): """Put and get a key from redis""" from uuid import uuid4 from redis import Redis from qiita_core.configuration_manager import ConfigurationManager config = ConfigurationManager() r_client = Redis(host=config.redis_host, port=config.redis_port, password=config.redis_password, db=config.redis_db) key = str(uuid4()) r_client.set(key, 42, ex=1) return int(r_client.get(key))
def generate_plugin_releases(): """Generate releases for plugins """ ARCHIVE = qdb.archive.Archive qiita_config = ConfigurationManager() working_dir = qiita_config.working_dir commands = [ c for s in for c in s.commands if c.post_processing_cmd is not None ] tnow = ts = tnow.strftime('%m%d%y-%H%M%S') tgz_dir = join(working_dir, 'releases', 'archive') create_nested_path(tgz_dir) tgz_dir_release = join(tgz_dir, ts) create_nested_path(tgz_dir_release) for cmd in commands: cmd_name = mschemes = [ v for _, v in ARCHIVE.merging_schemes().items() if cmd_name in v ] for ms in mschemes: ms_name = sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '', ms) ms_fp = join(tgz_dir_release, ms_name) create_nested_path(ms_fp) pfp = join(ms_fp, 'archive.json') archives = { k: loads(v) for k, v in ARCHIVE.retrieve_feature_values( archive_merging_scheme=ms).items() if v != '' } with open(pfp, 'w') as f: dump(archives, f) # now let's run the post_processing_cmd ppc = cmd.post_processing_cmd # concatenate any other parameters into a string params = ' '.join( ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in ppc['script_params'].items()]) # append archives file and output dir parameters params = ("%s --fp_archive=%s --output_dir=%s" % (params, pfp, ms_fp)) ppc_cmd = "%s %s %s" % (ppc['script_env'], ppc['script_path'], params) p_out, p_err, rv = qdb.processing_job._system_call(ppc_cmd) p_out = p_out.rstrip() if rv != 0: raise ValueError('Error %d: %s' % (rv, p_out)) p_out = loads(p_out) # tgz-ing all files tgz_name = join(tgz_dir, 'archive-%s-building.tgz' % ts) tgz_name_final = join(tgz_dir, 'archive.tgz') with topen(tgz_name, "w|gz") as tgz: tgz.add(tgz_dir_release, arcname=basename(tgz_dir_release)) # getting the release md5 with open(tgz_name, "rb") as f: md5sum = md5() for c in iter(lambda:, b""): md5sum.update(c) rename(tgz_name, tgz_name_final) vals = [('filepath', tgz_name_final[len(working_dir):], r_client.set), ('md5sum', md5sum.hexdigest(), r_client.set), ('time', tnow.strftime('%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S'), r_client.set)] for k, v, f in vals: redis_key = 'release-archive:%s' % k # important to "flush" variables to avoid errors r_client.delete(redis_key) f(redis_key, v)
def generate_biom_and_metadata_release(study_status='public'): """Generate a list of biom/meatadata filepaths and a tgz of those files Parameters ---------- study_status : str, optional The study status to search for. Note that this should always be set to 'public' but having this exposed helps with testing. The other options are 'private' and 'sandbox' """ studies = qiita_config = ConfigurationManager() working_dir = qiita_config.working_dir portal = qiita_config.portal bdir = qdb.util.get_db_files_base_dir() time ='%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S') data = [] for s in studies: # [0] latest is first, [1] only getting the filepath sample_fp = relpath(s.sample_template.get_filepaths()[0][1], bdir) for a in s.artifacts(artifact_type='BIOM'): if a.processing_parameters is None or a.visibility != study_status: continue merging_schemes, parent_softwares = a.merging_scheme software = software = '%s v%s' % (, software.version) for x in a.filepaths: if x['fp_type'] != 'biom' or 'only-16s' in x['fp']: continue fp = relpath(x['fp'], bdir) for pt in a.prep_templates: categories = pt.categories() platform = '' target_gene = '' if 'platform' in categories: platform = ', '.join( set(pt.get_category('platform').values())) if 'target_gene' in categories: target_gene = ', '.join( set(pt.get_category('target_gene').values())) for _, prep_fp in pt.get_filepaths(): if 'qiime' not in prep_fp: break prep_fp = relpath(prep_fp, bdir) # format: (biom_fp, sample_fp, prep_fp, qiita_artifact_id, # platform, target gene, merging schemes, # artifact software/version, # parent sofware/version) data.append( (fp, sample_fp, prep_fp,, platform, target_gene, merging_schemes, software, parent_softwares)) # writing text and tgz file ts ='%m%d%y-%H%M%S') tgz_dir = join(working_dir, 'releases') create_nested_path(tgz_dir) tgz_name = join(tgz_dir, '%s-%s-building.tgz' % (portal, study_status)) tgz_name_final = join(tgz_dir, '%s-%s.tgz' % (portal, study_status)) txt_lines = [ "biom fp\tsample fp\tprep fp\tqiita artifact id\tplatform\t" "target gene\tmerging scheme\tartifact software\tparent software" ] with topen(tgz_name, "w|gz") as tgz: for biom_fp, sample_fp, prep_fp, aid, pform, tg, ms, asv, psv in data: txt_lines.append( "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (biom_fp, sample_fp, prep_fp, aid, pform, tg, ms, asv, psv)) tgz.add(join(bdir, biom_fp), arcname=biom_fp, recursive=False) tgz.add(join(bdir, sample_fp), arcname=sample_fp, recursive=False) tgz.add(join(bdir, prep_fp), arcname=prep_fp, recursive=False) info = TarInfo(name='%s-%s-%s.txt' % (portal, study_status, ts)) txt_hd = BytesIO() txt_hd.write(bytes('\n'.join(txt_lines), 'ascii')) info.size = len( tgz.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=txt_hd) with open(tgz_name, "rb") as f: md5sum = md5() for c in iter(lambda:, b""): md5sum.update(c) rename(tgz_name, tgz_name_final) vals = [('filepath', tgz_name_final[len(working_dir):], r_client.set), ('md5sum', md5sum.hexdigest(), r_client.set), ('time', time, r_client.set)] for k, v, f in vals: redis_key = '%s:release:%s:%s' % (portal, study_status, k) # important to "flush" variables to avoid errors r_client.delete(redis_key) f(redis_key, v)
def test_init(self): obs = ConfigurationManager() # Main section self.assertEqual(obs.conf_fp, self.conf_fp) self.assertTrue(obs.test_environment) self.assertEqual(obs.base_data_dir, "/tmp/") self.assertEqual(obs.log_dir, "/tmp/") self.assertEqual(obs.base_url, "https://localhost") self.assertEqual(obs.max_upload_size, 100) self.assertTrue(obs.require_approval) self.assertEqual(obs.qiita_env, "source activate qiita") self.assertEqual(obs.private_launcher, 'qiita-private-launcher') self.assertEqual(obs.plugin_launcher, "qiita-plugin-launcher") self.assertEqual(obs.plugin_dir, "/tmp/") self.assertEqual( obs.valid_upload_extension, ["fastq", "fastq.gz", "txt", "tsv", "sff", "fna", "qual"]) self.assertEqual(obs.certificate_file, "/tmp/server.cert") self.assertEqual(obs.cookie_secret, "SECRET") self.assertEqual(obs.key_file, "/tmp/server.key") # Torque section self.assertEqual(obs.trq_owner, "*****@*****.**") self.assertEqual(obs.trq_poll_val, 15) self.assertEqual(obs.trq_dependency_q_cnt, 2) # Postgres section self.assertEqual(obs.user, "postgres") self.assertEqual(obs.admin_user, "postgres") self.assertEqual(obs.password, "andanotherpwd") self.assertEqual(obs.admin_password, "thishastobesecure") self.assertEqual(obs.database, "qiita_test") self.assertEqual(, "localhost") self.assertEqual(obs.port, 5432) # Redis section self.assertEqual(obs.redis_host, "localhost") self.assertEqual(obs.redis_password, "anotherpassword") self.assertEqual(obs.redis_db, 13) self.assertEqual(obs.redis_port, 6379) # SMTP section self.assertEqual(obs.smtp_host, "localhost") self.assertEqual(obs.smtp_port, 25) self.assertEqual(obs.smtp_user, "qiita") self.assertEqual(obs.smtp_password, "supersecurepassword") self.assertFalse(obs.smtp_ssl) self.assertEqual(obs.smtp_email, "*****@*****.**") # EBI section self.assertEqual(obs.ebi_seq_xfer_user, "Webin-41528") self.assertEqual(obs.ebi_seq_xfer_pass, "passwordforebi") self.assertEqual(obs.ebi_seq_xfer_url, "") self.assertEqual( obs.ebi_dropbox_url, "") self.assertEqual(obs.ebi_center_name, "qiita-test") self.assertEqual(obs.ebi_organization_prefix, "example_organization") # VAMPS section self.assertEqual(obs.vamps_user, "user") self.assertEqual(obs.vamps_pass, "password") self.assertEqual(obs.vamps_url, "") # Portal section self.assertEqual(obs.portal_fp, "/tmp/portal.cfg") self.assertEqual(obs.portal, "QIITA") self.assertEqual(obs.portal_dir, "/portal") # iframe section self.assertEqual(obs.iframe_qiimp, "https://localhost:8898/")
def test_get_main(self): obs = ConfigurationManager() conf_setter = partial(self.conf.set, 'main') conf_setter('COOKIE_SECRET', '') conf_setter('JWT_SECRET', '') conf_setter('BASE_DATA_DIR', '') conf_setter('PLUGIN_DIR', '') conf_setter('CERTIFICATE_FILE', '') conf_setter('KEY_FILE', '') conf_setter('QIITA_ENV', '') # Warning raised if No files will be allowed to be uploaded # Warning raised if no cookie_secret with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns: obs._get_main(self.conf) obs_warns = [str(w.message) for w in warns] exp_warns = [ 'Random cookie secret generated.', 'Random JWT secret generated. Non Public Artifact ' 'Download Links will expire upon system restart.' ] self.assertCountEqual(obs_warns, exp_warns) self.assertNotEqual(obs.cookie_secret, "SECRET") # Test default base_data_dir self.assertTrue( obs.base_data_dir.endswith("/qiita_db/support_files/test_data")) # Test default plugin dir self.assertTrue(obs.plugin_dir.endswith("/.qiita_plugins")) # Default certificate_file self.assertTrue( obs.certificate_file.endswith( "/qiita_core/support_files/server.crt")) # Default key_file self.assertTrue( obs.key_file.endswith("/qiita_core/support_files/server.key")) # BASE_DATA_DIR does not exist conf_setter('BASE_DATA_DIR', '/surprised/if/this/dir/exists') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) # WORKING_DIR does not exist conf_setter('BASE_DATA_DIR', '/tmp') conf_setter('WORKING_DIR', '/surprised/if/this/dir/exists') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) # PLUGIN_DIR does not exist conf_setter('WORKING_DIR', '/tmp') conf_setter('PLUGIN_DIR', '/surprised/if/this/dir/exists') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) # No files can be uploaded conf_setter('PLUGIN_DIR', '/tmp') conf_setter('VALID_UPLOAD_EXTENSION', '') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) self.assertEqual(obs.qiita_env, "")
def test_init_error(self): with open(self.conf_fp, 'w') as f: f.write("\n") with self.assertRaises(MissingConfigSection): ConfigurationManager()
#!/usr/bin/env python # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2014--, The Qiita Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import division from redis import Redis from qiita_core.configuration_manager import ConfigurationManager qiita_config = ConfigurationManager() r_client = Redis(host=qiita_config.redis_host, port=qiita_config.redis_port, password=qiita_config.redis_password, db=qiita_config.redis_db)
def test_get_main(self): obs = ConfigurationManager() conf_setter = partial(self.conf.set, 'main') conf_setter('COOKIE_SECRET', '') conf_setter('BASE_DATA_DIR', '') conf_setter('PLUGIN_DIR', '') conf_setter('CERTIFICATE_FILE', '') conf_setter('KEY_FILE', '') conf_setter('QIITA_ENV', '') # Warning raised if No files will be allowed to be uploaded # Warning raised if no cookie_secret with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns: obs._get_main(self.conf) obs_warns = [str(w.message) for w in warns] exp_warns = ['Random cookie secret generated.'] self.assertItemsEqual(obs_warns, exp_warns) self.assertNotEqual(obs.cookie_secret, "SECRET") # Test default base_data_dir self.assertTrue( obs.base_data_dir.endswith("/qiita_db/support_files/test_data")) # Test default plugin dir self.assertTrue(obs.plugin_dir.endswith("/.qiita_plugins")) # Default certificate_file self.assertTrue( obs.certificate_file.endswith( "/qiita_core/support_files/server.crt")) # Default key_file self.assertTrue( obs.key_file.endswith("/qiita_core/support_files/server.key")) # BASE_DATA_DIR does not exist conf_setter('BASE_DATA_DIR', '/surprised/if/this/dir/exists') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) # WORKING_DIR does not exist conf_setter('BASE_DATA_DIR', '/tmp') conf_setter('WORKING_DIR', '/surprised/if/this/dir/exists') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) # PLUGIN_DIR does not exist conf_setter('WORKING_DIR', '/tmp') conf_setter('PLUGIN_DIR', '/surprised/if/this/dir/exists') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) # No files can be uploaded conf_setter('PLUGIN_DIR', '/tmp') conf_setter('VALID_UPLOAD_EXTENSION', '') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): obs._get_main(self.conf) self.assertEqual(obs.qiita_env, "")
def generate_biom_and_metadata_release(study_status='public'): """Generate a list of biom/meatadata filepaths and a tgz of those files Parameters ---------- study_status : str, optional The study status to search for. Note that this should always be set to 'public' but having this exposed helps with testing. The other options are 'private' and 'sandbox' """ studies = qiita_config = ConfigurationManager() working_dir = qiita_config.working_dir portal = qiita_config.portal bdir = qdb.util.get_db_files_base_dir() time ='%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S') data = [] for s in studies: # [0] latest is first, [1] only getting the filepath sample_fp = relpath(s.sample_template.get_filepaths()[0][1], bdir) for a in s.artifacts(artifact_type='BIOM'): if a.processing_parameters is None: continue cmd_name = # this loop is necessary as in theory an artifact can be # generated from multiple prep info files human_cmd = [] for p in a.parents: pp = p.processing_parameters pp_cmd_name = if pp_cmd_name == 'Trimming': human_cmd.append('%s @ %s' % ( cmd_name, str(pp.values['length']))) else: human_cmd.append('%s, %s' % (cmd_name, pp_cmd_name)) human_cmd = ', '.join(human_cmd) for _, fp, fp_type in a.filepaths: if fp_type != 'biom' or 'only-16s' in fp: continue fp = relpath(fp, bdir) # format: (biom_fp, sample_fp, prep_fp, qiita_artifact_id, # human readable name) for pt in a.prep_templates: for _, prep_fp in pt.get_filepaths(): if 'qiime' not in prep_fp: break prep_fp = relpath(prep_fp, bdir) data.append((fp, sample_fp, prep_fp,, human_cmd)) # writing text and tgz file ts ='%m%d%y-%H%M%S') tgz_dir = join(working_dir, 'releases') if not exists(tgz_dir): makedirs(tgz_dir) tgz_name = join(tgz_dir, '%s-%s-building.tgz' % (portal, study_status)) tgz_name_final = join(tgz_dir, '%s-%s.tgz' % (portal, study_status)) txt_hd = StringIO() with topen(tgz_name, "w|gz") as tgz: # writing header for txt txt_hd.write( "biom_fp\tsample_fp\tprep_fp\tqiita_artifact_id\tcommand\n") for biom_fp, sample_fp, prep_fp, artifact_id, human_cmd in data: txt_hd.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( biom_fp, sample_fp, prep_fp, artifact_id, human_cmd)) tgz.add(join(bdir, biom_fp), arcname=biom_fp, recursive=False) tgz.add(join(bdir, sample_fp), arcname=sample_fp, recursive=False) tgz.add(join(bdir, prep_fp), arcname=prep_fp, recursive=False) info = TarInfo(name='%s-%s-%s.txt' % (portal, study_status, ts)) info.size = len(txt_hd.buf) tgz.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=txt_hd) with open(tgz_name, "rb") as f: md5sum = md5() for c in iter(lambda:, b""): md5sum.update(c) rename(tgz_name, tgz_name_final) vals = [ ('filepath', tgz_name_final[len(working_dir):], r_client.set), ('md5sum', md5sum.hexdigest(), r_client.set), ('time', time, r_client.set)] for k, v, f in vals: redis_key = '%s:release:%s:%s' % (portal, study_status, k) # important to "flush" variables to avoid errors r_client.delete(redis_key) f(redis_key, v)