예제 #1
    def test_mcmt_as_normal_control(self, mcmt_class):
        """Test that the MCMT can act as normal control gate."""
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        mcmt = mcmt_class(gate=CHGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=1, num_target_qubits=1)
        qc = qc.compose(mcmt, [0, 1])

        ref = QuantumCircuit(2)
        ref.ch(0, 1)

        self.assertEqual(qc, ref)
class TestParameterCtrlState(QiskitTestCase):
    """Test gate equality with ctrl_state parameter."""
    @data((RXGate(0.5), CRXGate(0.5)), (RYGate(0.5), CRYGate(0.5)),
          (RZGate(0.5), CRZGate(0.5)), (XGate(), CXGate()),
          (YGate(), CYGate()), (ZGate(), CZGate()),
          (U1Gate(0.5), CU1Gate(0.5)), (SwapGate(), CSwapGate()),
          (HGate(), CHGate()), (U3Gate(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), CU3Gate(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)))
    def test_ctrl_state_one(self, gate, controlled_gate):
        """Test controlled gates with ctrl_state
        See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/pull/4025
        self.assertEqual(gate.control(1, ctrl_state='1'), controlled_gate)
예제 #3
    def test_instruction_init(self):
        """Test initialization from a circuit."""
        gate = CXGate()
        op = Operator(gate).data
        target = gate.to_matrix()
        global_phase_equivalent = matrix_equal(op, target, ignore_phase=True)

        gate = CHGate()
        op = Operator(gate).data
        had = HGate().to_matrix()
        target = np.kron(had, np.diag([0, 1])) + np.kron(np.eye(2), np.diag([1, 0]))
        global_phase_equivalent = matrix_equal(op, target, ignore_phase=True)
예제 #4
class TestMCMT(QiskitTestCase):
    """Test the multi-controlled multi-target circuit."""

    @data(MCMT, MCMTVChain)
    def test_mcmt_label(self, mcmt_class):
        """Test MCMT label remains functional but is deprecated."""
        custom_label = "abc"
        with self.subTest(msg="init with label and get"):
            with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                mcmt = mcmt_class(
                    XGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=1, num_target_qubits=1, label=custom_label
            with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                self.assertEqual(mcmt.label, custom_label)

        with self.subTest(msg="label set and get"):
            mcmt = mcmt_class(XGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=1, num_target_qubits=1)
            with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                mcmt.label = custom_label
            with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                self.assertEqual(mcmt.label, custom_label)

        with self.subTest(msg="control gate label"):
            mcmt = mcmt_class(XGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=1, num_target_qubits=1)
            c_mcmt = mcmt.control()
            with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                c_mcmt = mcmt.control(label=custom_label)
            with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                self.assertEqual(c_mcmt.label, custom_label)

    @data(MCMT, MCMTVChain)
    def test_mcmt_as_normal_control(self, mcmt_class):
        """Test that the MCMT can act as normal control gate."""
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        mcmt = mcmt_class(gate=CHGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=1, num_target_qubits=1)
        qc = qc.compose(mcmt, [0, 1])

        ref = QuantumCircuit(2)
        ref.ch(0, 1)

        self.assertEqual(qc, ref)

    def test_missing_qubits(self):
        """Test that an error is raised if qubits are missing."""
        with self.subTest(msg="no control qubits"):
            with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
                _ = MCMT(XGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=0, num_target_qubits=1)

        with self.subTest(msg="no target qubits"):
            with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
                _ = MCMT(ZGate(), num_ctrl_qubits=4, num_target_qubits=0)

    def test_different_gate_types(self):
        """Test the different supported input types for the target gate."""
        x_circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
        for input_gate in [x_circ, QuantumCircuit.cx, QuantumCircuit.x, "cx", "x", CXGate()]:
            with self.subTest(input_gate=input_gate):
                mcmt = MCMT(input_gate, 2, 2)
                if isinstance(input_gate, QuantumCircuit):
                    self.assertEqual(mcmt.gate.definition[0][0], XGate())
                    self.assertEqual(len(mcmt.gate.definition), 1)
                    self.assertEqual(mcmt.gate, XGate())

    def test_mcmt_v_chain_ancilla_test(self):
        """Test too few and too many ancillas for the MCMT V-chain mode."""
        with self.subTest(msg="insufficient number of auxiliary qubits on gate"):
            qc = QuantumCircuit(5)
            mcmt = MCMTVChain(ZGate(), 3, 1)
            with self.assertRaises(QiskitError):
                qc.append(mcmt, range(5))

        with self.subTest(msg="too many auxiliary qubits on gate"):
            qc = QuantumCircuit(9)
            mcmt = MCMTVChain(ZGate(), 3, 1)
            with self.assertRaises(QiskitError):
                qc.append(mcmt, range(9))

        [CZGate(), 1, 1],
        [CHGate(), 1, 1],
        [CZGate(), 3, 3],
        [CHGate(), 3, 3],
        [CZGate(), 1, 5],
        [CHGate(), 1, 5],
        [CZGate(), 5, 1],
        [CHGate(), 5, 1],
    def test_mcmt_v_chain_simulation(self, cgate, num_controls, num_targets):
        """Test the MCMT V-chain implementation test on a simulation."""
        controls = QuantumRegister(num_controls)
        targets = QuantumRegister(num_targets)

        subsets = [tuple(range(i)) for i in range(num_controls + 1)]
        for subset in subsets:
            qc = QuantumCircuit(targets, controls)
            # Initialize all targets to 1, just to be sure that
            # the generic gate has some effect (f.e. Z gate has no effect
            # on a 0 state)

            num_ancillas = max(0, num_controls - 1)

            if num_ancillas > 0:
                ancillas = QuantumRegister(num_ancillas)
                qubits = controls[:] + targets[:] + ancillas[:]
                qubits = controls[:] + targets[:]

            for i in subset:

            mcmt = MCMTVChain(cgate, num_controls, num_targets)
            qc.compose(mcmt, qubits, inplace=True)

            for i in subset:

            vec = Statevector.from_label("0" * qc.num_qubits).evolve(qc)

            # target register is initially |11...1>, with length equal to 2**(n_targets)
            vec_exp = np.array([0] * (2 ** (num_targets) - 1) + [1])

            if isinstance(cgate, CZGate):
                # Z gate flips the last qubit only if it's applied an odd number of times
                if len(subset) == num_controls and (num_controls % 2) == 1:
                    vec_exp[-1] = -1
            elif isinstance(cgate, CHGate):
                # if all the control qubits have been activated,
                # we repeatedly apply the kronecker product of the Hadamard
                # with itself and then multiply the results for the original
                # state of the target qubits
                if len(subset) == num_controls:
                    h_i = 1 / np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]])
                    h_tot = np.array([1])
                    for _ in range(num_targets):
                        h_tot = np.kron(h_tot, h_i)
                    vec_exp = np.dot(h_tot, vec_exp)
                raise ValueError(f"Test not implement for gate: {cgate}")

            # append the remaining part of the state
            vec_exp = np.concatenate(
                (vec_exp, [0] * (2 ** (num_controls + num_ancillas + num_targets) - vec_exp.size))
            f_i = state_fidelity(vec, vec_exp)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(f_i, 1)
예제 #5
    'Z' : ZGate(),
    'S' : SGate(),
    'T' : TGate(),
    'T_dg' : TdgGate(),
    'S_dg' : SdgGate(),
    'Ry' : RYGate(np.pi / 4)

    'CX0' : CXGate(),
    'CX1' : CXGate(),
    'CY0' : CYGate(),
    'CY1' : CYGate(),
    'CZ0' : CZGate(),
    'CZ1' : CYGate(),
    'CH0' : CHGate(),
    'CH1' : CHGate()

def _state_to_gates(state):

    gates = []
    for qtop_gate, qbot_gate in zip(state[0], state[1]):
        if qtop_gate in SINGLE_GATE_DICT.keys():
            gates.append([qtop_gate, [0]])
            gates.append([qbot_gate, [1]])
        elif qtop_gate in CONTROLLED_GATE_DICT.keys():
            gates.append([qtop_gate, [0, 1] if qtop_gate[-1] == '0' else [1, 0] ])

    return gates
 def test_controlled_h(self):
     """Test the creation of a controlled H gate."""
     self.assertEqual(HGate().control(), CHGate())