def dag_to_dagdependency(dag): """Build a ``DAGDependency`` object from a ``DAGCircuit``. Args: dag (DAGCircuit): the input dag. Return: DAGDependency: the DAG representing the input circuit as a dag dependency. """ dagdependency = DAGDependency() = qregs = list(dag.qregs.values()) cregs = list(dag.cregs.values()) for register in qregs: dagdependency.add_qreg(register) for register in cregs: dagdependency.add_creg(register) for node in dag.topological_op_nodes(): # Get arguments for classical control (if any) inst = node.op.copy() inst.condition = node.condition dagdependency.add_op_node(inst, node.qargs, node.cargs) dagdependency._add_successors() return dagdependency
def __init__(self, max_matches, circuit_dag_dep, template_dag_dep): """ Initialize TemplateSubstitution with necessary arguments. Args: max_matches (list): list of maximal matches obtained from the running the template matching algorithm. circuit_dag_dep (DAGDependency): circuit in the dag dependency form. template_dag_dep (DAGDependency): template in the dag dependency form. """ self.match_stack = max_matches self.circuit_dag_dep = circuit_dag_dep self.template_dag_dep = template_dag_dep self.substitution_list = [] self.unmatched_list = [] self.dag_dep_optimized = DAGDependency() self.dag_optimized = DAGCircuit()
def run_dag_opt(self): """ It runs the substitution algorithm and creates the optimized DAGCircuit(). """ self._substitution() dag_dep_opt = DAGDependency() = qregs = list(self.circuit_dag_dep.qregs.values()) cregs = list(self.circuit_dag_dep.cregs.values()) for register in qregs: dag_dep_opt.add_qreg(register) for register in cregs: dag_dep_opt.add_creg(register) already_sub = [] if self.substitution_list: # Loop over the different matches. for group in self.substitution_list: circuit_sub = group.circuit_config template_inverse = group.template_config pred = group.pred_block qubit = group.qubit_config[0] if group.clbit_config: clbit = group.clbit_config[0] else: clbit = [] # First add all the predecessors of the given match. for elem in pred: node = self.circuit_dag_dep.get_node(elem) inst = node.op.copy() inst.condition = node.condition dag_dep_opt.add_op_node(inst, node.qargs, node.cargs) already_sub.append(elem) already_sub = already_sub + circuit_sub # Then add the inverse of the template. for index in template_inverse: all_qubits = self.circuit_dag_dep.qubits qarg_t = self.template_dag_dep.get_node(index).qindices qarg_c = [qubit[x] for x in qarg_t] qargs = [all_qubits[x] for x in qarg_c] all_clbits = self.circuit_dag_dep.clbits carg_t = self.template_dag_dep.get_node(index).cindices if all_clbits and clbit: carg_c = [clbit[x] for x in carg_t] cargs = [all_clbits[x] for x in carg_c] else: cargs = [] node = self.template_dag_dep.get_node(index) inst = node.op.copy() inst.condition = node.condition dag_dep_opt.add_op_node(inst.inverse(), qargs, cargs) # Add the unmatched gates. for node_id in self.unmatched_list: node = self.circuit_dag_dep.get_node(node_id) inst = node.op.copy() inst.condition = node.condition dag_dep_opt.add_op_node(inst, node.qargs, node.cargs) dag_dep_opt._add_successors() # If there is no valid match, it returns the original dag. else: dag_dep_opt = self.circuit_dag_dep self.dag_dep_optimized = dag_dep_opt self.dag_optimized = dagdependency_to_dag(dag_dep_opt)
def circuit_to_dagdependency(circuit): """Build a ``DAGDependency`` object from a ``QuantumCircuit``. Args: circuit (QuantumCircuit): the input circuits. Return: DAGDependency: the DAG representing the input circuit as a dag dependency. """ dagdependency = DAGDependency() = dagdependency.metadata = circuit.metadata dagdependency.add_qubits(circuit.qubits) dagdependency.add_clbits(circuit.clbits) for register in circuit.qregs: dagdependency.add_qreg(register) for register in circuit.cregs: dagdependency.add_creg(register) for instruction in dagdependency.add_op_node(instruction.operation, instruction.qubits, instruction.clbits) dagdependency._add_successors() dagdependency.calibrations = circuit.calibrations return dagdependency
def __init__(self, max_matches, circuit_dag_dep, template_dag_dep, user_cost_dict=None): """ Initialize TemplateSubstitution with necessary arguments. Args: max_matches (list): list of maximal matches obtained from the running the template matching algorithm. circuit_dag_dep (DAGDependency): circuit in the dag dependency form. template_dag_dep (DAGDependency): template in the dag dependency form. user_cost_dict (Optional[dict]): user provided cost dictionary that will override the default cost dictionary. """ self.match_stack = max_matches self.circuit_dag_dep = circuit_dag_dep self.template_dag_dep = template_dag_dep self.substitution_list = [] self.unmatched_list = [] self.dag_dep_optimized = DAGDependency() self.dag_optimized = DAGCircuit() if user_cost_dict is not None: self.cost_dict = dict(user_cost_dict) else: self.cost_dict = { 'id': 0, 'x': 1, 'y': 1, 'z': 1, 'h': 1, 't': 1, 'tdg': 1, 's': 1, 'sdg': 1, 'u1': 1, 'u2': 2, 'u3': 2, 'rx': 1, 'ry': 1, 'rz': 1, 'r': 2, 'cx': 2, 'cy': 4, 'cz': 4, 'ch': 8, 'swap': 6, 'iswap': 8, 'rxx': 9, 'ryy': 9, 'rzz': 5, 'rzx': 7, 'ms': 9, 'cu3': 10, 'crx': 10, 'cry': 10, 'crz': 10, 'ccx': 21, 'rccx': 12, 'c3x': 96, 'rc3x': 24, 'c4x': 312, 'p': 1 }
def circuit_to_dagdependency(circuit): """Build a ``DAGDependency`` object from a ``QuantumCircuit``. Args: circuit (QuantumCircuit): the input circuits. Return: DAGDependency: the DAG representing the input circuit as a dag dependency. """ dagdependency = DAGDependency() = for register in circuit.qregs: dagdependency.add_qreg(register) for register in circuit.cregs: dagdependency.add_creg(register) for operation, qargs, cargs in dagdependency.add_op_node(operation, qargs, cargs) dagdependency._add_successors() return dagdependency
def dag_to_dagdependency(dag): """Build a ``DAGDependency`` object from a ``DAGCircuit``. Args: dag (DAGCircuit): the input dag. Return: DAGDependency: the DAG representing the input circuit as a dag dependency. """ dagdependency = DAGDependency() = dagdependency.metadata = dag.metadata dagdependency.add_qubits(dag.qubits) dagdependency.add_clbits(dag.clbits) for register in dag.qregs.values(): dagdependency.add_qreg(register) for register in dag.cregs.values(): dagdependency.add_creg(register) for node in dag.topological_op_nodes(): # Get arguments for classical control (if any) inst = node.op.copy() inst.condition = node.condition dagdependency.add_op_node(inst, node.qargs, node.cargs) dagdependency._add_successors() # copy metadata dagdependency.global_phase = dag.global_phase dagdependency.calibrations = dag.calibrations return dagdependency
def __init__(self, max_matches, circuit_dag_dep, template_dag_dep, user_cost_dict=None): """ Initialize TemplateSubstitution with necessary arguments. Args: max_matches (list): list of maximal matches obtained from the running the template matching algorithm. circuit_dag_dep (DAGDependency): circuit in the dag dependency form. template_dag_dep (DAGDependency): template in the dag dependency form. user_cost_dict (Optional[dict]): user provided cost dictionary that will override the default cost dictionary. """ self.match_stack = max_matches self.circuit_dag_dep = circuit_dag_dep self.template_dag_dep = template_dag_dep self.substitution_list = [] self.unmatched_list = [] self.dag_dep_optimized = DAGDependency() self.dag_optimized = DAGCircuit() if user_cost_dict is not None: self.cost_dict = dict(user_cost_dict) else: self.cost_dict = { "id": 0, "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1, "h": 1, "t": 1, "tdg": 1, "s": 1, "sdg": 1, "u1": 1, "u2": 2, "u3": 2, "rx": 1, "ry": 1, "rz": 1, "r": 2, "cx": 2, "cy": 4, "cz": 4, "ch": 8, "swap": 6, "iswap": 8, "rxx": 9, "ryy": 9, "rzz": 5, "rzx": 7, "ms": 9, "cu3": 10, "crx": 10, "cry": 10, "crz": 10, "ccx": 21, "rccx": 12, "c3x": 96, "rc3x": 24, "c4x": 312, "p": 1, }