예제 #1
 def test_purity(self):
     rho1 = [[1, 0], [0, 0]]
     rho2 = [[0.5, 0], [0, 0.5]]
     rho3 = 0.7 * np.array(rho1) + 0.3 * np.array(rho2)
     test_pass = (purity(rho1) == 1.0 and purity(rho2) == 0.5
                  and round(purity(rho3), 10) == 0.745)
예제 #2
 def test_purity(self):
     rho1 = [[1, 0], [0, 0]]
     rho2 = [[0.5, 0], [0, 0.5]]
     rho3 = 0.7 * np.array(rho1) + 0.3 * np.array(rho2)
     test_pass = purity(rho1) == 1.0 and \
         purity(rho2) == 0.5 and \
         round(purity(rho3), 10) == 0.745
예제 #3
    def _state_tomography_quantum_program(self,
        qp = qiskit.QuantumProgram()
            backend = 'local_qiskit_simulator'
        except LookupError:
            backend = 'local_qasm_simulator'

        # Prepared target state and assess quality
        qp = self.target_prep(state, target, n_qubits, qp=qp)
        prep_result = qp.execute(['prep'], backend=backend, shots=1)
        prep_state = prep_result.get_data('prep')['quantum_state']
        F_prep = state_fidelity(prep_state, target)
        print('Prepared state fidelity =', F_prep)

        # Run state tomography simulation and fit data to reconstruct circuit
        qp, tomo_set, tomo_circuits = self.add_tomo_circuits(qp)
        tomo_result = qp.execute(tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots)
        tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(tomo_result, 'prep', tomo_set)
        rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data)

        # calculate fidelity and purity of fitted state
        F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, target)
        pur = purity(rho_fit)
        print('Fitted state fidelity =', F_fit)
        print('Fitted state purity =', str(pur))
def state_tomography(state, n_qubits, shots):
    # cat target state: [1. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 1.]/sqrt(2.)
    if state == 'cat':
        target = np.zeros(pow(2, n_qubits))
        target[0] = 1
        target[pow(2, n_qubits)-1] = 1.0
        target /= np.sqrt(2.0)
    # random target state: first column of a random unitary
    elif state == 'random':
        target = random_unitary_matrix(pow(2, n_qubits))[0]
        raise QISKitError("Unknown state for tomography.")

    print("target: {}".format(target))

    # Use the local qasm simulator
    backend = 'local_qasm_simulator'

    qp = QuantumProgram()

    # Prepared target state and assess quality
    qp = target_prep(qp, state, target)
    prep_result = qp.execute(['prep'], backend='local_statevector_simulator')
    prep_state = prep_result.get_data('prep')['statevector']
    F_prep = state_fidelity(prep_state, target)
    print('Prepared state fidelity =', F_prep)

    # Run state tomography simulation and fit data to reconstruct circuit
    qp, tomo_set, tomo_circuits = add_tomo_circuits(qp)
    tomo_result = qp.execute(tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots)
    tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(tomo_result, 'prep', tomo_set)
    rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data)

    # calculate fidelity and purity of fitted state
    F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, target)
    pur = purity(rho_fit)
    print('Fitted state fidelity =', F_fit)
    print('Fitted state purity =', str(pur))

    return qp
def state_tomography(state, n_qubits, shots):
    # cat target state: [1. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 1.]/sqrt(2.)
    if state == 'cat':
        target = np.zeros(pow(2, n_qubits))
        target[0] = 1
        target[pow(2, n_qubits)-1] = 1.0
        target /= np.sqrt(2.0)
    # random target state: first column of a random unitary
    elif state == 'random':
        target = random_unitary_matrix(pow(2, n_qubits))[0]
        raise QISKitError("Unknown state for tomography.")

    print("target: {}".format(target))

    # Use the local qasm simulator
    backend = 'local_qasm_simulator'

    qp = QuantumProgram()

    # Prepared target state and assess quality
    qp = target_prep(qp, state, target)
    prep_result = qp.execute(['prep'], backend='local_statevector_simulator')
    prep_state = prep_result.get_data('prep')['statevector']
    F_prep = state_fidelity(prep_state, target)
    print('Prepared state fidelity =', F_prep)

    # Run state tomography simulation and fit data to reconstruct circuit
    qp, tomo_set, tomo_circuits = add_tomo_circuits(qp)
    tomo_result = qp.execute(tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots)
    tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(tomo_result, 'prep', tomo_set)
    rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data)

    # calculate fidelity and purity of fitted state
    F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, target)
    pur = purity(rho_fit)
    print('Fitted state fidelity =', F_fit)
    print('Fitted state purity =', str(pur))

    return qp
예제 #6
    def _state_tomography(self, target, state, n_qubits, shots=1):
        # Use the local qasm simulator
        backend = qiskit.BasicAer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')

        # Prepared target state and assess quality
        prep_circ = self.target_prep(state, target, n_qubits)
        prep_result = qiskit.execute(prep_circ, backend=backend).result()
        prep_state = prep_result.get_statevector(prep_circ)
        F_prep = state_fidelity(prep_state, target)
        print('Prepared state fidelity =', F_prep)

        # Run state tomography simulation and fit data to reconstruct circuit
        tomo_set, tomo_circuits = self.add_tomo_circuits(prep_circ)
        tomo_result = qiskit.execute(tomo_circuits,
        tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(tomo_result, prep_circ.name, tomo_set)
        rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data)

        # calculate fidelity and purity of fitted state
        F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, target)
        pur = purity(rho_fit)
        print('Fitted state fidelity =', F_fit)
        print('Fitted state purity =', str(pur))
예제 #7
 def test_purity_1d_input(self):
     input_state = [1, 0]
     res = purity(input_state)
     self.assertEqual(1, res)
print('Created State tomography circuits:')
for name in bell_tomo_circuit_names:

# Use the local simulator# Use t
backend = 'local_qasm_simulator'

# Take 5000 shots for each measurement basis
shots = 5000

# Run the simulation
bell_tomo_result = Q_program.execute(bell_tomo_circuit_names,

bell_tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(bell_tomo_result, 'bell', bell_tomo_set)

rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(bell_tomo_data)

# calculate fidelity, concurrence and purity of fitted state# calcul
F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, bell_psi)
con = concurrence(rho_fit)
pur = purity(rho_fit)

# plot
plot_state(rho_fit, 'paulivec')
plot_state(rho_fit, 'city')
print('Fidelity =', F_fit)
print('concurrence = ', str(con))
print('purity = ', str(pur))