예제 #1
    def test_topological_order_preserved(self):
        """the original topological order of nodes is preserved
         q0:--[u1]-------.----      q0:-------------|      |--
                         |                 ______   |  U2  |
         q1:--[u2]--(+)-(+)---   =  q1:---|      |--|______|--
                     |                    |  U1  |
         q2:---------.--------      q2:---|______|------------
        qr = QuantumRegister(3, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.u1(0.5, qr[0])
        qc.u2(0.2, 0.6, qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[2], qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks()
        topo_ops = list(dag.topological_op_nodes())
        block_1 = [topo_ops[1], topo_ops[2]]
        block_2 = [topo_ops[0], topo_ops[3]]
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [block_1, block_2]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        new_topo_ops = [
            i for i in new_dag.topological_op_nodes() if i.type == 'op'
        self.assertEqual(len(new_topo_ops), 2)
        self.assertEqual(new_topo_ops[0].qargs, [qr[1], qr[2]])
        self.assertEqual(new_topo_ops[1].qargs, [qr[0], qr[1]])
    def test_block_spanning_two_regs(self):
        """blocks spanning wires on different quantum registers work."""

        #            ┌────────┐
        # qr0: ──────┤ P(0.5) ├───────■──
        #      ┌─────┴────────┴────┐┌─┴─┐
        # qr1: ┤ U(1.5708,0.2,0.6) ├┤ X ├
        #      └───────────────────┘└───┘
        qr0 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr0")
        qr1 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr1")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr0, qr1)
        qc.p(0.5, qr0[0])
        qc.u(1.5708, 0.2, 0.6, qr1[0])
        qc.cx(qr0[0], qr1[0])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set["block_list"] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        unitary = Operator(qc)
        self.assertEqual(len(new_dag.op_nodes()), 1)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(Operator(new_dag.op_nodes()[0].op),
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
예제 #3
    def test_topological_order_preserved(self):
        """the original topological order of nodes is preserved
        q0:--[p]-------.----      q0:-------------|      |--
                       |                 ______   |  U2  |
        q1:--[u2]--(+)-(+)--   =  q1:---|      |--|______|--
                    |                   |  U1  |
        q2:---------.-------      q2:---|______|------------
        qr = QuantumRegister(3, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.p(0.5, qr[0])
        qc.u(1.5708, 0.2, 0.6, qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[2], qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        topo_ops = list(dag.topological_op_nodes())
        block_1 = [topo_ops[1], topo_ops[2]]
        block_2 = [topo_ops[0], topo_ops[3]]
        pass_.property_set["block_list"] = [block_1, block_2]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        new_topo_ops = list(new_dag.topological_op_nodes())
        self.assertEqual(len(new_topo_ops), 2)
        self.assertEqual(new_topo_ops[0].qargs, (qr[1], qr[2]))
        self.assertEqual(new_topo_ops[1].qargs, (qr[0], qr[1]))
    def test_3q_blocks(self):
        """blocks of more than 2 qubits work."""

        #             ┌────────┐
        # qr_0: ──────┤ P(0.5) ├────────────■──
        #       ┌─────┴────────┴────┐┌───┐┌─┴─┐
        # qr_1: ┤ U(1.5708,0.2,0.6) ├┤ X ├┤ X ├
        #       └───────────────────┘└─┬─┘└───┘
        # qr_2: ───────────────────────■───────
        qr = QuantumRegister(3, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.p(0.5, qr[0])
        qc.u(1.5708, 0.2, 0.6, qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[2], qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set["block_list"] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        unitary = Operator(qc)
        self.assertEqual(len(new_dag.op_nodes()), 1)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(Operator(new_dag.op_nodes()[0].op),
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
 def test_no_kak_in_basis(self):
     """Test that pass just returns the input dag without a KAK gate."""
     qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
     dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)
     consolidate_blocks_pass = ConsolidateBlocks(basis_gates=["u3"])
     res = consolidate_blocks_pass.run(dag)
     self.assertEqual(res, dag)
    def test_wire_order(self):
        """order of qubits and the corresponding unitary is correct"""
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.cx(qr[1], qr[0])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set["block_list"] = [dag.op_nodes()]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        new_node = new_dag.op_nodes()[0]
        self.assertEqual(new_node.qargs, [qr[0], qr[1]])
        unitary = Operator(qc)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(Operator(new_node.op), unitary)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
    def test_consolidate_small_block(self):
        """test a small block of gates can be turned into a unitary on same wires"""
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.p(0.5, qr[0])
        qc.u(1.5708, 0.2, 0.6, qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        unitary = Operator(qc)
        self.assertEqual(len(new_dag.op_nodes()), 1)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(Operator(new_dag.op_nodes()[0].op), unitary)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
예제 #8
    def test_wire_order(self):
        """order of qubits and the corresponding unitary is correct"""
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.cx(qr[1], qr[0])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks()
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [dag.op_nodes()]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        new_node = new_dag.op_nodes()[0]
        self.assertEqual(new_node.qargs, [qr[0], qr[1]])
        # the canonical CNOT matrix occurs when the control is more
        # significant than target, which is the case here
        fidelity = process_fidelity(
            np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
    def test_consolidate_small_block(self):
        """test a small block of gates can be turned into a unitary on same wires"""
        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.u1(0.5, qr[0])
        qc.u2(0.2, 0.6, qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        sim = UnitarySimulatorPy()
        result = execute(qc, sim).result()
        unitary = UnitaryGate(result.get_unitary())
        self.assertEqual(len(new_dag.op_nodes()), 1)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(new_dag.op_nodes()[0].op.to_matrix(), unitary.to_matrix())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
    def test_block_spanning_two_regs(self):
        """blocks spanning wires on different quantum registers work."""
        qr0 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr0")
        qr1 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr1")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr0, qr1)
        qc.u1(0.5, qr0[0])
        qc.u2(0.2, 0.6, qr1[0])
        qc.cx(qr0[0], qr1[0])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        sim = UnitarySimulatorPy()
        result = execute(qc, sim).result()
        unitary = UnitaryGate(result.get_unitary())
        self.assertEqual(len(new_dag.op_nodes()), 1)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(new_dag.op_nodes()[0].op.to_matrix(), unitary.to_matrix())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
    def test_3q_blocks(self):
        """blocks of more than 2 qubits work."""
        qr = QuantumRegister(3, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.u1(0.5, qr[0])
        qc.u2(0.2, 0.6, qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[2], qr[1])
        qc.cx(qr[0], qr[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        sim = UnitarySimulatorPy()
        result = execute(qc, sim).result()
        unitary = UnitaryGate(result.get_unitary())
        self.assertEqual(len(new_dag.op_nodes()), 1)
        fidelity = process_fidelity(new_dag.op_nodes()[0].op.to_matrix(), unitary.to_matrix())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(fidelity, 1.0, places=7)
    def test_block_spanning_two_regs_different_index(self):
        """blocks spanning wires on different quantum registers work when the wires
        could have conflicting indices. This was raised in #2806 when a CX was applied
        across multiple registers and their indices collided, raising an error."""
        qr0 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr0")
        qr1 = QuantumRegister(2, "qr1")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr0, qr1)
        qc.cx(qr0[0], qr1[1])
        dag = circuit_to_dag(qc)

        pass_ = ConsolidateBlocks(force_consolidate=True)
        pass_.property_set['block_list'] = [list(dag.topological_op_nodes())]
        new_dag = pass_.run(dag)

        original_unitary = UnitaryGate(Operator(qc))

        from qiskit.converters import dag_to_circuit
        new_unitary = UnitaryGate(Operator(dag_to_circuit(new_dag)))

        self.assertEqual(original_unitary, new_unitary)