def apply(self): try: level_name = self._levelCombo.get() levels = [ key for key, value in PreferencesDialog._LOG_LEVELS.items() if value == level_name ] loglevel = levels[0] preferences = Preferences() self._credentialsview.apply(preferences) self._packagesPage.apply(preferences) logging_config = build_logging_config(loglevel) preferences = Preferences() preferences.set_logging_config(logging_config) set_logging_config(logging_config) uipreferences = UIPreferences() populate = self._populateDefaults.get() uipreferences.set_populate_defaults(False if populate == 0 else True) self._controller.get_available_backends() except Exception as e: self.controller.outputview.write_line(str(e))
def register_and_get_operational_backends(*args, provider_class=IBMQProvider, **kwargs): try: for provider in q_registered_providers(): if isinstance(provider, provider_class): q_unregister(provider) logger.debug( "Provider '{}' unregistered with Qiskit successfully.". format(provider_class)) break except Exception as e: logger.debug( "Failed to unregister provider '{}' with Qiskit: {}".format( provider_class, str(e))) preferences = Preferences() if args or kwargs or preferences.get_token() is not None: try: q_register(*args, provider_class=provider_class, **kwargs) logger.debug( "Provider '{}' registered with Qiskit successfully.". format(provider_class)) except Exception as e: logger.debug( "Failed to register provider '{}' with Qiskit: {}".format( provider_class, str(e))) backends = available_backends() backends = [ x for x in backends if x not in QuantumAlgorithm.UNSUPPORTED_BACKENDS ] return backends
def _get_logging_names(): names = OrderedDict() names['qiskit_aqua'] = None preferences = AquaPreferences() packages = preferences.get_packages([]) for package in packages: names[package] = None return list(names.keys())
def register_and_get_operational_backends(): # update registration info using internal methods because: # at this point I don't want to save to or removecredentials from disk # I want to update url, proxies etc without removing token and # re-adding in 2 methods ibmq_backends = [] try: credentials = None preferences = Preferences() url = preferences.get_url() token = preferences.get_token() if url is not None and url != '' and token is not None and token != '': credentials = Credentials(token, url, proxies=preferences.get_proxies({})) if credentials is not None: qiskit.IBMQ._accounts[ credentials.unique_id()] = IBMQSingleProvider( credentials, qiskit.IBMQ) logger.debug("Registered with Qiskit successfully.") ibmq_backends = [ for x in qiskit.IBMQ.backends(url=url, token=token) ] except Exception as e: logger.debug("Failed to register with Qiskit: {}".format(str(e))) backends = set() aer_backends = [ for x in qiskit.Aer.backends()] for aer_backend in aer_backends: backend = None for group_name, names in qiskit.Aer.grouped_backend_names().items( ): if aer_backend in names: backend = group_name break if backend is None: backend = aer_backend supported = True for unsupported_backend in QuantumAlgorithm.UNSUPPORTED_BACKENDS: if backend.startswith(unsupported_backend): supported = False break if supported: backends.add(backend) return list(backends) + ibmq_backends
def body(self, parent, options): preferences = Preferences() logging_config = preferences.get_logging_config() if logging_config is not None: set_logging_config(logging_config) uipreferences = UIPreferences() populate = uipreferences.get_populate_defaults(True) self._populateDefaults.set(1 if populate else 0) credentialsGroup = ttk.LabelFrame(parent, text='IBMQ Credentials', padding=(6, 6, 6, 6), borderwidth=4, relief=tk.GROOVE) credentialsGroup.grid(padx=(7, 7), pady=6, row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') self._credentialsview = CredentialsView(credentialsGroup) defaultsGroup = ttk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Defaults', padding=(6, 6, 6, 6), borderwidth=4, relief=tk.GROOVE) defaultsGroup.grid(padx=(7, 7), pady=6, row=1, column=0, sticky='nsw') defaultsGroup.columnconfigure(1, pad=7) self._checkButton = ttk.Checkbutton(defaultsGroup, text="Populate on file new/open", variable=self._populateDefaults) self._checkButton.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nsw') packagesGroup = ttk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Packages', padding=(6, 6, 6, 6), borderwidth=4, relief=tk.GROOVE) packagesGroup.grid(padx=(7, 7), pady=6, row=2, column=0, sticky='nsw') packagesGroup.columnconfigure(1, pad=7) frame = ttk.Frame(packagesGroup) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') self._packagesPage = PackagesPage(frame, preferences) self._packagesPage.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.TRUE) self._packagesPage.show_add_button(True) self._packagesPage.show_remove_button( self._packagesPage.has_selection()) self._packagesPage.show_defaults_button(False) loggingGroup = ttk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Logging Configuration', padding=(6, 6, 6, 6), borderwidth=4, relief=tk.GROOVE) loggingGroup.grid(padx=(7, 7), pady=6, row=3, column=0, sticky='nsw') loggingGroup.columnconfigure(1, pad=7) loglevel = get_logging_level() ttk.Label(loggingGroup, text="Level:", borderwidth=0, anchor=tk.E).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') self._levelCombo = ttk.Combobox( loggingGroup, exportselection=0, state='readonly', values=list(PreferencesDialog._LOG_LEVELS.values())) index = list(PreferencesDialog._LOG_LEVELS.keys()).index(loglevel) self._levelCombo.current(index) self._levelCombo.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nsw') self.entry = self._credentialsview.initial_focus return self.entry # initial focus
def setup_quantum_backend(self, backend='statevector_simulator', shots=1024, skip_transpiler=False, noise_params=None, coupling_map=None, initial_layout=None, hpc_params=None, basis_gates=None, max_credits=10, timeout=None, wait=5): """ Setup the quantum backend. Args: backend (str or BaseBackend): name of or instance of selected backend shots (int): number of shots for the backend skip_transpiler (bool): skip most of the compile steps and produce qobj directly noise_params (dict): the noise setting for simulator coupling_map (list): coupling map (perhaps custom) to target in mapping initial_layout (dict): initial layout of qubits in mapping hpc_params (dict): HPC simulator parameters basis_gates (str): comma-separated basis gate set to compile to max_credits (int): maximum credits to use timeout (float or None): seconds to wait for job. If None, wait indefinitely. wait (float): seconds between queries Raises: AlgorithmError: set backend with invalid Qconfig """ if backend is None: raise AlgorithmError('Missing algorithm backend') if isinstance(backend, str): operational_backends = self.register_and_get_operational_backends() if QuantumAlgorithm.EQUIVALENT_BACKENDS.get( backend, backend) not in operational_backends: raise AlgorithmError( "This backend '{}' is not operational for the quantum algorithm, \ select any one below: {}".format( backend, operational_backends)) self._qjob_config = {'timeout': timeout, 'wait': wait} my_backend = None if isinstance(backend, BaseBackend): my_backend = backend else: try: my_backend = qiskit.Aer.get_backend(backend) except KeyError: preferences = Preferences() my_backend = qiskit.IBMQ.get_backend( backend, url=preferences.get_url(''), token=preferences.get_token('')) if my_backend is None: raise AlgorithmError( "Missing algorithm backend '{}'".format(backend)) self._backend = my_backend shots = 1 if QuantumAlgorithm.is_statevector_backend( my_backend) else shots noise_params = noise_params if my_backend.configuration().get( 'simulator', False) else None if my_backend.configuration().get('local', False): self._qjob_config.pop('wait', None) if coupling_map is None: coupling_map = my_backend.configuration()['coupling_map'] if basis_gates is None: basis_gates = my_backend.configuration()['basis_gates'] self._execute_config = { 'shots': shots, 'skip_transpiler': skip_transpiler, 'config': { "noise_params": noise_params }, 'basis_gates': basis_gates, 'coupling_map': coupling_map, 'initial_layout': initial_layout, 'max_credits': max_credits, 'seed': self._random_seed, 'qobj_id': None, 'hpc': hpc_params } info = "Algorithm: '{}' setup with backend '{}', with following setting:\n {}\n{}".format( self._configuration['name'], my_backend.configuration()['name'], self._execute_config, self._qjob_config)'Qiskit Terra version {}'.format(qiskit_version))