예제 #1
def generate_qstate(qid_0,
                    entangle=True):  # random pure state (entangle or not)

    if entangle == True:
        dim = 2**len(qid_0 + qid_1)
        vec = np.array([0.0] * dim)
        vec[0] = 1.0
        mat = unitary_group.rvs(dim)
        vec = np.dot(mat, vec)
        qs = QState(vector=vec)
        dim_0 = 2**len(qid_0)
        dim_1 = 2**len(qid_1)
        vec_0 = np.array([0.0] * dim_0)
        vec_1 = np.array([0.0] * dim_1)
        vec_0[0] = 1.0
        vec_1[0] = 1.0
        mat_0 = unitary_group.rvs(dim_0)
        mat_1 = unitary_group.rvs(dim_1)
        vec_0 = np.dot(mat_0, vec_0)
        vec_1 = np.dot(mat_1, vec_1)
        qs_0 = QState(vector=vec_0)
        qs_1 = QState(vector=vec_1)
        qs = qs_0.tenspro(qs_1)
    return qs
예제 #2
파일: magic_Y.py 프로젝트: samn33/qlazy
def distillation_Y(qs_list):

    data = CreateRegister(1)  # data qubit
    code = CreateRegister(7)  # logical qubit for Steane code
    anci = CreateRegister(1)  # ancilla qubit for S gate
    qubit_num = InitRegister(data, code, anci)
    qs = QState(qubit_num=qubit_num - len(anci))

    # bell state
    qs.h(data[0]).cx(data[0], code[6])

    # steane code
    qs.cx(code[6], code[3]).cx(code[6], code[4])
    qs.cx(code[2], code[3]).cx(code[2], code[4]).cx(code[2], code[5])
    qs.cx(code[1], code[4]).cx(code[1], code[5]).cx(code[1], code[6])
    qs.cx(code[0], code[3]).cx(code[0], code[5]).cx(code[0], code[6])

    # S gates and measurements
    mval_list = []
    for i in range(7):
        qs_total = qs.tenspro(qs_list[i])
        qs_total.cx(code[i], anci[0]).h(anci[0]).cx(code[i],
        mval = int(qs_total.mx(qid=[code[i]]).last)
        qs = qs_total.partial(qid=data + code)

    if measure_X_stab(mval_list) == False:
        return None

    qs_pat = qs_total.partial(qid=data)
    if measure_logical_X(mval_list) == True: qs_pat.z(0)

    return qs_pat
예제 #3
파일: t_gate.py 프로젝트: samn33/qlazy
def faulttolerant_t(qs_in):

    A = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  # registers for ancila
    B = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]  # registers for output quantum state
    C = [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]  # registers for input quantum state
    qs_A = QState(7)
    qs_B = logical_zero()
    qs_AB = qs_A.tenspro(qs_B)
    qs_ABC = qs_AB.tenspro(qs_in)

    # -H-T-
    [qs_ABC.cx(A[0], A[i]) for i in range(1, 7)]
    [qs_ABC.cx(A[i], B[i]).cs(A[i], B[i]).cz(A[i], B[i]) for i in range(7)]
    [qs_ABC.cx(A[0], A[i]) for i in range(1, 7)]
    mval = qs_ABC.m(qid=[A[0]]).last
    if mval == '1': [qs_ABC.z(q) for q in B]

    # -CNOT-
    [qs_ABC.cx(B[i], C[i]) for i in range(7)]

    # -M-, -SX-
    [qs_ABC.cx(A[0], A[i]) for i in range(1, 7)]
    [qs_ABC.cz(A[i], C[i]) for i in range(7)]
    [qs_ABC.cx(A[0], A[i]) for i in range(1, 7)]
    mval = qs_ABC.m(qid=[A[0]]).last
    if mval == '1': [qs_ABC.x(q).s(q).z(q) for q in B]

    qs_out = qs_ABC.partial(qid=B)

    return qs_out
예제 #4
def hadamard_test_imag():

    print("== expectaion value prediction (imaginary part) == ")

    # prepare initial state

    qs_0 = QState(1)
    qs_psi = QState(2).h(0).h(1)
    qs = qs_0.tenspro(qs_psi)

    # circuit for hadamard test

    qs.ch(0, 1).crx(0, 2, phase=0.25)

    shots = 1000
    md = qs.m([0], shots=shots)
    p0 = md.frq[0] / shots
    p1 = md.frq[1] / shots
    exp_pred = p1 - p0
    print("expectation value (predict) = {0:.3f}".format(exp_pred))

    # theoretical expactation value

    qs_op = qs_psi.clone()
    qs_op.h(0).rx(1, phase=0.25)
    exp_theo = qs_psi.inpro(qs_op).imag
    print("expectation value (theoretical) = {0:.3f}".format(exp_theo))
예제 #5
def generate_qstate(qid_C, qid_S):

    a = np.random.rand() + np.random.rand() * 1.j
    b = np.random.rand() + np.random.rand() * 1.j

    print("== quantum state (a |0L> + b |1L>) ==")
    print("- a = {:.4f}".format(a))
    print("- b = {:.4f}".format(b))

    qvec = np.full(2**len(qid_C), 0. + 0.j)
    for s in Steane_0:
        qvec[int(s, 2)] = a
    for s in Steane_1:
        qvec[int(s, 2)] = b

    norm = np.linalg.norm(qvec)
    qvec = qvec / norm

    qs_C = QState(vector=qvec)
    qs_S = QState(len(qid_S))
    qs = qs_C.tenspro(qs_S)
    de_ini = MyDensOp(qstate=[qs])
    de_fin = de_ini.clone()

    # QState.free_all(qs_C, qs_S, qs)
    return de_ini, de_fin
예제 #6
파일: test_QState.py 프로젝트: samn33/qlazy
 def test_tenspro(self):
     """test 'tenspro'
     qs_A = QState(qubit_num=1).h(0)
     qs_B = QState(qubit_num=2).h(0).cx(0, 1)
     actual = qs_A.tenspro(qs_B)
     expect = QState(qubit_num=3).h(0).h(1).cx(1, 2)
     ans = equal_qstates(actual, expect)
     self.assertEqual(ans, True)
예제 #7
파일: test_QState.py 프로젝트: samn33/qlazy
 def test_inheritance_3(self):
     """test 'inheritance_3'
     qs_A = QState(qubit_num=1)
     qs_B = QState(qubit_num=1)
     qs_expect = qs_A.tenspro(qs_B).h(0).cx(0, 1).x(0)
     qs_C = MyQState(qubit_num=1)
     qs_D = MyQState(qubit_num=1)
     qs_actual = qs_C.tenspro(qs_D)
     qs_actual.bell(0, 1).x(0)
     fid = qs_expect.fidelity(qs_actual)
     self.assertEqual(abs(fid - 1.0) < EPS, True)
예제 #8
파일: t_gate.py 프로젝트: samn33/qlazy
def faulttolerant_m(qs_in):

    anc = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  # ancila
    cod = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]  # steane code
    qs_anc = QState(7)
    qs_total = qs_anc.tenspro(qs_in)

    [qs_total.cx(anc[0], anc[i]) for i in range(1, 7)]
    [qs_total.cz(anc[i], cod[i]) for i in range(7)]
    [qs_total.cx(anc[0], anc[i]) for i in range(1, 7)]
    md = qs_total.m(qid=[0], shots=10000)

    return md
예제 #9
def main():

    print("== convergence on engenstate ==")

    # prepare initial state

    qs_0 = QState(1)
    qs_psi = QState(2)
    qs = qs_0.tenspro(qs_psi)

    # circuit for hadamard test

    iter = 100
    for _ in range(iter):
        qs.ch(0, 1).crx(0, 2, phase=0.25)
        qs.m(id=[0], shots=1)

    print("- final |psi>")
    qs.show(id=[1, 2])
    print("- unitary operated |psi>")
    qs.h(1).rx(2, phase=0.25).show(id=[1, 2])
예제 #10
def main():

    print("== phase prediction == ")

    # prepare initial state

    qs_0 = QState(1)
    qs_psi = QState(1).h(0)
    qs = qs_0.tenspro(qs_psi)

    # circuit for hadamard test

    qs.crx(0, 1, phase=0.5)

    shots = 1000
    md = qs.m([0], shots=shots)
    p0 = md.frq[0] / shots
    p1 = md.frq[1] / shots
    print("[predicted]   cos(gamma) = {0:.3f}".format(p0 - p1))

    print("[theoretical] cos(gamma) = {0:.3f}".format(math.cos(-0.25 *
예제 #11
def distillation_A(qs_list):

    data = CreateRegister(1)   # data qubit
    code = CreateRegister(15)  # logical qubit for Steane code
    anci = CreateRegister(1)   # ancilla qubit for S gate
    qubit_num = InitRegister(data, code, anci)
    qs = QState(qubit_num=qubit_num-len(anci))

    # bell state
    qs.h(data[0]).cx(data[0], code[14])

    # Reed-Muler code
    [qs.h(code[q-1]) for q in [1,2,4,8]]
    [qs.cx(code[8-1], code[q-1]) for q in [9,10,11,12,13,14,15]]
    [qs.cx(code[4-1], code[q-1]) for q in [5,6,7,12,13,14,15]]
    [qs.cx(code[2-1], code[q-1]) for q in [3,6,7,10,11,14,15]]
    [qs.cx(code[1-1], code[q-1]) for q in [3,5,7,9,11,13,15]]
    [qs.cx(code[15-1], code[q-1]) for q in [3,5,6,9,10,12]]

    # T_dag gates and measurements
    mval_list = []
    for i in range(15):
        qs_total = qs.tenspro(qs_list[i])
        m = qs_total.cx(anci[0], code[i]).m(qid=[code[i]]).last
        if m == '1': qs_total.x(anci[0])
        else: qs_total.s_dg(anci[0])
        mval = int(qs_total.mx(qid=[anci[0]]).last)
        qs = qs_total.partial(qid=data+code)

    if measure_X_stab(mval_list) == False: return None

    qs_pat = qs_total.partial(qid=data)
    if measure_logical_X(mval_list) == False: qs_pat.z(0)

    return qs_pat