예제 #1
def test_gaussian_kernel():


    n_train = 25
    n_test = 20

    # List of dummy representations
    X = np.random.rand(n_train, 1000)
    Xs = np.random.rand(n_test, 1000)

    sigma = 100.0

    Ktest = np.zeros((n_train, n_test))

    for i in range(n_train):
        for j in range(n_test):
            Ktest[i, j] = np.exp(
                np.sum(np.square(X[i] - Xs[j])) / (-2.0 * sigma**2))

    K = gaussian_kernel(X, Xs, sigma)

    # Compare two implementations:
    assert np.allclose(K, Ktest), "Error in Gaussian kernel"

    Ksymm = gaussian_kernel(X, X, sigma)

    # Check for symmetry:
    assert np.allclose(Ksymm, Ksymm.T), "Error in Gaussian kernel"
예제 #2
    def do_qml_gaussian_kernel(self):

        #K is also a np array, create kernel matrix
        K = gaussian_kernel(self.x_training, self.x_training, self.sigma)

        #add small lambda to the diagonal of the kernel matrix
        K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += self.lamda

        #use the built in Cholesky-decomposition to solve
        alpha = cho_solve(K, self.y_training)

        #predict new, calculate kernel matrix between test and training
        Ks = gaussian_kernel(self.x_test, self.x_training, self.sigma)

        #make prediction
        Y_predicted = np.dot(Ks, alpha)

        # Calculate mean-absolute-error (MAE):
        self.mae = np.mean(np.abs(Y_predicted - self.y_test))
        self.test_predicted_results = Y_predicted
예제 #3
def test_kernels():

    import sys
    import numpy as np
    import qml
    from qml.kernels import laplacian_kernel
    from qml.kernels import gaussian_kernel

    n_train = 25
    n_test = 20

    # List of dummy representations
    X = np.random.rand(n_train, 1000)
    Xs = np.random.rand(n_test, 1000)

    sigma = 100.0

    Gtest = np.zeros((n_train, n_test))
    Ltest = np.zeros((n_train, n_test))

    for i in range(n_train):
        for j in range(n_test):
            Gtest[i,j] = np.exp( np.sum(np.square(X[i] - Xs[j])) / (-2.0 * sigma**2))

            Ltest[i,j] = np.exp( np.sum(np.abs(X[i] - Xs[j])) / (-1.0 * sigma))

    G = gaussian_kernel(X, Xs, sigma)
    L = laplacian_kernel(X, Xs, sigma)

    # Compare two implementations:
    assert np.allclose(G, Gtest), "Error in Gaussian kernel"
    assert np.allclose(L, Ltest), "Error in Laplacian kernel"

    Gsymm = gaussian_kernel(X, X, sigma)
    Lsymm = laplacian_kernel(X, X, sigma)

    # Check for symmetry:
    assert np.allclose(Gsymm, Gsymm.T), "Error in Gaussian kernel"
    assert np.allclose(Lsymm, Lsymm.T), "Error in Laplacian kernel"
예제 #4
    for mol in compounds:

        mol.generate_coulomb_matrix(size=23, sorting="row-norm")
        # mol.generate_bob(size=23, asize={"O":3, "C":7, "N":3, "H":16, "S":1})

    # Make a big 2D array with all the representations
    X = np.array([mol.representation for mol in compounds])
    # X = np.array([mol.bob for mol in compounds])

    # Print all representations

    # Assign 1000 first molecules to the training set
    X_training = X[:1000]
    Y_training = energy_pbe0[:1000]

    sigma = 4000.0
    K = gaussian_kernel(X_training, X_training, sigma)
    print("Gaussian kernel:")

    # Add a small lambda to the diagonal of the kernel matrix
    K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += 1e-8

    # Use the built-in Cholesky-decomposition to solve
    alpha = cho_solve(K, Y_training)


    # Assign 1000 first molecules to the training set
    X_training = X[:1000]
    Y_training = energy_pbe0[:1000]
    # Y_training = energy_delta[:1000]

    # Assign 1000 first molecules to the training set
    X_test = X[-1000:]
    Y_test = energy_pbe0[-1000:]
    # Y_test = energy_delta[-1000:]

    # Calculate the Gaussian kernel
    sigma = 700.0
    K = gaussian_kernel(X_training, X_training, sigma)

    # Add a small lambda to the diagonal of the kernel matrix
    K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += 1e-8

    # Use the built-in Cholesky-decomposition to solve
    alpha = cho_solve(K, Y_training)


    # Assign 1000 last molecules to the test set
    X_test = X[-1000:]
    Y_test = energy_pbe0[-1000:]

    # calculate a kernel matrix between test and training data, using the same sigma
예제 #6
    Yprime = np.asarray([mol.properties for mol in mols])
    Ytest = np.asarray([mol.properties for mol in mols_test])
    """np.save("data/krr/trainingFCHL", X)
    np.save("data/krr/testFCHL", X_test)"""

    print("\n -> calculating kernels")

    Calculating kernel functions and crossvalidation.

    print("\n -> calculating cross validation and predictions")
    for j in tqdm(range(len(sigmas))):

        K = gaussian_kernel(X, X, sigmas[j])
        K_test = gaussian_kernel(X, X_test, sigmas[j])

        for train in N:
            test = total - train
            maes = []
            for i in range(nModels):
                split = list(range(total))

                training_index = split[:train]
                test_index = split[-test:]

                Y = Yprime[training_index]
                Ys = Yprime[test_index]
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, wds, ia1, ia2, coeff=1.0, llambda=1.e-4):
        ia1, ia2 -- atomic index, starting from 0,

        s1 = SLATM(wds, 'out', regexp='', properties='AE', M='slatm', \
                local=True, igroup=False, ow=False, nproc=1, istart=0, \
                slatm_params = { 'nbody':3, 'dgrids': [0.03,0.03],  'sigmas':[0.05,0.05],\
                                 'rcut':4.8, 'rpower2':6, 'ws':[1.,1.,1.], \
                                 'rpower3': 3, 'isf':0, 'kernel':'g', 'intc':3 }, \
        fs = s1.fs
        coords = s1.coords
        iast2 = s1.nas.cumsum()
        iast1 = np.array([
        ] + list(kas2[:-1]))

        objs = []
        ds = []
        for i, f in enumerate(fs):
            obj = wfn(f)
            if i < self.nm - 1:
                ds.append(ssd.cdist(coords[i], coords[self.nm - 1]))

        ## specify target atom pairs!!
        #ia1, ia2 = 0, 1
        #coeff = 1.0; llambda = 1e-6

        cia1 = coords[-1][ia1]
        cia2 = coords[-1][ia2]
        xs = []
        ys = []
        nhass = []
        for i, f in enumerate(fs):
            dsi = ds[i]
            jas = np.arange(dsi.shape[0])
            filt1 = (dsi[:, ia1] <= 0.01)
            filt2 = (dsi[:, ia2] <= 0.01)
            if np.any(filt1) and np.any(filt2):
                obj = objs[i]
                ja1 = jas[filt1]
                ja2 = jas[filt2]
                p, q, r, s = obj.ibs1[ja1], obj.ibs2[ja1], obj.ibs1[
                    ja2], obj.ibs2[ja2]
                dmij = obj.dm[p:q, r:s].ravel()

                iat1 = iast1[i] + ja1
                iat2 = iast1[i] + ja2
                x1 = s1.X[iat1]
                x2 = s1.X[iat2]
                xs.append(np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=0))

        nprop = len(dmij)

        nt = len(nhass)
        nhass = np.array(nhass)
        tidxs = np.arange(nt)
        nhass_u = np.unique(nhass)
        nu = len(nhass_u)
        xs = np.array(xs)
        ys = np.array(ys)
        xs2 = np.array([xs[-1]])
        ys2 = np.array([ys[-1]])
        for j in range(nu):
            jdxs = tidxs[nhass <= nhass_u[j]]
            xs1 = xs[jdxs, :]
            ys1 = ys[jdxs, :]
            ds1 = qd.l2_distance(X1, X1)  # ssd.pdist(x1, metric='euclidean')
            dmax = max(ds1.ravel())
            sigma = coeff * dmax / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))
            K1 = qk.gaussian_kernel(xs1, xs1, sigma)
            assert np.allclose(K1,
                               K1.T), "Error in local Gaussian kernel symmetry"

            K1[np.diag_indices_from(K1)] += llambda
            alpha = np.array([cho_solve(K1, ys1)]).T

            K2 = qk.gaussian_kernel(xs2, xs1, sigma)
            ys2_est = np.dot(K2, alpha)
            error = np.squeeze(ys2_est) - ys2
            mae = np.sum(np.abs(error)) / nprop
            rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum(error**2) / nprop)
            print('%4d %12.8f %12.8f' % (len(xs1), mae, rmse))
예제 #8
def compute_kernel_qml(X_i, X_j, sigma=1e3):
    return gaussian_kernel(X_i, X_j, sigma)
예제 #9
    from tutorial_data import compounds

    from qml.kernels import gaussian_kernel

    # For every compound generate a coulomb matrix or BoB
    for mol in compounds:

        mol.generate_coulomb_matrix(size=23, sorting="row-norm")
        # mol.generate_bob(size=23, asize={"O":3, "C":7, "N":3, "H":16, "S":1})

    # Make a big 2D array with all the representations
    X = np.array([mol.representation for mol in compounds])
    # X = np.array([mol.bob for mol in compounds])

    # Print all representations

    # Run on only a subset of the first 100 (for speed)
    X = X[:100]

    # Define the kernel width
    sigma = 1000.0

    # K is also a Numpy array
    K = gaussian_kernel(X, X, sigma)

    # Print the kernel
    print("Gaussian kernel:")
예제 #10
    Y = np.array([mol.properties for mol in training])
    Ys = np.array([mol.properties for mol in test])

    # List of representations
    mbtypes = get_slatm_mbtypes(np.array([mol.nuclear_charges
                                          for mol in mols]))
    for i, mol in enumerate(training):
        mol.generate_slatm(mbtypes, local=False, rpower=6)
    for i, mol in enumerate(test):
        mol.generate_slatm(mbtypes, local=False, rpower=6)

    X = np.array([mol.representation for mol in training])
    Xs = np.array([mol.representation for mol in test])

    # Generate training Kernel
    K = gaussian_kernel(X, X, sigma)
    Ks = gaussian_kernel(X, Xs, sigma)

    K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] += llambda
    alpha = cho_solve(K, Y)

    # Calculate prediction kernel
    Yss = np.dot(Ks.transpose(), alpha)

    mae = np.mean(np.abs(Ys - Yss))

    print mae

    # sigma = 0.1
    # llambda = 1e-9