예제 #1
def test_driven_tls(datadir):
    hs = local_space('tls', namespace='sys', basis=('g', 'e'))
    w = symbols(r'\omega', real=True)
    pi = sympy.pi
    cos = sympy.cos
    t, T, E0 = symbols('t, T, E_0', real=True)
    a = 0.16
    blackman = 0.5 * (1 - a - cos(2 * pi * t / T) + a * cos(4 * pi * t / T))
    H0 = Destroy(hs).dag() * Destroy(hs)
    H1 = LocalSigma(hs, 'g', 'e') + LocalSigma(hs, 'e', 'g')
    H = w * H0 + 0.5 * E0 * blackman * H1
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], H)
    num_vals = {w: 1.0, T: 10.0, E0: 1.0 * 2 * np.pi}

    # test qutip conversion
    H_qutip, Ls = circuit.substitute(num_vals).HL_to_qutip(time_symbol=t)
    assert len(Ls) == 0
    assert len(H_qutip) == 3
    times = np.linspace(0, num_vals[T], 201)
    psi0 = qutip.basis(2, 1)
    states = qutip.mesolve(H_qutip, psi0, times, [], []).states
    pop0 = np.array(qutip_population(states, state=0))
    pop1 = np.array(qutip_population(states, state=1))
    datfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'pops.dat')
    #print("DATFILE: %s" % datfile)
    #np.savetxt(datfile, np.c_[times, pop0, pop1, pop0+pop1])
    pop0_expect, pop1_expect = np.genfromtxt(datfile,
                                             usecols=(1, 2))
    assert np.max(np.abs(pop0 - pop0_expect)) < 1e-12
    assert np.max(np.abs(pop1 - pop1_expect)) < 1e-12

    # Test QSD conversion
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit, num_vals=num_vals, time_symbol=t)
    codegen.add_observable(LocalSigma(hs, 'e', 'e'), name='P_e')
    psi0 = BasisKet(hs, 'e')
    scode = codegen.generate_code()
    compile_cmd = _cmd_list_to_str(
                                   compile_options='-g -O0'))
    codefile = os.path.join(datadir, "test_driven_tls.cc")
    #print("CODEFILE: %s" % codefile)
    #with(open(codefile, 'w')) as out_fh:
    with open(codefile) as in_fh:
        scode_expected = in_fh.read()
    assert scode.strip() == scode_expected.strip()
예제 #2
def test_labeled_basis_op():
    """Check that in QSD code generation labeled basis states are translated
    into numbered basis states"""
    hs = local_space("tls", namespace="sys", basis=("g", "e"))
    a = Destroy(hs)
    ad = a.dag()
    s = LocalSigma(hs, "g", "e")
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], a * ad)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    assert codegen._qsd_ops[s].instantiator == "(0,1,0)" != "(g,e,0)"
예제 #3
def test_driven_tls(datadir):
    hs = local_space('tls', namespace='sys', basis=('g', 'e'))
    w =  symbols(r'\omega', real=True)
    pi = sympy.pi
    cos = sympy.cos
    t, T, E0 = symbols('t, T, E_0', real=True)
    a = 0.16
    blackman = 0.5 * (1 - a - cos(2*pi * t/T) + a*cos(4*pi*t/T))
    H0 =  Destroy(hs).dag() * Destroy(hs)
    H1 = LocalSigma(hs, 'g', 'e') + LocalSigma(hs, 'e', 'g')
    H = w*H0 + 0.5 * E0 * blackman * H1
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], H)
    num_vals = {w: 1.0, T:10.0, E0:1.0*2*np.pi}

    # test qutip conversion
    H_qutip, Ls = circuit.substitute(num_vals).HL_to_qutip(time_symbol=t)
    assert len(Ls) == 0
    assert len(H_qutip) == 3
    times = np.linspace(0, num_vals[T], 201)
    psi0 = qutip.basis(2, 1)
    states = qutip.mesolve(H_qutip, psi0, times, [], []).states
    pop0 = np.array(qutip_population(states, state=0))
    pop1 = np.array(qutip_population(states, state=1))
    datfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'pops.dat')
    #print("DATFILE: %s" % datfile)
    #np.savetxt(datfile, np.c_[times, pop0, pop1, pop0+pop1])
    pop0_expect, pop1_expect = np.genfromtxt(datfile, unpack=True,
    assert np.max(np.abs(pop0 - pop0_expect)) < 1e-12
    assert np.max(np.abs(pop1 - pop1_expect)) < 1e-12

    # Test QSD conversion
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit, num_vals=num_vals, time_symbol=t)
    codegen.add_observable(LocalSigma(hs, 'e', 'e'), name='P_e')
    psi0 = BasisKet(hs, 'e')
            stepper='AdaptiveStep', dt=0.01,
            nt_plot_step=5, n_plot_steps=200, n_trajectories=1)
    scode = codegen.generate_code()
    compile_cmd = _cmd_list_to_str(codegen._build_compile_cmd(
                        executable='test_driven_tls', path='$HOME/bin',
                        compiler='mpiCC', compile_options='-g -O0'))
    codefile = os.path.join(datadir, "test_driven_tls.cc")
    #print("CODEFILE: %s" % codefile)
    #with(open(codefile, 'w')) as out_fh:
    with open(codefile) as in_fh:
        scode_expected = in_fh.read()
    assert scode.strip()  == scode_expected.strip()
예제 #4
def test_labeled_basis_op():
    """Check that in QSD code generation labeled basis states are translated
    into numbered basis states"""
    hs = local_space('tls', namespace='sys', basis=('g', 'e'))
    a = Destroy(hs)
    ad = a.dag()
    s = LocalSigma(hs, 'g', 'e')
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], a * ad)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    assert codegen._qsd_ops[s].instantiator == '(0,1,0)' != '(g,e,0)'
예제 #5
 def _space(self):
     return local_space(self.name, self.namespace, dimension = self.FOCK_DIM)
예제 #6
 def _space(self):
     return local_space(self.name, self.namespace, dimension=self.FOCK_DIM)
예제 #7
def test_convert_to_sympy_matrix():
    import pytest
    N = 4
    Hil = local_space('full', basis=range(N))

    Hil_q1 = local_space('Q1', basis=range(2))
    Hil_q2 = local_space('Q2', basis=range(2))

    expr =  qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.IdentityOperator
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.eye(N)

    expr =  qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.ZeroOperator
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == 0

    expr = qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil)
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [1, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, sympy.sqrt(2), 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, sympy.sqrt(3), 0]])

    expr = qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil)
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[0, 1, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, sympy.sqrt(2), 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, sympy.sqrt(3)],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0]])

    phi = sympy.symbols('phi', real=True)
    expr = qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Phase(Hil, phi)
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[1, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, sympy.exp(sympy.I*phi), 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, sympy.exp(2*sympy.I*phi), 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, sympy.exp(3*sympy.I*phi)]])

    expr = qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.LocalSigma(Hil, 1, 3)
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])

    expr = (  qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil)
            + qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil) )
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[0,             1,             0,             0],
                 [1,             0, sympy.sqrt(2),             0],
                 [0, sympy.sqrt(2),             0, sympy.sqrt(3)],
                 [0,             0, sympy.sqrt(3),             0]])

    expr = (  qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil)
            * qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil) )
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, Hil) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[ 0,  0,  0,  0],
                 [ 0,  1,  0,  0],
                 [ 0,  0,  2,  0],
                 [ 0,  0,  0,  3]])

    w1, w2 = sympy.symbols('omega_1, omega_2', real=True)
    expr = ( w1 * (  qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil_q1)
                   * qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil_q1) )
           + w2 * (  qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil_q2)
                   * qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil_q2) ) )
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, expr.space) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[ 0,  0,   0,  0],
                 [ 0,  w2,  0,  0],
                 [ 0,  0,  w1,  0],
                 [ 0,  0,   0,  w1+w2]])

    J = sympy.symbols('J', real=True)
    expr = J * ( qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil_q1)
                * qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil_q2)
               + qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil_q1)
                * qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Create(Hil_q2) )
    assert convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, expr.space) == sympy.Matrix(
                [[ 0,  0,  0,  0],
                 [ 0,  0,  J,  0],
                 [ 0,  J,  0,  0],
                 [ 0,  0,  0,  0]])

    expr = qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Adjoint(
    expr2 = qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Destroy(Hil)
    assert (convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr, expr.space)
            == convert_to_sympy_matrix(expr2, expr2.space))