예제 #1
def test_qsd_codegen_parameters():
    k = symbols(r'kappa', positive=True)
    x = symbols(r'chi', real=True)
    c = symbols("c")

    a = Destroy(1)
    H = x * (a * a + a.dag() * a.dag()) + (c * a.dag() + c.conjugate() * a)
    L = sqrt(k) * a
    slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [L], H)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit=slh, num_vals={x: 2., c: 1 + 2j, k: 2})

    scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert dedent(scode).strip() == dedent("""
    Complex I(0.0,1.0);
    Complex c(1,2);
    double chi = 2;
    double kappa = 2;""").strip()

    codegen.num_vals.update({c: 1})
    scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert dedent(scode).strip() == dedent("""
    Complex I(0.0,1.0);
    Complex c(1,0);
    double chi = 2;
    double kappa = 2;""").strip()

    del codegen.num_vals[c]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert "There is no value for symbol c" in str(excinfo.value)
예제 #2
def slh_Sec6():
    """SHL for the model in Section 6 of the QSD paper"""
    E = symbols(r"E", positive=True)
    chi = symbols(r"\chi", real=True)
    omega = symbols(r"\omega", real=True)
    eta = symbols(r"\eta", real=True)
    gamma1 = symbols(r"\gamma_1", positive=True)
    gamma2 = symbols(r"\gamma_2", positive=True)
    kappa = symbols(r"\kappa", positive=True)
    A1 = Destroy(0)
    Ac1 = A1.dag()
    N1 = Ac1 * A1
    Id1 = identity_matrix(0)
    A2 = Destroy(1)
    Ac2 = A2.dag()
    N2 = Ac2 * A2
    Id2 = identity_matrix(1)
    Sp = LocalSigma(2, 1, 0)
    Sm = Sp.dag()
    Id3 = identity_matrix(3)

    BasisRegistry.set_basis(A1.space, range(50))
    BasisRegistry.set_basis(A2.space, range(50))
    BasisRegistry.set_basis(Sp.space, range(2))

    H = (
        E * I * (Ac1 - A1)
        + 0.5 * chi * I * (Ac1 * Ac1 * A2 - A1 * A1 * Ac2)
        + omega * Sp * Sm
        + eta * I * (A2 * Sp - Ac2 * Sm)
    Lindblads = [sqrt(2 * gamma1) * A1, sqrt(2 * gamma2) * A2, sqrt(2 * kappa) * Sm]

    return SLH(identity_matrix(3), Lindblads, H)
예제 #3
def test_latex_symbols(slh_Sec6):
    """Test that if any of the symbols contain "special" characters such as
    backslashes (LaTeX code), we still get valid C++ code (basic ASCII words
    k = symbols("\kappa", positive=True)
    x = symbols(r"\chi^{(1)}_{\text{main}}", real=True)
    c = symbols("c")

    a = Destroy(1)
    H = x * (a * a + a.dag() * a.dag()) + (c * a.dag() + c.conjugate() * a)
    L = sqrt(k) * a
    slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [L], H)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit=slh, num_vals={x: 2.0, c: 1 + 2j, k: 2})

    scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert (
        == dedent(
    Complex I(0.0,1.0);
    Complex c(1,2);
    double chi_1_textmain = 2;
    double kappa = 2;"""
예제 #4
def slh_Sec6():
    """SHL for the model in Section 6 of the QSD paper"""
    E = symbols(r'E', positive=True)
    chi = symbols(r'\chi', real=True)
    omega = symbols(r'\omega', real=True)
    eta = symbols(r'\eta', real=True)
    gamma1 = symbols(r'\gamma_1', positive=True)
    gamma2 = symbols(r'\gamma_2', positive=True)
    kappa = symbols(r'\kappa', positive=True)
    A1 = Destroy(0)
    Ac1 = A1.dag()
    N1 = Ac1 * A1
    Id1 = identity_matrix(0)
    A2 = Destroy(1)
    Ac2 = A2.dag()
    N2 = Ac2 * A2
    Id2 = identity_matrix(1)
    Sp = LocalSigma(2, 1, 0)
    Sm = Sp.dag()
    Id3 = identity_matrix(3)

    BasisRegistry.set_basis(A1.space, range(50))
    BasisRegistry.set_basis(A2.space, range(50))
    BasisRegistry.set_basis(Sp.space, range(2))

    H  = E*I*(Ac1-A1) + 0.5*chi*I*(Ac1*Ac1*A2 - A1*A1*Ac2) \
         + omega*Sp*Sm + eta*I*(A2*Sp-Ac2*Sm)
    Lindblads = [
        sqrt(2 * gamma1) * A1,
        sqrt(2 * gamma2) * A2,
        sqrt(2 * kappa) * Sm

    return SLH(identity_matrix(3), Lindblads, H)
예제 #5
def test_local_ops():
    psa = PseudoNAND()
    assert isinstance(psa, Circuit)
    l_ops = local_ops(psa)
    a = Destroy(psa.space)
    assert type(local_ops(a)) is set
    assert set([IdentityOperator, a, a.dag()]) == l_ops
    assert local_ops(a) == set([a])
    assert local_ops(a * a) == set([a])
    assert local_ops(a + a.dag()) == set([a, a.dag()])
    assert local_ops(10 * a) == set([a])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
예제 #6
def test_local_ops():
    psa = PseudoNAND()
    assert isinstance(psa, Circuit)
    l_ops = local_ops(psa)
    a = Destroy(psa.space)
    assert type(local_ops(a)) is set
    assert set([IdentityOperator, a, a.dag()]) == l_ops
    assert local_ops(a) == set([a])
    assert local_ops(a * a) == set([a])
    assert local_ops(a + a.dag()) == set([a, a.dag()])
    assert local_ops(10 * a) == set([a])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
예제 #7
def test_qsd_codegen_hamiltonian():
    k = symbols(r"\kappa", positive=True)
    x = symbols(r"\chi", real=True)
    c = symbols("c", real=True)

    a = Destroy(1)
    H = x * (a * a + a.dag() * a.dag()) + (c * a.dag() + c.conjugate() * a)
    L = sqrt(k) * a
    slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [L], H)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit=slh, num_vals={x: 2.0, c: 1, k: 2})

    scode = codegen._hamiltonian_lines(indent=0)
    assert scode.strip() == (r"Operator H = ((c) * (Ad0) + (c) * (A0) + (chi) " r"* (((Ad0 * Ad0) + (A0 * A0))));")
예제 #8
def test_qsd_codegen_hamiltonian():
    k = symbols(r'\kappa', positive=True)
    x = symbols(r'\chi', real=True)
    c = symbols("c", real=True)

    a = Destroy(1)
    H = x * (a * a + a.dag() * a.dag()) + (c * a.dag() + c.conjugate() * a)
    L = sqrt(k) * a
    slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [L], H)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit=slh, num_vals={x: 2., c: 1, k: 2})

    scode = codegen._hamiltonian_lines(indent=0)
    assert scode.strip() == (r'Operator H = ((c) * (Ad0) + (c) * (A0) + (chi) '
                             r'* (((Ad0 * Ad0) + (A0 * A0))));')
예제 #9
def test_qsd_codegen_operator_basis():
    a = Destroy(1)
    a.space.dimension = 10
    ad = a.dag()
    s = LocalSigma(2, 1, 0)
    s.space.dimension = 2
    sd = s.dag()
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], a * ad + s + sd)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    ob = codegen._operator_basis_lines(indent=0)
    assert dedent(ob).strip() == dedent("""
    IdentityOperator Id0(0);
    IdentityOperator Id1(1);
    AnnihilationOperator A0(0);
    FieldTransitionOperator S1_0_1(0,1,1);
    FieldTransitionOperator S1_1_0(1,0,1);
    Operator Id = Id0*Id1;
    Operator Ad0 = A0.hc();
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], ad)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    ob = codegen._operator_basis_lines(indent=0)
    assert dedent(ob).strip() == dedent("""
    IdentityOperator Id0(0);
    AnnihilationOperator A0(0);
    Operator Id = Id0;
    Operator Ad0 = A0.hc();
예제 #10
 def testABCD(self):
     a = Destroy(1)
     slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [a], 2 * a.dag() * a).coherent_input(3)
     A, B, C, D, a, c = getABCD(slh, doubled_up=True)
     self.assertEquals(A[0, 0], -sympyOne / 2 - 2 * I)
     self.assertEquals(A[1, 1], -sympyOne / 2 + 2 * I)
     self.assertEquals(B[0, 0], -1)
     self.assertEquals(C[0, 0], 1)
     self.assertEquals(D[0, 0], 1)
예제 #11
 def testABCD(self):
     a = Destroy(1)
     slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [a],
               2*a.dag() * a).coherent_input(3)
     A, B, C, D, a, c = getABCD(slh, doubled_up=True)
     self.assertEquals(A[0, 0], -sympyOne / 2 - 2 * I)
     self.assertEquals(A[1, 1], -sympyOne / 2 + 2 * I)
     self.assertEquals(B[0, 0],  -1)
     self.assertEquals(C[0, 0], 1)
     self.assertEquals(D[0, 0], 1)
예제 #12
def test_find_time_dependent_coeffs():
    E0, sigma, t, t0, a, b = sympy.symbols("E_0, sigma, t, t_0, a, b", real=True)
    op_a = Destroy(0)
    op_n = op_a.dag() * op_a
    gaussian = E0 * sympy.exp(-(t - t0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))
    linear = a * t
    H = b * op_a.dag() + gaussian * op_n + linear * op_a
    coeffs = list(_find_time_dependent_coeffs(H, t))
    assert len(coeffs) == 2
    assert gaussian in coeffs
    assert linear in coeffs

    H = (gaussian * op_n) * (linear * op_a) + b
    coeffs = list(_find_time_dependent_coeffs(H, t))
    assert len(coeffs) == 1
    assert gaussian * linear in coeffs

    H = b * op_n
    coeffs = list(_find_time_dependent_coeffs(H, t))
    len(coeffs) == 9
예제 #13
def test_labeled_basis_op():
    """Check that in QSD code generation labeled basis states are translated
    into numbered basis states"""
    hs = local_space("tls", namespace="sys", basis=("g", "e"))
    a = Destroy(hs)
    ad = a.dag()
    s = LocalSigma(hs, "g", "e")
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], a * ad)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    assert codegen._qsd_ops[s].instantiator == "(0,1,0)" != "(g,e,0)"
예제 #14
def test_latex_symbols(slh_Sec6):
    """Test that if any of the symbols contain "special" characters such as
    backslashes (LaTeX code), we still get valid C++ code (basic ASCII words
    k = symbols("\kappa", positive=True)
    x = symbols(r'\chi^{(1)}_{\text{main}}', real=True)
    c = symbols("c")

    a = Destroy(1)
    H = x * (a * a + a.dag() * a.dag()) + (c * a.dag() + c.conjugate() * a)
    L = sqrt(k) * a
    slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [L], H)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit=slh, num_vals={x: 2., c: 1 + 2j, k: 2})

    scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert dedent(scode).strip() == dedent("""
    Complex I(0.0,1.0);
    Complex c(1,2);
    double chi_1_textmain = 2;
    double kappa = 2;""").strip()
예제 #15
def test_find_time_dependent_coeffs():
    E0, sigma, t, t0, a, b = sympy.symbols('E_0, sigma, t, t_0, a, b',
    op_a = Destroy(0)
    op_n = op_a.dag() * op_a
    gaussian = E0 * sympy.exp(-(t - t0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
    linear = a * t
    H = b * op_a.dag() + gaussian * op_n + linear * op_a
    coeffs = list(_find_time_dependent_coeffs(H, t))
    assert len(coeffs) == 2
    assert gaussian in coeffs
    assert linear in coeffs

    H = (gaussian * op_n) * (linear * op_a) + b
    coeffs = list(_find_time_dependent_coeffs(H, t))
    assert len(coeffs) == 1
    assert gaussian * linear in coeffs

    H = b * op_n
    coeffs = list(_find_time_dependent_coeffs(H, t))
    len(coeffs) == 9
예제 #16
def test_qsd_codegen_parameters():
    k = symbols(r"kappa", positive=True)
    x = symbols(r"chi", real=True)
    c = symbols("c")

    a = Destroy(1)
    H = x * (a * a + a.dag() * a.dag()) + (c * a.dag() + c.conjugate() * a)
    L = sqrt(k) * a
    slh = SLH(identity_matrix(1), [L], H)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit=slh, num_vals={x: 2.0, c: 1 + 2j, k: 2})

    scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert (
        == dedent(
    Complex I(0.0,1.0);
    Complex c(1,2);
    double chi = 2;
    double kappa = 2;"""

    codegen.num_vals.update({c: 1})
    scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert (
        == dedent(
    Complex I(0.0,1.0);
    Complex c(1,0);
    double chi = 2;
    double kappa = 2;"""

    del codegen.num_vals[c]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        scode = codegen._parameters_lines(indent=0)
    assert "There is no value for symbol c" in str(excinfo.value)
예제 #17
def test_labeled_basis_op():
    """Check that in QSD code generation labeled basis states are translated
    into numbered basis states"""
    hs = local_space('tls', namespace='sys', basis=('g', 'e'))
    a = Destroy(hs)
    ad = a.dag()
    s = LocalSigma(hs, 'g', 'e')
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], a * ad)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    assert codegen._qsd_ops[s].instantiator == '(0,1,0)' != '(g,e,0)'
예제 #18
def test_qsd_codegen_operator_basis():
    a = Destroy(1)
    a.space.dimension = 10
    ad = a.dag()
    s = LocalSigma(2, 1, 0)
    s.space.dimension = 2
    sd = s.dag()
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], a * ad + s + sd)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    ob = codegen._operator_basis_lines(indent=0)
    assert (
        == dedent(
    IdentityOperator Id0(0);
    IdentityOperator Id1(1);
    AnnihilationOperator A0(0);
    FieldTransitionOperator S1_0_1(0,1,1);
    FieldTransitionOperator S1_1_0(1,0,1);
    Operator Id = Id0*Id1;
    Operator Ad0 = A0.hc();
    circuit = SLH(identity_matrix(0), [], ad)
    codegen = QSDCodeGen(circuit)
    ob = codegen._operator_basis_lines(indent=0)
    assert (
        == dedent(
    IdentityOperator Id0(0);
    AnnihilationOperator A0(0);
    Operator Id = Id0;
    Operator Ad0 = A0.hc();