def __init__(self, nv, nc, objective, constraints, bounds, num_iter=3, num_wsr=100, verbose=False): """Initialize the SQP.""" self.nv = nv = nc self.num_iter = num_iter self.num_wsr = num_wsr self.objective = objective self.constraints = constraints self.bounds = bounds self.qp = qpoases.PySQProblem(nv, nc) if not verbose: options = qpoases.PyOptions() options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE self.qp.setOptions(options) self.qp_initialized = False
def __init__(self, dim_a, dim_b): self.qpProblem = qpoases.PySQProblem(dim_a, dim_b) options = qpoases.PyOptions() options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE self.qpProblem.setOptions(options) self.xdot_full = np.zeros(dim_a) self.started = False
def __init__(self, dim_a, dim_b): """ :param dim_a: number of joint constraints + number of soft constraints :type int :param dim_b: number of hard constraints + number of soft constraints :type int """ self.qpProblem = qpoases.PySQProblem(dim_a, dim_b) options = qpoases.PyOptions() options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE self.qpProblem.setOptions(options) self.xdot_full = np.zeros(dim_a) self.started = False
def _iterate(self, q0, dq0, pr, u, N, pc): ni = # Create the QP, which we'll solve sequentially. # num vars, num constraints (note that constraints only refer to matrix # constraints rather than bounds) # num constraints = N obstacle constraints and ni*N joint acceleration # constraints num_var = ni * N num_constraints = 3 * N + ni * N qp = qpoases.PySQProblem(num_var, num_constraints) options = qpoases.PyOptions() options.printLevel = qpoases.PyPrintLevel.NONE qp.setOptions(options) # Initial opt problem. H, g, A_obs, lbA_obs = self._lookahead(q0, pr, u, N, pc) ubA_obs = np.infty * np.ones_like(lbA_obs) lb, ub = self._calc_vel_limits(u, ni, N) A_acc, lbA_acc, ubA_acc = self._calc_acc_limits(u, dq0, ni, N) A = np.vstack((A_obs, A_acc)) lbA = np.concatenate((lbA_obs, lbA_acc)) ubA = np.concatenate((ubA_obs, ubA_acc)) ret = qp.init(H, g, A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, np.array([NUM_WSR])) delta = np.zeros(ni * N) qp.getPrimalSolution(delta) u = u + delta # Remaining sequence is hotstarted from the first. for i in range(NUM_ITER - 1): H, g, A_obs, lbA_obs = self._lookahead(q0, pr, u, N, pc) lb, ub = self._calc_vel_limits(u, ni, N) A_acc, lbA_acc, ubA_acc = self._calc_acc_limits(u, dq0, ni, N) A = np.vstack((A_obs, A_acc)) lbA = np.concatenate((lbA_obs, lbA_acc)) ubA = np.concatenate((ubA_obs, ubA_acc)) qp.hotstart(H, g, A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, np.array([NUM_WSR])) qp.getPrimalSolution(delta) u = u + delta return u