예제 #1
class IPCProtocol(Protocol):

    class State(object):
        UNKNOWN = -1
        HANDSHAKE = 0
        CONNECTED = 1

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.state = IPCProtocol.State.UNKNOWN
        self.credentials = self.factory.username + ':' + self.factory.password if self.factory.password else ''

        self.transport.write(self.credentials + '\3\0')

        self._message = None

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        if self.state == IPCProtocol.State.CONNECTED:
                if not self._message:
                    self._message = self._reader.read_header(source = data)
                    self._buffer = ''

                self._buffer += data
                buffer_len = len(self._buffer) if self._buffer else 0

                while self._message and self._message.size <= buffer_len:
                    complete_message = self._buffer[:self._message.size]

                    if buffer_len > self._message.size:
                        self._buffer = self._buffer[self._message.size:]
                        buffer_len = len(self._buffer) if self._buffer else 0
                        self._message = self._reader.read_header(source = self._buffer)
                        self._message = None
                        self._buffer = ''
                        buffer_len = 0

                    self.factory.onMessage(self._reader.read(source = complete_message, numpy_temporals = True))
                self._message = None
                self._buffer = ''

        elif self.state == IPCProtocol.State.UNKNOWN:
            # handshake
            if len(data) == 1:
                self.state = IPCProtocol.State.HANDSHAKE
                self.transport.write(self.credentials + '\0')

            # protocol version fallback
            if len(data) == 1:
                raise QAuthenticationException('Connection denied.')

    def _init(self, data):
        self.state = IPCProtocol.State.CONNECTED
        self.protocol_version = min(struct.unpack('B', data)[0], 3)
        self._writer = QWriter(stream = None, protocol_version = self.protocol_version)
        self._reader = QReader(stream = None)


    def query(self, msg_type, query, *parameters):
        if parameters and len(parameters) > 8:
            raise QWriterException('Too many parameters.')

        if not parameters or len(parameters) == 0:
            self.transport.write(self._writer.write(query, msg_type))
            self.transport.write(self._writer.write([query] + list(parameters), msg_type))
예제 #2
class QConnection(object):
    '''Connector class for interfacing with the q service.
    Provides methods for synchronous and asynchronous interaction.
    The :class:`.QConnection` class provides a context manager API and can be 
    used with a ``with`` statement::
        with qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000) as q:
            print q
            print q('{`int$ til x}', 10)
     - `host` (`string`) - q service hostname
     - `port` (`integer`) - q service port
     - `username` (`string` or `None`) - username for q authentication/authorization
     - `password` (`string` or `None`) - password for q authentication/authorization
     - `timeout` (`nonnegative float` or `None`) - set a timeout on blocking socket operations
     - `raw` (`boolean`) - if ``True`` returns raw data chunk instead of parsed 
       data, **Default**: ``False``
     - `numpy_temporals` (`boolean`) - if ``False`` temporal vectors are
       backed by raw q representation (:class:`.QTemporalList`, 
       :class:`.QTemporal`) instances, otherwise are represented as 
       `numpy datetime64`/`timedelta64` arrays and atoms,
       **Default**: ``False``

    def __init__(self, host, port, username = None, password = None, timeout = None, **options):
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

        self._connection = None
        self._protocol_version = None

        self.timeout = timeout

        self._options = MetaData(**READER_CONFIGURATION.union_dict(**options))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def protocol_version(self):
        '''Retrieves established version of the IPC protocol.
        :returns: `integer` -- version of the IPC protocol
        return self._protocol_version

    def open(self):
        '''Initialises connection to q service.
        If the connection hasn't been initialised yet, invoking the 
        :func:`.open` creates a new socket and performs a handshake with a q 
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QAuthenticationException` 
        if not self._connection:
            if not self.host:
                raise QConnectionException('Host cannot be None')


            self._writer = QWriter(self._connection, protocol_version = self._protocol_version)
            self._reader = QReader(self._connection.makefile())

    def _init_socket(self):
        '''Initialises the socket used for communicating with a q service,'''
            self._connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self._connection.connect((self.host, self.port))
            self._connection = None

    def close(self):
        '''Closes connection with the q service.'''
        if self._connection:
            self._connection = None

    def is_connected(self):
        '''Checks whether connection with a q service has been established. 
        Connection is considered inactive when: 
         - it has not been initialised, 
         - it has been closed.
        :returns: `boolean` -- ``True`` if connection has been established, 
                  ``False`` otherwise
        return True if self._connection else False

    def _initialize(self):
        '''Performs a IPC protocol handshake.'''
        credentials = self.username + ':' + self.password if self.password else ''
        self._connection.send(credentials + '\3\0')
        response = self._connection.recv(1)

        if len(response) != 1:

            self._connection.send(credentials + '\0')
            response = self._connection.recv(1)
            if len(response) != 1:
                raise QAuthenticationException('Connection denied.')

        self._protocol_version = min(struct.unpack('B', response)[0], 3)

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s@:%s:%s' % (self.username, self.host, self.port) if self.username else ':%s:%s' % (self.host, self.port)

    def query(self, msg_type, query, *parameters):
        '''Performs a query against a q service.
        In typical use case, `query` is the name of the function to call and 
        `parameters` are its parameters. When `parameters` list is empty, the 
        query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. ``0 +/ til 100``).
        Calls a anonymous function with a single parameter:
            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{til x}', 10)
        Executes a q expression:
            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'til 10')
         - `msg_type` (one of the constants defined in :class:`.MessageType`) - 
           type of the query to be executed
         - `query` (`string`) - query to be executed
         - `parameters` (`list` or `None`) - parameters for the query
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QWriterException`
        if not self._connection:
            raise QConnectionException('Connection is not established.')

        if parameters and len(parameters) > 8:
            raise QWriterException('Too many parameters.')

        if not parameters or len(parameters) == 0:
            self._writer.write(query, msg_type)
            self._writer.write([query] + list(parameters), msg_type)

    def sync(self, query, *parameters, **options):
        '''Performs a synchronous query against a q service and returns parsed 
        In typical use case, `query` is the name of the function to call and 
        `parameters` are its parameters. When `parameters` list is empty, the 
        query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. ``0 +/ til 100``).
        Executes a q expression:
            >>> print q.sync('til 10')
            [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
        Executes an anonymous q function with a single parameter:
            >>> print q.sync('{til x}', 10)
            [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
        Executes an anonymous q function with two parameters:
            >>> print q.sync('{y + til x}', 10, 1)
            [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
            >>> print q.sync('{y + til x}', *[10, 1])
            [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
        The :func:`.sync` is called from the overloaded :func:`.__call__` 
        function. This allows :class:`.QConnection` instance to be called as 
        a function:
            >>> print q('{y + til x}', 10, 1)
            [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
         - `query` (`string`) - query to be executed
         - `parameters` (`list` or `None`) - parameters for the query
         - `raw` (`boolean`) - if ``True`` returns raw data chunk instead of 
           parsed data, **Default**: ``False``
         - `numpy_temporals` (`boolean`) - if ``False`` temporal vectors are
           backed by raw q representation (:class:`.QTemporalList`, 
           :class:`.QTemporal`) instances, otherwise are represented as 
           `numpy datetime64`/`timedelta64` arrays and atoms,
           **Default**: ``False``

        :returns: query result parsed to Python data structures
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QWriterException`, 
        self.query(MessageType.SYNC, query, *parameters)
        response = self.receive(data_only = False, **options)

        if response.type == MessageType.RESPONSE:
            return response.data
            self._writer.write(QException('nyi: qPython expected response message'), MessageType.ASYNC if response.type == MessageType.ASYNC else MessageType.RESPONSE)
            raise QReaderException('Received message of type: %s where response was expected')

    def async(self, query, *parameters):
        '''Performs an asynchronous query and returns **without** retrieving of 
        the response.
        In typical use case, `query` is the name of the function to call and 
        `parameters` are its parameters. When `parameters` list is empty, the 
        query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. ``0 +/ til 100``).
        Calls a anonymous function with a single parameter:
            >>> q.async('{til x}', 10)
        Executes a q expression:
            >>> q.async('til 10')
         - `query` (`string`) - query to be executed
         - `parameters` (`list` or `None`) - parameters for the query
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QWriterException`
        self.query(MessageType.ASYNC, query, *parameters)
예제 #3
class QConnection(object):
    '''Connector class for interfacing with the q service.
    Provides methods for synchronous and asynchronous interaction.
    The :class:`.QConnection` class provides a context manager API and can be 
    used with a ``with`` statement::
        with qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000) as q:
            print q
            print q('{`int$ til x}', 10)
     - `host` (`string`) - q service hostname
     - `port` (`integer`) - q service port
     - `username` (`string` or `None`) - username for q authentication/authorization
     - `password` (`string` or `None`) - password for q authentication/authorization
     - `timeout` (`nonnegative float` or `None`) - set a timeout on blocking socket operations
     - `raw` (`boolean`) - if ``True`` returns raw data chunk instead of parsed 
       data, **Default**: ``False``
     - `numpy_temporals` (`boolean`) - if ``False`` temporal vectors are
       backed by raw q representation (:class:`.QTemporalList`, 
       :class:`.QTemporal`) instances, otherwise are represented as 
       `numpy datetime64`/`timedelta64` arrays and atoms,
       **Default**: ``False``
    def __init__(self,
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

        self._connection = None
        self._protocol_version = None

        self.timeout = timeout

        self._options = MetaData(**READER_CONFIGURATION.union_dict(**options))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def protocol_version(self):
        '''Retrieves established version of the IPC protocol.
        :returns: `integer` -- version of the IPC protocol
        return self._protocol_version

    def open(self):
        '''Initialises connection to q service.
        If the connection hasn't been initialised yet, invoking the 
        :func:`.open` creates a new socket and performs a handshake with a q 
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QAuthenticationException` 
        if not self._connection:
            if not self.host:
                raise QConnectionException('Host cannot be None')


            self._writer = QWriter(self._connection,
            self._reader = QReader(self._connection.makefile())

    def _init_socket(self):
        '''Initialises the socket used for communicating with a q service,'''
            self._connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
            self._connection.connect((self.host, self.port))
            self._connection = None

    def close(self):
        '''Closes connection with the q service.'''
        if self._connection:
            self._connection = None

    def is_connected(self):
        '''Checks whether connection with a q service has been established. 
        Connection is considered inactive when: 
         - it has not been initialised, 
         - it has been closed.
        :returns: `boolean` -- ``True`` if connection has been established, 
                  ``False`` otherwise
        return True if self._connection else False

    def _initialize(self):
        '''Performs a IPC protocol handshake.'''
        credentials = self.username + ':' + self.password if self.password else ''
        self._connection.send(credentials + '\3\0')
        response = self._connection.recv(1)

        if len(response) != 1:

            self._connection.send(credentials + '\0')
            response = self._connection.recv(1)
            if len(response) != 1:
                raise QAuthenticationException('Connection denied.')

        self._protocol_version = min(struct.unpack('B', response)[0], 3)

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s@:%s:%s' % (self.username, self.host,
                              self.port) if self.username else ':%s:%s' % (
                                  self.host, self.port)

    def query(self, msg_type, query, *parameters):
        '''Performs a query against a q service.
        In typical use case, `query` is the name of the function to call and 
        `parameters` are its parameters. When `parameters` list is empty, the 
        query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. ``0 +/ til 100``).
        Calls a anonymous function with a single parameter:
            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{til x}', 10)
        Executes a q expression:
            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'til 10')
         - `msg_type` (one of the constants defined in :class:`.MessageType`) - 
           type of the query to be executed
         - `query` (`string`) - query to be executed
         - `parameters` (`list` or `None`) - parameters for the query
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QWriterException`
        if not self._connection:
            raise QConnectionException('Connection is not established.')

        if parameters and len(parameters) > 8:
            raise QWriterException('Too many parameters.')

        if not parameters or len(parameters) == 0:
            self._writer.write(query, msg_type)
            self._writer.write([query] + list(parameters), msg_type)

    def sync(self, query, *parameters, **options):
        '''Performs a synchronous query against a q service and returns parsed 
        In typical use case, `query` is the name of the function to call and 
        `parameters` are its parameters. When `parameters` list is empty, the 
        query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. ``0 +/ til 100``).
        Executes a q expression:
            >>> print q.sync('til 10')
            [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
        Executes an anonymous q function with a single parameter:
            >>> print q.sync('{til x}', 10)
            [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
        Executes an anonymous q function with two parameters:
            >>> print q.sync('{y + til x}', 10, 1)
            [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
            >>> print q.sync('{y + til x}', *[10, 1])
            [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
        The :func:`.sync` is called from the overloaded :func:`.__call__` 
        function. This allows :class:`.QConnection` instance to be called as 
        a function:
            >>> print q('{y + til x}', 10, 1)
            [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
         - `query` (`string`) - query to be executed
         - `parameters` (`list` or `None`) - parameters for the query
         - `raw` (`boolean`) - if ``True`` returns raw data chunk instead of 
           parsed data, **Default**: ``False``
         - `numpy_temporals` (`boolean`) - if ``False`` temporal vectors are
           backed by raw q representation (:class:`.QTemporalList`, 
           :class:`.QTemporal`) instances, otherwise are represented as 
           `numpy datetime64`/`timedelta64` arrays and atoms,
           **Default**: ``False``

        :returns: query result parsed to Python data structures
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QWriterException`, 
        self.query(MessageType.SYNC, query, *parameters)
        response = self.receive(data_only=False, **options)

        if response.type == MessageType.RESPONSE:
            return response.data
                QException('nyi: qPython expected response message'),
                MessageType.ASYNC if response.type == MessageType.ASYNC else
            raise QReaderException(
                'Received message of type: %s where response was expected')

    def async (self, query, *parameters):
        '''Performs an asynchronous query and returns **without** retrieving of 
        the response.
        In typical use case, `query` is the name of the function to call and 
        `parameters` are its parameters. When `parameters` list is empty, the 
        query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. ``0 +/ til 100``).
        Calls a anonymous function with a single parameter:
            >>> q.async('{til x}', 10)
        Executes a q expression:
            >>> q.async('til 10')
         - `query` (`string`) - query to be executed
         - `parameters` (`list` or `None`) - parameters for the query
        :raises: :class:`.QConnectionException`, :class:`.QWriterException`
        self.query(MessageType.ASYNC, query, *parameters)

    def receive(self, data_only=True, **options):
        '''Reads and (optionally) parses the response from a q service.
        Retrieves query result along with meta-information:
            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{x}', 10)
            >>> print q.receive(data_only = False, raw = False)
            QMessage: message type: 2, data size: 13, is_compressed: False, data: 10

        Retrieves parsed query result:

            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{x}', 10)
            >>> print q.receive(data_only = True, raw = False)

        Retrieves not-parsed (raw) query result:
            >>> from binascii import hexlify
            >>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{x}', 10)
            >>> print hexlify(q.receive(data_only = True, raw = True))
         - `data_only` (`boolean`) - if ``True`` returns only data part of the 
           message, otherwise returns data and message meta-information 
           encapsulated in :class:`.QMessage` instance 
         - `raw` (`boolean`) - if ``True`` returns raw data chunk instead of 
           parsed data, **Default**: ``False``
         - `numpy_temporals` (`boolean`) - if ``False`` temporal vectors are
           backed by raw q representation (:class:`.QTemporalList`, 
           :class:`.QTemporal`) instances, otherwise are represented as 
           `numpy datetime64`/`timedelta64` arrays and atoms,
           **Default**: ``False``
        :returns: depending on parameter flags: :class:`.QMessage` instance, 
                  parsed message, raw data 
        :raises: :class:`.QReaderException`
        result = self._reader.read(**self._options.union_dict(**options))
        return result.data if data_only else result

    def __call__(self, *parameters, **options):
        return self.sync(parameters[0], *parameters[1:], **options)
예제 #4
class IPCProtocol(Protocol):
    class State(object):
        UNKNOWN = -1
        HANDSHAKE = 0
        CONNECTED = 1

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.state = IPCProtocol.State.UNKNOWN
        self.credentials = self.factory.username + ':' + self.factory.password if self.factory.password else ''

        self.transport.write(self.credentials + '\3\0')

        self._message = None

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        if self.state == IPCProtocol.State.CONNECTED:
                if not self._message:
                    self._message = self._reader.read_header(source=data)
                    self._buffer = ''

                self._buffer += data
                buffer_len = len(self._buffer) if self._buffer else 0

                while self._message and self._message.size <= buffer_len:
                    complete_message = self._buffer[:self._message.size]

                    if buffer_len > self._message.size:
                        self._buffer = self._buffer[self._message.size:]
                        buffer_len = len(self._buffer) if self._buffer else 0
                        self._message = self._reader.read_header(
                        self._message = None
                        self._buffer = ''
                        buffer_len = 0

                self._message = None
                self._buffer = ''

        elif self.state == IPCProtocol.State.UNKNOWN:
            # handshake
            if len(data) == 1:
                self.state = IPCProtocol.State.HANDSHAKE
                self.transport.write(self.credentials + '\0')

            # protocol version fallback
            if len(data) == 1:
                raise QAuthenticationException('Connection denied.')

    def _init(self, data):
        self.state = IPCProtocol.State.CONNECTED
        self.protocol_version = min(struct.unpack('B', data)[0], 3)
        self._writer = QWriter(stream=None,
        self._reader = QReader(stream=None)


    def query(self, msg_type, query, *parameters):
        if parameters and len(parameters) > 8:
            raise QWriterException('Too many parameters.')

        if not parameters or len(parameters) == 0:
            self.transport.write(self._writer.write(query, msg_type))
                self._writer.write([query] + list(parameters), msg_type))
예제 #5
class QConnection(object):
    Connector class for interfacing with the q service. Provides methods for synchronous and asynchronous interaction.

    def __init__(self, host, port, username = None, password = None, timeout = None):
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

        self._connection = None
        self._protocol_version = None

        self.timeout = timeout

    '''Retrieves q protocol version estabilished with remote q service.'''
    def protocol_version(self):
        return self._protocol_version

    '''Initializes connection to q service.'''
    def open(self):
        if not self._connection:
            if not self.host:
                raise QConnectionException('Host cannot be None')


            self._writer = QWriter(self._connection, protocol_version = self._protocol_version)
            self._reader = QReader(self._connection.makefile())

    def _init_socket(self):
        self._connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self._connection.connect((self.host, self.port))

    '''Closes connection with q service.'''
    def close(self):
        if self._connection:
            self._connection = None

    Checks whether connection has been established. Connection is considered inactive when: 
    - it has not been initialized, 
    - it has been closed.
    def is_connected(self):
        return True if self._connection else False

    def _initialize(self):
        credentials = self.username + ':' + self.password if self.password else ''
        self._connection.send(credentials + '\3\0')
        response = self._connection.recv(1)

        if len(response) != 1:
            self._connection.send(credentials + '\0')
            response = self._connection.recv(1)
            if len(response) != 1:
                raise QAuthenticationException('Connection denied.')

        self._protocol_version = min(struct.unpack('B', response)[0], 3)

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s@:%s:%s' % (self.username, self.host, self.port) if self.username else ':%s:%s' % (self.host, self.port)

    Performs a query against a q service.
    msg_type    -- type of the query to be executed (as defined in MessageType class)
    query       -- query to be executed
    parameters  -- parameters for the query
    def query(self, msg_type, query, *parameters):
        if not self._connection:
            raise QConnectionException('Connection is not established.')

        if parameters and len(parameters) > 8:
            raise QWriterException('Too many parameters.')

        if not parameters or len(parameters) == 0:
            return self._writer.write(query, msg_type)
            return self._writer.write([query] + list(parameters), msg_type)

    '''Performs a synchronous query and returns parsed data.'''
    def sync(self, query, *parameters):
        self.query(MessageType.SYNC, query, *parameters)
        response = self.receive(data_only = False)

        if response.type == MessageType.RESPONSE:
            return response.data
            self._writer.write(QException('nyi: qPython expected response message'), MessageType.ASYNC if response.type == MessageType.ASYNC else MessageType.RESPONSE)
            raise QReaderException('Received message of type: %s where response was expected')

    '''Performs an asynchronous query and returns without retrieving of the response.'''
    def async(self, query, *parameters):
        self.query(MessageType.ASYNC, query, *parameters)