예제 #1
    def compute_amplitudes_sweep(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        bitstrings: Sequence[int],
        params: study.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
    ) -> Sequence[Sequence[complex]]:

        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        n_qubits = len(program.all_qubits())
        # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
        bitstrings = [
            format(bitstring, 'b').zfill(n_qubits)[::-1]
            for bitstring in bitstrings

        options = {'i': '\n'.join(bitstrings)}
        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)

        trials_results = []
        for prs in param_resolvers:

            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)

            options['c'] = solved_circuit.translate_cirq_to_qsim(qubit_order)

            amplitudes = qsim.qsimh_simulate(options)

        return trials_results
예제 #2
    def compute_amplitudes_sweep(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        bitstrings: Sequence[int],
        params: study.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
    ) -> Sequence[Sequence[complex]]:
        """Computes the desired amplitudes using qsim.

        The initial state is assumed to be the all zeros state.

            program: The circuit to simulate.
            bitstrings: The bitstrings whose amplitudes are desired, input as an
              string array where each string is formed from measured qubit values
              according to `qubit_order` from most to least significant qubit,
              i.e. in big-endian ordering.
            param_resolver: Parameters to run with the program.
            qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is
              often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the
              computational basis states.

            List of amplitudes.
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
        cirq_order = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order).order_for(
        num_qubits = len(cirq_order)
        bitstrings = [
            format(bitstring, "b").zfill(num_qubits)[::-1]
            for bitstring in bitstrings

        options = {"i": "\n".join(bitstrings)}

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)

        trials_results = []
        if _needs_trajectories(program):
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory"
            simulator_fn = qsim.qtrajectory_simulate
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qsim"
            simulator_fn = qsim.qsim_simulate

        for prs in param_resolvers:
            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)
            translator_fn = getattr(solved_circuit, translator_fn_name)
            options["c"] = translator_fn(cirq_order)
            options["s"] = self.get_seed()
            amplitudes = simulator_fn(options)

        return trials_results
예제 #3
    def compute_amplitudes_sweep(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        bitstrings: Sequence[int],
        params: study.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
    ) -> Sequence[Sequence[complex]]:
        """Computes the desired amplitudes using qsim.

      The initial state is assumed to be the all zeros state.

          program: The circuit to simulate.
          bitstrings: The bitstrings whose amplitudes are desired, input as an
            string array where each string is formed from measured qubit values
            according to `qubit_order` from most to least significant qubit,
            i.e. in big-endian ordering.
          param_resolver: Parameters to run with the program.
          qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is
            often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the
            computational basis states.

          List of amplitudes.
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        n_qubits = len(program.all_qubits())
        # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
        bitstrings = [
            format(bitstring, 'b').zfill(n_qubits)[::-1]
            for bitstring in bitstrings

        options = {'i': '\n'.join(bitstrings)}

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)

        trials_results = []
        for prs in param_resolvers:

            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)

            options['c'] = solved_circuit.translate_cirq_to_qsim(qubit_order)

            amplitudes = qsim.qsim_simulate(options)

        return trials_results
예제 #4
    def simulate_expectation_values_sweep(
        program: 'cirq.Circuit',
        observables: Union['cirq.PauliSumLike', List['cirq.PauliSumLike']],
        params: 'study.Sweepable',
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
        initial_state: Any = None,
        permit_terminal_measurements: bool = False,
    ) -> List[List[float]]:
        """Simulates the supplied circuit and calculates exact expectation
    values for the given observables on its final state.

    This method has no perfect analogy in hardware. Instead compare with
    Sampler.sample_expectation_values, which calculates estimated
    expectation values by sampling multiple times.

        program: The circuit to simulate.
        observables: An observable or list of observables.
        param_resolver: Parameters to run with the program.
        qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This
            is often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the
            ordering of the computational basis states.
        initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. The form of
            this state depends on the simulation implementation. See
            documentation of the implementing class for details.
        permit_terminal_measurements: If the provided circuit ends with
            measurement(s), this method will generate an error unless this
            is set to True. This is meant to prevent measurements from
            ruining expectation value calculations.

        A list of expectation values, with the value at index `n`
        corresponding to `observables[n]` from the input.

        ValueError if 'program' has terminal measurement(s) and
        'permit_terminal_measurements' is False. (Note: We cannot test this
        until Cirq's `are_any_measurements_terminal` is released.)
        # TODO: replace with commented check when Cirq v0.10 is released.
        if not permit_terminal_measurements:
            raise ValueError(
                'Automatic terminal measurement checking is not supported in qsim. '
                'Please check that your circuit has no terminal measurements, then '
                'set permit_terminal_measurements=True to bypass this error.')
        # if not permit_terminal_measurements and program.are_any_measurements_terminal():
        #   raise ValueError(
        #     'Provided circuit has terminal measurements, which may '
        #     'skew expectation values. If this is intentional, set '
        #     'permit_terminal_measurements=True.'
        #   )
        if not isinstance(observables, List):
            observables = [observables]
        psumlist = [ops.PauliSum.wrap(pslike) for pslike in observables]

        ordered_qubits = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order).order_for(
        ordered_qubits = list(reversed(ordered_qubits))
        num_qubits = len(ordered_qubits)
        qubit_map = {
            qubit: index
            for index, qubit in enumerate(ordered_qubits)

        opsums_and_qubit_counts = []
        for psum in psumlist:
            opsum = []
            opsum_qubits = set()
            for pstr in psum:
                opstring = qsim.OpString()
                opstring.weight = pstr.coefficient
                for q, pauli in pstr.items():
                    op = pauli.on(q)
                    qsimc.add_op_to_opstring(op, qubit_map, opstring)
            opsums_and_qubit_counts.append((opsum, len(opsum_qubits)))

        if initial_state is None:
            initial_state = 0
        if not isinstance(initial_state, (int, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError('initial_state must be an int or state vector.')
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        options = {}

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)
        if isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            if initial_state.dtype != np.complex64:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'initial_state vector must have dtype np.complex64.')
            input_vector = initial_state.view(np.float32)
            if len(input_vector) != 2**num_qubits * 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'initial_state vector size must match number of qubits.'
                    f'Expected: {2**num_qubits * 2} Received: {len(input_vector)}'

        results = []
        if _needs_trajectories(program):
            translator_fn_name = 'translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory'
            ev_simulator_fn = qsim.qtrajectory_simulate_expectation_values
            translator_fn_name = 'translate_cirq_to_qsim'
            ev_simulator_fn = qsim.qsim_simulate_expectation_values

        for prs in param_resolvers:
            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)
            translator_fn = getattr(solved_circuit, translator_fn_name)
            options['c'] = translator_fn(qubit_order)
            options['s'] = self.get_seed()

            if isinstance(initial_state, int):
                evs = ev_simulator_fn(options, opsums_and_qubit_counts,
            elif isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
                evs = ev_simulator_fn(options, opsums_and_qubit_counts,

        return results
예제 #5
    def simulate_sweep(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        params: study.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
        initial_state: Optional[Union[int, np.ndarray]] = None,
    ) -> List['SimulationTrialResult']:
        """Simulates the supplied Circuit.

      This method returns a result which allows access to the entire
      wave function. In contrast to simulate, this allows for sweeping
      over different parameter values.

          program: The circuit to simulate.
          params: Parameters to run with the program.
          qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is
            often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the
            computational basis states.
          initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. This can either
            be an integer representing a pure state (e.g. 11010) or a numpy
            array containing the full state vector. If none is provided, this
            is assumed to be the all-zeros state.

          List of SimulationTrialResults for this run, one for each
          possible parameter resolver.

          TypeError: if an invalid initial_state is provided.
        if initial_state is None:
            initial_state = 0
        if not isinstance(initial_state, (int, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError('initial_state must be an int or state vector.')
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        options = {}

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)
        qubits = program.all_qubits()
        num_qubits = len(qubits)
        if isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            if initial_state.dtype != np.complex64:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'initial_state vector must have dtype np.complex64.')
            input_vector = initial_state.view(np.float32)
            if len(input_vector) != 2**num_qubits * 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'initial_state vector size must match number of qubits.'
                    f'Expected: {2**num_qubits * 2} Received: {len(input_vector)}'

        trials_results = []
        if _needs_trajectories(program):
            translator_fn_name = 'translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory'
            fullstate_simulator_fn = qsim.qtrajectory_simulate_fullstate
            translator_fn_name = 'translate_cirq_to_qsim'
            fullstate_simulator_fn = qsim.qsim_simulate_fullstate

        for prs in param_resolvers:
            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)
            translator_fn = getattr(solved_circuit, translator_fn_name)
            options['c'] = translator_fn(qubit_order)
            options['s'] = self.get_seed()
            ordered_qubits = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(
            # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
            ordered_qubits = list(reversed(ordered_qubits))

            qubit_map = {
                qubit: index
                for index, qubit in enumerate(ordered_qubits)

            if isinstance(initial_state, int):
                qsim_state = fullstate_simulator_fn(options, initial_state)
            elif isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
                qsim_state = fullstate_simulator_fn(options, input_vector)
            assert qsim_state.dtype == np.float32
            assert qsim_state.ndim == 1
            final_state = QSimSimulatorState(qsim_state, qubit_map)
            # create result for this parameter
            # TODO: We need to support measurements.
            result = QSimSimulatorTrialResult(
                params=prs, measurements={}, final_simulator_state=final_state)

        return trials_results
예제 #6
    def _sample_measure_results(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        repetitions: int = 1,
    ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        """Samples from measurement gates in the circuit.

    Note that this will execute the circuit 'repetitions' times.

        program: The circuit to sample from.
        repetitions: The number of samples to take.

        A dictionary from measurement gate key to measurement
        results. Measurement results are stored in a 2-dimensional
        numpy array, the first dimension corresponding to the repetition
        and the second to the actual boolean measurement results (ordered
        by the qubits being measured.)

        ValueError: If there are multiple MeasurementGates with the same key,
            or if repetitions is negative.
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        # Compute indices of measured qubits
        ordered_qubits = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT.order_for(program.all_qubits())
        num_qubits = len(ordered_qubits)

        qubit_map = {
            qubit: index
            for index, qubit in enumerate(ordered_qubits)

        # Computes
        # - the list of qubits to be measured
        # - the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices of each measurement
        # - a mapping from measurement key to measurement gate
        measurement_ops = [
            op for _, op, _ in program.findall_operations_with_gate_type(
        measured_qubits = []  # type: List[ops.Qid]
        bounds = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple]
        meas_ops = {}  # type: Dict[str, cirq.GateOperation]
        current_index = 0
        for op in measurement_ops:
            gate = op.gate
            key = protocols.measurement_key(gate)
            meas_ops[key] = op
            if key in bounds:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Duplicate MeasurementGate with key {}".format(key))
            bounds[key] = (current_index, current_index + len(op.qubits))
            current_index += len(op.qubits)

        # Set qsim options
        options = {}

        results = {}
        for key, bound in bounds.items():
            results[key] = np.ndarray(shape=(repetitions, bound[1] - bound[0]),

        noisy = _needs_trajectories(program)
        if noisy:
            translator_fn_name = 'translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory'
            sampler_fn = qsim.qtrajectory_sample
            translator_fn_name = 'translate_cirq_to_qsim'
            sampler_fn = qsim.qsim_sample

        if not noisy and program.are_all_measurements_terminal(
        ) and repetitions > 1:
            print('Provided circuit has no intermediate measurements. ' +
                  'Sampling repeatedly from final state vector.')
            # Measurements must be replaced with identity gates to sample properly.
            # Simply removing them may omit qubits from the circuit.
            for i in range(len(program.moments)):
                program.moments[i] = ops.Moment(
                    op if not isinstance(op.gate, ops.MeasurementGate) else
                    [ops.IdentityGate(1).on(q) for q in op.qubits]
                    for op in program.moments[i])
            options['c'] = program.translate_cirq_to_qsim(
            options['s'] = self.get_seed()
            final_state = qsim.qsim_simulate_fullstate(options, 0)
            full_results = sim.sample_state_vector(final_state.view(

            for i in range(repetitions):
                for key, op in meas_ops.items():
                    meas_indices = [qubit_map[qubit] for qubit in op.qubits]
                    for j, q in enumerate(meas_indices):
                        results[key][i][j] = full_results[i][q]
            translator_fn = getattr(program, translator_fn_name)
            options['c'] = translator_fn(ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT)
            for i in range(repetitions):
                options['s'] = self.get_seed()
                measurements = sampler_fn(options)
                for key, bound in bounds.items():
                    for j in range(bound[1] - bound[0]):
                        results[key][i][j] = int(measurements[bound[0] + j])

        return results
예제 #7
    def simulate_sweep(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        params: study.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
        initial_state: Any = None,
    ) -> List['SimulationTrialResult']:
        """Simulates the supplied Circuit.

      This method returns a result which allows access to the entire
      wave function. In contrast to simulate, this allows for sweeping
      over different parameter values.

          program: The circuit to simulate.
          params: Parameters to run with the program.
          qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is
            often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the
            computational basis states.
          initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. The form of this
            state depends on the simulation implementation.  See documentation
            of the implementing class for details.

          List of SimulationTrialResults for this run, one for each
          possible parameter resolver.
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        options = {}

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)

        trials_results = []
        for prs in param_resolvers:
            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)

            options['c'] = solved_circuit.translate_cirq_to_qsim(qubit_order)
            options['s'] = self.get_seed()
            ordered_qubits = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(
            # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
            ordered_qubits = list(reversed(ordered_qubits))

            qubit_map = {
                qubit: index
                for index, qubit in enumerate(ordered_qubits)

            qsim_state = qsim.qsim_simulate_fullstate(options)
            assert qsim_state.dtype == np.float32
            assert qsim_state.ndim == 1
            final_state = QSimSimulatorState(qsim_state, qubit_map)
            # create result for this parameter
            # TODO: We need to support measurements.
            result = QSimSimulatorTrialResult(
                params=prs, measurements={}, final_simulator_state=final_state)

        return trials_results
예제 #8
    def simulate_moment_expectation_values(
        program: cirq.Circuit,
        indexed_observables: Union[Dict[int, Union[cirq.PauliSumLike,
                                   List[cirq.PauliSumLike], ],
        param_resolver: cirq.ParamResolver,
        qubit_order: cirq.QubitOrderOrList = cirq.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
        initial_state: Any = None,
    ) -> List[List[float]]:
        """Calculates expectation values at each moment of a circuit.

            program: The circuit to simulate.
            indexed_observables: A map of moment indices to an observable
                or list of observables to calculate after that moment. As a
                convenience, users can instead pass in a single observable
                or observable list to calculate after ALL moments.
            param_resolver: Parameters to run with the program.
            qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This
                is often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the
                ordering of the computational basis states.
            initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. The form of
                this state depends on the simulation implementation. See
                documentation of the implementing class for details.
            permit_terminal_measurements: If the provided circuit ends with
                measurement(s), this method will generate an error unless this
                is set to True. This is meant to prevent measurements from
                ruining expectation value calculations.

            A list of expectation values for each moment m in the circuit,
            where value `n` corresponds to `indexed_observables[m][n]`.

            ValueError if 'program' has terminal measurement(s) and
            'permit_terminal_measurements' is False. (Note: We cannot test this
            until Cirq's `are_any_measurements_terminal` is released.)
        if not isinstance(indexed_observables, Dict):
            if not isinstance(indexed_observables, List):
                indexed_observables = [(i, [indexed_observables])
                                       for i, _ in enumerate(program)]
                indexed_observables = [(i, indexed_observables)
                                       for i, _ in enumerate(program)]
            indexed_observables = [(i, obs) if isinstance(obs, List) else
                                   (i, [obs])
                                   for i, obs in indexed_observables.items()]
        indexed_observables.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        psum_pairs = [(i, [cirq.PauliSum.wrap(pslike) for pslike in obs_list])
                      for i, obs_list in indexed_observables]

        all_qubits = program.all_qubits()
        cirq_order = cirq.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order).order_for(
        qsim_order = list(reversed(cirq_order))
        num_qubits = len(qsim_order)
        qubit_map = {qubit: index for index, qubit in enumerate(qsim_order)}

        opsums_and_qcount_map = {}
        for i, psumlist in psum_pairs:
            opsums_and_qcount_map[i] = []
            for psum in psumlist:
                opsum = []
                opsum_qubits = set()
                for pstr in psum:
                    opstring = qsim.OpString()
                    opstring.weight = pstr.coefficient
                    for q, pauli in pstr.items():
                        op = pauli.on(q)
                        qsimc.add_op_to_opstring(op, qubit_map, opstring)
                opsums_and_qcount_map[i].append((opsum, len(opsum_qubits)))

        if initial_state is None:
            initial_state = 0
        if not isinstance(initial_state, (int, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError("initial_state must be an int or state vector.")

        # Add noise to the circuit if a noise model was provided.
        program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(
            self.noise.noisy_moments(program, sorted(all_qubits))
            if self.noise is not cirq.NO_NOISE else program, )

        options = {}

        param_resolver = cirq.to_resolvers(param_resolver)
        if isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            if initial_state.dtype != np.complex64:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"initial_state vector must have dtype np.complex64.")
            input_vector = initial_state.view(np.float32)
            if len(input_vector) != 2**num_qubits * 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"initial_state vector size must match number of qubits."
                    f"Expected: {2**num_qubits * 2} Received: {len(input_vector)}"

        is_noisy = _needs_trajectories(program)
        if is_noisy:
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory"
            ev_simulator_fn = (self._sim_module.
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qsim"
            ev_simulator_fn = self._sim_module.qsim_simulate_moment_expectation_values

        solved_circuit = cirq.resolve_parameters(program, param_resolver)
        options["c"], opsum_reindex = self._translate_circuit(
        opsums_and_qubit_counts = []
        for m, opsum_qc in opsums_and_qcount_map.items():
            pair = (opsum_reindex[m], opsum_qc)
        options["s"] = self.get_seed()

        if isinstance(initial_state, int):
            return ev_simulator_fn(options, opsums_and_qubit_counts,
        elif isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            return ev_simulator_fn(options, opsums_and_qubit_counts,
예제 #9
    def simulate_expectation_values_sweep(
        program: cirq.Circuit,
        observables: Union[cirq.PauliSumLike, List[cirq.PauliSumLike]],
        params: cirq.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: cirq.QubitOrderOrList = cirq.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
        initial_state: Any = None,
        permit_terminal_measurements: bool = False,
    ) -> List[List[float]]:
        """Simulates the supplied circuit and calculates exact expectation
        values for the given observables on its final state.

        This method has no perfect analogy in hardware. Instead compare with
        Sampler.sample_expectation_values, which calculates estimated
        expectation values by sampling multiple times.

            program: The circuit to simulate.
            observables: An observable or list of observables.
            params: Parameters to run with the program.
            qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This
                is often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the
                ordering of the computational basis states.
            initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. The form of
                this state depends on the simulation implementation. See
                documentation of the implementing class for details.
            permit_terminal_measurements: If the provided circuit ends with
                measurement(s), this method will generate an error unless this
                is set to True. This is meant to prevent measurements from
                ruining expectation value calculations.

            A list of expectation values, with the value at index `n`
            corresponding to `observables[n]` from the input.

            ValueError if 'program' has terminal measurement(s) and
            'permit_terminal_measurements' is False. (Note: We cannot test this
            until Cirq's `are_any_measurements_terminal` is released.)
        if not permit_terminal_measurements and program.are_any_measurements_terminal(
            raise ValueError(
                "Provided circuit has terminal measurements, which may "
                "skew expectation values. If this is intentional, set "
        if not isinstance(observables, List):
            observables = [observables]
        psumlist = [cirq.PauliSum.wrap(pslike) for pslike in observables]

        all_qubits = program.all_qubits()
        cirq_order = cirq.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order).order_for(
        qsim_order = list(reversed(cirq_order))
        num_qubits = len(qsim_order)
        qubit_map = {qubit: index for index, qubit in enumerate(qsim_order)}

        opsums_and_qubit_counts = []
        for psum in psumlist:
            opsum = []
            opsum_qubits = set()
            for pstr in psum:
                opstring = qsim.OpString()
                opstring.weight = pstr.coefficient
                for q, pauli in pstr.items():
                    op = pauli.on(q)
                    qsimc.add_op_to_opstring(op, qubit_map, opstring)
            opsums_and_qubit_counts.append((opsum, len(opsum_qubits)))

        if initial_state is None:
            initial_state = 0
        if not isinstance(initial_state, (int, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError("initial_state must be an int or state vector.")

        # Add noise to the circuit if a noise model was provided.
        program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(
            self.noise.noisy_moments(program, sorted(all_qubits))
            if self.noise is not cirq.NO_NOISE else program, )

        options = {}

        param_resolvers = cirq.to_resolvers(params)
        if isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            if initial_state.dtype != np.complex64:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"initial_state vector must have dtype np.complex64.")
            input_vector = initial_state.view(np.float32)
            if len(input_vector) != 2**num_qubits * 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"initial_state vector size must match number of qubits."
                    f"Expected: {2**num_qubits * 2} Received: {len(input_vector)}"

        results = []
        if _needs_trajectories(program):
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory"
            ev_simulator_fn = self._sim_module.qtrajectory_simulate_expectation_values
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qsim"
            ev_simulator_fn = self._sim_module.qsim_simulate_expectation_values

        for prs in param_resolvers:
            solved_circuit = cirq.resolve_parameters(program, prs)
            options["c"], _ = self._translate_circuit(
            options["s"] = self.get_seed()

            if isinstance(initial_state, int):
                evs = ev_simulator_fn(options, opsums_and_qubit_counts,
            elif isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
                evs = ev_simulator_fn(options, opsums_and_qubit_counts,

        return results
예제 #10
    def simulate_sweep(
        program: cirq.Circuit,
        params: cirq.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: cirq.QubitOrderOrList = cirq.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
        initial_state: Optional[Union[int, np.ndarray]] = None,
    ) -> List["SimulationTrialResult"]:
        """Simulates the supplied Circuit.

        This method returns a result which allows access to the entire
        wave function. In contrast to simulate, this allows for sweeping
        over different parameter values.

        Avoid using this method with `use_gpu=True` in the simulator options;
        when used with GPU this method must copy state from device to host memory
        multiple times, which can be very slow. This issue is not present in

            program: The circuit to simulate.
            params: Parameters to run with the program.
            qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is
              often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the
              computational basis states.
            initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. This can either
              be an integer representing a pure state (e.g. 11010) or a numpy
              array containing the full state vector. If none is provided, this
              is assumed to be the all-zeros state.

            List of SimulationTrialResults for this run, one for each
            possible parameter resolver.

            TypeError: if an invalid initial_state is provided.
        if initial_state is None:
            initial_state = 0
        if not isinstance(initial_state, (int, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError("initial_state must be an int or state vector.")

        # Add noise to the circuit if a noise model was provided.
        all_qubits = program.all_qubits()
        program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(
            self.noise.noisy_moments(program, sorted(all_qubits))
            if self.noise is not cirq.NO_NOISE else program, )

        options = {}

        param_resolvers = cirq.to_resolvers(params)
        # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
        cirq_order = cirq.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order).order_for(
        qsim_order = list(reversed(cirq_order))
        num_qubits = len(qsim_order)
        if isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            if initial_state.dtype != np.complex64:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"initial_state vector must have dtype np.complex64.")
            input_vector = initial_state.view(np.float32)
            if len(input_vector) != 2**num_qubits * 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"initial_state vector size must match number of qubits."
                    f"Expected: {2**num_qubits * 2} Received: {len(input_vector)}"

        trials_results = []
        if _needs_trajectories(program):
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory"
            fullstate_simulator_fn = self._sim_module.qtrajectory_simulate_fullstate
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qsim"
            fullstate_simulator_fn = self._sim_module.qsim_simulate_fullstate

        for prs in param_resolvers:
            solved_circuit = cirq.resolve_parameters(program, prs)

            options["c"], _ = self._translate_circuit(
            options["s"] = self.get_seed()
            qubit_map = {
                qubit: index
                for index, qubit in enumerate(qsim_order)

            if isinstance(initial_state, int):
                qsim_state = fullstate_simulator_fn(options, initial_state)
            elif isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
                qsim_state = fullstate_simulator_fn(options, input_vector)
            assert qsim_state.dtype == np.float32
            assert qsim_state.ndim == 1
            final_state = QSimSimulatorState(qsim_state, qubit_map)
            # create result for this parameter
            # TODO: We need to support measurements.
            result = QSimSimulatorTrialResult(
                params=prs, measurements={}, final_simulator_state=final_state)

        return trials_results
예제 #11
    def _sample_measure_results(
        program: cirq.Circuit,
        repetitions: int = 1,
    ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        """Samples from measurement gates in the circuit.

        Note that this will execute the circuit 'repetitions' times.

            program: The circuit to sample from.
            repetitions: The number of samples to take.

            A dictionary from measurement gate key to measurement
            results. Measurement results are stored in a 2-dimensional
            numpy array, the first dimension corresponding to the repetition
            and the second to the actual boolean measurement results (ordered
            by the qubits being measured.)

            ValueError: If there are multiple MeasurementGates with the same key,
                or if repetitions is negative.

        # Add noise to the circuit if a noise model was provided.
        all_qubits = program.all_qubits()
        program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(
            self.noise.noisy_moments(program, sorted(all_qubits))
            if self.noise is not cirq.NO_NOISE else program, )

        # Compute indices of measured qubits
        ordered_qubits = cirq.QubitOrder.DEFAULT.order_for(all_qubits)
        num_qubits = len(ordered_qubits)

        qubit_map = {
            qubit: index
            for index, qubit in enumerate(ordered_qubits)

        # Compute:
        # - number of qubits for each measurement key.
        # - measurement ops for each measurement key.
        # - measurement info for each measurement.
        # - total number of measured bits.
        measurement_ops = [
            op for _, op, _ in program.findall_operations_with_gate_type(
        num_qubits_by_key: Dict[str, int] = {}
        meas_ops: Dict[str, List[cirq.GateOperation]] = {}
        meas_infos: List[MeasInfo] = []
        num_bits = 0
        for op in measurement_ops:
            gate = op.gate
            key = cirq.measurement_key_name(gate)
            meas_ops.setdefault(key, [])
            i = len(meas_ops[key])
            n = len(op.qubits)
            if key in num_qubits_by_key:
                if n != num_qubits_by_key[key]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"repeated key {key!r} with different numbers of qubits: "
                        f"{num_qubits_by_key[key]} != {n}")
                num_qubits_by_key[key] = n
                    end=num_bits + n,
            num_bits += n

        # Set qsim options
        options = {**self.qsim_options}

        results = {
            key: np.ndarray(shape=(repetitions, len(meas_ops[key]), n),
            for key, n in num_qubits_by_key.items()

        noisy = _needs_trajectories(program)
        if not noisy and program.are_all_measurements_terminal(
        ) and repetitions > 1:
            # Measurements must be replaced with identity gates to sample properly.
            # Simply removing them may omit qubits from the circuit.
            for i in range(len(program.moments)):
                program.moments[i] = cirq.Moment(
                    op if not isinstance(op.gate, cirq.MeasurementGate) else
                    [cirq.IdentityGate(1).on(q) for q in op.qubits]
                    for op in program.moments[i])
            translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qsim"
            options["c"], _ = self._translate_circuit(
            options["s"] = self.get_seed()
            raw_results = self._sim_module.qsim_sample_final(
                options, repetitions)
            full_results = np.array([[
                bool(result & (1 << q)) for q in reversed(range(num_qubits))
            ] for result in raw_results])

            for key, oplist in meas_ops.items():
                for i, op in enumerate(oplist):
                    meas_indices = [qubit_map[qubit] for qubit in op.qubits]
                    invert_mask = op.gate.full_invert_mask()
                    # Apply invert mask to re-ordered results
                             i, :] = full_results[:,
                                                  meas_indices] ^ invert_mask

            if noisy:
                translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qtrajectory"
                sampler_fn = self._sim_module.qtrajectory_sample
                translator_fn_name = "translate_cirq_to_qsim"
                sampler_fn = self._sim_module.qsim_sample

            options["c"], _ = self._translate_circuit(
            measurements = np.empty(shape=(repetitions, num_bits), dtype=int)
            for i in range(repetitions):
                options["s"] = self.get_seed()
                measurements[i] = sampler_fn(options)

            for m in meas_infos:
                results[m.key][:, m.idx, :] = (measurements[:, m.start:m.end]
                                               ^ m.invert_mask)

        return results
예제 #12
    def _sample_measure_results(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        repetitions: int = 1,
    ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        """Samples from measurement gates in the circuit.

    Note that this will execute the circuit 'repetitions' times.

        program: The circuit to sample from.
        repetitions: The number of samples to take.

        A dictionary from measurement gate key to measurement
        results. Measurement results are stored in a 2-dimensional
        numpy array, the first dimension corresponding to the repetition
        and the second to the actual boolean measurement results (ordered
        by the qubits being measured.)

        ValueError: If there are multiple MeasurementGates with the same key,
            or if repetitions is negative.
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        if program.are_all_measurements_terminal() and repetitions > 1:
            print('Provided circuit has no intermediate measurements. ' +
                  'It may be faster to sample from the final state vector. ' +
                  'Continuing with one-by-one sampling.')

        # Compute indices of measured qubits
        ordered_qubits = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT.order_for(program.all_qubits())
        ordered_qubits = list(reversed(ordered_qubits))

        qubit_map = {
            qubit: index
            for index, qubit in enumerate(ordered_qubits)

        # Computes
        # - the list of qubits to be measured
        # - the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices of each measurement
        # - a mapping from measurement key to measurement gate
        measurement_ops = [
            op for _, op, _ in program.findall_operations_with_gate_type(
        measured_qubits = []  # type: List[ops.Qid]
        bounds = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple]
        meas_ops = {}  # type: Dict[str, cirq.MeasurementGate]
        current_index = 0
        for op in measurement_ops:
            gate = op.gate
            key = protocols.measurement_key(gate)
            meas_ops[key] = gate
            if key in bounds:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Duplicate MeasurementGate with key {}".format(key))
            bounds[key] = (current_index, current_index + len(op.qubits))
            current_index += len(op.qubits)

        indices = [qubit_map[qubit] for qubit in measured_qubits]

        # Set qsim options
        options = {}
        options['c'] = program.translate_cirq_to_qsim(ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT)

        results = {}
        for key, bound in bounds.items():
            results[key] = np.ndarray(shape=(repetitions, bound[1] - bound[0]),

        for i in range(repetitions):
            options['s'] = self.get_seed()
            measurements = qsim.qsim_sample(options)
            for key, bound in bounds.items():
                for j in range(bound[1] - bound[0]):
                    results[key][i][j] = int(measurements[bound[0] + j])

        return results