def logMessage(self, message): # Show message in status bar doc = qt.QTextDocument() doc.setHtml(message) slicer.util.showStatusMessage(doc.toPlainText(), 3000) # Show message in log window at the bottom of the module widget self.log.insertHtml(message) self.log.insertPlainText('\n') self.log.ensureCursorVisible() self.log.repaint()
def logMessage(self, message, logLevel=logging.INFO): # Set text color based on log level if logLevel >= logging.ERROR: message = '<font color="red">' + message + '</font>' elif logLevel >= logging.WARNING: message = '<font color="orange">' + message + '</font>' # Show message in status bar doc = qt.QTextDocument() doc.setHtml(message) slicer.util.showStatusMessage(doc.toPlainText(),3000) # Show message in log window at the bottom of the module widget self.log.insertHtml(message) self.log.insertPlainText('\n') self.log.ensureCursorVisible() self.log.repaint() logging.log(logLevel, message)
def printPdf( self, htmlTemplatePath, values, callbackFunction, pdfOutputPath=None, imagesFileList=None, tempHtmlFolder=None, ): """ Print a pdf file with the html stored in htmlPath and the specified values :param htmlTemplatePath: path to the html file that contains the template :param values: dictionary of values that will be used to build the final html :param callbackFunction: function that will be called when the process has finished (it is an asynchronous process) :param pdfOutputPath: path to the pdf file that will be created (if none, it will be saved in a temp file) :param imagesFileList: list of full paths to images that may be needed to generate the report :param tempHtmlFolder: folder where all the intermediate files will be stored. If none, a temporary folder will be used """ if tempHtmlFolder is None: tempHtmlFolder = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.__pdfOutputPath__ = pdfOutputPath if pdfOutputPath is not None else os.path.join( tempHtmlFolder, "report.pdf") self.__callbackFunction__ = callbackFunction # Generate the Html with open(htmlTemplatePath, "r") as f: html = for key, value in values.items(): html = html.replace(key, value) # If we need images, copy them to the temporary folder if imagesFileList: for im in imagesFileList: fileName = os.path.basename(im) shutil.copy(im, os.path.join(tempHtmlFolder, fileName)) if hasattr(qt, 'QWebView'): # Save the file in the temporary folder htmlPath = os.path.join(tempHtmlFolder, "temp__.html") with open(htmlPath, "w") as f: f.write(html) logging.debug("Html generated in {}".format(htmlPath)) # Create a web browser for rendering html self.webView = qt.QWebView() self.webView.settings().setAttribute( qt.QWebSettings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) self.webView.connect('loadFinished(bool)', self.__webViewFormLoadedCallback__) u = qt.QUrl(htmlPath) self.webView.setUrl(u) else: printer = qt.QPrinter(qt.QPrinter.PrinterResolution) printer.setOutputFormat(qt.QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setPaperSize(qt.QPrinter.A4) printer.setOutputFileName(self.__pdfOutputPath__) doc = qt.QTextDocument() doc.setHtml(html) doc.baseUrl = qt.QUrl.fromLocalFile(tempHtmlFolder + "/") doc.setPageSize(qt.QSizeF( printer.pageRect().size())) # hide the page number doc.print(printer) # Call the callback self.__callbackFunction__(self.__pdfOutputPath__) self.__callbackFunction__ = None