def _init_toolbar(self): self.basedir = os.path.join(matplotlib.rcParams[ 'datapath' ],'images') for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in self.toolitems: if text is None: self.addSeparator() else: a = self.addAction(self._icon(image_file + '.png'), text, getattr(self, callback)) if tooltip_text is not None: a.setToolTip(tooltip_text) if figureoptions is not None: a = self.addAction(self._icon("qt4_editor_options.png"), 'Customize', self.edit_parameters) a.setToolTip('Edit curves line and axes parameters') self.buttons = {} # Add the x,y location widget at the right side of the toolbar # The stretch factor is 1 which means any resizing of the toolbar # will resize this label instead of the buttons. if self.coordinates: self.locLabel = QtGui.QLabel( "", self ) self.locLabel.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignTop ) self.locLabel.setSizePolicy( QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Ignored)) labelAction = self.addWidget(self.locLabel) labelAction.setVisible(True) # reference holder for subplots_adjust window self.adj_window = None
def _init_toolbar(self): self.basedir = os.path.join(matplotlib.rcParams['datapath'], 'images') a = self.addAction(self._icon('home.png'), 'Home', self.home) a.setToolTip('Reset original view') a = self.addAction(self._icon('back.png'), 'Back', self.back) a.setToolTip('Back to previous view') a = self.addAction(self._icon('forward.png'), 'Forward', self.forward) a.setToolTip('Forward to next view') self.addSeparator() a = self.addAction(self._icon('move.png'), 'Pan', self.pan) a.setToolTip('Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right') a = self.addAction(self._icon('zoom_to_rect.png'), 'Zoom', self.zoom) a.setToolTip('Zoom to rectangle') self.addSeparator() a = self.addAction(self._icon('subplots.png'), 'Subplots', self.configure_subplots) a.setToolTip('Configure subplots') if figureoptions is not None: a = self.addAction(self._icon("qt4_editor_options.png"), 'Customize', self.edit_parameters) a.setToolTip('Edit curves line and axes parameters') a = self.addAction(self._icon('filesave.png'), 'Save', self.save_figure) a.setToolTip('Save the figure') self.buttons = {} # Add the x,y location widget at the right side of the toolbar # The stretch factor is 1 which means any resizing of the toolbar # will resize this label instead of the buttons. if self.coordinates: self.locLabel = QtGui.QLabel("", self) self.locLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.locLabel.setSizePolicy( QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Ignored)) labelAction = self.addWidget(self.locLabel) labelAction.setVisible(True) # reference holder for subplots_adjust window self.adj_window = None