def release(self, timeout=CommandTimeout): '''释放某个设备的instrument :param timeout: 等待超时 (秒) :type timeout: int :returns : boolean -- True if release successfully, False if not ''' _begin_time = time.time() if self.is_working(): self.device_command_delegator.clean_all(self.udid, "InstrumentsRelease") self.device_command_delegator.send_command( self.udid, {"method": "release"}, timeout - (time.time() - _begin_time)) if not self.wait_for_stop(timeout - (time.time() - _begin_time)): Process().kill_child_processes_by_ppid( self.TasksPID.get(self.udid)) if self.is_working(): Process().kill_process_by_name("") Process().kill_process_by_name("") os.system('killall -9 "instruments" "Instruments"') self.TasksBoostrapStandBy.pop(self.udid, None) self.instances.pop(self.udid) time.sleep(3) return self.is_working() == False
def start(self, is_daemon=True): '''启动driver ''' # Check for a pidfile to see if the daemon already runs pid = self.get_pid() if pid: process = Process().get_process_by_pid(pid, '') if process: args = process['CMD'].split(' ') if len(args) > 3: args = main_parser.parse_args(args[2:])'Driverserver info:%s' % args) if int(args.agent_port) == self._agent_port and int( args.port) == self._driver_port: return Process().kill_process_by_pid(pid) logger.warning('Kill old driver server process %d' % pid) logger.warning('old_params: driver_port: %d, agent_port: %d' % (int(args.port), int(args.agent_port))) logger.warning('new_params: driver_port: %d, agent_port: %d' % (self._driver_port, self._agent_port)) else: os.remove(self.pidfile) # Start the daemon if is_daemon: self.daemonize()
def start(self, is_daemon=True): '''启动service ''' pid = self.get_pid() if pid: process = Process().get_process_by_pid(pid, '') if process: Process().kill_process_by_pid(pid) logger.warning('Kill old screencapure server process %d' % pid) else: os.remove(self.pidfile) # start damon if is_daemon: self.daemonize()
def exist(self): '''driverserver进程是否存在 ''' pid = self.get_pid() if pid: if Process().get_process_by_pid(pid, ''): return True return False
def start(self, is_daemon=True): """ Start the daemon """ # Check for a pidfile to see if the daemon already runs pid = self.get_pid() if pid: if Process().get_process_by_pid(pid, ''): message = "pidfile %s already exist. Daemon already running?\n" logger.warning(message % self.pidfile) return else: os.remove(self.pidfile) # Start the daemon if is_daemon: self.daemonize()
def notify(self, json_data): '''notify :param json_data: 要通知的内容 :type json_data: Json ''' dict_data = Json().loads(json_data) method = dict_data["method"] params = dict_data["params"] device_udid = params[0]["environment"]["device_udid"] instruments_pid = params[0]["pid"] if method == "InstrumentsStarted": if method in [ 'TraceTemplateInvalid', 'TargetAppBundleIDInvalid', 'DeviceIsCurrentlyLockedWithAPasscode', 'TheAppMustBeSignedWithADevelopmentIdentity', 'TargetAppIsNotFrontmost', 'TargetAppDied', 'DeviceDisabled', 'InstrumentsError', 'InstrumentsTimeout' ]: if method == "TargetAppDied": self.crash_flag = True self.device_command_delegator.clean_all(device_udid, method) self.TasksLastError.update({device_udid: method}) self.dispatch_stopped_events() Process().kill_process_tree_by_pid(instruments_pid) self.log.error(method) if method == "InstrumentsTerminated": self.device_command_delegator.clean_all(device_udid, method) self.TasksEnvironment.pop(device_udid, None) self.TasksBoostrapStandBy.pop(device_udid, None) self.TasksPID.pop(device_udid, None) self.LastExecCommandDeviceUdid = None self.dispatch_stopped_events()
def start(self, retry=1, timeout=CommandTimeout): '''启动Agent,类初始化即调用 :param retry: 启动尝试次数 :type retry: int :param timeout: 单次启动超时 (秒) :type timeout: int ''' if self.type == EnumDevice.Simulator: dt.DT().reboot(self.udid) xcode_version = dt.DT.get_xcode_version() if dt.DT.compare_xcode_version("9.0") >= 0: self._agent_cmd = self._get_xcodebuild_agent_cmd_for_simulator( xcode_version) else: self._agent_cmd = self._get_fbsimctl_agent_cmd_for_simulator( xcode_version) else: self._agent_cmd = ' '.join([ 'xcodebuild', '-project %s' % self.XCTestAgentPath, '-scheme %s' % 'XCTestAgent', '-destination "platform=%s,id=%s"' % (self.type, self.udid), 'test' ]) # 清理遗留的xcodebuild进程 Process().kill_process_by_name(self._agent_cmd.replace('"', '')) Process().kill_process_by_port(self._server_port) start_time = time.time() # 启动端口转发线程 self._tcp_relay() for _ in range(retry):"Start XCTestAgent: %s" % self._agent_cmd)"XCTestAgent Version: %s" % self.version) self._process = ThreadTask( command=self._agent_cmd, stdout_line_callback=self._stdout_line_callback, stderr_line_callback=self._stderr_line_callback) time0 = time.time() while time.time() - time0 < timeout: if self.is_working(): exec_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000'[ %s ] consumed [ %dms ]' % ('Start XCTestAgent', exec_time)) return time.sleep(3) _dt = dt.DT()"Uninstall") result = _dt.uninstall("", self.udid) if not result: self.log.error(_dt.uninstall_error) self.stop() error_log_name = 'xctest_%s' % self.udid agent_error_log = logger.get_agent_error_log(error_log_name, start_time) raise AgentStartError("Failed to start XCTestAgent.\nDetails:%s" % agent_error_log)
def start(self, bundle_id, app_params, env, xmlrpc_uri, trace_template=None, trace_output=None, retry=3, timeout=55): '''用指定设备启动指定APP在后台运行 :param bundle_id: 要启动的APP的Bundle ID :type bundle_id: str :param app_params: APP 使用的参数 :type app_params: dict :param env: 任务设备的环境 :type env: dict :param trace_template: 专项测试使用trace_template的路径 :type trace_template: str :param trace_output: 专项测试使用trace_output :type trace_output: str :param retry: 启动失败重试次数 :type retry: int :param timeout: 单次启动超时 (秒) :type timeout: int :returns : boolean -- True if start successfully, False if not ''' if timeout < 10: raise Exception("timeout must be longer than 10 seconds") if self.is_working(): self.release() if env == None: env = {} self.TasksEnvironment.update({self.udid: env}) params = '' if app_params: params_list = [] for k in app_params: params_list.append("-%s" % k) params_list.append("%s" % app_params[k]) params = ' '.join(params_list) for i in range(retry):"ins start app retry %d of %d times" % (i + 1, retry)) ins_py_cmd = ' '.join([ self.PythonPath, '"%s"' % self.InstrumentDriverPath, '-device_udid "%s"' % self.udid, '-device_simulator %s' % False, '-bundle_id "%s"' % bundle_id, '-params "%s"' % params if params else '', '-trace_template "%s"' % trace_template, '-trace_output "%s"' % trace_output, '-xmlrpc_uri "%s"' % xmlrpc_uri, '-timeout %s' % (20 * 60), '-cmd_fetch_delegate_timeout %s' % 10, '-environment "%s"' % urllib.quote("%s" % env) ]) task = ThreadTask(ins_py_cmd,, stderr_line_callback=self.log.error) if self.wait_for_start(timeout): self.TasksPID.update({self.udid:})"ins start app successfully") return True Process().kill_child_processes_by_ppid( time.sleep(3) error = self.TasksLastError.pop(self.udid, None) if error: raise Exception("[InstrumentsManager] %s" % error) return False
def __timeout_kill_instruments__(self): self.instruments.stop() Process().kill_child_processes_by_ppid(os.getpid()) self.__notify__('InstrumentsTimeout')