예제 #1
    def finished(self):
        Called when the unit test process has finished.

        This function reads the results and emits `sig_finished`.
        qbytearray = self.process.readAllStandardOutput()
        locale_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale()
        output = to_text_string(locale_codec.toUnicode(qbytearray.data()))
        testresults = self.load_data()
        self.sig_finished.emit(testresults, output)
예제 #2
from spyder.utils import icon_manager as ima
from spyder.utils.qthelpers import (create_toolbutton, get_item_user_text,
from spyder.utils.programs import shell_split
from spyder.widgets.comboboxes import PythonModulesComboBox
from spyder.utils.misc import add_pathlist_to_PYTHONPATH, getcwd_or_home
from spyder.widgets.variableexplorer.texteditor import TextEditor

# This is needed for testing this module as a stand alone script
    _ = get_translation("profiler", "spyder_profiler")
except KeyError as error:
    import gettext
    _ = gettext.gettext

locale_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale()

def is_profiler_installed():
    from spyder.utils.programs import is_module_installed
    return is_module_installed('cProfile') and is_module_installed('pstats')

class ProfilerWidget(QWidget):
    Profiler widget
    DATAPATH = get_conf_path('profiler.results')
    VERSION = '0.0.1'
    redirect_stdio = Signal(bool)
예제 #3
from spyder.utils.encoding import to_unicode_from_fs
from spyder.utils.qthelpers import create_toolbutton
from spyder.widgets.comboboxes import (is_module_or_package,
from spyder.widgets.onecolumntree import OneColumnTree
from spyder.widgets.variableexplorer.texteditor import TextEditor

# This is needed for testing this module as a stand alone script
    _ = get_translation("pylint", "spyder_pylint")
except KeyError as error:
    import gettext
    _ = gettext.gettext

locale_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale()
PYLINT_REQVER = '>=0.25'
PYLINT_VER = pylint.__version__
dependencies.add("pylint", _("Static code analysis"),
                 required_version=PYLINT_REQVER, installed_version=PYLINT_VER)

#TODO: display results on 3 columns instead of 1: msg_id, lineno, message
class ResultsTree(OneColumnTree):
    sig_edit_goto = Signal(str, int, str)

    def __init__(self, parent):
        OneColumnTree.__init__(self, parent)
        self.filename = None
        self.results = None
        self.data = None
예제 #4
# Third party imports
from qtpy.QtCore import (QByteArray, QProcess, Qt, QTextCodec, QTimer,
                         Signal, Slot)
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QHBoxLayout, QInputDialog, QLabel, QLineEdit,
                            QMenu, QToolButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidget)

# Local imports
from spyderlib.config.base import _, get_conf_path
from spyderlib.py3compat import is_text_string, to_text_string
from spyderlib.utils import icon_manager as ima
from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import (add_actions, create_action,

LOCALE_CODEC = QTextCodec.codecForLocale()

def add_pathlist_to_PYTHONPATH(env, pathlist, drop_env=False):
    # PyQt API 1/2 compatibility-related tests:
    assert isinstance(env, list)
    assert all([is_text_string(path) for path in env])
    pypath = "PYTHONPATH"
    pathstr = os.pathsep.join(pathlist)
    if os.environ.get(pypath) is not None and not drop_env:
        for index, var in enumerate(env[:]):
            if var.startswith(pypath+'='):
                env[index] = var.replace(pypath+'=',
예제 #5
 def read_all_process_output(self):
     """Read and return all output from `self.process` as unicode."""
     qbytearray = self.process.readAllStandardOutput()
     locale_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale()
     return to_text_string(locale_codec.toUnicode(qbytearray.data()))
예제 #6
 def read_all_process_output(self):
     """Read and return all output from `self.process` as unicode."""
     qbytearray = self.process.readAllStandardOutput()
     locale_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale()
     return to_text_string(locale_codec.toUnicode(qbytearray.data()))