예제 #1
파일: sequencer.py 프로젝트: q4quanta/qtt
    def make_marker(period, uptime=0.2, offset=0.0, repetitions=1, name='marker'):
        """ Creates a marker block waveforms of the type qupulse template.

            period (float): The period of the waveform in seconds.
            uptime (float): The marker up period in seconds.
            offset (float): The marker delay in seconds.
            repetitions (int): The number of oscillations in the sequence.
            name (str): The name of the returned sequence.

            Dict: *NAME*, *TYPE*, *WAVE* keys containing values; sequence name,
                  sequence data type and the actual qupulse sequencePT respectively.
        if abs(offset) > period:
            raise ValueError('Invalid argument value for offset: |{}| > {}!'.format(offset, period))
        if not 0 < uptime < period:
            raise ValueError("Invalid argument value for uptime '{}'!".format(uptime))
        updated_offset = period + offset if offset < 0 else offset
        input_variables = {'period': period * Sequencer.__sec_to_ns,
                           'uptime': uptime * Sequencer.__sec_to_ns,
                           'offset': updated_offset * Sequencer.__sec_to_ns}
        rollover = updated_offset + uptime > period
        if rollover:
            warnings.warn('Marker rolls over to subsequent period.')
        pulse_template = Templates.rollover_marker(name) if rollover else Templates.marker(name)
        sequence_data = (pulse_template, input_variables)
        return {'name': name, 'wave': SequencePT(*((sequence_data,) * repetitions)),
                'type': DataTypes.QU_PULSE, 'uptime': uptime, 'offset': offset}
예제 #2
    def make_pulse_table(amplitudes,
        """ Creates a sequence of pulses from a list of amplitudes and waiting times.

        Note that the initial voltage level will be given by the last element in amplitudes.

             amplitudes (list of floats): List with voltage amplitudes of the pulses.
             waiting_times (list of float): List with durations containing the waiting time of each pulse.
             repetitions (int): The number of oscillations in the sequence.
             name (str): The name of the returned sequence.
            Dict: *NAME*, *TYPE*, *WAVE* keys containing values; sequence name,
                  sequence data type and the actual qupulse sequencePT respectively.
        if len(amplitudes) != len(waiting_times):
            raise ValueError(
                'Arguments have invalid lengths! (amplitudes={}, waiting_times={}'
                .format(len(amplitudes), len(waiting_times)))
        time_in_ns = 0.0
        entry_list = list()
        for waiting_time, amplitude in zip(waiting_times, amplitudes):
            time_in_ns += waiting_time * Sequencer.__sec_to_ns
            entry_list.append((time_in_ns, amplitude, 'jump'))
        sequence_data = Templates.pulse_table(name, entry_list)
        return {
            'name': name,
            'wave': SequencePT(*(sequence_data, ) * repetitions),
            'type': DataTypes.QU_PULSE
예제 #3
    def make_sawtooth_wave(amplitude,
        """ Creates a sawtooth waveform of the type qupulse template.

            amplitude (float): The peak-to-peak voltage of the waveform.
            width (float): The width of the rising ramp as a proportion of the total cycle.
            period (float): The period of the waveform in seconds.
            repetitions (int): The number of oscillations in the sequence.
            name (str): The name of the returned sequence.

            Dict: *NAME*, *TYPE*, *WAVE* keys containing values; sequence name,
                  sequence data type and the actual qupulse sequencePT respectively.
        if width <= 0 or width >= 1:
            raise ValueError('Invalid argument value (0 < width < 1)!')
        input_variables = {
            'period': period * Sequencer.__sec_to_ns,
            'amplitude': amplitude / 2.0,
            'width': width
        sequence_data = (Templates.sawtooth(name), input_variables)
        return {
            'name': name,
            'wave': SequencePT(*((sequence_data, ) * repetitions)),
            'type': DataTypes.QU_PULSE
예제 #4
파일: sequencer.py 프로젝트: q4quanta/qtt
    def make_square_wave(amplitude, period, repetitions=1, name='pulse'):
        """ Creates a block waveforms of the type qupulse template.

            amplitude (float): The peak-to-peak voltage of the waveform.
            period (float): The period of the waveform in seconds.
            repetitions (int): The number of oscillations in the sequence.
            name (str): The name of the returned sequence.

            Dict: *NAME*, *TYPE*, *WAVE* keys containing values; sequence name,
                  sequence data type and the actual qupulse sequencePT respectively.
        input_variables = {'period': period * Sequencer.__sec_to_ns, 'amplitude': amplitude / 2.0}
        sequence_data = (Templates.square(name), input_variables)
        return {'name': name, 'wave': SequencePT(*(sequence_data,) * repetitions),
                'type': DataTypes.QU_PULSE}