예제 #1
        def _fit_and_plot_decay(bincentres, counts, label, fig_label):
            """ Fitting and plotting of exponential decay for level """
            A_fit, B_fit, gamma_fit = fit_exp_decay(bincentres, counts)
            tunnelrate = gamma_fit / 1000

            other_label = 'up' if label == 'down' else 'down'

            if verbose:
                print(f'Tunnel rate {label} to {other_label}: %.1f kHz' %

            time_scaling = 1e3

            if fig_label:
                title = f'Fitted exponential decay, level {label}'
                Fig = plt.figure(fig_label)
                plt.plot(time_scaling * bincentres,
                         label=f'Counts {label}')
                    time_scaling * bincentres,
                    exp_function(bincentres, A_fit, B_fit, gamma_fit),
                    r'Fitted exponential decay $\Gamma_{\mathrm{%s\ to\ %s}}$: %.1f kHz'
                    % (label, other_label, tunnelrate))
                plt.xlabel('Lifetime (ms)')
                plt.ylabel('Counts per bin')
                if ppt:
                    addPPTslide(title=title, fig=Fig)

            fit_parameters = [A_fit, B_fit, gamma_fit]
            return tunnelrate, fit_parameters
예제 #2
def tunnelrates_RTS(data,
    This function takes an RTS dataset, fits a double gaussian, finds the split between the two levels, 
    determines the durations in these two levels, fits a decaying exponantial on two arrays of durations, 
    which gives the tunneling frequency for both the levels.

        data (array): qcodes DataSet (or 1d data array) with the RTS data
        plungers ([str, str]): array of the two plungers used to perform the RTS measurement
        samplerate (int or float): sampling rate of either the fpga or the digitizer, optional if given in the metadata
                of the measured data
        min_sep (float): if the separation found for the fit of the double gaussian is less then this value, the fit probably failed 
            and a FittingException is raised
        max_sep (float): if the separation found for the fit of the double gaussian is more then this value, the fit probably failed
            and a FittingException is raised
        min_duration (int): minimal number of datapoints a duration should last to be taking into account for the analysis
        fig (None or int): shows figures and sends them to the ppt when is not None
        ppt (None or int): determines if the figures are send to a powerpoint presentation
        verbose (int): prints info to the console when > 0

        tunnelrate_dn (numpy.float64): tunneling rate of the down level (kHz)
        tunnelrate_up (numpy.float64): tunneling rate of the up level (kHz)
        parameters (dict): dictionary with relevent (fit) parameters


    if type(data) == qcodes.data.data_set.DataSet:
            plungers = plungers
            metadata = data.metadata
            gates = metadata['allgatevalues']
            plungervalue = gates[plungers[0]]
            plungervalue = []
        if samplerate is None:
            metadata = data.metadata
            samplerate = metadata['samplerate']

        data = np.array(data.measured)
        plungervalue = []
        if samplerate is None:
            raise Exception('samplerate is None')

    # plotting a 2d histogram of the RTS
    if fig:
        xdata = np.array(range(0, len(data))) / samplerate * 1000
        Z, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(
            bins=[int(np.sqrt(len(xdata))) / 2,
                  int(np.sqrt(len(data))) / 2])
        title = '2d histogram RTS'
        plt.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, Z.T)
        cb = plt.colorbar()
        cb.set_label('Data points per bin')
        plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
        plt.ylabel('Signal sensing dot (a.u.)')
        if ppt:
            addPPTslide(title=title, fig=plt.figure(title))

    # binning the data and determining the bincentres
    if num_bins is None:
        num_bins = int(np.sqrt(len(data)))
    counts, bins = np.histogram(data, bins=num_bins)
    bincentres = np.array([(bins[i] + bins[i + 1]) / 2
                           for i in range(0,
                                          len(bins) - 1)])

    # fitting the double gaussian and finding the split between the up and the down state, separation between the max of the two gaussians measured in the sum of the std
    par_fit, result_dict = fit_double_gaussian(bincentres, counts)
    separation = result_dict['separation']
    split = result_dict['split']

    if verbose:
        print('Fit parameters double gaussian:\n mean down: %.3f counts' %
              par_fit[4] + ', mean up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[5] +
              ', std down: %.3f counts' % par_fit[2] +
              ', std up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[3])
        print('Separation between peaks gaussians: %.3f std' % separation)
        print('Split between two levels: %.3f' % split)

    # plotting the data in a histogram, the fitted two gaussian model and the split
    if fig:
        title = 'Histogram of two levels RTS'
        counts, bins, _ = plt.hist(data, bins=num_bins)
                 double_gaussian(bincentres, par_fit),
                 label='Fitted double gaussian')
                 double_gaussian(split, par_fit),
                 label='split: %.3f' % split)
        plt.xlabel('Measured value (a.u.)')
        plt.ylabel('Data points per bin')
        if ppt:
                notes='Fit paramaters double gaussian:\n mean down: %.3f counts'
                % par_fit[4] + ', mean up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[5] +
                ', std down: %.3f counts' % par_fit[2] +
                ', std up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[3] +
                '.Separation between peaks gaussians: %.3f std' % separation +
                '. Split between two levels: %.3f' % split)

    if separation < min_sep:
        raise FittingException(
            'Separation between the peaks of the gaussian %.1f is less then %.1f std, indicating that the fit was not succesfull.'
            % (separation, min_sep))

    if separation > max_sep:
        raise FittingException(
            'Separation between the peaks of the gaussian %.1f is more then %.1f std, indicating that the fit was not succesfull.'
            % (separation, max_sep))

    # count the number of transitions and their duration
    durations_dn_idx, durations_up_idx = transitions_durations(data, split)

    # throwing away the durations with less data points then min_duration
    durations_up_min_duration = durations_up_idx > min_duration
    durations_up = durations_up_idx[durations_up_min_duration]
    durations_dn_min_duration = durations_dn_idx > min_duration
    durations_dn = durations_dn_idx[durations_dn_min_duration]

    if len(durations_up) < 1:
        raise FittingException(
            'All durations_up are shorter than the minimal duration.')

    if len(durations_dn) < 1:
        raise FittingException(
            'All durations_dn are shorter than the minimal duration.')

    # calculating durations in seconds
    durations_dn = durations_dn / samplerate
    durations_up = durations_up / samplerate

    # sorting the durations
    durations_dn_srt = np.sort(durations_dn)
    durations_up_srt = np.sort(durations_up)

    # calculating the number of bins and counts for down level
    numbins_dn = int(np.sqrt(len(durations_dn_srt)))
    counts_dn, bins_dn = np.histogram(durations_dn_srt, bins=numbins_dn)

    if counts_dn[0] < 400:
            'Number of datapoints might not be enough to make an acurate fit of the exponantial decay for level down.'

    if counts_dn[0] < 50:
        raise FittingException(
            'Number of datapoints is not be enough to make an acurate fit of the exponantial decay for level down.'

    bincentres_dn = np.array([(bins_dn[i] + bins_dn[i + 1]) / 2
                              for i in range(0,
                                             len(bins_dn) - 1)])

    # fitting exponantial decay for down level
    A_dn_fit, B_dn_fit, gamma_dn_fit = fit_exp_decay(bincentres_dn, counts_dn)
    tunnelrate_dn = gamma_dn_fit / 1000

    if verbose:
        print('Tunnel rate down: %.1f kHz' % tunnelrate_dn)

    if fig:
        title = 'Fitted exponantial decay, level down'
        plt.plot(bincentres_dn, counts_dn, 'o', label='Counts down')
                 exp_function(bincentres_dn, A_dn_fit, B_dn_fit, gamma_dn_fit),
                 label='Fitted exponantial decay \n $\Gamma_{dn}$: %.1f kHz' %
        plt.xlabel('Lifetime (s)')
        plt.ylabel('Counts per bin')
        if ppt:
            addPPTslide(title=title, fig=plt.figure(title))

    # calculating the number of bins and counts for up level
    numbins_up = int(np.sqrt(len(durations_up_srt)))
    counts_up, bins_up = np.histogram(durations_up_srt, bins=numbins_up)

    if counts_up[0] < 50:
            'Number of datapoints might not be enough to make an acurate fit of the exponantial decay for level up.'

    if counts_dn[0] < 50:
        raise FittingException(
            'Number of datapoints is not be enough to make an acurate fit of the exponantial decay for level down.'

    bincentres_up = np.array([(bins_up[i] + bins_up[i + 1]) / 2
                              for i in range(0,
                                             len(bins_up) - 1)])

    # fitting exponantial decay for up level
    A_up_fit, B_up_fit, gamma_up_fit = fit_exp_decay(bincentres_up, counts_up)
    tunnelrate_up = gamma_up_fit / 1000

    if verbose:
        print('Tunnel rate up: %.1f kHz' % tunnelrate_up)

    if fig:
        title = 'Fitted exponantial decay, level up'
        plt.plot(bincentres_up, counts_up, 'o', label='Counts up')
                 exp_function(bincentres_up, A_up_fit, B_up_fit, gamma_up_fit),
                 label='Fitted exponantial decay \n $\Gamma_{up}$: %.1f kHz' %
        plt.xlabel('Lifetime (s)')
        plt.ylabel('Data points per bin')
        if ppt:
            addPPTslide(title=title, fig=plt.figure(title))

    parameters = {
        'plunger value': plungervalue,
        'sampling rate': samplerate,
        'fit parameters double gaussian': par_fit,
        'separations between peaks gaussians': separation,
        'split between the two levels': split,
        'fit parameters exp. decay down': [A_dn_fit, B_dn_fit, gamma_dn_fit],
        'fit parameters exp. decay up': [A_up_fit, B_up_fit, gamma_up_fit]

    return tunnelrate_dn, tunnelrate_up, parameters
예제 #3
def tunnelrates_RTS(data,
    This function takes an RTS dataset, fits a double gaussian, finds the split between the two levels,
    determines the durations in these two levels, fits a decaying exponential on two arrays of durations,
    which gives the tunneling frequency for both the levels. If the number of datapoints is too low to get enough
    points per bin for the exponential fit (for either the up or the down level), this analysis step is passed over.
    tunnelrate_dn and tunnelrate_up are returned as None, but similar information can be substracted from
    parameters['down_segments'] and parameters['up_segments'].

        data (array): qcodes DataSet (or 1d data array) with the RTS data
        samplerate (float): sampling rate of the acquisition device, optional if given in the metadata
                                   of the measured data
        min_sep (float): if the separation found for the fit of the double gaussian is less then this value, the
                         fit probably failed and a FittingException is raised
        max_sep (float): if the separation found for the fit of the double gaussian is more then this value, the
                         fit probably failed and a FittingException is raised
        min_duration (int): minimal number of datapoints a duration should last to be taking into account for the
        num_bins (int or None) : number of bins for the histogram of signal values. If None, then determine based
                            on the size of the data
        fig (None or int): shows figures and sends them to the ppt when is not None
        ppt (None or int): determines if the figures are send to a powerpoint presentation
        verbose (int): prints info to the console when > 0

        tunnelrate_dn (numpy.float64): tunneling rate of the down level to the up level (kHz) or None in case of
                                       not enough datapoints
        tunnelrate_up (numpy.float64): tunneling rate of the up level to the down level (kHz) or None in case of
                                       not enough datapoints
        parameters (dict): dictionary with relevent (fit) parameters. this includes:
                tunnelrate_down (float): tunnel rate in Hz
                tunnelrate_up (float): tunnel rate up in Hz

    if plungers is not None:
        raise Exception('argument plungers is not used any more')

    if isinstance(data, qcodes.data.data_set.DataSet):
        if samplerate is None:
            samplerate = data.metadata.get('samplerate', None)

        data = np.array(data.default_parameter_array())

    if samplerate is None:
        raise ValueError(
            'samplerate should be set to the data samplerate in Hz')

    # plotting a 2d histogram of the RTS
    if fig:
        xdata = np.array(range(0, len(data))) / samplerate * 1000
        Z, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(
            bins=[int(np.sqrt(len(xdata)) / 2),
                  int(np.sqrt(len(data)) / 2)])
        title = '2d histogram RTS'
        Fig = plt.figure(fig)
        plt.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, Z.T)
        cb = plt.colorbar()
        cb.set_label('Data points per bin')
        plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
        plt.ylabel('Signal sensing dot (a.u.)')
        if ppt:
            addPPTslide(title=title, fig=Fig)

    # binning the data and determining the bincentres
    if num_bins is None:
        num_bins = int(np.sqrt(len(data)))

    fit_results = two_level_threshold(data, number_of_bins=num_bins)
    separation = fit_results['separation']
    split = fit_results['signal_threshold']
    double_gaussian_fit_parameters = fit_results['double_gaussian_fit'][

    if verbose:
        print('Fit parameters double gaussian:\n mean down: %.3f counts' %
              double_gaussian_fit_parameters[4] +
              ', mean up: %.3f counts' % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[5] +
              ', std down: %.3f counts' % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[2] +
              ', std up:%.3f counts' % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[3])
        print('Separation between peaks gaussians: %.3f std' % separation)
        print('Split between two levels: %.3f' % split)

    # plotting the data in a histogram, the fitted two gaussian model and the split
    if fig:
        figure_title = 'Histogram of two levels RTS'
        Fig = plt.figure(fig + 1)
        _plot_rts_histogram(data, num_bins, double_gaussian_fit_parameters,
                            split, figure_title)
        if ppt:
                notes='Fit parameters double gaussian:\n mean down: %.3f counts'
                % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[4] +
                ', mean up:%.3f counts' % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[5] +
                ', std down: %.3f counts' % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[2] +
                ', std up:%.3f counts' % double_gaussian_fit_parameters[3] +
                '.Separation between peaks gaussians: %.3f std' % separation +
                '. Split between two levels: %.3f' % split)

    if separation < min_sep:
        raise FittingException(
            'Separation between the peaks of the gaussian %.1f is less then %.1f std, indicating that the fit was not succesfull.'
            % (separation, min_sep))

    if separation > max_sep:
        raise FittingException(
            'Separation between the peaks of the gaussian %.1f is more then %.1f std, indicating that the fit was not succesfull.'
            % (separation, max_sep))

    fraction_down = np.sum(data < split) / data.size
    fraction_up = 1 - fraction_down

    # count the number of transitions and their duration
    durations_dn_idx, durations_up_idx = transitions_durations(data, split)

    # throwing away the durations with less data points then min_duration
    durations_up_min_duration = durations_up_idx >= min_duration
    durations_up = durations_up_idx[durations_up_min_duration]
    durations_dn_min_duration = durations_dn_idx >= min_duration
    durations_dn = durations_dn_idx[durations_dn_min_duration]

    if len(durations_up) < 1:
        raise FittingException(
            'All durations_up are shorter than the minimal duration.')

    if len(durations_dn) < 1:
        raise FittingException(
            'All durations_dn are shorter than the minimal duration.')

    # calculating the number of bins and counts for down level
    counts_dn, bins_dn, _ = _create_integer_histogram(durations_dn)

    # calculating the number of bins and counts for up level
    counts_up, bins_up, _ = _create_integer_histogram(durations_up)

    if verbose >= 2:
            f' _create_integer_histogram: up/down: number of bins {len(bins_up)}/{len(bins_dn)}'

    bins_dn = bins_dn / samplerate
    bins_up = bins_up / samplerate

    if verbose >= 2:
        print('counts_dn %d, counts_up %d' % (counts_dn[0], counts_up[0]))

    tunnelrate_dn = None
    tunnelrate_up = None

    minimal_count_number = 50

    if counts_dn[0] < minimal_count_number:
            f'Number of down datapoints {counts_dn[0]} is not enough (minimal_count_number {minimal_count_number})'
            f' to make an accurate fit of the exponential decay for level down. '
            + 'Look therefore at the mean value of the measurement segments')

    if counts_up[0] < minimal_count_number:
            f'Number of up datapoints {counts_up[0]} is not enough (minimal_count_number {minimal_count_number}) to make an acurate fit of the exponential decay for level up. '
            + 'Look therefore at the mean value of the measurement segments')

    parameters = {
        'sampling rate': samplerate,
        'fit parameters double gaussian': double_gaussian_fit_parameters,
        'separations between peaks gaussians': separation,
        'split between the two levels': split

    parameters['down_segments'] = {
        'mean': np.mean(durations_dn_idx) / samplerate,
        'p50': np.percentile(durations_dn_idx, 50) / samplerate,
        'mean_filtered': np.mean(durations_dn_idx)
    parameters['up_segments'] = {
        'mean': np.mean(durations_up_idx) / samplerate,
        'p50': np.percentile(durations_up_idx, 50) / samplerate,
        'mean_filtered': np.mean(durations_up_idx)
        'tunnelrate_down_to_up'] = 1. / parameters['down_segments']['mean']
        'tunnelrate_up_to_down'] = 1. / parameters['up_segments']['mean']

    parameters['fraction_down'] = fraction_down
    parameters['fraction_up'] = fraction_up

    if (counts_dn[0] > minimal_count_number) and (counts_up[0] >

        def _fit_and_plot_decay(bincentres, counts, label, fig_label):
            """ Fitting and plotting of exponential decay for level """
            A_fit, B_fit, gamma_fit = fit_exp_decay(bincentres, counts)
            tunnelrate = gamma_fit / 1000

            other_label = 'up' if label == 'down' else 'down'

            if verbose:
                print(f'Tunnel rate {label} to {other_label}: %.1f kHz' %

            time_scaling = 1e3

            if fig_label:
                title = f'Fitted exponential decay, level {label}'
                Fig = plt.figure(fig_label)
                plt.plot(time_scaling * bincentres,
                         label=f'Counts {label}')
                    time_scaling * bincentres,
                    exp_function(bincentres, A_fit, B_fit, gamma_fit),
                    r'Fitted exponential decay $\Gamma_{\mathrm{%s\ to\ %s}}$: %.1f kHz'
                    % (label, other_label, tunnelrate))
                plt.xlabel('Lifetime (ms)')
                plt.ylabel('Counts per bin')
                if ppt:
                    addPPTslide(title=title, fig=Fig)

            fit_parameters = [A_fit, B_fit, gamma_fit]
            return tunnelrate, fit_parameters

        bincentres_dn = np.array([(bins_dn[i] + bins_dn[i + 1]) / 2
                                  for i in range(0,
                                                 len(bins_dn) - 1)])
        fig_label = None if fig is None else fig + 2
        tunnelrate_dn, fit_parameters_down = _fit_and_plot_decay(
            bincentres_dn, counts_dn, label='down', fig_label=fig_label)

        bincentres_up = np.array([(bins_up[i] + bins_up[i + 1]) / 2
                                  for i in range(0,
                                                 len(bins_up) - 1)])
        fig_label = None if fig is None else fig + 3
        tunnelrate_up, fit_parameters_up = _fit_and_plot_decay(
            bincentres_up, counts_up, label='up', fig_label=fig_label)

        parameters['fit parameters exp. decay down'] = fit_parameters_down
        parameters['fit parameters exp. decay up'] = fit_parameters_up

        parameters['tunnelrate_down_exponential_fit'] = tunnelrate_dn
        parameters['tunnelrate_up_exponential_fit'] = tunnelrate_up
        parameters['tunnelrate_down_exponential_fit'] = None
        parameters['tunnelrate_up_exponential_fit'] = None

    return tunnelrate_dn, tunnelrate_up, parameters
예제 #4
def tunnelrates_RTS(data,
    This function takes an RTS dataset, fits a double gaussian, finds the split between the two levels,
    determines the durations in these two levels, fits a decaying exponential on two arrays of durations,
    which gives the tunneling frequency for both the levels. If the number of datapoints is too low to get enough points per bin
    for the exponential fit (for either the up or the down level), this analysis step is passed over. tunnelrate_dn and tunnelrate_up
    are returned as None, but similar information can be substracted from parameters['down_segments'] and parameters['up_segments'].

        data (array): qcodes DataSet (or 1d data array) with the RTS data
        plungers ([str, str]): array of the two plungers used to perform the RTS measurement
        samplerate (int or float): sampling rate of the acquisition device, optional if given in the metadata
                of the measured data
        min_sep (float): if the separation found for the fit of the double gaussian is less then this value, the fit probably failed
            and a FittingException is raised
        max_sep (float): if the separation found for the fit of the double gaussian is more then this value, the fit probably failed
            and a FittingException is raised
        min_duration (int): minimal number of datapoints a duration should last to be taking into account for the analysis
        fig (None or int): shows figures and sends them to the ppt when is not None
        ppt (None or int): determines if the figures are send to a powerpoint presentation
        verbose (int): prints info to the console when > 0

        tunnelrate_dn (numpy.float64): tunneling rate of the down level to the up level (kHz) or None in case of not enough datapoints
        tunnelrate_up (numpy.float64): tunneling rate of the up level to the down level (kHz) or None in case of not enough datapoints
        parameters (dict): dictionary with relevent (fit) parameters. this includes:
                tunnelrate_down (float): tunnel rate in Hz
                tunnelrate_up (float): tunnel rate up in Hz

    if plungers is None:
        plungers = []

    if isinstance(data, qcodes.data.data_set.DataSet):
            plungers = plungers
            metadata = data.metadata
            gates = metadata['allgatevalues']
            plungervalue = gates[plungers[0]]
        except BaseException:
            plungervalue = []
        if samplerate is None:
            metadata = data.metadata
            samplerate = metadata['samplerate']

        data = np.array(data.measured)
        plungervalue = []
        if samplerate is None:
            raise Exception('samplerate is None')

    # plotting a 2d histogram of the RTS
    if fig:
        xdata = np.array(range(0, len(data))) / samplerate * 1000
        Z, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(
            bins=[int(np.sqrt(len(xdata))) / 2,
                  int(np.sqrt(len(data))) / 2])
        title = '2d histogram RTS'
        Fig = plt.figure(fig)
        plt.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, Z.T)
        cb = plt.colorbar()
        cb.set_label('Data points per bin')
        plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
        plt.ylabel('Signal sensing dot (a.u.)')
        if ppt:
            addPPTslide(title=title, fig=Fig)

    # binning the data and determining the bincentres
    if num_bins is None:
        num_bins = int(np.sqrt(len(data)))
    counts, bins = np.histogram(data, bins=num_bins)
    bincentres = np.array([(bins[i] + bins[i + 1]) / 2
                           for i in range(0,
                                          len(bins) - 1)])

    # fitting the double gaussian and finding the split between the up and the
    # down state, separation between the max of the two gaussians measured in
    # the sum of the std
    par_fit, result_dict = fit_double_gaussian(bincentres, counts)
    separation = result_dict['separation']
    split = result_dict['split']

    if verbose:
        print('Fit parameters double gaussian:\n mean down: %.3f counts' %
              par_fit[4] + ', mean up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[5] +
              ', std down: %.3f counts' % par_fit[2] +
              ', std up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[3])
        print('Separation between peaks gaussians: %.3f std' % separation)
        print('Split between two levels: %.3f' % split)

    # plotting the data in a histogram, the fitted two gaussian model and the split
    if fig:
        figure_title = 'Histogram of two levels RTS'
        Fig = plt.figure(fig + 1)
        _plot_rts_histogram(data, num_bins, par_fit, split, figure_title)
        if ppt:
                notes='Fit parameters double gaussian:\n mean down: %.3f counts'
                % par_fit[4] + ', mean up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[5] +
                ', std down: %.3f counts' % par_fit[2] +
                ', std up:%.3f counts' % par_fit[3] +
                '.Separation between peaks gaussians: %.3f std' % separation +
                '. Split between two levels: %.3f' % split)

    if separation < min_sep:
        raise FittingException(
            'Separation between the peaks of the gaussian %.1f is less then %.1f std, indicating that the fit was not succesfull.'
            % (separation, min_sep))

    if separation > max_sep:
        raise FittingException(
            'Separation between the peaks of the gaussian %.1f is more then %.1f std, indicating that the fit was not succesfull.'
            % (separation, max_sep))

    # count the number of transitions and their duration
    durations_dn_idx, durations_up_idx = transitions_durations(data, split)

    # throwing away the durations with less data points then min_duration
    durations_up_min_duration = durations_up_idx >= min_duration
    durations_up = durations_up_idx[durations_up_min_duration]
    durations_dn_min_duration = durations_dn_idx >= min_duration
    durations_dn = durations_dn_idx[durations_dn_min_duration]

    if len(durations_up) < 1:
        raise FittingException(
            'All durations_up are shorter than the minimal duration.')

    if len(durations_dn) < 1:
        raise FittingException(
            'All durations_dn are shorter than the minimal duration.')

    def _create_histogram(durations, level, verbose=0):
        """ Calculate number of bins, bin edges and histogram for durations

        This method works if the data is sampled at integer durations.
        numbins = int(np.sqrt(len(durations)))
        bin_size = int(np.ceil((durations.max() - durations.min()) / numbins))
        # choose bins carefully, since our data is sampled only an discrete times
        bins = np.arange(durations.min() - .5,
                         durations.max() + bin_size, bin_size)
        counts, bins = np.histogram(durations, bins=bins)
        if verbose:
            print(' _create_histogram level ' + level +
                  ': number of bins %d, %d' % (numbins, bin_size))
        return counts, bins

    # calculating the number of bins and counts for down level
    counts_dn, bins_dn = _create_histogram(durations_dn,
                                           verbose=verbose >= 2)

    # calculating the number of bins and counts for up level
    counts_up, bins_up = _create_histogram(durations_up,
                                           verbose=verbose >= 2)

    # calculating durations in seconds
    durations_dn = durations_dn / samplerate
    durations_up = durations_up / samplerate

    bins_dn = bins_dn / samplerate
    bins_up = bins_up / samplerate

    if verbose >= 2:
        print('counts_dn %d, counts_up %d' % (counts_dn[0], counts_up[0]))

    tunnelrate_dn = None
    tunnelrate_up = None

    if counts_dn[0] < 50:
        tunnelrate_dn = None
        tunnelrate_up = None
            'Number of down datapoints %d is not be enough to make an acurate fit of the exponential decay for level down.'
            % counts_dn[0] +
            'Look therefore at the mean value of the measurement segments')

    if counts_up[0] < 50:
        tunnelrate_dn = None
        tunnelrate_up = None
            'Number of up datapoints %d is not be enough to make an acurate fit of the exponential decay for level up.'
            % counts_dn[0] +
            'Look therefore at the mean value of the measurement segments')

    parameters = {
        'plunger value': plungervalue,
        'sampling rate': samplerate,
        'fit parameters double gaussian': par_fit,
        'separations between peaks gaussians': separation,
        'split between the two levels': split

    parameters['down_segments'] = {
        'mean': np.mean(durations_dn_idx) / samplerate,
        'p50': np.percentile(durations_dn_idx, 50) / samplerate,
        'mean_filtered': np.mean(durations_dn_idx)
    parameters['up_segments'] = {
        'mean': np.mean(durations_up_idx) / samplerate,
        'p50': np.percentile(durations_up_idx, 50) / samplerate,
        'mean_filtered': np.mean(durations_up_idx)
        'tunnelrate_down_to_up'] = 1. / parameters['down_segments']['mean']
        'tunnelrate_up_to_down'] = 1. / parameters['up_segments']['mean']

    if (counts_dn[0] > 50) and (counts_up[0] > 50):

        bincentres_dn = np.array([(bins_dn[i] + bins_dn[i + 1]) / 2
                                  for i in range(0,
                                                 len(bins_dn) - 1)])

        # fitting exponential decay for down level
        A_dn_fit, B_dn_fit, gamma_dn_fit = fit_exp_decay(
            bincentres_dn, counts_dn)
        tunnelrate_dn = gamma_dn_fit / 1000

        if verbose:
            print('Tunnel rate down: %.1f kHz' % tunnelrate_dn)

        time_scaling = 1e3

        if fig:
            title = 'Fitted exponential decay, level down'
            Fig = plt.figure(fig + 2)
            plt.plot(time_scaling * bincentres_dn,
                     label='Counts down')
                time_scaling * bincentres_dn,
                exp_function(bincentres_dn, A_dn_fit, B_dn_fit, gamma_dn_fit),
                r'Fitted exponential decay $\Gamma_{\mathrm{down\ to\ up}}$: %.1f kHz'
                % tunnelrate_dn)
            plt.xlabel('Lifetime (ms)')
            plt.ylabel('Counts per bin')
            if ppt:
                addPPTslide(title=title, fig=Fig)

        bincentres_up = np.array([(bins_up[i] + bins_up[i + 1]) / 2
                                  for i in range(0,
                                                 len(bins_up) - 1)])

        # fitting exponential decay for up level
        A_up_fit, B_up_fit, gamma_up_fit = fit_exp_decay(
            bincentres_up, counts_up)
        tunnelrate_up = gamma_up_fit / 1000

        if verbose:
            print('Tunnel rate up: %.1f kHz' % tunnelrate_up)

        if fig:
            title = 'Fitted exponential decay, level up'
            Fig = plt.figure(fig + 3)
            plt.plot(time_scaling * bincentres_up,
                     label='Counts up')
                time_scaling * bincentres_up,
                exp_function(bincentres_up, A_up_fit, B_up_fit, gamma_up_fit),
                r'Fitted exponential decay $\Gamma_{\mathrm{up\ to\ down}}$: %.1f kHz'
                % tunnelrate_up)
            plt.xlabel('Lifetime (ms)')
            plt.ylabel('Data points per bin')
            if ppt:
                addPPTslide(title=title, fig=Fig)

        parameters['fit parameters exp. decay down'] = [
            A_dn_fit, B_dn_fit, gamma_dn_fit
        parameters['fit parameters exp. decay up'] = [
            A_up_fit, B_up_fit, gamma_up_fit

        parameters['tunnelrate_down_exponential_fit'] = tunnelrate_dn
        parameters['tunnelrate_up_exponential_fit'] = tunnelrate_up
        parameters['tunnelrate_down_exponential_fit'] = None
        parameters['tunnelrate_up_exponential_fit'] = None

    return tunnelrate_dn, tunnelrate_up, parameters