예제 #1
def test_components() -> None:
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    assert dag.component_nb() == 2

    circ += qf.CNot(0, 1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    assert dag.component_nb() == 1

    circ0 = qf.ghz_circuit([0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
    circ1 = qf.ghz_circuit([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

    circ = circ0 + circ1
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    comps = dag.components()
    assert dag.component_nb() == 2
    assert len(comps) == 2

    circ0 = qf.Circuit(qf.QFTGate([0, 2, 4, 6]).decompose())
    circ1 = qf.ghz_circuit([1, 3, 5, 7])
    circ += circ0
    circ += circ1
    circ += qf.H(10)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    comps = dag.components()
    assert dag.component_nb() == 3
    assert len(comps) == 3
예제 #2
def test_CH() -> None:
    gate1 = qf.CH(0, 1)

    # I picked up this circuit for a CH gate from qiskit
    # qiskit/extensions/standard/ch.py
    # But it clearly far too long. CH is locally equivalent to CNOT,
    # so requires only one CNOT gate.
    circ2 = qf.Circuit([
        qf.CNot(0, 1),
        qf.CNot(0, 1),
    assert qf.gates_close(gate1, circ2.asgate())

    # Here's a better decomposition
    circ1 = qf.Circuit([qf.YPow(+0.25, 1), qf.CNot(0, 1), qf.YPow(-0.25, 1)])
    assert qf.gates_close(gate1, circ1.asgate())
    assert qf.circuits_close(circ1, circ2)
예제 #3
def test_CH():
    # Construct a controlled Hadamard gate
    gate = qf.identity_gate(2)

    gate = qf.S(1).H @ gate
    gate = qf.H(1) @ gate
    gate = qf.T(1).H @ gate
    gate = qf.CNOT(0, 1) @ gate
    gate = qf.T(1) @ gate
    gate = qf.H(1) @ gate
    gate = qf.S(1) @ gate

    # Do nothing
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = gate.run(ket)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))

    # Do nothing
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = qf.X(0).run(ket)
    ket = gate.run(ket)

    ket = qf.H(1).run(ket)

    ket = qf.X(0).run(ket)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))
예제 #4
def test_components():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    assert dag.component_nb() == 2

    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    assert dag.component_nb() == 1

    circ0 = qf.ghz_circuit([0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
    circ1 = qf.ghz_circuit([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

    circ = qf.Circuit()
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    comps = dag.components()
    assert dag.component_nb() == 2

    circ0 = qf.qft_circuit([0, 2, 4, 6])
    circ1 = qf.ghz_circuit([1, 3, 5, 7])
    circ += qf.H(10)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    comps = dag.components()
    assert dag.component_nb() == 3
    assert len(comps) == 3
예제 #5
def test_join_gates():
    gate = qf.join_gates(qf.H(0), qf.X(1))
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = gate.run(ket)
    ket = qf.H(0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.X(1).run(ket)

    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))
예제 #6
def test_gates_to_latex():
    circ = qf.Circuit()

    circ += qf.I(7)
    circ += qf.X(0)
    circ += qf.Y(1)
    circ += qf.Z(2)
    circ += qf.H(3)
    circ += qf.S(4)
    circ += qf.T(5)
    circ += qf.S_H(6)
    circ += qf.T_H(7)

    circ += qf.RX(-0.5*pi, 0)
    circ += qf.RY(0.5*pi, 1)
    circ += qf.RZ((1/3)*pi, 1)
    circ += qf.RY(0.222, 1)

    circ += qf.TX(0.5, 0)
    circ += qf.TY(0.5, 1)
    circ += qf.TZ(0.4, 1)

    circ += qf.TZ(0.47276, 1)
    # Gate with cunning hack
    gate = qf.RZ(0.4, 1)
    gate.params['theta'] = qf.Parameter('\\theta')
    circ += gate

    circ += qf.CNOT(1, 2)
    circ += qf.CNOT(2, 1)
    circ += qf.CZ(1, 3)
    circ += qf.SWAP(1, 5)
    circ += qf.ISWAP(4, 2)

    # circ += qf.Barrier(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)  # Not yet supported

    circ += qf.CCNOT(1, 2, 3)
    circ += qf.CSWAP(4, 5, 6)

    circ += qf.P0(0)
    circ += qf.P1(1)

    circ += qf.Reset(2)
    circ += qf.Reset(4, 5, 6)

    circ += qf.H(4)
    # circ += qf.Reset()    # FIXME. Should fail with clear error message

    circ += qf.XX(0.25, 1, 3)
    circ += qf.YY(0.75, 1, 3)
    circ += qf.ZZ(1/3, 3, 1)

    circ += qf.Measure(0)

    latex = qf.circuit_to_latex(circ)

예제 #7
def test_cnot_reverse() -> None:
    # Hadamards reverse control on CNot
    gate0 = qf.H(0) @ qf.IdentityGate([0, 1])
    gate0 = qf.H(1) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.CNot(1, 0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(1) @ gate0

    assert qf.gates_close(qf.CNot(0, 1), gate0)
예제 #8
def test_circuit_to_qutip() -> None:
    q0, q1, q2 = 0, 1, 2

    circ0 = qf.Circuit()
    circ0 += qf.I(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Ph(0.1, q0)
    circ0 += qf.X(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Y(q1)

    circ0 += qf.Z(q0)
    circ0 += qf.S(q1)
    circ0 += qf.T(q2)

    circ0 += qf.H(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q1)
    circ0 += qf.H(q2)

    circ0 += qf.CNot(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CNot(q1, q0)
    circ0 += qf.Swap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ISwap(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.CCNot(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)

    circ0 == qf.I(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Rx(0.1, q0)
    circ0 += qf.Ry(0.2, q1)
    circ0 += qf.Rz(0.3, q2)
    circ0 += qf.V(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q1)
    circ0 += qf.CY(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CZ(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.CS(q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CT(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.SqrtSwap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.SqrtISwap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CCNot(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)

    circ0 += qf.CPhase(0.1, q1, q2)

    # Not yet supported
    # circ0 += qf.B(q1, q2)
    # circ0 += qf.Swap(q1, q2) ** 0.1

    qbc = xqutip.circuit_to_qutip(circ0)
    U = gate_sequence_product(qbc.propagators())
    gate0 = qf.Unitary(U.full(), qubits=[0, 1, 2])
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, circ0.asgate())

    circ1 = xqutip.qutip_to_circuit(qbc)

    assert qf.gates_close(circ0.asgate(), circ1.asgate())
예제 #9
def test_circuits_close() -> None:
    circ0 = qf.Circuit([qf.H(0)])
    circ1 = qf.Circuit([qf.H(2)])
    assert not qf.circuits_close(circ0, circ1)

    circ2 = qf.Circuit([qf.X(0)])
    assert not qf.circuits_close(circ0, circ2)

    circ3 = qf.Circuit([qf.H(0)])
    assert qf.circuits_close(circ0, circ3)
예제 #10
def test_cnot_reverse():
    # Hadamards reverse control on CNOT
    gate0 = qf.identity_gate(2)
    gate0 = qf.H(0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(1) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.CNOT(1, 0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(1) @ gate0

    assert qf.gates_close(qf.CNOT(), gate0)
예제 #11
def test_count():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    op_count = qf.count_operations(circ)
    assert op_count == {qf.H: 3}

    circ = qf.addition_circuit([0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7])
    op_count = qf.count_operations(circ)
    assert op_count == {qf.CNOT: 13, qf.CCNOT: 6}
예제 #12
def test_create():
    gen = [qf.H(i) for i in range(8)]

    circ1 = qf.Circuit(list(gen))

    circ2 = qf.Circuit(gen)

    circ3 = qf.Circuit(qf.H(i) for i in range(8))
예제 #13
def test_add() -> None:
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    circ += qf.H(1)

    assert len(list(circ)) == 3

    circ = circ + circ
    assert len(circ) == 6

    circ += circ
    assert len(circ) == 12
예제 #14
def test_add():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    circ += qf.H(1)

    assert len(list(circ)) == 3

    circ = circ + circ
    assert len(list(circ.elements)) == 6

    circ += circ
    assert len(list(circ.elements)) == 12
예제 #15
def test_on() -> None:
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)

    dag = dag.on(2, 3)
    assert dag.qubits == (2, 3)

    dag = dag.rewire({2: 4, 3: 6})
    assert dag.qubits == (4, 6)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        dag.on(2, 3, 5)
예제 #16
def test_circuit_to_circ() -> None:
    q0, q1, q2 = "q0", "q1", "q2"

    circ0 = qf.Circuit()
    circ0 += qf.I(q0)
    circ0 += qf.X(q1)
    circ0 += qf.Y(q2)

    circ0 += qf.Z(q0)
    circ0 += qf.S(q1)
    circ0 += qf.T(q2)

    circ0 += qf.H(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q1)
    circ0 += qf.H(q2)

    circ0 += qf.XPow(0.6, q0)
    circ0 += qf.YPow(0.6, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ZPow(0.6, q2)

    circ0 += qf.XX(0.2, q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.YY(0.3, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.ZZ(0.4, q2, q0)

    circ0 += qf.CZ(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CNot(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.Swap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ISwap(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.CCZ(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CCNot(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)

    circ0 += qf.FSim(1, 2, q0, q1)

    diag0 = qf.circuit_to_diagram(circ0)
    # print()
    # print(diag0)

    cqc = circuit_to_cirq(circ0)
    # print(cqc)
    circ1 = cirq_to_circuit(cqc)

    diag1 = qf.circuit_to_diagram(circ1)
    # print()
    # print(diag1)

    assert diag0 == diag1
예제 #17
def test_inverse():
    # Random circuit
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1.23123, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TY(4.71572463191 / pi, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / pi, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / pi, 1)

    circ_inv = circ.H

    ket = circ.run()

    ket = circ_inv.run(ket)

    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = circ.run(ket)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))
예제 #18
def test_inverse() -> None:
    # Random circuit
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.YPow(1 / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.YPow(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.XPow(1.23123, 1)
    circ += qf.CNot(0, 1)
    circ += qf.XPow(-1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.YPow(4.71572463191 / np.pi, 1)
    circ += qf.CNot(0, 1)
    circ += qf.XPow(-2 * 2.74973750579 / np.pi, 0)
    circ += qf.XPow(-2 * 2.74973750579 / np.pi, 1)

    circ_inv = circ.H

    ket = circ.run()
    # qf.print_state(ket)

    ket = circ_inv.run(ket)
    # qf.print_state(ket)

    # print(ket.qubits)
    # print(true_ket().qubits)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    circ += circ_inv
    ket = circ.run(ket)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))
예제 #19
def test_control_gate() -> None:
    gate0 = qf.ControlGate([0], qf.X(1))
    gate1 = qf.CNot(0, 1)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gateb = qf.ControlGate([1], qf.X(0))
    gate2 = qf.CNot(1, 0)
    assert qf.gates_close(gateb, gate2)

    gate3 = qf.ControlGate([0], qf.Y(1))
    gate4 = qf.CY(0, 1)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate3, gate4)

    gate5 = qf.ControlGate([0], qf.Z(1))
    gate6 = qf.CZ(0, 1)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate5, gate6)

    gate7 = qf.ControlGate([0], qf.H(1))
    gate8 = qf.CH(0, 1)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate7, gate8)

    gate9 = qf.ControlGate([0, 1], qf.X(2))
    gate10 = qf.CCNot(0, 1, 2)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate9, gate10)

    gate11 = qf.ControlGate([0], qf.Swap(1, 2))
    gate12 = qf.CSwap(0, 1, 2)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate11, gate12)
예제 #20
def test_parametric_TX_TY_TZ():
    gate = qf.I()
    gate = qf.TZ(1 / 2) @ gate
    gate = qf.TX(1 / 2) @ gate
    gate = qf.TZ(1 / 2) @ gate

    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.H())
예제 #21
def test_gradients() -> None:
    # This test only checks that code runs, not that we get correct answers
    # graph = nx.grid_graph([2, 3])
    graph = nx.grid_graph([2, 1])
    layers = 2
    params = qf.graph_circuit_params(graph, layers)
    circ = qf.graph_circuit(graph, layers, params)
    circ += qf.H((1, 1))  # add a non-parameterized gate. Should be ignored

    qubits = circ.qubits
    ket0 = qf.zero_state(qubits)
    ket1 = qf.random_state(qubits)

    grads0 = qf.state_fidelity_gradients(ket0, ket1, circ)
    # print(grads0)

    _ = qf.state_angle_gradients(ket0, ket1, circ)
    # print(grads1)

    proj = qf.Projection([ket1])
    grads2 = qf.expectation_gradients(ket0, circ, hermitian=proj)
    # print(grads2)

    # Check that qf.expectation_gradients() gives same answers for
    # fidelity as f.state_fidelity_gradients()
    for g0, g1 in zip(grads0, grads2):
        assert np.isclose(g0, g1)
        print(g0, g1)
예제 #22
def test_RN():
    for _ in range(REPS):
        theta = random.uniform(-2 * pi, +2 * pi)
        nx = random.uniform(0, 1)
        ny = random.uniform(0, 1)
        nz = random.uniform(0, 1)
        L = np.sqrt(nx**2 + ny**2 + nz**2)
        nx /= L
        ny /= L
        nz /= L
        gate = qf.RN(theta, nx, ny, nz)
        assert qf.almost_unitary(gate)

        gate2 = qf.RN(-theta, nx, ny, nz)
        assert qf.gates_close(gate.H, gate2)
        assert qf.gates_close(gate**-1, gate2)

    theta = 1.23

    gate = qf.RN(theta, 1, 0, 0)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.RX(theta))

    gate = qf.RN(theta, 0, 1, 0)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.RY(theta))

    gate = qf.RN(theta, 0, 0, 1)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.RZ(theta))

    gate = qf.RN(pi, np.sqrt(2), 0, np.sqrt(2))
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.H())
예제 #23
def test_unitary_1qubit():
    assert qf.almost_unitary(qf.X())
    assert qf.almost_unitary(qf.Y())
    assert qf.almost_unitary(qf.Z())
    assert qf.almost_unitary(qf.H())
    assert qf.almost_unitary(qf.S())
    assert qf.almost_unitary(qf.T())
예제 #24
def swap_test(ket, q0: qf.Qubit, q1: qf.Qubit, q2: qf.Qubit) -> qf.QubitTensor:
    Apply a Swap Test to measure fidelity between qubits q1 and q2.

    Qubit q0 is an ancilla, which should be zero state initially. The qubits
    cannot be initially entangled.
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(q0)
    circ += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)
    circ += qf.H(q0)
    circ += qf.P0(q0)  # Measure
    ket = circ.run(ket)

    fid = 2 * ket.norm() - 1.0  # return fidelity
    return fid
예제 #25
def test_sample() -> None:
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = qf.H(0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.CNot(0, 1).run(ket)

    samples = ket.sample(10)
    assert samples.sum() == 10
예제 #26
def test_expectation():
    ket = qf.zero_state(1)
    ket = qf.H(0).run(ket)

    m = ket.expectation([0.4, 0.6])
    assert qf.asarray(m) - 0.5 == ALMOST_ZERO

    m = ket.expectation([0.4, 0.6], 10)
예제 #27
def test_cirq_simulator() -> None:
    q0, q1, q2 = "q0", "q1", "q2"

    circ0 = qf.Circuit()
    circ0 += qf.I(q0)
    circ0 += qf.I(q1)
    circ0 += qf.I(q2)
    circ0 += qf.X(q1)
    circ0 += qf.Y(q2)

    circ0 += qf.Z(q0)
    circ0 += qf.S(q1)
    circ0 += qf.T(q2)

    circ0 += qf.H(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q1)
    circ0 += qf.H(q2)

    circ0 += qf.XPow(0.6, q0)
    circ0 += qf.YPow(0.6, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ZPow(0.6, q2)

    circ0 += qf.XX(0.2, q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.YY(0.3, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.ZZ(0.4, q2, q0)

    circ0 += qf.CZ(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CNot(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.Swap(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ISwap(q0, q1)

    circ0 += qf.CCZ(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CCNot(q0, q1, q2)
    circ0 += qf.CSwap(q0, q1, q2)

    ket0 = qf.random_state([q0, q1, q2])
    ket1 = circ0.run(ket0)
    sim = CirqSimulator(circ0)
    ket2 = sim.run(ket0)

    assert ket1.qubits == ket2.qubits

    print(qf.state_angle(ket1, ket2))
    assert qf.states_close(ket1, ket2)

    assert qf.states_close(circ0.run(), sim.run())
예제 #28
def test_expectation() -> None:
    ket = qf.zero_state(1)
    ket = qf.H(0).run(ket)

    m = ket.expectation([0.4, 0.6])
    assert np.isclose(m, 0.5)

    ket.expectation([0.4, 0.6], 10)
예제 #29
def test_qsim_simulator() -> None:
    q0, q1, q2 = "q0", "q1", "q2"

    circ0 = qf.Circuit()

    circ0 += qf.I(q0)

    circ0 += qf.H(q0)
    circ0 += qf.Z(q1)
    circ0 += qf.Z(q2)
    circ0 += qf.Z(q1)
    circ0 += qf.S(q1)
    circ0 += qf.T(q2)

    circ0 += qf.H(q0)
    circ0 += qf.H(q2)

    # Waiting for bugfix in qsim
    circ0 += qf.Z(q1)**0.2
    circ0 += qf.X(q1)**0.2
    circ0 += qf.XPow(0.2, q0)
    circ0 += qf.YPow(0.2, q1)
    circ0 += qf.ZPow(0.5, q2)

    circ0 += qf.CZ(q0, q1)
    circ0 += qf.CNot(q0, q1)
    # circ0 += qf.SWAP(q0, q1)   # No SWAP!
    #  circ0 += qf.ISWAP(q0, q1) # Waiting for bugfix in qsim
    circ0 += qf.FSim(0.1, 0.2, q0, q1)

    # No 3-qubit gates

    # Initial state not yet supported in qsim
    # ket0 = qf.random_state([q0, q1, q2])
    ket1 = circ0.run()
    sim = QSimSimulator(circ0)
    ket2 = sim.run()

    assert ket1.qubits == ket2.qubits

    print("QF", ket1)
    print("QS", ket2)

    assert qf.states_close(ket1, ket2)
    assert qf.states_close(circ0.run(), sim.run())
예제 #30
def test_hadamard():
    gate = qf.I()
    gate = qf.RZ(pi / 2, 0) @ gate
    gate = qf.RX(pi / 2, 0) @ gate
    gate = qf.RZ(pi / 2, 0) @ gate

    res = qf.asarray(qf.inner_product(gate.vec, qf.H().vec))

    assert abs(res) / 2 == ALMOST_ONE