예제 #1
def start():
    # Here we check existance of given credentials and create services if needed
    print "Creating ENV"
    exit = 0
    if not user:
        log.error('No username provided. Set QUBELL_USER env')
        exit = 1
    if not password:
        log.error('No password provided. Set QUBELL_PASSWORD env')
        exit = 1
    if not api:
        log.error('No api url provided. Set QUBELL_API env')
        exit = 1

    if exit:

# Setup access
    context = Context(user=user, password=password, api=api)

    # Initialize platform and check access
    platform = QubellPlatform(context=context)
    assert platform.authenticate()
    print "Authorization passed"
    # Initialize organization
    organization = platform.organization(name=org)
    print "Using orgainzation %s" % org

    if zone:  # Need to run tests against zones. Create env for each
        z = [x for x in organization.list_zones() if x['name'] == zone]
        if len(z):
            print "Using zone %s" % zone
            create_env(organization, z[0]['id'])

    print "ENV created"
def start():
# Here we check existance of given credentials and create services if needed
    print "Creating ENV"
    exit = 0
    if not user:
        log.error('No username provided. Set QUBELL_USER env')
        exit = 1
    if not password:
        log.error('No password provided. Set QUBELL_PASSWORD env')
        exit = 1
    if not tenant:
        log.error('No api url provided. Set QUBELL_TENANT env')
        exit = 1

    if exit:

# Setup access
    auth = Auth(user=user, password=password, tenant=tenant)

# Initialize platform and check access
    platform = QubellPlatform(auth=auth)
    assert platform.authenticate()
    print "Authorization passed"
# Initialize organization
    organization = platform.organization(name=org)
    print "Using orgainzation %s" % org

    if zone: # Need to run tests against zones. Create env for each
        z = [x for x in organization.list_zones() if x['name'] == zone]
        if len(z):
            print "Using zone %s" % zone
            create_env(organization, z[0]['id'])

    print "ENV created"
# Define manifest. We take example from documentation.
# TODO: make manifests accessible from docs.qubell.com
app_manifest = Manifest(url="https://raw.github.com/qubell/contrib-python-qubell-client/master/qm/hierarchical-main.yml")
db_manifest = Manifest(url="https://raw.github.com/qubell/contrib-python-qubell-client/master/qm/hierarchical-db.yml")

# Initialize our qubell platform
platform = QubellPlatform(context=context)

# Try to login
assert platform.authenticate()
print "Authenticate passed"

# Create new organization
org = platform.organization(name="python-qubellclient")

# Use existing organization
# org = platform.organization(id="524f3028e4b0b12cd4de2759")

# Init environment (find by name "default")
env = org.environment(name='default')

# If env is not set up yet, do it. (dirty check)
if not env.json()['areProvidersAvailable']:
   print "Prepearing environment"
print "Environment initialized"

""" We need to create child application that runs database, using db_manifest.
After, wee need to create parent application that will use our DB application as a child"""
예제 #4
def main():
    # Parse arguments
    global qubell
    qubell = cls()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tool for launching manifests and checking returnvalues')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
                        help='Use provided configuration file')
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--user',
                        help='User email to access qubell platform')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--password',
                        help='User password to access qubell platform')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--tenant',
                        help='Link to qubell api')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--organization',
                        help='Qubell organization')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--appid',
                        help='Application ID launch manifest in')
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--appname',
                        help='Application name launch manifest in')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--manifest',
                        help='Launch single manifest and check it launched')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
                        help='Write JUnit report to specified file')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='increase output verbosity',
                        action="store_true", help='Show debug info')

    # todo improve cfg loading
    if not qubell.config:
        qubell.config = 'launcher.cfg'
        cfile = open(qubell.config, 'r')
        config = yaml.load(cfile, OrderedDictYAMLLoader)
        log('Config: %s' % config,'debug')
        if qubell.manifest:
            config = OrderedDict({'cli-manifest':
                    { 'source': qubell.manifest,
                            { 'parameters':{},
            error('No configuration file or manifest provided')

    if 'qubell' in config.keys():
        cfg = config.pop('qubell')
        if not qubell.user:
            qubell.user = cfg['user']
        if not qubell.password:
            qubell.password = cfg['password']
        if not qubell.tenant:
            qubell.tenant = cfg['tenant']
        if not qubell.appid or qubell.appname:
            if cfg.has_key('appid'):
                qubell.appid = cfg['appid']
            elif cfg.has_key('appname'):
                qubell.appname = cfg['appname']
        if qubell.verbose:
        if qubell.debug:

    #TODO: get qubell organization be app ID

    # Inintialize platform
    platform = QubellPlatform()
    assert platform.connect(tenant=qubell.tenant, user=qubell.user, password=qubell.password)
    qubell.organization = platform.organization(name=qubell.organization)

    exit_code = 0
    for case in test_cases:
        if case.is_error() or case.is_failure():
            exit_code = 1
    if qubell.output:
# Define manifest. We take example from documentation.
# TODO: make manifests accessible from docs.qubell.com
app_manifest = Manifest(url="https://raw.github.com/qubell/contrib-python-qubell-client/master/qm/hierarchical-main.yml")
db_manifest = Manifest(url="https://raw.github.com/qubell/contrib-python-qubell-client/master/qm/hierarchical-db.yml")

# Initialize our qubell platform
platform = QubellPlatform(context=context)

# Try to login
assert platform.authenticate()
print "Authenticate passed"

# Create new organization
org = platform.organization(name="python-qubellclient")

# Use existing organization
# org = platform.organization(id="524f3028e4b0b12cd4de2759")

# Init environment (find by name "default")
env = org.environment(name='default')

# If env is not set up yet, do it. (dirty check)
if not env.json()['areProvidersAvailable']:
   print "Prepearing environment"
print "Environment initialized"

""" We need to create child application that runs database, using db_manifest.
After, wee need to create parent application that will use our DB application as a child"""