예제 #1
 def run(self):
     # Set up database access
         self.db = querier.querier(host="nlwiki.labsdb")
     except Exception, error:
         wikipedia.output(u'Could not connect to database: %s.' % error,
예제 #2
 def run(self):
     # Set up database access
         self.db = querier.querier(host="sql-s2")
     except Exception, error:
         wikipedia.output(u'Could not connect to database: %s.' % error, toStdout = False)
#! /home/valhallasw/bin/python
# $Id$
import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

import sys, os
sys.path.append('/home/valhallasw/libs/python') #viewable through http://tools.wikimedia.de/~valhallasw/libs/python
import querier, sqlfunctions, cgifunctions

counter = 0
Q = querier.querier()
pagesOK = Q.do("select pl_title page_title from nlwiki_p.pagelinks join nlwiki_p.page on page_id=pl_from where page_title=\"Te_verwijderen_pagina's\" and page_namespace=4 and pl_namespace=0")

pages = Q.do("select page_title from nlwiki_p.page join nlwiki_p.categorylinks on page_id =cl_from where cl_to='Wikipedia:Weg' and page_namespace=0")

print "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n<html><body>";
print "<pre>$Id$</pre>"
print "%i te verwijderen, %i verwijdersjabloon <p><ul>" % (len(pagesOK),len(pages))
for page in pages:
   if page not in pagesOK:
       counter = counter + 1
       print "<li><a href='http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s'>%s</a></li>" % (page['page_title'], page['page_title'])

print "</ul><br>%s not OK</body></html>" % counter
now = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime()[0:5])

site = u"nl"

namespacepage = wikipedia.Page(
    wikipedia.getSite(site), wikipedia.input("Please give the namespace name:").rstrip(":") + ":"
namespacetalkpage = namespacepage.switchTalkPage()
namespace = namespacepage.namespace()
namespacetalk = namespacetalkpage.namespace()
nsname = namespacepage.title()
nstname = namespacetalkpage.title()
nsuname = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(site), "User:"******"nl"), u"Wikipedia:OrphanOverleg/" + nsname.rstrip(":"))
Q = querier.querier(verbose=True)
statistiek = {}

output = u"=Orphan-overlegpagina's " + nsname + unicode(now.strftime("(%Y%m%d, %H%M)=\n"))

print "Ophalen orphanpagina's..."
results = Q.do(
    "select p2.page_title, p2.page_id, p2.page_len from nlwiki_p.page as p1 right join nlwiki_p.page as p2 on p1.page_title = p2.page_title and p1.page_namespace="
    + str(namespace)
    + " where p2.page_namespace="
    + str(namespacetalk)
    + " and p1.page_title IS NULL;"
print str(len(results)) + " items;"
output += str(len(results)) + "items;"
 	} else {
 		cd = setTimeout("redo()",1000);

function init() {
window.onload = init;

var count=0;
var found=new Array();
var states=new Array("""

Q = querier.querier()
n = u""
for nick in Q.do("select user_name from nlwiki_p.user right join nlwiki_p.user_groups on user_id=ug_user where ug_group = 'sysop'"):
	n += u'"'+nick['user_name'].decode('utf-8')+'",'
n = n.rstrip(",")
print n.encode('utf-8');
print """);
function checkStates(fld){
for(var i=0;i<states.length;i++){
예제 #6
# (C) Erwin (nl.wikipedia.org), 2010
# Distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA 3.0 licence.

from __future__ import generators
import sys, os
# Import pywikipedia and database wrapper
sys.path.append(os.environ['HOME'] + "/trunk")

import re, querier
import wikipedia, config

#DB Info
db = querier.querier(host='nlwiki.labsdb') #same as MySQLdb.connect attributes

def main():
    page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'Wikipedia:Links_naar_doorverwijspagina\'s/Artikelen')
        # Load the page's text from the wiki.
        original_text = page.get()
        if not page.canBeEdited():
            wikipedia.output(u"Page %s is locked; skipping." % page.aslink())
        #No page, so ignore   
    except wikipedia.NoPage:
        wikipedia.output(u"Page %s does not exist; skipping." % page.aslink())
    except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
예제 #7
# (C) Erwin (nl.wikipedia.org), 2010
# Distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA 3.0 licence.

from __future__ import generators
import sys, os
# Import pywikipedia and database wrapper
sys.path.append(os.environ['HOME'] + "/trunk")

import re, querier
import wikipedia, config

#DB Info
db = querier.querier(host='nlwiki.labsdb')  #same as MySQLdb.connect attributes

def main():
    page = wikipedia.Page(

        # Load the page's text from the wiki.
        original_text = page.get()
        if not page.canBeEdited():
            wikipedia.output(u"Page %s is locked; skipping." % page.aslink())
        #No page, so ignore
    except wikipedia.NoPage:
site = u'nl'

namespacepage = wikipedia.Page(
    wikipedia.input("Please give the namespace name:").rstrip(':') + ':')
namespacetalkpage = namespacepage.switchTalkPage()
namespace = namespacepage.namespace()
namespacetalk = namespacetalkpage.namespace()
nsname = namespacepage.title()
nstname = namespacetalkpage.title()
nsuname = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(site), "User:"******"Wikipedia:OrphanOverleg/" + nsname.rstrip(':'))
Q = querier.querier(verbose=True)
statistiek = {}

output = u"=Orphan-overlegpagina's " + nsname + unicode(
    now.strftime("(%Y%m%d, %H%M)=\n"))

print "Ophalen orphanpagina's..."
results = Q.do(
    "select p2.page_title, p2.page_id, p2.page_len from nlwiki_p.page as p1 right join nlwiki_p.page as p2 on p1.page_title = p2.page_title and p1.page_namespace="
    + str(namespace) + " where p2.page_namespace=" + str(namespacetalk) +
    " and p1.page_title IS NULL;")
print str(len(results)) + ' items;'
output += str(len(results)) + 'items;'

ok = wikipedia.input("Ctrl-c if not OK")
workwith = list(results)
def mainloop (site, namespace):
  now = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime()[0:5])

  #site = u'nl'

  #namespacepage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(site), wikipedia.input("Please give the namespace name:").rstrip(':') + ':');
  namespacepage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(site), namespace.rstrip(":")+':');
  namespacetalkpage = namespacepage.toggleTalkPage()
  namespace = namespacepage.namespace();
  namespacetalk = namespacetalkpage.namespace();
  nsname = namespacepage.title()
  nstname = namespacetalkpage.title()
  nsuname = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(site), "User:"******"Wikipedia:OrphanOverleg/"+nsname.rstrip(':'))
  Q = querier.querier(verbose=True)
  statistiek = {}

  output = u"=Orphan-overlegpagina's "+nsname+unicode(now.strftime("(%Y%m%d, %H%M)=\n"))

  print "Ophalen orphanpagina's..."
  results = Q.do("select p2.page_title, p2.page_id, p2.page_len from nlwiki_p.page as p1 right join nlwiki_p.page as p2 on p1.page_title = p2.page_title and p1.page_namespace="+str(namespace)+" where p2.page_namespace="+str(namespacetalk)+" and p1.page_title IS NULL;")
  print str(len(results)) + ' items;'
  output += str(len(results)) + 'items;'
  #ok = wikipedia.input("Ctrl-c if not OK")
  workwith = list(results)
  metslash = ""
  for page in workwith:
    if (page['page_title'].rfind('/') > -1):
      if (len(metslash) != 0):
        metslash += " or cl_from="
      metslash += str(page['page_id'])
  heeftcat = {};
  if len(metslash) > 0:
    heeftcat = Q.do("select cl_from from nlwiki_p.categorylinks where cl_from=" + metslash + " and cl_to='Wikipedia:Archief';", transpose=True)
  if len(heeftcat) == 0:
    heeftcat = {'cl_from': []};
  for page in workwith:
    if page['page_id'] in heeftcat['cl_from']:
  geendeletes = [];
  print str(len(workwith)) + " pagina's om te verwerken"
  output += str(len(workwith)) + u" pagina's om te verwerken; "
  output += str(len(results)-len(workwith)) + u" pagina's genegeerd.\n"
  output += u'{| class = "prettytable"\n'
  output += u'|-\n'
  output += u'! rowspan=2 | Pagina\n'
  output += u'! colspan=4 | Hoofdpagina\n'
  output += u'|-\n'
  output += u'! Datum || Actie || Gebruiker || Reden\n'
  output += u'|-\n'
  for page in workwith:
    #retrieve deletion history
    delhist = Q.do("select log_timestamp, log_action, user_name, log_comment from nlwiki_p.logging inner join nlwiki_p.user_ids on log_user=user_id where log_namespace=0 and log_title=%s and log_type='delete' order by log_timestamp desc limit 1",page['page_title'], mediawiki=True);
    print page['page_title'] + " ("+str(len(delhist))+" deletes)"
    page = Q.doutf8(page)
    if len(delhist) == 0:
    output += u'| rowspan=' + str(len(delhist)) + u' | [['+nstname + page['page_title'].replace('_',' ') + u']]</br>(' + str(page['page_len']) + u' bytes)\n'
    for histitem in delhist:
      tstamp = time.strftime("%d %b %y, %H:%m", time.strptime(histitem['log_timestamp'],"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
      output += u'| ' + tstamp + u' || ' + histitem['log_action'] + u' || [[' + nsuname + histitem['user_name'] + u'|]] || <nowiki>' + histitem['log_comment'] + u'</nowiki>\n|-\n'
      if histitem['user_name'] in statistiek:
        statistiek.update({histitem['user_name']: statistiek[histitem['user_name']]+1})
        statistiek.update({histitem['user_name']: 1})

  output += u'|}\n\n'
  output += u"== Pagina's zonder deletion history ==\n"

  for page in geendeletes:
    output += u'* [[' + nstname + page['page_title'] + u']]\n'

  totaalover = len(workwith) - len(geendeletes)

  output += u'\n\n==Statistiek==\n'
  for pair in sorted(statistiek.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
    output += u'* [['+nsuname+pair[0]+u']] ('+str(pair[1])+u' pages (' + str(round((0.0+pair[1])*100/totaalover,1)) + u'%))\n';

예제 #10
This bot tags uncategorized pages with a template.
# (C) Erwin (nl.wikipedia.org), 2007
# Distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA 2.5 licence.

from __future__ import generators
import sys

import re, querier
import wikipedia, erwin85bot, pagegenerators

db = querier.querier(host="sql-s2")

def main():
    wikipedia.setAction('Erwin85Bot: [[Sjabloon:nocat|nocat]] toegevoegd ([[:Categorie:Wikipedia:Nog te categoriseren]]).')
    noCatR = re.compile(r'\{\{([Xx]n|[Nn])ocat(\|[^\}]*?|)\}\}')
    excludeR = re.compile(r'\{\{(x{0,1}wiu|x{0,1}weg|nuweg|artikelweg|auteur|ne|reclame|wb|wiu2)(|\|[^\}]*?)\}\}', re.IGNORECASE)
    #List of page_titles which are treated
    titlelist = []

    wikipedia.output(u'Getting a list of uncategorized articles.')
    sql = """
            SELECT page_title
            FROM nlwiki_p.page
예제 #11
파일: 12306.py 프로젝트: jijicanyu/12306-1
def main():
    argv_length = len(sys.argv)
    if argv_length == 5:
        TIME = timeman.timeConvertor(sys.argv[1])
            FROM = stations.getStationCode(sys.argv[2])['station_code']
            print "出发站点不存在!"
            TO = stations.getStationCode(sys.argv[3])['station_code']
            print "目的站点不存在!"
        print "查询中..."

        CDN = sys.argv[4]

        session = requests.Session()
        session.headers = {
	    "Host": "kyfw.12306.cn",
	    "Connection": "keep-alive",
	    "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
	    "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
	    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36",
	    "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
	    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, sdch, br",
	    "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.6",
        queryResult =  querier.querier(TIME, FROM, TO, "ADULT", session, CDN)
        length = queryResult.length
        for i in range(length):
            print "=" * 36

            train_no = queryResult.getTrainNo(i)
            from_station_no = queryResult.getFromStationNo(i)
            to_station_no = queryResult.getToStationNo(i)
            seat_types = queryResult.getSeatTypes(i)
            train_date = TIME

            print "座位类型 :",seat_types

            priceResult = price.price(train_no, from_station_no, to_station_no, seat_types, train_date, session, CDN)

            qita_price = "--"
            wuzuo_price = "--"
            yingzuo_price = "--"
            yingwo_price = "--"
            ruanzuo_price = "--"
            ruanwo_price = "--"
            gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
            erdengzuo_price = "--"
            yidengzuo_price = "--"
            tedengzuo_price = "--"
            shangwuzuo_price = "--"

            if tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "OOMP"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("P")
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "OMP"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("P")
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "O9OMP"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("P")
                shangwuzuo_price = "A9"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "O9MP"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("P")
                shangwuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A9")
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "O9OM"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "A9"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "1413"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A1")
                yingwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A3")
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "OM9"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A9")
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "OMO"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("M")
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "14136"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A1")
                yingwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A3")
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A6")
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "113"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A1")
                yingwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A3")
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "O4"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("O")
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "24"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A2")
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "4"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "112"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A1")
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A2")
                ruanwo_price = "--"
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "1416H3"):
                qita_price = priceResult.getPrice("OT")[0]
                wuzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("WZ")
                yingzuo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A1")
                yingwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A3")
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A6")
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "43"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A3")
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = "--"
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
            elif tools.checkStringChars(seat_types, "46"):
                qita_price = "--"
                wuzuo_price = "--"
                yingzuo_price = "--"
                yingwo_price = "--"
                ruanzuo_price = "--"
                ruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A4")
                gaojiruanwo_price = priceResult.getPrice("A6")
                erdengzuo_price = "--"
                yidengzuo_price = "--"
                tedengzuo_price = "--"
                shangwuzuo_price = "--"
                print "座位类型无法解析!"

            print "列车号 : ", queryResult.getStationTrainCode(i)
            print "列车编号 : ", queryResult.getTrainNo(i)
            print "是否可凭身份证进出站 : ", queryResult.getIsSupportCard(i)
            print "首发站 : ", queryResult.getStartStationName(i)
            print "终点站 : ", queryResult.getEndStationName(i)
            print "起始站 : ", queryResult.getFromStationName(i)
            print "到达站 : ", queryResult.getToStationName(i)
            print "出发时间 : ", queryResult.getStartTime(i)
            print "到达时间 : ", queryResult.getArriveTime(i)
            print "历时 : ", queryResult.getLishi(i)
            print "其他 [", qita_price, "] :", queryResult.getQitaNumber(i)
            print "无座 [", wuzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getWuzuoNumber(i)
            print "硬座 [", yingzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getYingzuoNumber(i)
            print "硬卧 [", yingwo_price, "] :", queryResult.getYingwoNumber(i)
            print "软座 [", ruanzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getRuanzuoNumber(i)
            print "软卧 [", ruanwo_price, "] :", queryResult.getRuanwoNumber(i)
            print "高级软卧 [", gaojiruanwo_price, "] :", queryResult.getGaojiruanwoNumber(i)
            print "二等座 [", erdengzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getErdengzuoNumber(i)
            print "一等座 [", yidengzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getYidengzuoNumber(i)
            print "特等座 [", tedengzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getTengdengzuoNumber(i)
            print "商务座 [", shangwuzuo_price, "] :", queryResult.getShangwuzuoNumber(i)
        print "命令 :"
        print "    python %s [TIME] [FROM] [TO] [CDN]" % (sys.argv[0])
        print "参数 : "
        print "    [TIME] : 出发的日期 (今天|明天|后天|7天后|2017-02-26)"
        print "    [FROM] : 出发地的中文名 , 支持模糊查询"
        print "    [TO] : 目的地的中文名 , 支持模糊查询"
        print "    [CDN] : 使用何地的CDN服务器(即网站的IP地址 , 可以通过 ping kyfw.12306.cn 获得)(|kyfw.12306.cn)(如果使用本地CDN不能查询到票 , 可以对别的地域进行查询)"
예제 #12
# (C) Erwin (nl.wikipedia.org), 2007
# Distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA 2.5 licence.

from __future__ import generators
import sys

import re, querier
import wikipedia, erwin85bot, pagegenerators

db = querier.querier(host="sql-s2")

def main():
        'Erwin85Bot: [[Sjabloon:nocat|nocat]] toegevoegd ([[:Categorie:Wikipedia:Nog te categoriseren]]).'
    noCatR = re.compile(r'\{\{([Xx]n|[Nn])ocat(\|[^\}]*?|)\}\}')
    excludeR = re.compile(

    #List of page_titles which are treated
    titlelist = []