def authors(): if request.form: if request.form.get("type") == 'coauthor': first_name = (request.form.get("first_name")) last_name = (request.form.get("last_name")) connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM get_coauthors('%s', '%s')""" % (first_name, last_name)) coauthors = cursor.fetchall() return render_template("authors.html", authors=coauthors, title="Coauthors of %s %s" % (first_name, last_name)) author_id = request.form.get("author_id") connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT P.*, string_agg(DISTINCT, ', '), string_agg(DISTINCT (A.first_name || ' ' || A.last_name), ', ') FROM Paper P JOIN Paper_Authors PA ON P.paper_id = PA.paper_id JOIN Paper_Topics PT ON P.paper_id = PT.paper_id JOIN Author A ON A.author_id = PA.author_id JOIN Topic T on T.topic_id = PT.topic_id WHERE P.paper_id in (SELECT paper_id FROM Paper_Authors WHERE author_id = %d) GROUP BY P.paper_id """ % int(author_id)) papers = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" SELECT first_name, last_name FROM Author WHERE author_id = %d """ % int(author_id)) names = cursor.fetchall() author_name = " ".join([names[0][0], names[0][1]]) connection.close() return render_template("papers.html", papers=papers, title="Papers of author: "+author_name) else: authors = get_table("Author") return render_template("authors.html", authors=authors, title="Authors")
def admin_topics(): if request.form: if request.form.get("type") == 'DELETE': delete_entry("Topic", request.form.get("topic_id")) topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("admin_topics.html", topics=topics) elif request.form.get("type") == 'UPDATE': topic_id = int(request.form.get("topic_id")) new_name = request.form.get("name") update_entry("Topic", topic_id, ["name"], [new_name]) topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("admin_topics.html", topics=topics) name = request.form.get("name") result = "NULL" connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Topic(name, result) VALUES('%s', %s) """ % (name, result)) connection.commit() connection.close() topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("admin_topics.html", topics=topics) else: topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("admin_topics.html", topics=topics)
def sota(): if request.form: topic_id = request.form.get("topic_id") connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT P.*, string_agg(DISTINCT, ', '), string_agg(DISTINCT (A.first_name || ' ' || A.last_name), ', ') FROM Paper P JOIN Paper_Authors PA ON P.paper_id = PA.paper_id JOIN Paper_Topics PT ON P.paper_id = PT.paper_id JOIN Author A ON A.author_id = PA.author_id JOIN Topic T on T.topic_id = PT.topic_id WHERE P.result = (SELECT result FROM Topic WHERE topic_id = %d) GROUP BY P.paper_id """ % int(topic_id)) result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" SELECT name FROM Topic WHERE topic_id = %d """ % int(topic_id)) topic_name = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] connection.close() topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("sota.html", paper=result[0], topics=topics, title="Sota Result for Topic: "+topic_name) else: topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("sota.html", paper=None, topics = topics, title="Pick a topic for the sota result")
def admin_authors(): if request.form: if request.form.get("type") == 'DELETE': delete_entry("Author", request.form.get("author_id")) authors = get_table("Author") return render_template("admin_authors.html", authors=authors) elif request.form.get("type")=='UPDATE': fields, values = [], [] if request.form.get("first_name") != '': fields.append("first_name") values.append(request.form.get("first_name")) if request.form.get("last_name") != '': fields.append("last_name") values.append(request.form.get("last_name")) author_id = int(request.form.get("author_id")) update_entry("Author", author_id, fields, values) authors = get_table("Author") return render_template("admin_authors.html", authors=authors) f = request.form.get("first_name") l = request.form.get("last_name") connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Author(first_name, last_name) VALUES('%s', '%s') """%(f,l)) connection.commit() connection.close() authors = get_table("Author") return render_template("admin_authors.html", authors=authors) else: authors = get_table("Author") return render_template("admin_authors.html", authors=authors)
def papers(): connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT P.*, string_agg(DISTINCT, ', '), string_agg(DISTINCT (A.first_name || ' ' || A.last_name), ', ') FROM Paper P LEFT JOIN Paper_Authors PA ON P.paper_id = PA.paper_id LEFT JOIN Paper_Topics PT ON P.paper_id = PT.paper_id LEFT JOIN Author A ON A.author_id = PA.author_id LEFT JOIN Topic T on T.topic_id = PT.topic_id GROUP BY P.paper_id """) papers = cursor.fetchall() connection.close() return render_template("papers.html", papers=papers, title="All Papers")
def insert_paper(title, abstract, authors, result, topics): authors = authors.split(",") authors = [a.strip() for a in authors] topics = topics.split(",") topics = [t.strip() for t in topics] connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Paper(title, abstract, result) VALUES('%s', '%s', %f) RETURNING paper_id """ %(title, abstract, float(result))) paper_id = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] for author in authors: names = author.split("@") cursor.execute(""" SELECT author_id FROM Author WHERE first_name='%s' AND last_name='%s' """%(names[0], names[1])) a_id = cursor.fetchall() if a_id == []: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Author(first_name, last_name) VALUES('%s', '%s') RETURNING author_id """%(names[0], names[1])) a_id = cursor.fetchall() a_id = a_id[0][0] cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Paper_Authors(paper_id, author_id) VALUES(%d, %d) """ % (paper_id, a_id)) for topic in topics: cursor.execute(""" SELECT topic_id FROM Topic WHERE name='%s' """%(topic)) c_id = cursor.fetchall() if c_id == []: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Topic(name, result) VALUES('%s', '%f') RETURNING topic_id """ % (topic, float(result))) c_id = cursor.fetchall() c_id = c_id[0][0] cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Paper_Topics(paper_id, topic_id) VALUES(%d, %d) """ % (paper_id, c_id)) connection.commit() connection.close()
def search_keyword(): if request.form: keyword = request.form.get("keyword") format_str = "'%" + keyword + "%'" connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT paper_id FROM Paper WHERE abstract LIKE %s OR title LIKE %s" % (format_str, format_str)) ex = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" SELECT P.*, string_agg(DISTINCT, ', '), string_agg(DISTINCT (A.first_name || ' ' || A.last_name), ', ') FROM Paper P JOIN Paper_Authors PA ON P.paper_id = PA.paper_id JOIN Paper_Topics PT ON P.paper_id = PT.paper_id JOIN Author A ON A.author_id = PA.author_id JOIN Topic T on T.topic_id = PT.topic_id WHERE P.paper_id in (SELECT paper_id FROM Paper WHERE abstract LIKE %s OR title LIKE %s) GROUP BY P.paper_id """ % (format_str, format_str)) papers = cursor.fetchall() connection.close() return render_template("search_keyword.html", papers=papers, title="All Papers containing the given keyword") else: return render_template("search_keyword.html" , papers=None, title="Search a keyword")
def topics(): if request.form: topic_id = request.form.get("topic_id") connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT P.*, string_agg(DISTINCT, ', '), string_agg(DISTINCT (A.first_name || ' ' || A.last_name), ', ') FROM Paper P JOIN Paper_Authors PA ON P.paper_id = PA.paper_id JOIN Paper_Topics PT ON P.paper_id = PT.paper_id JOIN Author A ON A.author_id = PA.author_id JOIN Topic T on T.topic_id = PT.topic_id WHERE P.paper_id in (SELECT paper_id FROM Paper_Topics WHERE topic_id = %d) GROUP BY P.paper_id """ % int(topic_id)) papers = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(""" SELECT name FROM Topic WHERE topic_id = %d """ % int(topic_id)) topic_name = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] connection.close() return render_template("papers.html", papers=papers, title="Papers of Topic: "+topic_name) else: topics = get_table("Topic") return render_template("topics.html", topics=topics)
def rankings(): connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT A.author_id, A.first_name, A.last_name, C.n_p FROM Author A LEFT JOIN (SELECT PA.author_id, COUNT(PA.paper_id) AS n_p FROM Paper_Authors PA JOIN (SELECT P.paper_id FROM Paper P JOIN Paper_Topics PT on P.paper_id = PT.paper_id JOIN Topic T on P.result = T.result WHERE T.topic_id=PT.topic_id) P ON P.paper_id = PA.paper_id GROUP BY PA.author_id) C ON A.author_id = C.author_id WHERE C.n_p IS NOT NULL ORDER BY C.n_p DESC """) authors = cursor.fetchall() connection.close() return render_template("rankings.html", authors=authors)
def admin_papers(): if request.form: if request.form.get("type") == 'DELETE': delete_entry("Paper", request.form.get("paper_id")) papers = get_papers() return render_template("admin_papers.html", papers=papers) elif request.form.get("type") == 'UPDATE': formfields = ["title", "abstract", "result"] formvalues = [request.form.get(field) for field in formfields] fields, values = list(), list() for i in range(len(formvalues)): if formvalues[i] != '': fields.append(formfields[i]) values.append(formvalues[i]) paper_id = int(request.form.get("paper_id")) topics, authors = request.form.get("topics"),request.form.get("authors") authors = authors.split(",") authors = [a.strip() for a in authors] topics = topics.split(",") topics = [t.strip() for t in topics] update_cross(paper_id, topics, authors) update_entry("Paper", paper_id, fields, values) papers = get_papers() return render_template("admin_papers.html", papers=papers) title = request.form.get("title") authors = request.form.get("authors") topics = request.form.get("topics") abstract = request.form.get("abstract") result = request.form.get("result") authors = authors.split(",") authors = [a.strip() for a in authors] topics = topics.split(",") topics = [t.strip() for t in topics] connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Paper(title, abstract, result) VALUES('%s', '%s', %f) RETURNING paper_id """ %(title, abstract, float(result))) paper_id = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] for author in authors: names = author.split("@") cursor.execute(""" SELECT author_id FROM Author WHERE first_name='%s' AND last_name='%s' """%(names[0], names[1])) a_id = cursor.fetchall() if a_id == []: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Author(first_name, last_name) VALUES('%s', '%s') RETURNING author_id """%(names[0], names[1])) a_id = cursor.fetchall() a_id = a_id[0][0] cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Paper_Authors(paper_id, author_id) VALUES(%d, %d) """ % (paper_id, a_id)) for topic in topics: cursor.execute(""" SELECT topic_id FROM Topic WHERE name='%s' """%(topic)) c_id = cursor.fetchall() if c_id == []: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Topic(name, result) VALUES('%s', '%f') RETURNING topic_id """ % (topic, float(result))) c_id = cursor.fetchall() c_id = c_id[0][0] cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Paper_Topics(paper_id, topic_id) VALUES(%d, %d) """ % (paper_id, c_id)) connection.commit() connection.close() papers = get_papers() return render_template("admin_papers.html", papers=papers) else: papers = get_papers() return render_template("admin_papers.html", papers=papers)
import psycopg2 from queries import connect_db connection = connect_db() cursor = connection.cursor() author_command = """ CREATE TABLE Author( author_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT Unique_Name UNIQUE (first_name, last_name) ); """ paper_authors = """ CREATE TABLE Paper_Authors( paper_id INTEGER NOT NULL, author_id INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_PAuthors PRIMARY KEY(paper_id, author_id), CONSTRAINT FK_Author FOREIGN KEY(author_id) REFERENCES Author(author_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT FK_Paper FOREIGN KEY(paper_id) REFERENCES Paper(paper_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); """ paper_command = """ CREATE TABLE Paper ( paper_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, abstract VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,