예제 #1
def test_available_actions_corner(game, board, hero):
    up_position = Position(0, 1)
    right_position = Position(1, 0)
    down_position = Position(0, -1)
    left_position = Position(-1, 0)

    valid_positions = [up_position, right_position]

    def is_valid_side_effect(pos):
        return pos in valid_positions

    board.is_valid.side_effect = is_valid_side_effect
    board.has_enemies_in_range.return_value = False

    expected_actions = [GameActions.MOVE_UP, GameActions.MOVE_RIGHT]

    available_actions = game.available_actions()

    assert len(available_actions) == len(expected_actions), f"There should be {len(expected_actions)} available actions, but there are {len(available_actions)}"
    for e in expected_actions:
        assert e in available_actions, f"{e} should be an available action!"

    board.has_enemies_in_range.assert_called_once_with(hero.position, 1)
예제 #2
def test_another_distance():
    from_pos = Position(5, 4)
    to_pos = Position(1, 2)
    expected_distance = 6

    distance = from_pos.distance(to=to_pos)

    assert distance == expected_distance, \
        f"Distance from {from_pos} to {to_pos} was be {distance}, but should be {expected_distance}"
예제 #3
def test_distance():
    from_pos = Position(0, 0)
    to_pos = Position(1, 1)
    expected_distance = 2

    distance = from_pos.distance(to=to_pos)

    assert distance == expected_distance, \
        f"Distance from {from_pos} to {to_pos} was be {distance}, but should be {expected_distance}"
예제 #4
def test_move_when_in_not_range(capsys, unit):
    destination = Position(10, 0)
    expected_msg = f"Target position {destination} is at a distance of 10 and my speed is 1, I can't reach it!"

    result = unit.move(destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, "Result should be False when unit can't move to the position"
    assert unit.position == Position(
        0), f"Position should still be the same after a failed attempt to move"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #5
def test_is_enemy_with_enemy(board, enemy):
    position = Position(0, 0)
    board.place(enemy, position)

    is_enemy = board.is_enemy(position)

    assert is_enemy == True, f"Game element at {position} is an enemy"
예제 #6
def test_empty_slots(board):
    expected_positions = [
        Position(x, y) for x in range(board.width) for y in range(board.height)

    assert sorted(board.empty_slots) == sorted(expected_positions), \
        f"The board doesn't have all the expected empty slots"
예제 #7
def hero():
    hero = mock.MagicMock(spec=Hero)
    hero.name = "TestHero"
    hero.speed = 1
    hero.position = Position(0, 0)

    return hero
예제 #8
def test_attack_enemy_not_killed_and_hero_killed(capsys, game, hero, board):
    hero.is_alive = False
    action = GameActions.ATTACK
    target = Position(2, 2)
    board.has_enemies_in_range.return_value = True
    board.is_enemy.return_value = True
    enemy = mock.MagicMock()
    enemy.is_alive = True
    enemy.name = "Foo"
    board.get.return_value = enemy
    msgs = [
        f"Enemy {enemy.name} is retaliating against the hero!",
        "You died, game over!",
    expected_msgs = [f"[{game.__class__.__name__}] {msg}" for msg in msgs]

    result = game.do(action, target=target)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == True, "game.do should return True when attacking but not killing an enemy"
    assert game.status == GameStatus.GAME_OVER, "Game status should be GAME_OVER when the hero is killed"
    for expected_msg in expected_msgs:
        assert expected_msg.lower() in out.lower()
예제 #9
def test_is_enemy_with_game_element(board, game_element):
    position = Position(0, 0)
    board.place(game_element, position)

    is_enemy = board.is_enemy(position)

    assert is_enemy == False, f"Game element at {position} is not an enemy"
예제 #10
def test_clear(board, unit):
    position = Position(1, 1)
    board.place(unit, destination=position)

    result = board.clear(position=position)

    assert result == True, f"board.clear({position}) should return True"
예제 #11
def test_create(hero, board):
    width = board.width
    height = board.height
    board.place(hero, Position(0, 0))
    num_enemies = 3
    min_level = 1
    max_level = 5
    # We'll be creating a board of the same width and height, so initially the empty slots will be the same
    empty_slots = board.empty_slots
    expected_enemy_positions = []
    enemies = []

    def create_enemy(level):
        enemy = mock.MagicMock(spec=Enemy)
        enemy.name = f"Enemy {len(enemies) + 1}"
        # Add the expected position and enemy to the lists, so that we can check later

        return enemy

    with mock.patch("questing.Enemy.random_enemy",
                    side_effect=create_enemy) as rand_enemy:
        # For every enemy, there are two calls to np.random.randint
        # The first one is to determine the empty slot index, while
        # the second one is to determine the level of the enemy created.
        with mock.patch("numpy.random.randint", side_effect=[0, 1, 0, 2, 0,
            generated_board = Board.create(hero=hero,

    assert generated_board.width == width, f"Generated board should have a width of {width}"
    assert generated_board.height == height, f"Generated board should have a height of {height}"
    assert generated_board.get(Position(
        0)) == hero, f"Hero should be placed in position (0, 0) in the board"

    rand_enemy.assert_has_calls([mock.call(1), mock.call(2), mock.call(3)])
    for idx, pos in enumerate(expected_enemy_positions):
        assert generated_board.is_enemy(
            pos), f"There should be an enemy at position {pos}"
        assert generated_board.get(pos) == enemies[
            idx], f"Enemy at position {pos} should be {enemies[idx].name}"
예제 #12
def test_position_can_be_compared_to_tuple():
    x = 1
    y = 5
    expected = (x, y)

    pos = Position(x=x, y=y)

    assert pos == expected, f"Position {pos} should be equal to tuple {expected}"
예제 #13
def test_position_is_set_on_all_units(army_units):
    pos = Position(3, 5)
    army = Army(units=army_units, position=pos)

    assert army.position == pos, f"Army position should be {pos}, but it was {army.position}"

    for u in army_units:
        assert u.position == pos, f"Position for unit {u.name} should be {pos}, but it was {u.position}"
예제 #14
def test_getitem(board):
    element = mock.MagicMock()
    position = Position(0, 0)

    board.place(element, destination=position)

    assert board[
        position] == element, f"board[{position}] did not contain the expected element"
예제 #15
def test_available_actions_with_move_up_not_valid(game, board, hero):
    up_position = Position(0, 1)

    board.is_valid.return_value = False

    available_actions = game.available_actions()

    assert GameActions.MOVE_UP not in available_actions, f"GameActions.MOVE_UP should be in the available actions"
예제 #16
def test_get(board):
    element = mock.MagicMock()
    position = Position(0, 0)

    board.place(element, destination=position)

    assert board.get(
    ) == element, f"board.get({position}) did not contain the expected element"
예제 #17
def test_move_with_0_speed(capsys, unit):
    unit.speed = 0
    expected_msg = "My speed is 0, I can't move!"

    result = unit.move(destination=Position(1, 1))
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, "unit.move should be False if the unit can't move"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #18
def test_move_to_invalid_position(capsys, board, unit):
    destination = Position(board.width + 1, 0)
    expected_msg = f"Target position {destination} is not valid!"

    result = board.move(unit, destination=destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"Moving to invalid position {destination} should return false"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #19
def test_place_at_invalid_position(capsys, board, unit):
    destination = Position(board.width + 1, 0)
    expected_msg = f"Target position {destination} is not valid!"

    result = board.place(unit, destination=destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"Placing an element at an invalid position should return false"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #20
def test_clear_invalid_position(capsys, board):
    position = Position(10, 10)
    expected_msg = f"Can't clear position {position}, it's not valid!"

    result = board.clear(position=position)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"board.clear with invalid position {position} should return False"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #21
def test_move_when_in_range(capsys, unit):
    destination = Position(0, 1)
    expected_msg = f"Moving to new position ({destination})"

    result = unit.move(destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == True, "Result should be true when unit can move to the position"
    assert unit.position == destination, f"New position after moving should be {destination}"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #22
def test_available_actions_occupied_slot(game, board):
    up_position = Position(0, 1)

    board.is_valid.return_value = True
    board.is_empty.return_value = False

    available_actions = game.available_actions()

    assert GameActions.MOVE_UP not in available_actions, f"GameActions.MOVE_UP should not be in the available actions"
예제 #23
def test_move_when_move_fails(capsys, board, unit):
    unit.move.return_value = False
    destination = Position(0, 0)
    expected_msg = f"Failed to move {unit.name} to position {destination}"

    result = board.move(unit, destination=destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"board.move should return False if the unit.move fails"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #24
def _get_full_board(width, height):
    b = Board(width=width, height=height)

    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            enemy = mock.MagicMock(spec=Enemy)
            enemy.name = f"Enemy x={width}, y={height}"
            pos = Position(x, y)
            b.place(enemy, pos)

    return b
예제 #25
def test_place_at_non_empty_position(capsys, board, unit):
    other_unit = mock.MagicMock()
    destination = Position(1, 0)

    board.place(other_unit, destination)
    expected_msg = f"Can't place element {unit.name} at position {destination}, it's not empty!"

    result = board.place(unit, destination=destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"Placing an element in a occupied position should return false"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #26
def test_move_to_non_empty_position(capsys, board, unit):
    other_unit = mock.MagicMock()
    destination = Position(1, 0)

    board.place(other_unit, destination)
    expected_msg = f"Can't move {unit.name} to position {destination}, it's not empty!"

    result = board.move(unit, destination=destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"Moving to occupied position {destination} should return false"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #27
def test_attack_with_target_position_empty(capsys, game, hero, board):
    action = GameActions.ATTACK
    target = Position(2, 2)
    board.has_enemies_in_range.return_value = True
    board.is_enemy.return_value = False

    msg = f"Action {action.value} requires an enemy in the target position!"
    expected_msg = f"[{game.__class__.__name__}] {msg}"

    result = game.do(action, target=target)

    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == False, f"game.do should return False when attacking a non-enemy position"
    assert expected_msg.lower() in out.lower()
예제 #28
def test_move(capsys, board, unit):
    unit.move.return_value = True
    origin = unit.position
    destination = Position(1, 1)
    expected_msg = f"Moved {unit.name} from {origin} to position {destination}"

    result = board.move(unit, destination=destination)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == True, f"board.move should return True if the unit.move succeeds"
    assert board.get(
    ) == None, f"Origin position {origin} should be empty after moving"
    assert board.get(
    ) == unit, f"Unit should be in the destination {destination}"
    assert expected_msg in out
예제 #29
def test_attack_enemy_killed(capsys, game, hero, board):
    hero.is_alive = True
    hero.heal = mock.MagicMock()
    action = GameActions.ATTACK
    target = Position(2, 2)
    board.has_enemies_in_range.return_value = True
    board.is_enemy.return_value = True
    enemy = mock.MagicMock()
    enemy.is_alive = False
    enemy.name = "Foo"
    board.get.return_value = enemy
    board.move.return_value = True
    result = game.do(action, target=target)

    assert result == True, "game.do should return True when attacking and killing an enemy"
    board.move.assert_called_once_with(unit=hero, destination=target)
예제 #30
def test_attack_enemy_not_killed(capsys, game, hero, board):
    hero.is_alive = True
    action = GameActions.ATTACK
    target = Position(2, 2)
    board.has_enemies_in_range.return_value = True
    board.is_enemy.return_value = True
    enemy = mock.MagicMock()
    enemy.is_alive = True
    enemy.name = "Foo"
    board.get.return_value = enemy
    msg = f"Enemy {enemy.name} is retaliating against the hero!"
    expected_msg = f"[{game.__class__.__name__}] {msg}"

    result = game.do(action, target=target)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert result == True, "game.do should return True when attacking but not killing an enemy"
    assert expected_msg.lower() in out.lower()