예제 #1
    def Query(self, submitterNameKey, querySpec):
        string Query(                       # return the ID of the query
            string submitterNameKey         # key that the submitter received
                                            #   when it was registered with this
                                            #   master
            dict querySpec                  # the details of the query
                                            #   necessary from the user

        # qid must be set because we use it when reporting the error
        if submitterNameKey is not None:
            qid = str(submitterNameKey) + " unnamed query"
            qid = "Unknown query"

        # try the following 

            # a slightly better name for the query id
            tqid = quilt_data.query_spec_tryget(querySpec, name=True)
            if tqid is not None:
                qid = tqid

            # placeholder query spec to reserve the unique qid
            tmpQuerySpec = querySpec.copy()

            # get pattern name from the query spec
            patternName = quilt_data.query_spec_get(
                querySpec, patternName=True)

            # acquire lock
            with self.lock:
                # copy the patternSpec the query references
                patternSpec = quilt_data.pat_specs_get(
                    self._patterns, patternName).copy()
                # generate a query id
                baseqid = submitterNameKey + "_" + patternName
                i = 0
                qid = baseqid
                while qid in self._queries or qid in self._history:
                    i += 1
                    qid = baseqid + "_" + str(i)

                # store querySpec in Q to reserve query id
                quilt_data.query_spec_set(tmpQuerySpec, name=qid)
                quilt_data.query_specs_add(self._queries, tmpQuerySpec)

            # this the query spec we will be manipulating, give it the id
            # that we generate, we will eventually replace the placeholder
            # in the member q
            quilt_data.query_spec_set(querySpec, name=qid)

            code = quilt_data.pat_spec_tryget(
                patternSpec, code=True)

            # using the set of sources described in the query code if
            #   they exist, or the ones described by mappings otherwise
            # group variable mapping's by target source and source pattern
            #   store in local collection, 
            #   map{source:
            #       map{sourcePattern:
            #           map{sourcePatternInstance:
            #               map{srcVar:Var}}}}

            #   store in local collection.  We later want to iterate the
            #   source mangers efficiently, so we pre process a varDict here
            #   which provides a direct mapping from srcVariables to 
            #   queryVariables, grouped by sources and patterns and pattern 
            #   instances

            # if pattern code specified
            #   parse the pattern text, and get set of variables mentioned
            #   in the pattern code
            if code is not None:
                # pattern code should be generated to account for any variables
                #   that will need to be substituted with default value to
                #   make the code syntactically correct
                code = quilt_data.generate_query_code(patternSpec,None)
                # get the variables mentioned in the pattern code
                varDict = quilt_parse.get_pattern_src_refs(code)
                append = False
                varDict = var_dict.create()
                append = True

            patVarSpecs = quilt_data.pat_spec_tryget(
                patternSpec, variables=True)

            mappings = quilt_data.pat_spec_tryget(
                patternSpec, mappings=True)

            #logging.info("got patVarSpecs: " + str(patVarSpecs))
            #logging.info("got mappings: " + str(mappings))
            # if code was specified, only bother making the map for
            #   sources referenced in the code, otherwise use anything
            #   that was declared in the pattern spec mappings 
            if patVarSpecs is not None and mappings is not None:

                patVars = patVarSpecs.keys()

                # logging.debug("Iterating variables: " + str(patVars))

                for m in mappings:
                    varName = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_get(
                        m, name=True)
                    if varName not in patVars:

                    src = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_get(
                        m, sourceName=True)
                    pat = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_get(
                        m, sourcePattern=True)
                    var = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_get(
                        m, sourceVariable=True)
                    ins = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_tryget(
                        m, sourcePatternInstance=True)

                    logging.debug("considering: varDict[" + var + "] = " +
                    # set append to appropriate value so that the varDict does
                    # not grow from mappings alone
                    var_dict.set_var(varDict, src, pat, ins, var, varName,

                logging.info("No query variables were specified")

            logging.info("got varDict:\n " + pprint.pformat(varDict))

            varSpecs = quilt_data.query_spec_tryget(
                querySpec, variables=True)

            # initialize list of srcQueries
            srcQuerySpecs = None

            # iterate the collection of sources, and build collection of 
            # srcQuerySpecs for each source
            for source in varDict.keys():

                # use variable mapping's source name to get proxy to 
                #   that source manager
                with get_client_proxy_from_type_and_name(
                        self, "smd", source) as srcMgr:

                    patterns = srcMgr.GetSourcePatterns()

                    # iterate the collection of sourcePatterns for current 
                    #   source
                    for patternName in patterns:
                        # NOTE we could have decided to build a temp map
                        # of all patterns and close the source manager 
                        # connection sooner, but it will have no practical
                        # effect to keep the source manager connection a
                        # might longer while doing the below processing

                        # skip the creation of source queries for source 
                        #   patterns not references in the query
                        if patternName not in varDict[source]:

                        # get the sourcePatternSpec from the proxy 
                        srcPatSpec = srcMgr.GetSourcePattern(patternName)

                        # create a query spec objects
                        curSrcQuerySpecs = create_src_query_specs(
                            srcPatSpec, varDict, varSpecs, patVarSpecs,
                            qid, source, patternName)

                        for srcQuerySpec in curSrcQuerySpecs.values():
                            # append completed sourceQuerySpec to querySpec
                            srcQuerySpecs = quilt_data.src_query_specs_add(
                                srcQuerySpecs, srcQuerySpec)

            # store sourceQueries in the querySpec
            if srcQuerySpecs is not None:

            # use querySpec and srcQuery list
            # to create a validation string                    
            msg = {'Query to run': querySpec,
                   'Sources to be queried': varDict.keys()}

            validStr = pprint.pformat(msg)

            # ask submitter to validate the source Queries
            # get_client function is threadsafe, returns with the lock off
            with get_client_proxy_from_type_and_name(
                    self, "qsub", submitterNameKey) as submitter:

                # call back to the submitter to get validation
                validated = submitter.ValidateQuery(validStr, qid)

            # if submitter refuses to validate, 
            if not validated:
                logging.info("Submitter: " + submitterNameKey +
                             " did not validate the query: " + qid)
                # acquire lock remove query id from q
                # delete the query record, it was determined invalid
                # return early
                with self.lock:
                    quilt_data.query_specs_del(self._queries, qid)

            logging.info("Submitter: " + submitterNameKey +
                         "did validate the query: " + qid)

            # acquire lock
            with self.lock:
                # store querySpec state as INITIALIZED, and place 
                # validated contents in member data

            # Process query...
            # get the path to the current directory
            # formulate the command line for quilt_query
            queryCmd = [
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "quilt_query.py"),
            if self._args.log_level is not None:

            if self._args.log_file is not None:

                # use subprocess module to fork off the process
                # script, pass the query ID
            #           sei_core.run_process("sleep 5 && " + ' '.join(queryCmd) + " &",shell=True)

        # catch exception! 
        except Exception, error:


                # submit launched this call asynchronously and must be made
                # aware of the unexpected error
                # call submit's OnSubmitProblem
                logging.info("Attempting to get proxy for error report")
                with get_client_proxy_from_type_and_name(
                        self, "qsub", submitterNameKey) as submitter:
                    logging.info("Attempting to send error to submitter")
                    Pyro4.async(submitter).OnSubmitProblem(qid, error)

            except Exception, error2:
                # stuff is going horribly wrong, we couldn't notify submitter
                logging.error("Unable to notify submitter: " +
                              str(submitterNameKey) +
                              " of error when submitting query: " + str(qid))
예제 #2
    def OnRegisterEnd(self):
        """Create a patternSpec dict from arguments (name, 
        VARIABLES, and VARIABLE to SOURCE_VARIABLE mappings), register
        this pattern with the query master"""

        # create the spec with it's requested name
        requestedName = self._args.name
        if requestedName is None:
            requestedName = "pattern"
            requestedName = self._args.name[0]

        patternSpec = quilt_data.pat_spec_create(name=requestedName)

        # create the specs for the variables
        variables = None
        if self._args.variable is not None:
            for v in self._args.variable:
                # create the variables section if it does not exist

                # first position of the cmd line argument is name of variable
                varName = v[0]
                varSpec = quilt_data.var_spec_create(name=varName)

                # if description was specified on cmd line, load it in the spec
                if len(v) > 1:
                    varDesc = v[1]
                    quilt_data.var_spec_set(varSpec, description=varDesc)

                # if default was specified on cmd line, load it in spec
                if len(v) > 2:
                    varDef = v[2]
                    quilt_data.var_spec_set(varSpec, default=varDef)
                variables = quilt_data.var_specs_add(variables, varSpec)

        quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, variables=variables)

        mappings = None
        # create the specs for the variable mappings
        if self._args.mapping is not None:
            for m in self._args.mapping:
                varName = m[0]
                src = m[1]
                srcPat = m[2]
                srcVar = m[3]
                srcPatInstance = None
                if len(m) > 4:
                    srcPatInstance = m[4]

                # query variables are allowed to map to multiple
                # source variables.  Initialize a blank list if it isn't present
                # then append the new mapping information

                srcVarMappingSpec = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_create(

                mappings = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_specs_add(
                    mappings, srcVarMappingSpec)

        if mappings is not None:
            quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, mappings=mappings)

        # if the pattern code is specified, set it in the pattern as
        #   a string
        if self._args.code is not None:
            # perform first pass parse on the pattern to ensure syntax
            # call get_pattern_vars from parser, but ignore the result
            #   this will check the syntax

            codestr = str(self._args.code)
            # store the code in the pattern
            quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, code=codestr)

            # syntax parsing may be dependent on variables in the pattern, so
            #   generate the code str after replacing any pattern variables
            codestr = quilt_data.generate_query_code(patternSpec, None)

        # define patternSpec in the query master as a synchronous call
        # return will be the pattern name
        with self.GetQueryMasterProxy() as qm:
            patName = qm.DefinePattern(patternSpec)

        # print out pattern Name
        print 'Pattern', patName, ' defined'

        # return false (prevent event loop from beginning)

        return False