def fidelity(A, B): """ Calculates the fidelity (pseudo-metric) between two density matrices. See: Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- fid : float Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and B. Examples -------- >>> x = fock_dm(5,3) >>> y = coherent_dm(5,1) >>> fidelity(x,y) 0.24104350624628332 """ if A.isket or A.isbra: A = ket2dm(A) if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('Density matrices do not have same dimensions.') A = A.sqrtm() return float(np.real((A * (B * A)).sqrtm().tr()))
def fidelity(A, B): """ Calculates the fidelity (pseudo-metric) between two density matrices.. See: Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- fid : float Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and B. Examples -------- >>> x=fock_dm(5,3) >>> y=coherent_dm(5,1) >>> fidelity(x,y) 0.24104350624628332 """ if A.type != 'oper': A = ket2dm(A) if B.type != 'oper': B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('Density matrices do not have same dimensions.') else: A = A.sqrtm() return float(np.real((A * (B * A)).sqrtm().tr()))
def hilbert_dist(A, B): """ Returns the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between two density matrices A & B. Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- dist : float Hilbert-Schmidt distance between density matrices. """ if A.isket or A.isbra: A = ket2dm(A) if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('A and B do not have same dimensions.') return (A - B).norm('fro')
def bures_angle(A, B): """ Returns the Bures Angle between two density matrices A & B. The Bures angle ranges from 0, for states with unit fidelity, to pi/2. Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- angle : float Bures angle between density matrices. """ if A.isket or A.isbra: A = ket2dm(A) if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('A and B do not have same dimensions.') return np.arccos(fidelity(A, B))
def hilbert_dist(A, B): """ Returns the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between two density matrices A & B. Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- dist : float Hilbert-Schmidt distance between density matrices. Notes ----- See V. Vedral and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. A 57, 1619 (1998). """ if A.isket or A.isbra: A = ket2dm(A) if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('A and B do not have same dimensions.') return ((A - B)**2).tr()
def bures_dist(A, B): """ Returns the Bures distance between two density matrices A & B. The Bures distance ranges from 0, for states with unit fidelity, to sqrt(2). Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- dist : float Bures distance between density matrices. """ if A.isket or A.isbra: A = ket2dm(A) if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('A and B do not have same dimensions.') dist = np.sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 - fidelity(A, B))) return dist
def hellinger_dist(A, B, sparse=False, tol=0): """ Calculates the quantum Hellinger distance between two density matrices. Formula: hellinger_dist(A, B) = sqrt(2-2*Tr(sqrt(A)*sqrt(B))) See: D. Spehner, F. Illuminati, M. Orszag, and W. Roga, "Geometric measures of quantum correlations with Bures and Hellinger distances" arXiv:1611.03449 Parameters ---------- A : :class:`qutip.Qobj` Density matrix or state vector. B : :class:`qutip.Qobj` Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. tol : float Tolerance used by sparse eigensolver, if used. (0=Machine precision) sparse : {False, True} Use sparse eigensolver. Returns ------- hellinger_dist : float Quantum Hellinger distance between A and B. Ranges from 0 to sqrt(2). Examples -------- >>> x=fock_dm(5,3) >>> y=coherent_dm(5,1) >>> hellinger_dist(x,y) 1.3725145002591095 """ if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError("A and B do not have same dimensions.") if A.isket or A.isbra: sqrtmA = ket2dm(A) else: sqrtmA = A.sqrtm(sparse=sparse, tol=tol) if B.isket or B.isbra: sqrtmB = ket2dm(B) else: sqrtmB = B.sqrtm(sparse=sparse, tol=tol) product = sqrtmA * sqrtmB eigs = sp_eigs(, isherm=product.isherm, vecs=False, sparse=sparse, tol=tol) #np.maximum() is to avoid nan appearing sometimes due to numerical #instabilities causing np.sum(eigs) slightly (~1e-8) larger than 1 #when hellinger_dist(A, B) is called for A=B return np.sqrt(2.0 * np.maximum(0., (1.0 - np.real(np.sum(eigs)))))
def fidelity(A, B): """ Calculates the fidelity (pseudo-metric) between two density matrices. See: Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" Parameters ---------- A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. Returns ------- fid : float Fidelity pseudo-metric between A and B. Examples -------- >>> x = fock_dm(5,3) >>> y = coherent_dm(5,1) >>> fidelity(x,y) 0.24104350624628332 """ if A.isket or A.isbra: # Take advantage of the fact that the density operator for A # is a projector to avoid a sqrtm call. sqrtmA = ket2dm(A) # Check whether we have to turn B into a density operator, too. if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) else: if B.isket or B.isbra: # Swap the order so that we can take a more numerically # stable square root of B. return fidelity(B, A) # If we made it here, both A and B are operators, so # we have to take the sqrtm of one of them. sqrtmA = A.sqrtm() if sqrtmA.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError('Density matrices do not have same dimensions.') # We don't actually need the whole matrix here, just the trace # of its square root, so let's just get its eigenenergies instead. # We also truncate negative eigenvalues to avoid nan propagation; # even for positive semidefinite matrices, small negative eigenvalues # can be reported. eig_vals = (sqrtmA * B * sqrtmA).eigenenergies() return float(np.real(np.sqrt(eig_vals[eig_vals > 0]).sum()))
def test_QobjPurity(): "Tests the purity method of `Qobj`" psi = basis(2, 1) # check purity of pure ket state assert_almost_equal(psi.purity(), 1) # check purity of pure ket state (superposition) psi2 = basis(2, 0) psi_tot = (psi+psi2).unit() assert_almost_equal(psi_tot.purity(), 1) # check purity of density matrix of pure state assert_almost_equal(ket2dm(psi_tot).purity(), 1) # check purity of maximally mixed density matrix rho_mixed = (ket2dm(psi)+ket2dm(psi2)).unit() assert_almost_equal(rho_mixed.purity(), 0.5)
def _correlation_me_4op_2t(H, rho0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op, d_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Calculate the four-operator two-time correlation function on the form <A(t)B(t+tau)C(t+tau)D(t)>. See, Gardiner, Quantum Noise, Section 5.2.1 """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) C_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) rho_t = mesolve( H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, [], args=args, options=options).states for t_idx, rho in enumerate(rho_t): C_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H, d_op * rho * a_op, taulist, c_ops, [b_op * c_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] return C_mat
def test_call(): """ Test Qobj: Call """ # Make test objects. psi = rand_ket(3) rho = rand_dm_ginibre(3) U = rand_unitary(3) S = rand_super_bcsz(3) # Case 0: oper(ket). assert U(psi) == U * psi # Case 1: oper(oper). Should raise TypeError. with expect_exception(TypeError): U(rho) # Case 2: super(ket). assert S(psi) == vector_to_operator(S * operator_to_vector(ket2dm(psi))) # Case 3: super(oper). assert S(rho) == vector_to_operator(S * operator_to_vector(rho)) # Case 4: super(super). Should raise TypeError. with expect_exception(TypeError): S(S)
def _correlation_es_2op_1t(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Internal function for calculating correlation functions using the exponential series solver. See :func:`correlation_ss` usage. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # contruct the Liouvillian L = liouvillian(H, c_ops) # find the steady state if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(L) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) # evaluate the correlation function if reverse: # <A(t)B(t+tau)> solC_tau = ode2es(L, rho0 * a_op) return esval(expect(b_op, solC_tau), tlist) else: # default: <A(t+tau)B(t)> solC_tau = ode2es(L, b_op * rho0) return esval(expect(a_op, solC_tau), tlist)
def _correlation_me_4op_1t(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op, d_op, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Calculate the four-operator two-time correlation function on the form <A(0)B(tau)C(tau)D(0)>. See, Gardiner, Quantum Noise, Section 5.2.1 """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) return mesolve(H, d_op * rho0 * a_op, tlist, c_ops, [b_op * c_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0]
def _subsystem_apply_reference(state, channel, mask): if isket(state): state = ket2dm(state) if isoper(channel): full_oper = tensor([ channel if mask[j] else qeye(state.dims[0][j]) for j in range(len(state.dims[0])) ]) return full_oper * state * full_oper.dag() else: # Go to Choi, then Kraus # chan_mat = array( choi_matrix = super_to_choi(channel) vals, vecs = eig(choi_matrix.full()) vecs = list(map(array, zip(*vecs))) kraus_list = [ sqrt(vals[j]) * vec2mat(vecs[j]) for j in range(len(vals)) ] # Kraus operators to be padded with identities: k_qubit_kraus_list = product(kraus_list, repeat=sum(mask)) rho_out = Qobj(inpt=zeros(state.shape), dims=state.dims) for operator_iter in k_qubit_kraus_list: operator_iter = iter(operator_iter) op_iter_list = [ next(operator_iter) if mask[j] else qeye(state.dims[0][j]) for j in range(len(state.dims[0])) ] full_oper = tensor(list(map(Qobj, op_iter_list))) rho_out = rho_out + full_oper * state * full_oper.dag() return Qobj(rho_out)
def _correlation_es_2t(H, state0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op): """ Internal function for calculating the three-operator two-time correlation function: <A(t)B(t+tau)C(t)> using an exponential series solver. """ # the solvers only work for positive time differences and the correlators # require positive tau if state0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) tlist = [0] elif isket(state0): rho0 = ket2dm(state0) else: rho0 = state0 if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # contruct the Liouvillian L = liouvillian(H, c_ops) corr_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) solES_t = ode2es(L, rho0) # evaluate the correlation function for t_idx in range(len(tlist)): rho_t = esval(solES_t, [tlist[t_idx]]) solES_tau = ode2es(L, c_op * rho_t * a_op) corr_mat[t_idx, :] = esval(expect(b_op, solES_tau), taulist) return corr_mat
def update(self, rho): """ Calculate the probability function for the given state of an harmonic oscillator (as density matrix) """ if isket(rho): rho = ket2dm(rho) = np.zeros(len(self.xvecs[0]), dtype=complex) M, N = rho.shape for m in range(M): k_m = pow( / pi, 0.25) / \ sqrt(2 ** m * factorial(m)) * \ exp(-self.xvecs[0] ** 2 / 2.0) * \ np.polyval(hermite(m), self.xvecs[0]) for n in range(N): k_n = pow( / pi, 0.25) / \ sqrt(2 ** n * factorial(n)) * \ exp(-self.xvecs[0] ** 2 / 2.0) * \ np.polyval(hermite(n), self.xvecs[0]) += np.conjugate(k_n) * k_m *[m, n]
def _correlation_me_2op_2t(H, rho0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Internal function for calculating correlation functions using the master equation solver. See :func:`correlation` for usage. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) C_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) rho_t_list = mesolve( H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, [], args=args, options=options).states if reverse: # <A(t)B(t+tau)> for t_idx, rho_t in enumerate(rho_t_list): C_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H, rho_t * a_op, taulist, c_ops, [b_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] else: # <A(t+tau)B(t)> for t_idx, rho_t in enumerate(rho_t_list): C_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H, b_op * rho_t, taulist, c_ops, [a_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] return C_mat
def test_composite_vec(): """ Composite: Tests compositing states and density operators. """ k1 = rand_ket(5) k2 = rand_ket(7) r1 = operator_to_vector(ket2dm(k1)) r2 = operator_to_vector(ket2dm(k2)) r3 = operator_to_vector(rand_dm(3)) r4 = operator_to_vector(rand_dm(4)) assert_(composite(k1, k2) == tensor(k1, k2)) assert_(composite(r3, r4) == super_tensor(r3, r4)) assert_(composite(k1, r4) == super_tensor(r1, r4)) assert_(composite(r3, k2) == super_tensor(r3, r2))
def _subsystem_apply_reference(state, channel, mask): if isket(state): state = ket2dm(state) if isoper(channel): full_oper = tensor([channel if mask[j] else qeye(state.dims[0][j]) for j in range(len(state.dims[0]))]) return full_oper * state * full_oper.dag() else: # Go to Choi, then Kraus # chan_mat = array( choi_matrix = super_to_choi(channel) vals, vecs = eig(choi_matrix.full()) vecs = list(map(array, zip(*vecs))) kraus_list = [sqrt(vals[j]) * vec2mat(vecs[j]) for j in range(len(vals))] # Kraus operators to be padded with identities: k_qubit_kraus_list = product(kraus_list, repeat=sum(mask)) rho_out = Qobj(inpt=zeros(state.shape), dims=state.dims) for operator_iter in k_qubit_kraus_list: operator_iter = iter(operator_iter) op_iter_list = [next(operator_iter).conj().T if mask[j] else qeye(state.dims[0][j]) for j in range(len(state.dims[0]))] full_oper = tensor(list(map(Qobj, op_iter_list))) rho_out = rho_out + full_oper * state * full_oper.dag() return Qobj(rho_out)
def plot_fock_distribution(rho, offset=0, fig=None, ax=None, figsize=(8, 6), title=None, unit_y_range=True): """ Plot the Fock distribution for a density matrix (or ket) that describes an oscillator mode. Parameters ---------- rho : :class:`qutip.qobj.Qobj` The density matrix (or ket) of the state to visualize. fig : a matplotlib Figure instance The Figure canvas in which the plot will be drawn. ax : a matplotlib axes instance The axes context in which the plot will be drawn. title : string An optional title for the figure. figsize : (width, height) The size of the matplotlib figure (in inches) if it is to be created (that is, if no 'fig' and 'ax' arguments are passed). Returns ------- fig, ax : tuple A tuple of the matplotlib figure and axes instances used to produce the figure. """ if not fig and not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) if isket(rho): rho = ket2dm(rho) N = rho.shape[0], offset + N) - .4, np.real(rho.diag()), color="green", alpha=0.6, width=0.8) if unit_y_range: ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_xlim(-.5 + offset, N + offset) ax.set_xlabel('Fock number', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('Occupation probability', fontsize=12) if title: ax.set_title(title) return fig, ax
def _mesolve_func_td(H_func, rho0, tlist, c_op_list, expt_ops, H_args, opt): """! Evolve the density matrix using an ODE solver with time dependent Hamiltonian. """ n_op = len(c_op_list) # # check initial state # if isket(rho0): # if initial state is a ket and no collapse operator where given, # fallback on the unitary schrodinger equation solver if n_op == 0: return _wfsolve_list_td(H_func, rho0, tlist, expt_ops, H_args, opt) # Got a wave function as initial state: convert to density matrix. rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) # # construct liouvillian # L = 0 for m in range(0, n_op): cdc = c_op_list[m].dag() * c_op_list[m] if L == 0: L = spre(c_op_list[m])*spost(c_op_list[m].dag())-0.5*spre(cdc)-0.5*spost(cdc) else: L += spre(c_op_list[m])*spost(c_op_list[m].dag())-0.5*spre(cdc)-0.5*spost(cdc) if n_op > 0: L_func_and_args = [H_func,] else: n,m = rho0.shape L_func_and_args = [H_func, sp.lil_matrix((n**2,m**2)).tocsr()] for arg in H_args: if isinstance(arg,Qobj): L_func_and_args.append((-1j*(spre(arg) - spost(arg))).data) else: L_func_and_args.append(arg) # # setup integrator # initial_vector = mat2vec(rho0.full()) r = scipy.integrate.ode(_ode_rho_func_td) r.set_integrator('zvode', method=opt.method, order=opt.order, atol=opt.atol, rtol=opt.rtol, nsteps=opt.nsteps, first_step=opt.first_step, min_step=opt.min_step, max_step=opt.max_step) r.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0]) r.set_f_params(L_func_and_args) # # call generic ODE code # return _generic_ode_solve(r, rho0, tlist, expt_ops, opt, vec2mat)
def _mesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, c_op_list, e_ops, args, opt, progress_bar): """ Evolve the density matrix using an ODE solver, for constant hamiltonian and collapse operators. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # # check initial state # if isket(rho0): # if initial state is a ket and no collapse operator where given, # fall back on the unitary schrodinger equation solver if len(c_op_list) == 0 and isoper(H): return _sesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, opt, progress_bar) # Got a wave function as initial state: convert to density matrix. rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) # # construct liouvillian # if opt.tidy: H = H.tidyup(opt.atol) L = liouvillian(H, c_op_list) # # setup integrator # initial_vector = mat2vec(rho0.full()).ravel('F') if issuper(rho0): r = scipy.integrate.ode(_ode_super_func) r.set_f_params( else: if opt.use_openmp and >= qset.openmp_thresh: r = scipy.integrate.ode(cy_ode_rhs_openmp) r.set_f_params(,,, opt.openmp_threads) else: r = scipy.integrate.ode(cy_ode_rhs) r.set_f_params(,, # r = scipy.integrate.ode(_ode_rho_test) # r.set_f_params( r.set_integrator('zvode', method=opt.method, order=opt.order, atol=opt.atol, rtol=opt.rtol, nsteps=opt.nsteps, first_step=opt.first_step, min_step=opt.min_step, max_step=opt.max_step) r.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0]) # # call generic ODE code # return _generic_ode_solve(r, rho0, tlist, e_ops, opt, progress_bar)
def steadystate_nonlinear(L_func, rho0, args={}, maxiter=10, random_initial_state=False, tol=1e-6, itertol=1e-5, use_umfpack=True, verbose=False): """ Steady state for the evolution subject to the nonlinear Liouvillian (which depends on the density matrix). .. note:: Experimental. Not at all certain that the inverse power method works for state-dependent Liouvillian operators. """ use_solver(assumeSortedIndices=True, useUmfpack=use_umfpack) if random_initial_state: rhoss = rand_dm(rho0.shape[0], 1.0, dims=rho0.dims) elif isket(rho0): rhoss = ket2dm(rho0) else: rhoss = Qobj(rho0) v = mat2vec(rhoss.full()) n = prod(rhoss.shape) tr_vec = sp.eye(rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[0], format='coo') tr_vec = tr_vec.reshape((1, n)) it = 0 while it < maxiter: L = L_func(rhoss, args) L = - (tol**2) * sp.eye(n, n, format='csc') L.sort_indices() v = spsolve(L, v, use_umfpack=use_umfpack) v = v / la.norm(v, np.inf) data = v / sum( data = reshape(data, (rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[1])).T = sp.csr_matrix(data) it += 1 if la.norm(L * v, np.inf) <= tol: break if it >= maxiter: raise ValueError('Failed to find steady state after ' + str(maxiter) + ' iterations') rhoss = 0.5 * (rhoss + rhoss.dag()) return rhoss.tidyup() if qset.auto_tidyup else rhoss
def plot_wigner_fock_distribution(rho, fig=None, axes=None, figsize=(8, 4), cmap=None, alpha_max=7.5, colorbar=False, method='iterative'): """ Plot the Fock distribution and the Wigner function for a density matrix (or ket) that describes an oscillator mode. Parameters ---------- rho : :class:`qutip.qobj.Qobj` The density matrix (or ket) of the state to visualize. fig : a matplotlib Figure instance The Figure canvas in which the plot will be drawn. axes : a list of two matplotlib axes instances The axes context in which the plot will be drawn. figsize : (width, height) The size of the matplotlib figure (in inches) if it is to be created (that is, if no 'fig' and 'ax' arguments are passed). cmap : a matplotlib cmap instance The colormap. alpha_max : float The span of the x and y coordinates (both [-alpha_max, alpha_max]). colorbar : bool Whether (True) or not (False) a colorbar should be attached to the Wigner function graph. method : string {'iterative', 'laguerre', 'fft'} The method used for calculating the wigner function. See the documentation for qutip.wigner for details. Returns ------- fig, ax : tuple A tuple of the matplotlib figure and axes instances used to produce the figure. """ if not fig and not axes: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize) if isket(rho): rho = ket2dm(rho) plot_fock_distribution(rho, fig=fig, ax=axes[0]) plot_wigner(rho, fig=fig, ax=axes[1], figsize=figsize, cmap=cmap, alpha_max=alpha_max, colorbar=colorbar, method=method) return fig, axes
def tracedist(A, B, sparse=False, tol=0): """ Calculates the trace distance between two density matrices.. See: Nielsen & Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" Parameters ----------!= A : qobj Density matrix or state vector. B : qobj Density matrix or state vector with same dimensions as A. tol : float Tolerance used by sparse eigensolver, if used. (0=Machine precision) sparse : {False, True} Use sparse eigensolver. Returns ------- tracedist : float Trace distance between A and B. Examples -------- >>> x=fock_dm(5,3) >>> y=coherent_dm(5,1) >>> tracedist(x,y) 0.9705143161472971 """ if A.isket or A.isbra: A = ket2dm(A) if B.isket or B.isbra: B = ket2dm(B) if A.dims != B.dims: raise TypeError("A and B do not have same dimensions.") diff = A - B diff = diff.dag() * diff vals = sp_eigs(, diff.isherm, vecs=False, sparse=sparse, tol=tol) return float(np.real(0.5 * np.sum(np.sqrt(np.abs(vals)))))
def _correlation_me_2t(H, state0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op, args=None, options=Options()): """ Internal function for calculating the three-operator two-time correlation function: <A(t)B(t+tau)C(t)> using a master equation solver. """ # the solvers only work for positive time differences and the correlators # require positive tau if state0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) tlist = [0] elif isket(state0): rho0 = ket2dm(state0) else: rho0 = state0 if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) rho_t = mesolve(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, [], args=args, options=options).states corr_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) H_shifted, _args = _transform_H_t_shift(H, args) for t_idx, rho in enumerate(rho_t): if not isinstance(H, Qobj): _args["_t0"] = tlist[t_idx] corr_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H_shifted, c_op * rho * a_op, taulist, c_ops, [b_op], args=_args, options=options).expect[0] if t_idx == 1: options.rhs_reuse = True return corr_mat
def spin_q_function(rho, theta, phi): """Husimi Q-function for spins. Parameters ---------- state : qobj A state vector or density matrix for a spin-j quantum system. theta : array_like theta-coordinates at which to calculate the Q function. phi : array_like phi-coordinates at which to calculate the Q function. Returns ------- Q, THETA, PHI : 2d-array Values representing the spin Q function at the values specified by THETA and PHI. """ if rho.type == 'bra': rho = rho.dag() if rho.type == 'ket': rho = ket2dm(rho) J = rho.shape[0] j = (J - 1) / 2 THETA, PHI = meshgrid(theta, phi) Q = np.zeros_like(THETA, dtype=complex) for m1 in arange(-j, j+1): Q += binom(2*j, j+m1) * cos(THETA/2) ** (2*(j-m1)) * sin(THETA/2) ** (2*(j+m1)) * \[int(j-m1), int(j-m1)] for m2 in arange(m1+1, j+1): Q += (sqrt(binom(2*j, j+m1)) * sqrt(binom(2*j, j+m2)) * cos(THETA/2) ** (2*j-m1-m2) * sin(THETA/2) ** (2*j+m1+m2)) * \ (exp(1j * (m2-m1) * PHI) *[int(j-m1), int(j-m2)] + exp(1j * (m1-m2) * PHI) *[int(j-m2), int(j-m1)]) return Q.real, THETA, PHI
def steady_nonlinear(L_func, rho0, args={}, maxiter=10, random_initial_state=False, tol=1e-6, itertol=1e-5, use_umfpack=True): """ Steady state for the evolution subject to the nonlinear Liouvillian (which depends on the density matrix). .. note:: Experimental. Not at all certain that the inverse power method works for state-dependent liouvillian operators. """ use_solver(assumeSortedIndices=True, useUmfpack=use_umfpack) if random_initial_state: rhoss = rand_dm(rho0.shape[0], 1.0, dims=rho0.dims) elif isket(rho0): rhoss = ket2dm(rho0) else: rhoss = Qobj(rho0) v = mat2vec(rhoss.full()) n = prod(rhoss.shape) tr_vec = sp.eye(rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[0], format='lil') tr_vec = tr_vec.reshape((1, n)).tocsr() it = 0 while it < maxiter: L = L_func(rhoss, args) L = - (tol ** 2) * sp.eye(n, n, format='csc') L.sort_indices() v = spsolve(L, v, permc_spec="MMD_AT_PLUS_A", use_umfpack=use_umfpack) v = v / la.norm(v, np.inf) data = v / sum( data = reshape(data, (rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[1])).T = sp.csr_matrix(data) it += 1 if la.norm(L * v, np.inf) <= tol: break if it >= maxiter: raise ValueError('Failed to find steady state after ' + str(maxiter) + ' iterations') = 0.5 * (data + data.conj().T) return rhoss.tidyup() if qset.auto_tidyup else rhoss
def _correlation_me_2op_2t(H, rho0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Internal function for calculating correlation functions using the master equation solver. See :func:`correlation` for usage. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) C_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) rho_t_list = mesolve(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, [], args=args, options=options).states if reverse: # <A(t)B(t+tau)> for t_idx, rho_t in enumerate(rho_t_list): C_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H, rho_t * a_op, taulist, c_ops, [b_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] else: # <A(t+tau)B(t)> for t_idx, rho_t in enumerate(rho_t_list): C_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H, b_op * rho_t, taulist, c_ops, [a_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] return C_mat
def _correlation_me_2t(H, state0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op, args={}, options=Options()): """ Internal function for calculating the three-operator two-time correlation function: <A(t)B(t+tau)C(t)> using a master equation solver. """ # the solvers only work for positive time differences and the correlators # require positive tau if state0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) tlist = [0] elif isket(state0): rho0 = ket2dm(state0) else: rho0 = state0 if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) rho_t = mesolve(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, [], args=args, options=options).states corr_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) H_shifted, c_ops_shifted, _args = _transform_L_t_shift(H, c_ops, args) if config.tdname: _cython_build_cleanup(config.tdname) rhs_clear() for t_idx, rho in enumerate(rho_t): if not isinstance(H, Qobj): _args["_t0"] = tlist[t_idx] corr_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve( H_shifted, c_op * rho * a_op, taulist, c_ops_shifted, [b_op], args=_args, options=options ).expect[0] if t_idx == 1: options.rhs_reuse = True if config.tdname: _cython_build_cleanup(config.tdname) rhs_clear() return corr_mat
def mesolve_const_checkpoint(H, rho0, tlist, c_op_list, e_ops, args, opt, progress_bar, save, subdir): """ Evolve the density matrix using an ODE solver, for constant hamiltonian and collapse operators. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # # check initial state # if isket(rho0): # Got a wave function as initial state: convert to density matrix. rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) # # construct liouvillian # if opt.tidy: H = H.tidyup(opt.atol) L = liouvillian(H, c_op_list) # # setup integrator # initial_vector = mat2vec(rho0.full()).ravel() r = scipy.integrate.ode(cy_ode_rhs) r.set_f_params(,, r.set_integrator('zvode', method=opt.method, order=opt.order, atol=opt.atol, rtol=opt.rtol, nsteps=opt.nsteps, first_step=opt.first_step, min_step=opt.min_step, max_step=opt.max_step) r.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0]) # # call generic ODE code # return generic_ode_solve_checkpoint(r, rho0, tlist, e_ops, opt, progress_bar, save, subdir)
def _correlation_me_4op_1t(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op, d_op, args=None, options=Options()): """ Calculate the four-operator two-time correlation function on the form <A(0)B(tau)C(tau)D(0)>. See, Gardiner, Quantum Noise, Section 5.2.1 """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) return mesolve(H, d_op * rho0 * a_op, tlist, c_ops, [b_op * c_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0]
def _correlation_es_2op_2t(H, rho0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Internal function for calculating correlation functions using the exponential series solver. See :func:`correlation` usage. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # contruct the Liouvillian L = liouvillian(H, c_ops) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(L) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) C_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) solES_t = ode2es(L, rho0) # evaluate the correlation function if reverse: # <A(t)B(t+tau)> for t_idx in range(len(tlist)): rho_t = esval(solES_t, [tlist[t_idx]]) solES_tau = ode2es(L, rho_t * a_op) C_mat[t_idx, :] = esval(expect(b_op, solES_tau), taulist) else: # default: <A(t+tau)B(t)> for t_idx in range(len(tlist)): rho_t = esval(solES_t, [tlist[t_idx]]) solES_tau = ode2es(L, b_op * rho_t) C_mat[t_idx, :] = esval(expect(a_op, solES_tau), taulist) return C_mat
def spin_wigner(rho, theta, phi): """Wigner function for spins. Parameters ---------- state : qobj A state vector or density matrix for a spin-j quantum system. theta : array_like theta-coordinates at which to calculate the Q function. phi : array_like phi-coordinates at which to calculate the Q function. Returns ------- W, THETA, PHI : 2d-array Values representing the spin Wigner function at the values specified by THETA and PHI. .. note:: Experimental. """ if rho.type == 'bra': rho = rho.dag() if rho.type == 'ket': rho = ket2dm(rho) J = rho.shape[0] j = (J - 1) / 2 THETA, PHI = meshgrid(theta, phi) W = np.zeros_like(THETA, dtype=complex) for k in range(int(2 * j)+1): for q in range(-k, k+1): W += _rho_kq(rho, j, k, q) * sph_harm(q, k, PHI, THETA) return W, THETA, PHI
def concurrence(rho): """ Calculate the concurrence entanglement measure for a two-qubit state. Parameters ---------- state : qobj Ket, bra, or density matrix for a two-qubit state. Returns ------- concur : float Concurrence References ---------- .. [1] """ if rho.isket and rho.dims != [[2, 2], [1, 1]]: raise Exception("Ket must be tensor product of two qubits.") elif rho.isbra and rho.dims != [[1, 1], [2, 2]]: raise Exception("Bra must be tensor product of two qubits.") elif rho.isoper and rho.dims != [[2, 2], [2, 2]]: raise Exception("Density matrix must be tensor product of two qubits.") if rho.isket or rho.isbra: rho = ket2dm(rho) sysy = tensor(sigmay(), sigmay()) rho_tilde = (rho * sysy) * (rho.conj() * sysy) evals = rho_tilde.eigenenergies() # abs to avoid problems with sqrt for very small negative numbers evals = abs(sort(real(evals))) lsum = sqrt(evals[3]) - sqrt(evals[2]) - sqrt(evals[1]) - sqrt(evals[0]) return max(0, lsum)
def testExpandGate2toN(self): """ gates: expand 2 to N (using cnot, iswap, sqrtswap) """ a, b = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand() k1 = (a * basis(2, 0) + b * basis(2, 1)).unit() c, d = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand() k2 = (c * basis(2, 0) + d * basis(2, 1)).unit() psi_ref_in = tensor(k1, k2) N = 6 psi_rand_list = [rand_ket(2) for k in range(N)] for g in [cnot, iswap, sqrtswap]: psi_ref_out = g() * psi_ref_in rho_ref_out = ket2dm(psi_ref_out) for m in range(N): for n in set(range(N)) - {m}: psi_list = [psi_rand_list[k] for k in range(N)] psi_list[m] = k1 psi_list[n] = k2 psi_in = tensor(psi_list) if g == cnot: G = g(N, m, n) else: G = g(N, [m, n]) psi_out = G * psi_in o1 = psi_out.overlap(psi_in) o2 = psi_ref_out.overlap(psi_ref_in) assert_(abs(o1 - o2) < 1e-12) p = [0, 1] if m < n else [1, 0] rho_out = psi_out.ptrace([m, n]).permute(p) assert_((rho_ref_out - rho_out).norm() < 1e-12)
def spin_wigner(rho, theta, phi): """Wigner function for a spin-j system on the 2-sphere of radius j (for j = 1/2 this is the Bloch sphere). Parameters ---------- state : qobj A state vector or density matrix for a spin-j quantum system. theta : array_like Polar angle at which to calculate the W function. phi : array_like Azimuthal angle at which to calculate the W function. Returns ------- W, THETA, PHI : 2d-array Values representing the spin Wigner function at the values specified by THETA and PHI. Notes ----- Experimental. """ if rho.type == 'bra': rho = rho.dag() if rho.type == 'ket': rho = ket2dm(rho) J = rho.shape[0] j = (J - 1) / 2 THETA, PHI = meshgrid(theta, phi) W = np.zeros_like(THETA, dtype=complex) for k in range(int(2 * j)+1): for q in arange(-k, k+1): # sph_harm takes azimuthal angle then polar angle as arguments W += _rho_kq(rho, j, k, q) * sph_harm(q, k, PHI, THETA) return W, THETA, PHI
def _correlation_me_2op_1t(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Options()): """ Internal function for calculating correlation functions using the master equation solver. See :func:`correlation_ss` for usage. """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) if reverse: # <A(t)B(t+tau)> return mesolve(H, rho0 * a_op, tlist, c_ops, [b_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] else: # <A(t+tau)B(t)> return mesolve(H, b_op * rho0, tlist, c_ops, [a_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0]
def _correlation_me_4op_2t(H, rho0, tlist, taulist, c_ops, a_op, b_op, c_op, d_op, reverse=False, args=None, options=Odeoptions()): """ Calculate the four-operator two-time correlation function on the form <A(t)B(t+tau)C(t+tau)D(t)>. See, Gardiner, Quantum Noise, Section 5.2.1 """ if debug: print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if rho0 is None: rho0 = steadystate(H, c_ops) elif rho0 and isket(rho0): rho0 = ket2dm(rho0) C_mat = np.zeros([np.size(tlist), np.size(taulist)], dtype=complex) rho_t = mesolve(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, [], args=args, options=options).states for t_idx, rho in enumerate(rho_t): C_mat[t_idx, :] = mesolve(H, d_op * rho * a_op, taulist, c_ops, [b_op * c_op], args=args, options=options).expect[0] return C_mat
def entropy_vn(rho,base=e,sparse=False): """ Von-Neumann entropy of density matrix Parameters ---------- rho : qobj Density matrix. base : {e,2} Base of logarithm. Other Parameters ---------------- sparse : {False,True} Use sparse eigensolver. Returns ------- entropy : float Von-Neumann entropy of `rho`. Examples -------- >>> rho=0.5*fock_dm(2,0)+0.5*fock_dm(2,1) >>> entropy_vn(rho,2) 1.0 """ if rho.type=='ket' or rho.type=='bra': rho=ket2dm(rho) vals=sp_eigs(rho,vecs=False,sparse=sparse) nzvals=vals[vals!=0] if base==2: logvals=log2(nzvals) elif base==e: logvals=log(nzvals) else: raise ValueError("Base must be 2 or e.") return float(real(-sum(nzvals*logvals)))
def entropy_linear(rho): """ Linear entropy of a density matrix. Parameters ---------- rho : qobj sensity matrix or ket/bra vector. Returns ------- entropy : float Linear entropy of rho. Examples -------- >>> rho=0.5*fock_dm(2,0)+0.5*fock_dm(2,1) >>> entropy_linear(rho) 0.5 """ if rho.type == 'ket' or rho.type == 'bra': rho = ket2dm(rho) return float(real(1.0 - (rho ** 2).tr()))