예제 #1
 def test_measurement_Zbasis(self):
     print("----------Test measurement Z basis----------")
     rho = qt.bell_state('00') * qt.bell_state('00').dag()
     measurement, rho = random_measure_single_Zbasis(rho, 2, 0, True)
     if measurement == 1:
         rho_ref = qt.basis(2, 0) * qt.basis(2, 0).dag()
     if measurement == -1:
         rho_ref = qt.basis(2, 1) * qt.basis(2, 1).dag()
     self.assertEqual(rho, rho_ref)
 def _choi_state_ket(self, N):
     # Create a bipartite state. Used in the C-J isomorphism.
     state = qt.bell_state('00')
     for i in range(1, N):
         state = qt.tensor(qt.bell_state('00'), state)
     # Permute to obtain the desired order of the qubits
     order = list(range(0, 2*N, 2)) + list(range(1, 2*N, 2))
     state = state.permute(order)
     return state
def generate_noisy_pair(F):
    a = qt.bell_state('00') * qt.bell_state('00').dag()
    b = qt.bell_state('01') * qt.bell_state('01').dag() \
        + qt.bell_state('10') * qt.bell_state('10').dag() \
        + qt.bell_state('11') * qt.bell_state('11').dag()
    W = F * a + (1 - F) / 3. * b
    H = qt.snot(2, 1)
    return H * W * H.dag()
def epsilonj(j):
    n = int(2 * j)
    epsilons = qt.tensor(*[np.sqrt(2) * qt.bell_state("11")] * (n))
    epsilons = epsilons.permute(
        list(range(0, 2 * n, 2)) + list(range(1, 2 * n, 2)))
    S = sym_spin(n)
    return repair(qt.tensor(S, S) * epsilons)
예제 #5
파일: test_states.py 프로젝트: qutip/qutip
def test_bell_state():
    states = [
    exited = qutip.basis([2, 2], [1, 1])
    for state, overlap in zip(states, [0.5**0.5, -0.5**0.5, 0, 0]):
        assert state.norm() == pytest.approx(1.0)
        assert state.overlap(exited) == pytest.approx(overlap)

    for state1, state2 in combinations(states, 2):
        assert state1.overlap(state2) == pytest.approx(0.0)

    assert qutip.singlet_state() == qutip.bell_state('11')
def bell_pair_click(eta, theta):
    Return a Bell pair generated using the single click protocol.
    Initial qubits are initialized in the states: sin(theta)|0> + cos(theta)|1>

    eta : (scalar) detection efficiency
    theta : (scalar) determines how the initial qubits are initialized

    s = np.sin(theta)**2
    r = ((1 - eta)*s)/(1 - eta*s)
    # TODO Check here
    state = qt.bell_state('10') * qt.bell_state('10').dag()
    noise = qt.tensor(qt.basis(2, 1), qt.basis(2, 1))
    noise = noise * noise.dag()
    return (1-r)*state + r*noise
    def _generate_bell_pair_BK(self):
        # Generate a Bell pair using the Barret-Kok protocol.
        # For this case set the initial state to be |+>
        # Probaility of success
        s = .5
        r = (1 - self.eta) * s / (1 - self.eta * s)
        p_success = (1 - r) * self.eta**2

        # This circuit number of steps
        attempts = self._success_number_of_attempts(p_success) + 1
        time = self.time_lookup["bell_pair"] * attempts

        # Update check
        self.check["bell_pair"] += 1

        # Generate Bell pair with F=1
        bell = qt.bell_state('10') * qt.bell_state('10').dag()
        # Apply noisy 1q X to transform state
        bell = errs.single_qubit_gate(bell, qt.rx(np.pi, 2, 0), self.ps, 2, 0)

        return time, bell
예제 #8
class TestConcurrence:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("dm", [
        pytest.param(qutip.bell_state(x).proj(), id='bell' + x)
        for x in ['00', '01', '10', '11']
    def test_maximally_entangled(self, dm):
        assert abs(qutip.concurrence(dm) - 1) < 1e-12

    def test_nonzero(self):
        dm = qutip.rand_dm(4, dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]])
        assert qutip.concurrence(dm) >= 0
def bell_pair_psi(p):
    Return a noisy |phi+> Bell pair.

    p : (scalar) error rate
    a = qt.bell_state('10') * qt.bell_state('10').dag()
    b = qt.bell_state('01') * qt.bell_state('01').dag() \
        + qt.bell_state('00') * qt.bell_state('00').dag() \
        + qt.bell_state('11') * qt.bell_state('11').dag()
    W = (1-p)*a + p/3.*b
    # H = qt.snot(2, 1)
    # return H*W*H.dag()
    return W
예제 #10
    def test_measurement_circuit(self):

        qc = _measurement_circuit()
        simulators = _simulators_sv(qc)
        labels = ["00", "01", "10", "11"]

        for label in labels:
            state = bell_state(label)
            for i, simulator in enumerate(simulators):
                if label[0] == "0":
                    assert simulator.cbits[0] == simulator.cbits[1]
                    assert simulator.cbits[0] != simulator.cbits[1]
예제 #11
def quantum_strategy(initial_state: qt.Qobj) -> Strategy:
    shared_system = Simulator(capacity=2)                                # <1>
    shared_system.register_state = initial_state
    your_qubit = shared_system.allocate_qubit()                          # <2>
    eve_qubit = shared_system.allocate_qubit()

    shared_system.register_state = qt.bell_state()                       # <3>
    your_angles = [90 * np.pi / 180, 0]                                  # <4>
    eve_angles = [45 * np.pi / 180, 135 * np.pi / 180]

    def you(your_input: int) -> int:
        your_qubit.ry(your_angles[your_input])                           # <5>
        return your_qubit.measure()                                      # <6>

    def eve(eve_input: int) -> int:                                      # <7>
        return eve_qubit.measure()

    return you, eve                                                      # <8>
예제 #12
def generate_werner(n=8, start=0, end=1, step=10, a=None, b=None):
    """Generate a series of werner state datasets
        n: number of measurements (default 8)
        start: starting werner state parameter (default 0)
        end: ending werner state parameter (default 1)
        step: number of datasets to be generated (default 10)
        a: list of vectors for Alice (default None)
        b: list of vectors for Bob (default None)
    iden = 1 / 4 * qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.identity(2))
    bell = qt.ket2dm(qt.bell_state('11'))
    count = 0
    # Check if vectors are passed. If not, generate randomly
    if a == None or b == None:
        a, b = random_joint_vectors(n)
    for w in np.linspace(start, end, step):
        state = w * bell + (1 - w) * iden
        filename = 'datasets\\dataset_werner_state_' + str(count) + '.csv'
        generate_dataset_from_vectors(state, a, b).to_csv(filename)
        count += 1
예제 #13

def p_ref(f):
    return (f**2 + 2 * f * (1 - f) / 3 + 5 * ((1 - f) / 3)**2)

def single_selection(F1, F2):
    F = F1 * F2 + (1 - F1) * (1 - F2) / 9
    F = F / (F1 * F2 + F1 * (1 - F2) / 3 + F2 * (1 - F1) / 3 + 5 * (1 - F1) *
             (1 - F2) / 9)
    return F

### Purification protocols for psi
ref = qt.bell_state('10')
ref2 = qt.bell_state('11')
rho_i = errs.bell_pair_phi(p)
print("Initial F: ", qt.fidelity(ref, rho_i)**2)

rho_i = qt.tensor(rho_i, rho_i)

# Apply two_qubit_gates
CNOT1 = qt.cnot(4, 2, 0)
CNOT2 = qt.cnot(4, 3, 1)
# CPHASE1 = qt.cphase(np.pi, 4, 0, 2)
# CPHASE2 = qt.cphase(np.pi, 4, 1, 3)
rho = GATE * rho_i * GATE.dag()
def generate_werner(F):
    a = qt.bell_state('00')
    a = a * a.dag()
    return F * a + (1 - F) / 4. * qt.qeye(4)
def calc_overlap(rho, state):
    bell_states = ['00', '01', '11', '10']
    Bell = qt.bell_state(bell_states[state])
    Bell.dims = [[4], [1]]

    return (Bell.dag() * qt.Qobj(rho) * Bell)[0, 0]

import qutip as qt
import numpy as np
import stabilizer

# Determine parameters
ps = 0.006
pm = 0.006
pg = 0.006

# Initialize  objects
stab = stabilizer.Stabilizer(ps, pm, pg)
stab_ideal = stabilizer.Stabilizer(0, 0, 0)

print("------------------TEST SWAP PAIR--------------------------")
pair = qt.bell_state('00') * qt.bell_state('00').dag()
pair = qt.tensor(pair, qt.basis(2, 0) * qt.basis(2, 0).dag())

pair_swapped = stab._swap_pair(pair, [0, 1])
print(qt.fidelity(pair, pair_swapped)**2)

print("------------------TEST SWAP GHZ--------------------------")
ghz = qt.ghz_state(4) * qt.ghz_state(4).dag()

ghz_swapped = stab._swap_ghz(ghz)
# print(ghz_swapped)
print(qt.fidelity(ghz, ghz_swapped)**2)
예제 #17
def main():
    qubits = ['A', 'B1', 'B2', 'C']
    nodes = {'A': ['A'], 'B': ['B1', 'B2'], 'C': ['C']}
    state = proj(q.tensor(q.bell_state(), q.bell_state()))
    network = qnet(qubits, nodes, state)
# print("-----------P SUCCESS DOUBLE SELECTION----------")
# rho = prot.generate_bell_pair()
# # Generate raw bell pair
# rho = qt.tensor(rho, prot.generate_bell_pair())
# rho = qt.tensor(rho, prot.generate_bell_pair())
# N = len(rho.dims[0])
# # Apply first set of two qubit gates
# CNOT = qt.cnot(N, 2, 0) * qt.cnot(N, 3, 1)
# rho = CNOT * rho * CNOT.dag()
# # Second set
# CNOT = qt.cnot(N, 4, 2) * qt.cnot(N, 5, 3)
# rho = CNOT * rho * CNOT.dag()
# p = ps.double_sel(rho, N, [2, 3], [4,5])
# print(p)

ps = 0.0
pg = 0.001
pm = 0.0005
pn = 0.07
prot = pr.Protocols(ps=ps, pm=pm, pg=pg, pn=pn)

rho_ideal = qt.bell_state("10")
rho = errs.bell_pair_psi(pn)
print(qt.fidelity(rho, rho_ideal)**2)

rho2 = prot.generate_epl()
print(qt.fidelity(rho2, rho_ideal)**2)
예제 #19

def env_error_rate(t, a):
    # Function to calculate the error to the enviroment for step of stabilizers
    # measurements
    x = a * t
    p_env = (1 - np.exp(-x)) / 4.
    return p_env

# Number of iterations for a average
iterations = 2000
ignore_number = int(iterations / 100 * 5.)

# Initialize objects and define references
bell_ref = qt.bell_state('00') * qt.bell_state('00').dag()
bell_ref2 = qt.bell_state('01') * qt.bell_state('01').dag()
ghz4_ref = qt.ghz_state(4) * qt.ghz_state(4).dag()
ghz3_ref = qt.ghz_state(3) * qt.ghz_state(3).dag()

rho_ref = bell_ref

# Stabilizer and error modeling stuff
stab_size = 4
parity = "X"

stab = stabilizer.Stabilizer(ps=ps, pm=pm, pg=pg)
model = noise_modeling.NoiseModel(stab_size, parity)

# Choi state for noise noise modeling
import qutip as qt
import protocols_old
import error_models as errs
import tools.operations as ops
import tools.p_success as ps

rho = errs.bell_pair(.4)
rho_ideal = qt.bell_state("00")
# print(de.fidelity(rho, rho_ideal))

prot = protocols_old.Protocols(0.0, 0.0075, 0.0075, .1)
prot_perf = protocols_old.Protocols(

print("------------------SINGLE SELECTION-------------------")
single = prot.single_selection(rho, [0, 1], "Z")
# print(single)
print(qt.fidelity(single, rho_ideal))

print("------------------ONE DOT-------------------")
one_dot = prot.one_dot(rho, [0, 1], "Z")
# print(one_dot)
print(qt.fidelity(one_dot, rho_ideal))

print("------------------TWO DOTS-------------------")
two_dot = prot.two_dots(rho, [0, 1], "X")
# print(two_dot)
pm = 0.009
pg = 0.009
a0 = 3.
a1 = 1/80.
eta = 1/100.
theta = .24

# Initialize  objects
cb = circuit_block.Blocks(ps, pm, pg, eta, a0, a1, theta)
cb_ideal = circuit_block.Blocks(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, np.pi/4)

print("------------------PROTOCOL 1-------------------")
epl = circuit.Circuit(a0=a0, a1=a1,
rho, c = epl.run()
print("Initial F", qt.fidelity(rho, qt.bell_state('00')))

print("------------------PROTOCOL 2-------------------")
epl = circuit.Circuit(a0=a0, a1=a1,

circ = circuit.Circuit(a0=a0, a1=a1,
rho, c = circ.run()

# _, _, rho = cb.start_epl()
# H = qt.snot(2, 0) * qt.snot(2, 1)
예제 #22
    return np.array([qt.expect(qt.sigmax(), dm),\
                     qt.expect(qt.sigmay(), dm),\
                     qt.expect(qt.sigmaz(), dm)])

def disp_subsystems(state):
    for i in range(len(state.dims[0])):
        p = state.ptrace(i)
        print("%d: e: %.3f | %s\n%s" %
              (i, qt.entropy_vn(p), to_xyz(p), p.full()))


state = qt.tensor(qt.basis(2, 0), qt.bell_state("00"))


n = len(state.dims[0])
d = state.dims[0][0]
j = (d - 1) / 2

dt = 0.01
H = qt.tensor(qt.identity(d), qt.rand_herm(d**(n - 1)))
H.dims = [state.dims[0], state.dims[0]]
U = (-1j * H * dt).expm()

states = [pov(state, i) for i in range(n)]

Fi = .9
State_initial = generate_noisy_pair(Fi)
State = qt.tensor(State_initial, State_initial)
CNOT = qt.cnot(4, 0, 2) * qt.cnot(4, 3, 1)
State = CNOT * State * CNOT.dag()

H = qt.snot(4, 1) * qt.snot(4, 3)
State = H * State * H.dag()

m1, State_collapsed1 = operations.measure_single(State, 4, 2)
m2, State_collapsed = operations.measure_single(State_collapsed1, 3, 2)
print(m1, m2)

State_final = qt.snot(2, 1) * State_collapsed * qt.snot(2, 1).dag()

State_ref = qt.snot(2, 1) * qt.bell_state('00')
State_ref = State_ref * State_ref.dag()

# initial Fidelity
F_initial = (State_ref * State_initial).tr()
F_final = (State_ref * State_final).tr()

def single_selection(F1, F2):
    F = F1 * F2 + (1 - F1) * (1 - F2) / 9
    F = F / (F1 * F2 + F1 * (1 - F2) / 3 + F2 * (1 - F1) / 3 + 5 * (1 - F1) *
             (1 - F2) / 9)
    return F

print(single_selection(Fi, Fi), F_final)
Test routines for the functions in error_models.py

author: Eduardo Villasenor
created-on: 05/06/17
import unittest
import qutip as qt
import error_models as errs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Define variables for tests
psi_test = qt.bell_state("00")
rho_test = psi_test * psi_test.dag()

t = np.linspace(0, 1.5)
ket = qt.rand_ket(2)
rho = ket * ket.dag()
f = []
for i in t:
    rho_out = errs.env_error_single(rho, 8, 1/30, i)
    f += [qt.fidelity(rho, rho_out)**2]
plt.plot(t, f)

class TestErrorModels(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_two_qubit_error(self):
        print("----------Test two qubit error-----------")
예제 #25
def initialize(state):
    bellPhi = qt.bell_state('00')
    return qt.tensor(state, bellPhi)
예제 #26
eta = 1 / 100
theta = .63

# NOTE: Parameters as in Raja's thesis
# ps = 0.006
# pm = 0.006
# pg = 0.006
# a0 = 83.33
# a1 = 1/3.
# eta = (0.1)*(0.03)*(0.8)
# theta = .24

iterations = 30

# Initialize objects
rho_ref = qt.bell_state('00') * qt.bell_state('00').dag()
ghz_ref = qt.ghz_state(4) * qt.ghz_state(4).dag()

F = []
T = []
print("-------------------PROTOCOL TEST------------------")
for i in range(iterations):

    circuit = protocols.ghz4_epl(ps, pm, pg, eta, a0, a1, theta)
    rho, operations = circuit.run()
    fidelity = qt.fidelity(rho, ghz_ref)
    # print("F: ", fidelity)
    # print("T: ", operations["time"])
    # print(operations)
    # print(operations)
    F += [fidelity]
예제 #27
def initialize(state):
    return qt.composite(state, qt.bell_state(state='11'))
예제 #28
def test_bell_type():
    "State CSR Type: bell_state"
    for k in ['00', '01', '10', '11']:
        st = bell_state(k)
        assert_equal(isspmatrix_csr(st.data), True)
예제 #29
n = 9

q = 2*n
total_q = 2*n + 2
H = rand_scrambler(n)
H.dims = [[2]*n, [2]*n]
HL, HV = H.eigenstates()
TFD = make_TFD(H, beta=beta)
LBACK = qt.tensor((1j*H*tL).expm(), qt.identity(2**n))
# Evolve left qubits backwards in time
#LBACK = qt.tensor(U.dag(), qt.identity(2**n))
LBACK.dims = [[2]*q, [2]*q]
# Insert message
ref_msg = qt.bell_state('00')
TFD3 = qt.tensor(ref_msg, TFD2)
#pairs = [(1+i, 1+i+m) for i in range(m)]
#TFD4 = qt.tensor_swap(TFD3, *pairs)
TFD4 = TFD3.permute([i if i != 1 and i != 2 else 2 if i == 1 else 1 for i in range(q+2)])
#print([i if i != 1 and i != 2 else 2 if i == 1 else 1 for i in range(q+2)])
# Evolve left qubits forward in time
LFORWARD = qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.identity(2**m), (-1j*H*tL).expm(), qt.identity(2**n))
#LFORWARD = qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.identity(2**m), U, qt.identity(2**n))
LFORWARD.dims = [[2]*(q+m+1), [2]*(q+m+1)]
# Couple
c = n-m
cind = [(2*m + i +1, 2*m+n+i +1) for i in range(c)]
terms = []
for carrier_pair in cind: