예제 #1
파일: log_q.py 프로젝트: 0xcd03/reddit
    def log_text(d, daystring):
        char = d['level'][0].upper()
        streamlog ("%s [%s] %r" % (d['hms'], char, d['text']), verbose)
        logclass_key = "logclass-" + d['classification']

        if not g.hardcache.get(logclass_key):
            g.hardcache.set(logclass_key, True, 86400 * 90)

            if d['level'] != 'debug':
                news = "The code just generated a [%s] message.\n" % \
                news += "I don't remember ever seeing one of those before.\n"
                news += "\n"
                news += "It happened on: %s\n" % d['occ']
                news += "The log level was: %s\n" % d['level']
                news += "The complete text was:\n"
                news += repr(d['text'])
                emailer.nerds_email (news, "reddit secretary")

        occ_key = "-".join(["logtext", daystring,
                            d['level'], d['classification']])

        occurrences = g.hardcache.get(occ_key)

        if occurrences is None:
            occurrences = []

        d2 = {}

        d2['occ'] = d['occ']
        d2['text'] = repr(d['text'])

        limited_append(occurrences, d2)
        g.hardcache.set(occ_key, occurrences, 86400 * 7)
예제 #2
    def log_text(d, daystring):
        char = d['level'][0].upper()
        streamlog("%s [%s] %r" % (d['hms'], char, d['text']), verbose)
        logclass_key = "logclass-" + d['classification']

        if not g.hardcache.get(logclass_key):
            g.hardcache.set(logclass_key, True, 86400 * 90)

            if d['level'] != 'debug':
                news = "The code just generated a [%s] message.\n" % \
                news += "I don't remember ever seeing one of those before.\n"
                news += "\n"
                news += "It happened on: %s\n" % d['occ']
                news += "The log level was: %s\n" % d['level']
                news += "The complete text was:\n"
                news += repr(d['text'])
                emailer.nerds_email(news, "reddit secretary")

        occ_key = "-".join(
            ["logtext", daystring, d['level'], d['classification']])

        occurrences = g.hardcache.get(occ_key)

        if occurrences is None:
            occurrences = []

        d2 = {}

        d2['occ'] = d['occ']
        d2['text'] = repr(d['text'])

        limited_append(occurrences, d2)
        g.hardcache.set(occ_key, occurrences, 86400 * 7)
예제 #3
파일: log_q.py 프로젝트: 0xcd03/reddit
    def log_exception(d, daystring):
        exc_desc = d['exception_desc']
        exc_type = d['exception_type']

        exc_str = "%s: %s" % (exc_type, exc_desc)


        tb = []

        key_material = exc_type
        pretty_lines = []

        make_lock_seen = False
        flaky_db_seen = False
        cassandra_seen = False

        for tpl in d['traceback']:
            filename, lineno, funcname, text = tpl
            if text is None:
            elif (text.startswith("with g.make_lock(") or
                  text.startswith("with make_lock(")):
                make_lock_seen = True
            elif (text.startswith("(ProgrammingError) server closed the connection")):
                flaky_db_seen = True
            if '/cassandra/' in filename.lower():
                cassandra_seen = True
            if '/pycassa/' in filename.lower():
                cassandra_seen = True
            key_material += "%s %s " % (filename, funcname)
            pretty_lines.append ("%s:%s: %s()" % (filename, lineno, funcname))
            pretty_lines.append ("    %s" % text)

        if exc_desc.startswith("QueuePool limit of size"):
            fingerprint = "QueuePool_overflow"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("error 2 from memcached_get: HOSTNAME "):
            fingerprint = "memcache_suckitude"
        elif exc_type == "TimeoutExpired" and make_lock_seen:
            fingerprint = "make_lock_timeout"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("(OperationalError) FATAL: the database " +
                                 "system is in recovery mode"):
            fingerprint = "recovering_db"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("(OperationalError) could not connect " +
                                 "to server"):
            fingerprint = "unconnectable_db"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("(OperationalError) server closed the " +
                                 "connection unexpectedly"):
            fingerprint = "flaky_db_op"
        elif cassandra_seen:
            fingerprint = "something's wrong with cassandra"
            fingerprint = md5(key_material).hexdigest()

        nickname_key = "error_nickname-" + fingerprint
        status_key = "error_status-" + fingerprint

        nickname = g.hardcache.get(nickname_key)

        if nickname is None:
            nickname = '"%s" Exception' % randword().capitalize()
            news = ("A new kind of thing just happened! " +
                    "I'm going to call it a %s\n\n" % nickname)

            news += "Where and when: %s\n\n" % d['occ']
            news += "Traceback:\n"
            news += "\n".join(pretty_lines)
            news += exc_str
            news += "\n"

            emailer.nerds_email(news, "Exception Watcher")

            g.hardcache.set(nickname_key, nickname, 86400 * 365)
            g.hardcache.set(status_key, "new", 86400)

        if g.hardcache.get(status_key) == "fixed":
            g.hardcache.set(status_key, "new", 86400)
            news = "This was marked as fixed: %s\n" % nickname
            news += "But it just occurred, so I'm marking it new again."
            emailer.nerds_email(news, "Exception Watcher")

        err_key = "-".join(["error", daystring, fingerprint])

        existing = g.hardcache.get(err_key)

        if not existing:
            existing = dict(exception=exc_str, traceback=tb, occurrences=[])

        existing.setdefault('times_seen', 0)
        existing['times_seen'] += 1

        limited_append(existing['occurrences'], d['occ'])

        g.hardcache.set(err_key, existing, 7 * 86400)

        streamlog ("%s [X] %-70s" % (d['hms'], nickname), verbose)
예제 #4
    def log_exception(d, daystring):
        exc_desc = d['exception_desc']
        exc_type = d['exception_type']

        exc_str = "%s: %s" % (exc_type, exc_desc)


        tb = []

        key_material = exc_type
        pretty_lines = []

        make_lock_seen = False
        flaky_db_seen = False
        cassandra_seen = False

        for tpl in d['traceback']:
            filename, lineno, funcname, text = tpl
            if text is None:
            elif (text.startswith("with g.make_lock(")
                  or text.startswith("with make_lock(")):
                make_lock_seen = True
            elif (text.startswith(
                    "(ProgrammingError) server closed the connection")):
                flaky_db_seen = True
            if '/cassandra/' in filename:
                cassandra_seen = True
            key_material += "%s %s " % (filename, funcname)
            pretty_lines.append("%s:%s: %s()" % (filename, lineno, funcname))
            pretty_lines.append("    %s" % text)

        if exc_desc.startswith("QueuePool limit of size"):
            fingerprint = "QueuePool_overflow"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("error 2 from memcached_get: HOSTNAME "):
            fingerprint = "memcache_suckitude"
        elif exc_type == "TimeoutExpired" and make_lock_seen:
            fingerprint = "make_lock_timeout"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("(OperationalError) FATAL: the database " +
                                 "system is in recovery mode"):
            fingerprint = "recovering_db"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("(OperationalError) could not connect " +
                                 "to server"):
            fingerprint = "unconnectable_db"
        elif exc_desc.startswith("(OperationalError) server closed the " +
                                 "connection unexpectedly"):
            fingerprint = "flaky_db_op"
        elif exc_type == "ProgrammingError" and flaky_db_seen:
            fingerprint = "flaky_db_prog"
            # SQLAlchemy includes the entire query in the exception
            # description which can sometimes be gigantic, in the case of
            # SELECTs. Get rid of it.
            select_pos = exc_str.find("SELECT")
            if select_pos > 0:
                exc_str = exc_str[pos]
        elif exc_type == "NoServerAvailable":
            fingerprint = "cassandra_suckitude"
        elif exc_type == "TimedOutException" and cassandra_seen:
            fingerprint = "cassandra_suckitude #2"
            fingerprint = md5(key_material).hexdigest()

        nickname_key = "error_nickname-" + fingerprint
        status_key = "error_status-" + fingerprint

        nickname = g.hardcache.get(nickname_key)

        if nickname is None:
            nickname = '"%s" Exception' % randword().capitalize()
            news = ("A new kind of thing just happened! " +
                    "I'm going to call it a %s\n\n" % nickname)

            news += "Where and when: %s\n\n" % d['occ']
            news += "Traceback:\n"
            news += "\n".join(pretty_lines)
            news += exc_str
            news += "\n"

            emailer.nerds_email(news, "Exception Watcher")

            g.hardcache.set(nickname_key, nickname, 86400 * 365)
            g.hardcache.set(status_key, "new", 86400)

        if g.hardcache.get(status_key) == "fixed":
            g.hardcache.set(status_key, "new", 86400)
            news = "This was marked as fixed: %s\n" % nickname
            news += "But it just occurred, so I'm marking it new again."
            emailer.nerds_email(news, "Exception Watcher")

        err_key = "-".join(["error", daystring, fingerprint])

        existing = g.hardcache.get(err_key)

        if not existing:
            existing = dict(exception=exc_str, traceback=tb, occurrences=[])

        limited_append(existing['occurrences'], d['occ'])

        g.hardcache.set(err_key, existing, 7 * 86400)

        streamlog("%s [X] %-70s" % (d['hms'], nickname), verbose)