예제 #1
async def on_message(message):
    # Returns most popular gif currently
    if message.content.startswith('`giphy'):
        giphyurl = get_giphy_trending()
        await say(bot, message, giphyurl)
    # Returns latest xkcd comic
    if message.content.startswith('`xkcd'):
        text = get_xkcd()
        await say(bot, message, 'Current xkcd \n' + text)
    # Returns a Quote of the Day
    if message.content.startswith('`quote'):
        text = get_qod()
        await say(bot, message, text)
    # Returns a list of all the commands available
    if message.content.startswith('`help') or message.content.startswith(
        msgtosend = 'bitbot v0.1 - by: juju - commands must start with: **`** \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n**$$$** - Shows your :gem: balance\n**items** - lists all purchasable items\n**gamble <amount>** - Wager a specific amount\n**minercalc** - Lets you know max # miners you can buy\n**buy <item> <quantity>** - buys a given item at a specific quantity\n**race** - starts a race, type: **jr** - to join a race\n**btc** - gets current bitcoin price\n**8ball** - gets a response to question\n**flip** - flips a coin\n**quote** - gets quote of the day\n**xkcd** - gets recent xkcd\n**giphy** - gets current trending giphy\n**img** - returns bing image search for given keyword\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
        await say(bot, message, msgtosend)
    # Returns coinbase bitcoin price
    if message.content.startswith('`btc'):
        text = get_btc_price()
        await say(bot, message, text)
    # Returns an 8ball response
    if message.content.startswith('`8ball'):
        choices = [
            'It is certain', 'It is decidedly so', 'Without a doubt',
            'Yes, definitely', 'You may rely on it', 'As I see it, yes',
            'Most likely', 'Outlook good', 'Yes', 'Signs point to yes',
            'Reply hazy try again', 'Ask again later',
            'Better not tell you now', '¯\_(ツ)_/¯',
            'Concentrate and ask again', """Don't count on it""",
            'My reply is no', 'My sources say no', 'Outlook not so good',
            'Very doubtful'
        rand_num = randint(0, 19)
        if message.server == None:
            await say(bot, message, choices[rand_num])
            await say(bot, message, choices[rand_num])
    # someone wants to see all buyable items
    if message.content.startswith('`items'):
        msgtosend = 'item list\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nminer - cost 30bits\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        await say(bot, message, msgtosend)
    # Returns either heads or tails
    if message.content.startswith('`flip'):
        result = flip()
        messagetosend = '-everything turns to slow motion as bitbot flips a coin into the air, it dramatically lands on ' + result + '-'
        await say(bot, message, messagetosend)
    # Returns an image from bing given a keyword
    if message.content.startswith('`img'):
        items = message.content.replace('`img ', '')
        returnurl = bing_search(items)
        memeimg = (returnurl['d']['results'][0]['MediaUrl'])
        await say(bot, message, memeimg)
    #await bot.edit_message(tmp, 'You have {} messages.'.format(counter))
    if message.content.startswith('`iv'):
        ivs = get_all_iv_range(message.content)
        tosay = ''
        for item in ivs:
            tosay += str(item) + '\n'

        await say(bot, message, tosay)
    # If the users command starts with race
    if message.content.startswith('`race'):
        #Get our global race variables needed for jr command
        global pregame
        global in_race
        global pregame_editable
        global r
        # If the pregame has not been started
        # And if their is no one in our in_race global
        if pregame == False and len(in_race) == 0:
            mycart = message.content.split(' ')
            add_juju = False
            if message.author.name != 'juju':
                jujuol = discord.utils.find(lambda m: m.name == 'juju',
                if jujuol.status == discord.Status.online:
                    add_juju = True
            # Try to get a cart from the user otherwise pick a random cart from our cart list
            if len(mycart) > 1 and mycart[1] in all_carts:
                mycart = mycart[1]
                mycart = random.choice(all_carts)
            # Create a race with the person who started the race and with either their cart or a random cart from our list
            r = Race(message.author.name, mycart)
            # Race has started pregame has begun
            r.started = True
            place = 0
            pregame = True
            # Our global editable message string, updates as time goes on
            pregame_editable = await bot.send_message(
                'Race Starting - `jr to join - 30 seconds left to join race')
            # Let the person who started the race know they are in the race and which cart they have
            await say(
                bot, message,
                message.author.name + ' has joined the race as: ' + mycart)

            # if juju is online just automatically add him
            if add_juju:
                newcart = random.choice(all_carts)
                jujucart = random.choice(all_carts)
                m = Racer('juju', jujucart)
                await say(bot, message,
                          'juju has auto-joined the race as: ' + jujucart)
            # Wait 30 seconds for people to join, then remove the join message
            for x in range(1, 30):
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
                await bot.edit_message(
                    'Race Starting Soon - type: `jr to join - ' + str(30 - x) +
                    ' seconds :checkered_flag:' + (30 - x) * '.' +
            await bot.delete_message(pregame_editable)

            # For every racer in our race object add them to our in_race variable
            for racer in r.racers:

            # Update our race every second possibly, up to 30 times
            for x in range(1, 30):
                pstring = '`Race Wars - By: juju`\n\n'
                # For every racer in our race
                for racer in r.racers:
                    # If the racer is finished
                    if racer.finished == True:
                        # Check to see if the racer is in our races places list if they are print a new message for them
                        if racer.name in r.places:
                            pstring += racer.race_finished + '\n'
                        # If they are finished but not in the races places list append them to this list and create a string to print out
                        if racer.name not in r.places:
                            racer.finished = True
                            racer.percentage = 100
                            place = place + 1
                            racer.place = place
                            place_display = ''
                            if racer.place == 1:
                                place_display = '1st - Winner'
                            if racer.place == 2:
                                place_display = '2nd'
                            if racer.place == 3:
                                place_display = '3rd'
                            if racer.place == 4:
                                place_display = '4th'
                            if racer.place == 5:
                                place_display = '5th'
                            if racer.place == 6:
                                place_display = '6th'
                            if racer.place == 7:
                                place_display = '7th'
                            racer.race_finished = checkered_flag + ' ' + racer.cart + ' ' + racer.name + ' - ' + place_display
                            # Try to remove the racer from our in_race object
                            # Just an exception incase
                                print('racer already removed')
                            pstring += racer.race_finished + '\n'
                    # If the racer is not finished, go ahead and move them and create a string to display with their movement
                    if racer.finished == False:
                        pstring += racer.race_display + '\n'
                # If it is the very first time you display the race message
                if x is 1:
                    race_editable = await bot.send_message(
                        message.channel, pstring)
                # Otherwise edit the message since you already sent it to the server
                    await bot.edit_message(race_editable, pstring)
                # Wait 1 second
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
                # If their is no one left in the race, break out of our forloop
                if len(in_race) == 0:
            # For all the racers set the place strings to print out at the end
            for racer in r.racers:
                reward = 0
                placestr = ''
                if racer.place == 1:
                    reward = 500
                    placestr = '1st'
                if racer.place == 2:
                    reward = 250
                    palcestr = '2nd'
                if racer.place == 3:
                    reward = 125
                    placestr = '3rd'
                if racer.place == 4:
                    reward = 62
                    placestr = '4th'
                if racer.place == 5:
                    reward = 31
                    placestr = '5th'
                await say(
                    bot, message, racer.name + ' won ' + str(reward) +
                    ':gem: for ' + placestr + ' place')
                rc.incr(racer.name + ':bits_total', amount=reward)
            # Get a random picture to display at the end of the race
            giflist = [

            gif = randint(0, len(giflist))
            # Update the race message with the Gif
            await bot.edit_message(race_editable,
                                   pstring + '\n' + giflist[gif])
            # Fix our globals
            pregame = False
            in_race = []
            pregame_editable = ''
            race_editable = ''

    if message.content.startswith('`jr'):
        # If our pregame has started, and their is a race, and the person trying to join the race is not in it already
        if pregame == True and r and message.author.name not in in_race:
            mycart = message.content.split(' ')
            # If they have a cart and its in the list of carts
            if len(mycart) > 1 and mycart[1] in all_carts:
                mycart = mycart[1]
                # Create a racer and add them to our race trackers
                racertoadd = Racer(message.author.name, mycart)
                await say(
                    bot, message,
                    message.author.name + ' has joined the race as: ' + mycart)
            # Otherwise they did not input a cart, add them to the race and give them a random cart
                mycart = random.choice(all_carts)
                racertoadd = Racer(message.author.name, mycart)
                await say(
                    bot, message,
                    message.author.name + ' has joined the race as: ' + mycart)

    # If the message content starts with the word grant
    if message.content.startswith('`grant'):
        # Take the command that you got and split it at all the places where their is a space
        command = message.content.split(' ')
        # If the author of the message is juju
        if message.author.name == 'juju' and message.author.id == '121484848404758530':
            if command[1]:
                if command[2]:
                    member = discord.utils.find(lambda m: m.name == command[1],
                    if member:
                        rc.incr(member.name + ':bits_total', command[2])
                        await say(
                            bot, message, 'Granted ' + member.name + ' ' +
                            "{:,}".format(int(command[2])) + ':gem:')

    # If the user is trying to gamble bits
    if message.content.startswith('`gamble'):
        command = message.content.split(' ')
        # If they have a second parameter
        if command[1]:
            # Get how many bits they have
            total = rc.get(message.author.name + ':bits_total')
            # If they
            if total != None and command[1] != 'all' and command[
                    1] != 'max' and int(command[1]) > 0:
                if int(command[1]) <= int(total):
                    randnum = random.randint(1, 100)
                    if randnum >= 51:
                        rc.incr(message.author.name + ':bits_total',
                        await say(
                            bot, message,
                            'Roll: ' + str(randnum) + ' - You won ' +
                            "{:,}".format(int(command[1])) + ':gem:')
                        await say(
                            bot, message,
                            'Roll: ' + str(randnum) + ' - You lost ' +
                            "{:,}".format(int(command[1])) + ':gem:')
                        rc.decr(message.author.name + ':bits_total',
        if command[1] == 'all' or command[1] == 'max':
            await say(
                bot, message,
                '!!!This command has been depricated use: gambleall, gamblemax, or use the aptly named: ihaveaproblem command'
            await say(
                bot, message,
                '-bitbot looks directly at both LazyBones and Splatzilla-')
        if total == None or int(command[1]) > int(total):
            await say(bot, message,
                      'You only have: ' + "{:,}".format(int(total)) + ':gem:')
        if int(command[1]) <= 0:
            await say(
                bot, message,
                '-bitbot glares intently at Prophet then grumbles: negative numbers nice one man-'
    # Checks the users Bits value
    if message.content.startswith('$$$') or message.content.startswith(
            '`$$$') or message.content.startswith('`$'):
        total = rc.get(message.author.name + ':bits_total')
        if total == None:
            print(message.author.name + ' needs to be registered')
            rc.set(message.author.name + ':bits_total', '1')
            await say(
                bot, message,
                message.author.name + ' - ' + "{:,}".format(int(1)) + ':gem:')
        await say(
            bot, message,
            message.author.name + ' - ' + "{:,}".format(int(total)) + ':gem:')

    if message.content.startswith('`gambleall') or message.content.startswith(
            '`gamblemax') or message.content.startswith('`ihaveaproblem'):
        command = message.content.split(' ')
        total = rc.get(message.author.name + ':bits_total')
        # If they
        if total != None:
            randnum = random.randint(1, 100)
            if randnum >= 51:
                rc.incr(message.author.name + ':bits_total', amount=int(total))
                await say(
                    bot, message, 'Roll: ' + str(randnum) + ' - You won: ' +
                    "{:,}".format(int(total)) + ':gem:')
                await say(
                    bot, message, 'Roll: ' + str(randnum) + ' - You lost: ' +
                    "{:,}".format(int(total)) + ':gem:')
                rc.decr(message.author.name + ':bits_total', amount=int(total))
    if message.content.startswith('`rareauctions'):
        await check_server(bot, message, 'Emerald%20Dream')