예제 #1
파일: base.py 프로젝트: RRCKI/pilot
    def __init__  (self) :

        if  not hasattr (self, '_apitype') :
            self._apitype = self._get_apitype ()

        self._logger = rul.getLogger  ('saga', self._apitype)
        self._id     = ru.generate_id (self._get_apitype () + '.', mode=ru.ID_SIMPLE)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, url, session=None, logger=None, opts=None, posix=True):

        if logger: self.logger = logger
        else: self.logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'PTYShell')

        if session: self.session = session
        else: self.session = ss.Session(default=True)

        if opts: self.options = opts
        else: self.options = dict()

        self.logger.debug("PTYShell init %s" % self)

        self.url = url  # describes the shell to run
        self.posix = posix  # /bin/sh compatible?
        self.latency = 0.0  # set by factory
        self.cp_slave = None  # file copy channel

        self.initialized = False

        self.pty_id = PTYShell._pty_id
        PTYShell._pty_id += 1

        self.cfg = self.session.get_config('saga.utils.pty')

        # get prompt pattern from options, config, or use default
        if 'prompt_pattern' in self.options:
            self.prompt = self.options['prompt_pattern']
        elif 'prompt_pattern' in self.cfg:
            self.prompt = self.cfg['prompt_pattern'].get_value()
            self.prompt = DEFAULT_PROMPT

        self.prompt_re = re.compile("^(.*?)%s" % self.prompt, re.DOTALL)
        self.logger.info("PTY prompt pattern: %s" % self.prompt)

        # we need a local dir for file staging caches.  At this point we use
        # $HOME, but should make this configurable (FIXME)
        self.base = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.saga/adaptors/shell/'


        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(self.base):
                raise se.NoSuccess("could not create staging dir: %s" % e)

        self.factory = supsf.PTYShellFactory()
        self.pty_info = self.factory.initialize(self.url,
        self.pty_shell = self.factory.run_shell(self.pty_info)

        self._trace('init : %s' % self.pty_shell.command)

예제 #3
    def __init__(self):

        if not hasattr(self, '_apitype'):
            self._apitype = self._get_apitype()

        self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', self._apitype)
        self._id = ru.generate_id(self._get_apitype() + '.', mode=ru.ID_SIMPLE)
예제 #4
파일: base.py 프로젝트: nobias/saga-python
    def __init__ (self, adaptor_info, adaptor_options=[]) :

        self._info    = adaptor_info
        self._opts    = adaptor_options
        self._name    = adaptor_info['name']
        self._schemas = adaptor_info['schemas']

        self._lock    = ru.RLock      (self._name)
        self._logger  = rul.getLogger ('saga', self._name)

        has_enabled = False
        for option in self._opts :
            if option['name'] == 'enabled' :
                has_enabled = True

        if not has_enabled :
            # *every* adaptor needs an 'enabled' option!
            self._opts.append ({ 
                'category'         : self._name,
                'name'             : 'enabled', 
                'type'             : bool, 
                'default'          : True, 
                'valid_options'    : [True, False],
                'documentation'    : "Enable / disable loading of the adaptor",
                'env_variable'     : None

        ruc.Configurable.__init__       (self, 'saga')
        ruc.Configurable.config_options (self, self._name, self._opts)
예제 #5
    def __init__ (self, url, session=None, logger=None, init=None, opts={}) :

        if  None != logger  : self.logger  = logger
        else                : self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'PTYShell') 

        self.logger.debug ("PTYShell init %s" % self)

        self.url         = url      # describes the shell to run
        self.init        = init     # call after reconnect
        self.opts        = opts     # options...
        self.latency     = 0.0      # set by factory

        self.prompt      = None
        self.prompt_re   = None
        self.initialized = False

        # we need a local dir for file staging caches.  At this point we use
        # $HOME, but should make this configurable (FIXME)
        self.base = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.saga/adaptors/shell/'

            os.makedirs (self.base)

        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir (self.base):
                raise se.NoSuccess ("could not create staging dir: %s" % e)

        self.factory    = supsf.PTYShellFactory   ()
        self.pty_info   = self.factory.initialize (url, session, self.logger)
        self.pty_shell  = self.factory.run_shell  (self.pty_info)

        self.initialize ()
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, inp_file, rconfig):

        inp_file - json input file with Pilot and NAMD related parameters as specified by user 

        self.name = 'exec'
        self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.repex', self.name)
        # pilot parameters
        self.resource = rconfig['target'].get('resource')
        self.sandbox = rconfig['target'].get('sandbox')
        self.user = rconfig['target'].get('username')
        self.password = rconfig['target'].get('password')
        self.project = rconfig['target'].get('project')
        self.queue = rconfig['target'].get('queue')
        self.cores = int(rconfig['target'].get('cores'))
        self.runtime = int(rconfig['target'].get('runtime'))
        self.dburl = rconfig['target'].get('mongo_url')

        if self.dburl is None:
            self.logger.info("Using default Mongo DB url" )
            self.dburl = "mongodb://*****:*****@ds023438.mlab.com:23438/cdi-testing"

        cleanup = rconfig['target'].get('cleanup','False')
        if (cleanup == "True"):
            self.cleanup = True
            self.cleanup = False 
예제 #7
    def __init__ (self, kernel_info) :

        self._info     = kernel_info
        self._name     = kernel_info['name']
        self._subname  = None

        self._logger   = rul.getLogger ('radical.enmd', self._name)
        self._args     = []
        self._raw_args = []

        self._pre_exec               = None
        self._post_exec              = None
        self._environment            = None

        self._executable             = None
        self._arguments              = None
        self._uses_mpi               = None
        self._cores                  = 1

        self._upload_input_data      = None
        self._link_input_data        = None

        self._download_input_data    = None
        self._download_output_data   = None

        self._copy_input_data        = None
        self._copy_output_data       = None
예제 #8
    def __init__ (self, url, session=None, logger=None, opts=None, posix=True):

        if logger : self.logger  = logger
        else      : self.logger  = rul.getLogger('saga', 'PTYShell') 

        if session: self.session = session
        else      : self.session = ss.Session(default=True)

        if opts   : self.options = opts   
        else      : self.options = dict()

        self.logger.debug ("PTYShell init %s" % self)

        self.url         = url      # describes the shell to run
        self.posix       = posix    # /bin/sh compatible?
        self.latency     = 0.0      # set by factory
        self.cp_slave    = None     # file copy channel

        self.initialized = False

        self.pty_id       = PTYShell._pty_id
        PTYShell._pty_id += 1

        self.cfg = self.session.get_config('saga.utils.pty')

        # get prompt pattern from options, config, or use default
        if 'prompt_pattern' in self.options:
            self.prompt = self.options['prompt_pattern']
        elif 'prompt_pattern' in self.cfg:
            self.prompt = self.cfg['prompt_pattern'].get_value ()
            self.prompt = DEFAULT_PROMPT

        self.prompt_re = re.compile ("^(.*?)%s" % self.prompt, re.DOTALL)
        self.logger.info ("PTY prompt pattern: %s" % self.prompt)

        # we need a local dir for file staging caches.  At this point we use
        # $HOME, but should make this configurable (FIXME)
        self.base = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.saga/adaptors/shell/'

            os.makedirs (self.base)

        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir (self.base):
                raise se.NoSuccess ("could not create staging dir: %s" % e)

        self.factory    = supsf.PTYShellFactory   ()
        self.pty_info   = self.factory.initialize (self.url,    self.session, 
                                                   self.prompt, self.logger, 
        self.pty_shell  = self.factory.run_shell  (self.pty_info)

        self._trace ('init : %s' % self.pty_shell.command)

        self.initialize ()
예제 #9
    def __init__ (self, adaptor_info, adaptor_options=[]) :

        self._info    = adaptor_info
        self._opts    = adaptor_options
        self._name    = adaptor_info['name']

        self._lock    = ru.RLock      (self._name)
        self._logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.enmd', self._name)
예제 #10
    def initialize (self, url, session=None, prompt=None, logger=None, posix=True) :

        with self.rlock :

            # make sure we have a valid url type
            url = saga.Url (url)

            if  not prompt :
                prompt = "^(.*[\$#%>\]])\s*$"

            if  not logger :
                logger = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'PTYShellFactory')

            # collect all information we have/need about the requested master
            # connection
            info = self._create_master_entry (url, session, prompt, logger, posix)

            # we got master info - register the master, and create the instance!
            type_s = str(info['shell_type'])
            user_s = str(info['user'])
            host_s = str(info['host_str'])

            # Now, if we don't have that master, yet, we need to instantiate it
            if not host_s in self.registry                 : self.registry[host_s] = {}
            if not user_s in self.registry[host_s]         : self.registry[host_s][user_s] = {}
            if not type_s in self.registry[host_s][user_s] :

                # new master: create an instance, and register it
                m_cmd = info['scripts'][info['shell_type']]['master'] % info

                logger.debug ("open master pty for [%s] [%s] %s: %s'" \
                                % (type_s, host_s, user_s, m_cmd))

                info['pty'] = supp.PTYProcess (m_cmd, logger=logger)
                if not info['pty'].alive () :
                    raise se.NoSuccess._log (logger, \
                          "Shell not connected to %s" % info['host_str'])

                # authorization, prompt setup, etc.  Initialize as shell if not
                # explicitly marked as non-posix shell
                self._initialize_pty (info['pty'], info)

                # master was created - register it
                self.registry[host_s][user_s][type_s] = info

            else :
                # we already have a master: make sure it is alive, and restart as
                # needed
                info = self.registry[host_s][user_s][type_s]

                if  not info['pty'].alive (recover=True) :
                    raise se.IncorrectState._log (logger, \
                          "Lost shell connection to %s" % info['host_str'])

            return info
예제 #11
    def initialize(self, url, session=None, prompt=None, logger=None):

        with self.rlock:

            # make sure we have a valid url type
            url = saga.Url(url)

            if not prompt:
                prompt = "^(.*[\$#%>\]])\s*$"

            if not logger:
                logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'PTYShellFactory')

            # collect all information we have/need about the requested master
            # connection
            info = self._create_master_entry(url, session, prompt, logger)

            # we got master info - register the master, and create the instance!
            type_s = str(info['type'])
            user_s = str(info['user'])
            host_s = str(info['host_str'])

            # Now, if we don't have that master, yet, we need to instantiate it
            if not host_s in self.registry: self.registry[host_s] = {}
            if not user_s in self.registry[host_s]:
                self.registry[host_s][user_s] = {}
            if not type_s in self.registry[host_s][user_s]:

                # new master: create an instance, and register it
                m_cmd = info['scripts'][info['type']]['master'] % info

                logger.debug ("open master pty for [%s] [%s] %s: %s'" \
                                % (type_s, host_s, user_s, m_cmd))

                info['pty'] = supp.PTYProcess(m_cmd, logger=logger)
                if not info['pty'].alive():
                    raise se.NoSuccess._log (logger, \
                          "Shell not connected to %s" % info['host_str'])

                # authorization, prompt setup, etc
                self._initialize_pty(info['pty'], info, is_shell=True)

                # master was created - register it
                self.registry[host_s][user_s][type_s] = info

                # we already have a master: make sure it is alive, and restart as
                # needed
                info = self.registry[host_s][user_s][type_s]

                if not info['pty'].alive(recover=True):
                    raise se.IncorrectState._log (logger, \
                          "Lost shell connection to %s" % info['host_str'])

            return info
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, session=None, *args, **kwargs):

        self._session = session

        if session:
            self._logger = session._logger
            self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'ContextList')

        base_list = super(_ContextList, self)
        base_list.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #13
파일: session.py 프로젝트: RRCKI/pilot
    def __init__ (self, session=None, *args, **kwargs) :

        self._session = session

        if  session : 
            self._logger  = session._logger
        else :
            self._logger  = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'ContextList')

        base_list = super  (_ContextList, self)
        base_list.__init__ (*args, **kwargs)
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, url):

        if url.scheme != 'redis':
            raise BadParameter(
                "scheme in url is not supported (%s != redis://...)" % url)

        self.url = url
        self.host = 'localhost'
        self.port = 6379
        self.db = 0
        self.password = None
        self.errors = 'strict'

        if url.host: self.host = url.host
        if url.port: self.port = url.port
        if url.username: self.username = url.username
        if url.password: self.password = url.password

        # create redis client
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()

        # add a logger
        self.logger = rul.getLogger('saga', "redis-%s" % self.host)

        # create a cache dict and attach to redis client instance.  Cache
        # lifetime is set to 10 times the redis-connect latency.
        self.cache = redis_cache.Cache(logger=self.logger,
                                       ttl=((t2 - t1) * 10))

        # create a second client to manage the (blocking)
        # pubsub communication for event notifications
        self.r2 = redis.Redis(host=self.host,

        # set up pubsub endpoint, and start a thread to monitor channels
        self.callbacks = {}
        self.pub = self.r2.pubsub()
        # FIXME: create one pubsub channel per path (for paths which have
        #        callbacks registered)

        self.monitor = redis_ns_monitor(self, self.pub)
예제 #15
    def __init__ (self, command, logger=None) :
        The class constructor, which runs (execvpe) command in a separately
        forked process.  The bew process will inherit the environment of the
        application process.

        :type  command: string or list of strings
        :param command: The given command is what is run as a child, and
        fed/drained via pty pipes.  If given as string, command is split into an
        array of strings, using :func:`shlex.split`.

        :type  logger:  :class:`radical.utils.logger.Logger` instance
        :param logger:  logger stream to send status messages to.

        self._debug = False

        self.logger = logger
        if  not  self.logger : self.logger = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'PTYProcess') 
        self.logger.debug ("PTYProcess init %s" % self)

        if isinstance (command, basestring) :
            command = shlex.split (command)

        if not isinstance (command, list) :
            raise se.BadParameter ("PTYProcess expects string or list command")

        if len(command) < 1 :
            raise se.BadParameter ("PTYProcess expects non-empty command")

        self.rlock   = ru.RLock ("pty process %s" % command)

        self.command = command # list of strings too run()

        self.cache   = ""      # data cache
        self.tail    = ""      # tail of data data cache for error messages
        self.child   = None    # the process as created by subprocess.Popen
        self.ptyio   = None    # the process' io channel, from pty.fork()

        self.exit_code        = None  # child died with code (may be revived)
        self.exit_signal      = None  # child kill by signal (may be revived)

        self.recover_max      = 3  # TODO: make configure option.  This does not
        self.recover_attempts = 0  # apply for recovers triggered by gc_timeout!

        try :
            self.initialize ()

        except Exception as e :
            raise ptye.translate_exception (e, "pty or process creation failed")
예제 #16
파일: session.py 프로젝트: RRCKI/pilot
    def __init__ (self) :

        # the default session picks up default contexts, from all context
        # adaptors.  To implemented, we have to do some legwork: get the engine,
        # dig through the registered context adaptors, and ask each of them for
        # default contexts.

        self.contexts       = _ContextList ()
        self._logger        = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'DefaultSession')

        # FIXME: at the moment, the lease manager is owned by the session.  
        # Howevwer, the pty layer is the main user of the lease manager,
        # and we thus keep the lease manager options in the pty subsection.  
        # So here we are, in the session, evaluating the pty config options...
        config = saga.engine.engine.Engine ().get_config ('saga.utils.pty')
        self._lease_manager = ru.LeaseManager (
                max_pool_size = config['connection_pool_size'].get_value (),
                max_pool_wait = config['connection_pool_wait'].get_value (),
                max_obj_age   = config['connection_pool_ttl'].get_value ()

        _engine = saga.engine.engine.Engine ()

        if not 'saga.Context' in _engine._adaptor_registry :
            self._logger.warn ("no context adaptors found")

        for schema   in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context'] :
            for info in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context'][schema] :

                default_ctxs = []

                try : 
                    default_ctxs = info['adaptor_instance']._get_default_contexts ()

                except se.SagaException as e :
                    self._logger.debug   ("adaptor %s failed to provide default" \
                                          "contexts: %s" % (info['adaptor_name'], e))

                for default_ctx in default_ctxs :

                    try :
                        self.contexts.append (ctx=default_ctx, session=self)
                        self._logger.debug   ("default context [%-20s] : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx))

                    except se.SagaException as e :
                        self._logger.debug   ("skip default context [%-20s] : %s : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx, e))
    def __init__(self, inp_file, rconfig):

        inp_file - json input file with Pilot and NAMD related parameters as 
        specified by user 
        PilotKernel.__init__(self, inp_file, rconfig)

        self.name = 'exec-pattern-A-multiD'
        self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.repex', self.name)

        self.sd_shared_list = []
예제 #18
    def __init__ (self, url) :

        if url.scheme != 'redis' :
            raise BadParameter ("scheme in url is not supported (%s != redis://...)" %  url)

        self.url        = url
        self.host       = 'localhost'
        self.port       = 6379
        self.db         = 0
        self.password   = None
        self.errors     = 'strict'

        if url.host     : self.host     = url.host
        if url.port     : self.port     = url.port
        if url.username : self.username = url.username
        if url.password : self.password = url.password

        # create redis client 
        t1 = time.time ()
        redis.Redis.__init__   (self, 
                                host      = self.host,
                                port      = self.port,
                                db        = self.db,
                                password  = self.password,
                                 errors    = self.errors)
        t2 = time.time ()

        # add a logger 
        self.logger = rul.getLogger ('saga', "redis-%s"  % self.host)

        # create a cache dict and attach to redis client instance.  Cache
        # lifetime is set to 10 times the redis-connect latency.
        self.cache = redis_cache.Cache (logger=self.logger, ttl=((t2-t1)*10))

        # create a second client to manage the (blocking) 
        # pubsub communication for event notifications
        self.r2 = redis.Redis  (host      = self.host,
                                port      = self.port,
                                db        = self.db,
                                password  = self.password,
                                errors    = self.errors)

        # set up pubsub endpoint, and start a thread to monitor channels
        self.callbacks = {}
        self.pub = self.r2.pubsub ()
        self.pub.subscribe (MON)
        # FIXME: create one pubsub channel per path (for paths which have
        #        callbacks registered)

        self.monitor = redis_ns_monitor (self, self.pub)
        self.monitor.start ()
예제 #19
    def __init__ (self, url, session=None, logger=None, init=None, opts={}) :

      # print 'new pty shell to %s' % url

        if   logger  : self.logger  = logger
        else         : self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'PTYShell') 

        if   session : self.session = session
        else         : self.session = ss.Session (default=True)

        self.logger.debug ("PTYShell init %s" % self)

        self.url         = url      # describes the shell to run
        self.init        = init     # call after reconnect
        self.opts        = opts     # options...
        self.latency     = 0.0      # set by factory
        self.cp_slave    = None     # file copy channel

        self.initialized = False

        # get prompt pattern from config
        self.cfg       = self.session.get_config('saga.utils.pty')

        if  'prompt_pattern' in self.cfg :
            self.prompt    = self.cfg['prompt_pattern'].get_value ()
            self.prompt_re = re.compile ("^(.*?)%s" % self.prompt, re.DOTALL)
        else :
            self.prompt    = "[\$#%>\]]\s*$"
            self.prompt_re = re.compile ("^(.*?)%s" % self.prompt, re.DOTALL)

        self.logger.info ("PTY prompt pattern: %s" % self.prompt)

        # we need a local dir for file staging caches.  At this point we use
        # $HOME, but should make this configurable (FIXME)
        self.base = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.saga/adaptors/shell/'

            os.makedirs (self.base)

        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir (self.base):
                raise se.NoSuccess ("could not create staging dir: %s" % e)

        self.factory    = supsf.PTYShellFactory   ()
        self.pty_info   = self.factory.initialize (self.url, self.session, self.prompt, self.logger)
        self.pty_shell  = self.factory.run_shell  (self.pty_info)

        self.initialize ()
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, url, session=None, logger=None, init=None, opts={}):

        # print 'new pty shell to %s' % url

        if logger: self.logger = logger
        else: self.logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'PTYShell')

        if session: self.session = session
        else: self.session = ss.Session(default=True)

        self.logger.debug("PTYShell init %s" % self)

        self.url = url  # describes the shell to run
        self.init = init  # call after reconnect
        self.opts = opts  # options...
        self.latency = 0.0  # set by factory
        self.cp_slave = None  # file copy channel

        self.initialized = False

        # get prompt pattern from config
        self.cfg = self.session.get_config('saga.utils.pty')

        if 'prompt_pattern' in self.cfg:
            self.prompt = self.cfg['prompt_pattern'].get_value()
            self.prompt_re = re.compile("^(.*?)%s" % self.prompt, re.DOTALL)
            self.prompt = "[\$#%>\]]\s*$"
            self.prompt_re = re.compile("^(.*?)%s" % self.prompt, re.DOTALL)

        self.logger.info("PTY prompt pattern: %s" % self.prompt)

        # we need a local dir for file staging caches.  At this point we use
        # $HOME, but should make this configurable (FIXME)
        self.base = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.saga/adaptors/shell/'


        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(self.base):
                raise se.NoSuccess("could not create staging dir: %s" % e)

        self.factory = supsf.PTYShellFactory()
        self.pty_info = self.factory.initialize(self.url, self.session,
                                                self.prompt, self.logger)
        self.pty_shell = self.factory.run_shell(self.pty_info)

예제 #21
    def __init__(self):

        # the default session picks up default contexts, from all context
        # adaptors.  To implemented, we have to do some legwork: get the engine,
        # dig through the registered context adaptors, and ask each of them for
        # default contexts.

        self.contexts = _ContextList()
        self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'DefaultSession')

        # FIXME: at the moment, the lease manager is owned by the session.
        # Howevwer, the pty layer is the main user of the lease manager,
        # and we thus keep the lease manager options in the pty subsection.
        # So here we are, in the session, evaluating the pty config options...
        config = saga.engine.engine.Engine().get_config('saga.utils.pty')
        self._lease_manager = ru.LeaseManager(

        _engine = saga.engine.engine.Engine()

        if not 'saga.Context' in _engine._adaptor_registry:
            self._logger.warn("no context adaptors found")

        for schema in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context']:
            for info in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context'][schema]:

                default_ctxs = []

                    default_ctxs = info[

                except se.SagaException as e:
                    self._logger.debug   ("adaptor %s failed to provide default" \
                                          "contexts: %s" % (info['adaptor_name'], e))

                for default_ctx in default_ctxs:

                        self.contexts.append(ctx=default_ctx, session=self)
                        self._logger.debug   ("default context [%-20s] : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx))

                    except se.SagaException as e:
                        self._logger.debug   ("skip default context [%-20s] : %s : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx, e))
예제 #22
    def __init__(self):

        # Engine manages cpis from adaptors
        self._adaptor_registry = {}

        # set the configuration options for this object
        ruc.Configurable.__init__(self, 'saga')
        ruc.Configurable.config_options(self, 'saga.engine', _config_options)
        self._cfg = self.get_config('saga.engine')

        # Initialize the logging, and log version (this is a singleton!)
        self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'Engine')

        # load adaptors
예제 #23
    def __init__ (self, max_pool_size=MAX_POOL_SIZE, max_pool_wait=MAX_POOL_WAIT, max_obj_age=MAX_OBJ_AGE) :
        Make sure the object dict is initialized, exactly once.

        import radical.utils.logger as rul

        self._log = rul.getLogger('radical.utils')
      # self._log.setLevel ('DEBUG')

        self._log.debug ('lm new manager')
        self._pools = dict()
        self._max_pool_size = max_pool_size
        self._max_pool_wait = max_pool_wait 
        self._max_obj_age   = max_obj_age
    def __init__(self, inp_file, work_dir_local):

        inp_file - package input file with Pilot and NAMD related parameters as specified by user 
        work_dir_local - directory from which main simulation script was invoked

        self.shared_urls = []
        self.shared_files = []

        self.name = 'nk-patternB-tex'
        self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.repex', self.name)

        NamdKernelTex.__init__(self, inp_file, work_dir_local)
예제 #25
    def __init__(self, command, logger=None):
        The class constructor, which runs (execvpe) command in a separately
        forked process.  The bew process will inherit the environment of the
        application process.

        :type  command: string or list of strings
        :param command: The given command is what is run as a child, and
        fed/drained via pty pipes.  If given as string, command is split into an
        array of strings, using :func:`shlex.split`.

        :type  logger:  :class:`radical.utils.logger.Logger` instance
        :param logger:  logger stream to send status messages to.

        self.logger = logger
        if not self.logger: self.logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'PTYProcess')
        self.logger.debug("PTYProcess init %s" % self)

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = shlex.split(command)

        if not isinstance(command, list):
            raise se.BadParameter("PTYProcess expects string or list command")

        if len(command) < 1:
            raise se.BadParameter("PTYProcess expects non-empty command")

        self.rlock = ru.RLock("pty process %s" % command)

        self.command = command  # list of strings too run()

        self.cache = ""  # data cache
        self.tail = ""  # tail of data data cache for error messages
        self.child = None  # the process as created by subprocess.Popen
        self.ptyio = None  # the process' io channel, from pty.fork()

        self.exit_code = None  # child died with code (may be revived)
        self.exit_signal = None  # child kill by signal (may be revived)

        self.recover_max = 3  # TODO: make configure option.  This does not
        self.recover_attempts = 0  # apply for recovers triggered by gc_timeout!


        except Exception as e:
            raise ptye.translate_exception(e, "pty or process creation failed")
예제 #26
    def __init__(self, namespace):
        namespace: name of module (plugins are expected in namespace/plugins/)

        # import here to avoid circular imports
        import radical.utils.logger as logger

        self._namespace = namespace
        self._logger = logger.getLogger("radical")
        self._registry = _PluginRegistry()  # singleton
        self._plugins = self._registry.retrieve(self._namespace)

        # load adaptors if registry didn't have any registered, yet
        if not self._plugins:
            self._registry.register(self._namespace, self._plugins)
예제 #27
    def __init__(self, namespace):
        namespace: name of module (plugins are expected in namespace/plugins/)

        # import here to avoid circular imports
        import radical.utils.logger as logger

        self._namespace = namespace
        self._logger = logger.getLogger('radical')
        self._registry = _PluginRegistry()  # singleton
        self._plugins = self._registry.retrieve(self._namespace)

        # load adaptors if registry didn't have any registered, yet
        if not self._plugins:
            self._registry.register(self._namespace, self._plugins)
예제 #28
    def __init__(self,
        Make sure the object dict is initialized, exactly once.

        import radical.utils.logger as rul

        self._log = rul.getLogger('radical.utils')

        self._log.debug('lm new manager')
        self._pools = dict()
        self._max_pool_size = max_pool_size
        self._max_pool_wait = max_pool_wait
        self._max_obj_age = max_obj_age
예제 #29
    def __init__(self):
        # Engine manages cpis from adaptors
        self._adaptor_registry = {}

        # set the configuration options for this object
        ruc.Configurable.__init__       (self, 'saga')
        ruc.Configurable.config_options (self, 'saga.engine', _config_options)
        self._cfg = self.get_config('saga.engine')

        # Initialize the logging, and log version (this is a singleton!)
        self._logger = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'Engine')

        # load adaptors
        self._load_adaptors ()
예제 #30
    def __init__(self):

        # the default session picks up default contexts, from all context
        # adaptors.  To implemented, we have to do some legwork: get the engine,
        # dig through the registered context adaptors, and ask each of them for
        # default contexts.

        self.contexts = _ContextList()
        self._lease_manager = ru.LeaseManager()
        self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'DefaultSession')

        _engine = saga.engine.engine.Engine()

        if not 'saga.Context' in _engine._adaptor_registry:
            self._logger.warn("no context adaptors found")

        for schema in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context']:
            for info in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context'][schema]:

                default_ctxs = []

                    default_ctxs = info[

                except se.SagaException as e:
                    self._logger.debug   ("adaptor %s failed to provide default" \
                                          "contexts: %s" % (info['adaptor_name'], e))

                for default_ctx in default_ctxs:

                        self.contexts.append(ctx=default_ctx, session=self)
                        self._logger.debug   ("default context [%-20s] : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx))

                    except se.SagaException as e:
                        self._logger.debug   ("skip default context [%-20s] : %s : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx, e))
예제 #31
    def __init__ (self) :

        # the default session picks up default contexts, from all context
        # adaptors.  To implemented, we have to do some legwork: get the engine,
        # dig through the registered context adaptors, and ask each of them for
        # default contexts.

        self.contexts  = _ContextList ()
        self._logger   = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'DefaultSession')

        _engine = saga.engine.engine.Engine ()

        if not 'saga.Context' in _engine._adaptor_registry :
            self._logger.warn ("no context adaptors found")

        for schema   in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context'] :
            for info in _engine._adaptor_registry['saga.Context'][schema] :

                default_ctxs = []

                try : 
                    default_ctxs = info['adaptor_instance']._get_default_contexts ()

                except se.SagaException as e :
                    self._logger.debug   ("adaptor %s failed to provide default" \
                                          "contexts: %s" % (info['adaptor_name'], e))

                for default_ctx in default_ctxs :

                    try :
                        self.contexts.append (ctx=default_ctx, session=self)
                        self._logger.debug   ("default context [%-20s] : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx))

                    except se.SagaException as e :
                        self._logger.debug   ("skip default context [%-20s] : %s : %s" \
                                         %   (info['adaptor_name'], default_ctx, e))
예제 #32
    def __init__ (self, api, adaptor) :

        self._session   = None
        self._adaptor   = adaptor
        self._cpi_cname = self.__class__.__name__
        self._logger    = rul.getLogger ('saga', self._cpi_cname)

        # The API object must obviously keep an adaptor instance.  If we also
        # keep an API instance ref in this adaptor base, we create a ref cycle
        # which will annoy (i.e. disable) garbage collection.  We thus use weak
        # references to break that cycle.  The inheriting classes MUST use
        # get_api() to obtain the API reference.
        if api :
            self._api   = weakref.ref (api)
        else :
            self._api   = None

        # by default, we assume that no bulk optimizations are supported by the
        # adaptor class.  Any adaptor class supporting bulks ops must overwrite
        # the ``_container`` attribute (via
        # ``self._set_container(container=None)``, and have it point to the
        # class which implements the respective ``container_*`` methods.
        self._container = None
예제 #33
파일: base.py 프로젝트: zonca/saga-python
    def __init__(self, api, adaptor):

        self._session = None
        self._adaptor = adaptor
        self._cpi_cname = self.__class__.__name__
        self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', self._cpi_cname)

        # The API object must obviously keep an adaptor instance.  If we also
        # keep an API instance ref in this adaptor base, we create a ref cycle
        # which will annoy (i.e. disable) garbage collection.  We thus use weak
        # references to break that cycle.  The inheriting classes MUST use
        # get_api() to obtain the API reference.
        # if  api :
        #     self._api   = weakref.ref (api)
        # else :
        #     self._api   = None
        self._api = weakref.ref(api)

        # by default, we assume that no bulk optimizations are supported by the
        # adaptor class.  Any adaptor class supporting bulks ops must overwrite
        # the ``_container`` attribute (via
        # ``self._set_container(container=None)``, and have it point to the
        # class which implements the respective ``container_*`` methods.
        self._container = None
예제 #34
    def __init__ (self) :

        self.logger     = rul.getLogger ('saga', 'PTYShellFactory')
        self.registry   = {}
        self.rlock      = ru.RLock ('pty shell factory')
        self._cp_slaves = dict()
예제 #35
    def __init__(self):

        if not hasattr(self, '_apitype'):
            self._apitype = self._get_apitype()

        self._logger = rul.getLogger('saga', self._apitype)
    def __init__(self, inp_file, rconfig, work_dir_local):

        inp_file - package input file with Pilot and NAMD related parameters as 
        specified by user 
        work_dir_local - directory from which main simulation script was invoked

        self.dims = 3
        self.resource = rconfig['target']['resource']
        if 'number_of_cycles' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            self.nr_cycles = int(inp_file['remd.input']['number_of_cycles'])
            self.nr_cycles = None

        self.input_folder = inp_file['remd.input']['input_folder']
        self.inp_basename = inp_file['remd.input']['input_file_basename']
        self.amber_coordinates_path = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_coordinates_folder']
        if 'same_coordinates' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            coors = inp_file['remd.input']['same_coordinates']
            if coors == "True":
                self.same_coordinates = True
                self.same_coordinates = False
            self.same_coordinates = True

        if 'download_mdinfo' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['download_mdinfo'] == 'True':
                self.down_mdinfo = True
                self.down_mdinfo = False
            self.down_mdinfo = True

        if 'download_mdout' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['download_mdout'] == 'True':
                self.down_mdout = True
                self.down_mdout = False
            self.down_mdout = True

        self.amber_parameters = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_parameters']
        self.amber_input = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_input']

        if 'exchange_off' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['exchange_off'] == "True":
                self.exchange_off = True
                self.exchange_off = False
            self.exchange_off = False

        if 'replica_mpi' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['replica_mpi'] == "True":
                self.md_replica_mpi = True
                self.md_replica_mpi = False
            self.md_replica_mpi= False

        if 'replica_cores' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            self.md_replica_cores = int(inp_file['remd.input']['replica_cores'])
            self.md_replica_cores = 1
        self.cycle_steps = int(inp_file['remd.input']['steps_per_cycle'])
        self.work_dir_local = work_dir_local

        self.us_template = inp_file['remd.input']['us_template']                       
        self.current_cycle = -1

        # hardcoded for now
        self.replicas_d1 = int(inp_file['dim.input']\
        self.replicas_d2 = int(inp_file['dim.input']\
        self.replicas_d3 = int(inp_file['dim.input']\

        # hardcoding dimension names
        self.d1 = 'umbrella_sampling'
        self.d2 = 'temperature'
        self.d3 = 'umbrella_sampling'
        self.replicas = self.replicas_d1 * self.replicas_d2 * self.replicas_d3 
        self.restraints_files = []
        for k in range(self.replicas):
            self.restraints_files.append(self.us_template + "." + str(k) )
        self.us_start_param_d1 = float(inp_file['dim.input']\
        self.us_end_param_d1 = float(inp_file['dim.input']\

        self.us_start_param_d3 = float(inp_file['dim.input']\
        self.us_end_param_d3 = float(inp_file['dim.input']\
        self.min_temp = float(inp_file['dim.input']\
        self.max_temp = float(inp_file['dim.input']\


        self.name = 'ak-patternB-3d-TUU'
        self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.repex', self.name)

        self.pre_exec = KERNELS[self.resource]["kernels"]\
            self.amber_path = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_path']
            self.logger.info("Using default Amber path for: {0}"\
                .format(rconfig['target']['resource']) )
                self.amber_path = KERNELS[self.resource]["kernels"]\
                self.logger.info("Amber path for localhost is not defined!")

        self.shared_urls = []
        self.shared_files = []

        self.all_temp_list = []
        self.all_rstr_list_d1 = []
        self.all_rstr_list_d3 = []

        self.d1_id_matrix = []
        self.d2_id_matrix = []
        self.d3_id_matrix = []        

        self.temp_matrix = []
        self.us_d1_matrix = []
        self.us_d3_matrix = []
    def __init__(self, inp_file, rconfig,  work_dir_local):

        inp_file - package input file with Pilot and NAMD related parameters as 
        specified by user 
        work_dir_local - directory from which main simulation script was invoked

        self.name = 'amber-tremd-patternA'
        self.ex_name = 'temperature'
        self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.repex', self.name)

        if 'number_of_cycles' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            self.nr_cycles = int(inp_file['remd.input']['number_of_cycles'])
            self.nr_cycles = None

        if 'replica_mpi' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            mpi = inp_file['remd.input']['replica_mpi']
            if mpi == "True":
                self.replica_mpi = True
                self.replica_mpi = False
            self.replica_mpi = False

        if 'exchange_mpi' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            mpi = inp_file['remd.input']['exchange_mpi']
            if mpi == "True":
                self.exchange_mpi = True
                self.exchange_mpi = False
            self.exchange_mpi = False

        if 'replica_cores' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            self.replica_cores = int(inp_file['remd.input']['replica_cores'])
            self.replica_cores = 1

        self.resource = rconfig['target']['resource']
        self.cores    = int(rconfig['target']['cores'])
        self.pre_exec = KERNELS[self.resource]["kernels"]["amber"]["pre_execution"]

        if 'download_mdinfo' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['download_mdinfo'] == 'True':
                self.down_mdinfo = True
                self.down_mdinfo = False
            self.down_mdinfo = True

        if 'download_mdout' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['download_mdout'] == 'True':
                self.down_mdout = True
                self.down_mdout = False
            self.down_mdout = True

        if self.resource == 'local.localhost':
            if 'amber_path' in inp_file['remd.input']:
                self.amber_path = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_path']
                self.logger.info("Amber path for {0} is not defined".format( rconfig['target']['resource'] ) )
            if 'amber_path' in inp_file['remd.input']:
                self.amber_path = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_path']
                self.logger.info("Using default Amber path for: {0}".format( rconfig['target']['resource'] ) )
                    self.amber_path = KERNELS[self.resource]["kernels"]["amber"]["executable"]
                    self.logger.info("Amber path for {0} is not defined".format( rconfig['target']['resource'] ) )

        self.input_folder = inp_file['remd.input']['input_folder']   
        self.amber_coordinates = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_coordinates']
        self.amber_parameters = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_parameters']
        self.amber_input = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_input']
        self.input_folder = inp_file['remd.input']['input_folder']
        self.inp_basename = inp_file['remd.input']['input_file_basename']
        self.replicas = int(inp_file['remd.input']['number_of_replicas'])
        self.min_temp = float(inp_file['remd.input']['min_temperature'])
        self.max_temp = float(inp_file['remd.input']['max_temperature'])
        self.cycle_steps = int(inp_file['remd.input']['steps_per_cycle'])
        self.work_dir_local = work_dir_local

        self.current_cycle = -1
        self.shared_urls = []
        self.shared_files = []

        self.all_temp_list = []
예제 #38
    def __init__(self, inp_file, rconfig, work_dir_local):

        inp_file - package input file with Pilot and NAMD related parameters as 
        specified by user 
        work_dir_local - directory from which main simulation script was invoked

        self.resource = rconfig['target']['resource']
        self.inp_basename = inp_file['remd.input']['input_file_basename']
        self.input_folder = inp_file['remd.input']['input_folder']
        self.replicas = int(inp_file['remd.input']['number_of_replicas'])
        self.cores = int(rconfig['target']['cores'])
        self.us_template = inp_file['remd.input']['us_template']                           
        self.init_temperature = float(inp_file['remd.input']['init_temperature'])
        self.cycle_steps = int(inp_file['remd.input']['steps_per_cycle'])
        self.work_dir_local = work_dir_local
            self.nr_cycles = int(inp_file['remd.input']['number_of_cycles'])
            self.nr_cycles = None

        if 'replica_mpi' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            mpi = inp_file['remd.input']['replica_mpi']
            if mpi == "True":
                self.replica_mpi = True
                self.replica_mpi = False
            self.replica_mpi = False

        if 'exchange_mpi' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            mpi = inp_file['remd.input']['exchange_mpi']
            if mpi == "True":
                self.exchange_mpi = True
                self.exchange_mpi = False
            self.exchange_mpi = False
        if 'download_mdinfo' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['download_mdinfo'] == 'True':
                self.down_mdinfo = True
                self.down_mdinfo = False
            self.down_mdinfo = True

        if 'download_mdout' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            if inp_file['remd.input']['download_mdout'] == 'True':
                self.down_mdout = True
                self.down_mdout = False
            self.down_mdout = True

            self.replica_cores = inp_file['remd.input']['replica_cores']
            self.replica_cores = 1

        self.restraints_files = []
        for k in range(self.replicas):
            self.restraints_files.append(self.us_template + "." + str(k) )

        self.pre_exec = KERNELS[self.resource]["kernels"]["amber"]["pre_execution"]
            self.amber_path = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_path']
            print "Using default Amber path for %s" % rconfig['target']['resource']
                self.amber_path = KERNELS[self.resource]["kernels"]["amber"]["executable"]
                print "Amber path for localhost is not defined..."

        self.amber_coordinates_path = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_coordinates_folder']
        if 'same_coordinates' in inp_file['remd.input']:
            coors = inp_file['remd.input']['same_coordinates']
            if coors == "True":
                self.same_coordinates = True
                self.same_coordinates = False
            self.same_coordinates = True

        self.amber_parameters = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_parameters']
        self.amber_input = inp_file['remd.input']['amber_input']
        self.input_folder = inp_file['remd.input']['input_folder']
        self.us_start_param = float(inp_file['remd.input']['us_start_param'])
        self.us_end_param = float(inp_file['remd.input']['us_end_param'])
        self.current_cycle = -1
        self.name = 'ak-us-patternB'
        self.ex_name = 'umbrella_sampling'
        self.logger  = rul.getLogger ('radical.repex', self.name)

        self.shared_urls = []
        self.shared_files = []
예제 #39
    def __init__(self):

        self.logger = rul.getLogger('saga', 'PTYShellFactory')
        self.registry = {}
        self.rlock = ru.RLock('pty shell factory')
예제 #40
    def __init__  (self) :

        if  not hasattr (self, '_apitype') :
            self._apitype = self._get_apitype ()

        self._logger = rul.getLogger ('saga', self._apitype)