예제 #1
class IndexMapProcessor( IndexMap ):
    Processes a given index map of generators.
    def __init__( self,
                  check_trace=False ):
        Objects and methods for verifying paths in a symbolic system
        based on the given index map. Works whether symbolic system
        contains one or many disjoint strongly connected components.

        index_map -- numpy matrix of map on generators on disjoint
        regions of an attactor in phase space. Output from CHomP or
        other homology software.

        reg2gen -- a dictionary of lists representing generators
        per region.
        symbol_system -- An adjacency matrix representing the
        transitions between regions in phase space.

        debug -- turn on debugging messages (default = False)

        check_trace -- toggle whether to check the trace of matrix
        products resulting from cycles. (default=False)
        IndexMap.__init__( self, index_map, reg2gen,
                           symbolic_system, debug, verbose )

        self.check_trace = check_trace
        # Stores all edge sets that need to have one edge cut
        self.bad_edges = BadLibrary( debug=debug )

        # source and sink along one-step paths phase space (maps
        # between regions). self.unverified_symbolic_system inherited
        # from IndexMap.
        if self.verbose:
            print ""
        for s, t in self.unverified_symbolic_system.edges_iter():
            # generators supported on each region
            r2g = ( self.regions[ s ], self.regions[ t ] )
            matidx = ( r2g[0][0],r2g[0][-1]+1,
            edge = Walk( start=s,
                         edges=frozenset( [(s,t)] ),
                         matrix=self.generators[ matidx[2]:matidx[3],
                                                 matidx[0]:matidx[1] ],
            if self.verbose:
                print "---------------------------------------------"
                print "Walk from ", s, " --> ", t
                print "  region to generator map:", r2g[0], r2g[1]
                print "  corresponding edge matrix:\n", edge.matrix
                print ""
            if not edge.zero():
                self.graph.add_edge( s, t, edge=edge )
                # self.library.add( edge )

        # Unravel the underlying index map (stored as a graph) into
        # list of 1-step walks.
        self.edge_walks = {}
        for start,end,attr in self.graph.edges_iter( data=True ):
            self.edge_walks[ (start,end) ] = attr["edge"]
        # Stores edges that need to be expanded, to search for more edges.
        # init with the 1-step walks above
        self.todo = deque( self.edge_walks.values() )
        # Stores all edges that are unverified again, init with the
        # 1-step walks
        self.unverified = UnverifiedLibrary( self.edge_walks.values() )

        # set initial entropy
        self.entropy = -1
        # container for best verified symbolic system found after
        # cutting bad edges
        self.verified_symbolic_system = None

    def __repr__( self ):
        s = "IndexMapProcessor on " +str( len( self.graph ) ) + " regions"
        return s

    def check_walk( self, walk ):
        Check whether the matrix product is zero. If self.check_trace
        == True, also check zero trace condition if we pass the zero
        matrix condition.

        Returns True if either the matrix product is zero or the trace
        of a cycle is zero.
        # If matrix product is zero matrix, always add to bad edge
        # set, so check first
        if walk.zero():
            return True
        # If we pass the zero matrix condition *and*
        # check_trace==True, then check if we're a cycle and if the
        # trace is zero.
        if self.check_trace:
            if walk.cycle() and walk.zero_trace():
                return True
        return False        

    def find_bad_edge_sets( self, max_length ):
        """Version of Algorithm 6 in Day, Frongillo, Trevino.

        max_length -- maximum length of the paths allowed in edge verifications.

        Overview of algorithm:

        self.todo -- Holds most recent Walks to be extended and
        verified. If the walk remains unverified or irreducible, it is
        added to end of self.todo, where it will cycle around to have
        more edges added to it, until it reaches max_length.

        self.unverified -- Holds _all_ unverified Walks. Extended
        paths from todo are checked against those in unverified to see
        if a reduction exists.

        if self.debug:
            maxlen = 1
            path = self.todo[0]
        except IndexError:

        # Extend paths up to length max_length. path.length
        # incremented after while-statement, so < here.
        while path.length < max_length:
            # Grab the first walk to extend
                old = self.todo.popleft()
            # exhausted the todo list!! 
            except IndexError:
            if self.debug:
                print "Extending:", old
                print "-------------------"
                print " matrix", old.matrix
                if old.length > maxlen:
                    maxlen = old.length
                    print ""
                    print "**** LENGTH ****", maxlen
                    print ""
            # Now do a breadth first search from the end of the old
            # walk and check zero condition, etc.
            for succ in self.unverified_symbolic_system.graph.successors_iter( old.end ):
                # for (t,u) \in E(G)
                next_step = self.edge_walks[ (old.end, succ) ]
                if self.debug:
                    print "Successor edge:", next_step
                    print " matrix"
                    print next_step.matrix

                # Create a new walk by appending the new edge. Matrix
                # multiplication is implicit in redefined __add__.
                new_walk = old + next_step

                if self.debug:
                    print "--> New walk:"""
                    print new_walk
                    print new_walk.matrix
                # Check if the walk has an edgeset that will already be cut...
                # If so, ignore it
                if new_walk.edges in self.bad_edges:
                # Check if the new walk results in a zero matrix
                # product, or is a cycle with zero trace if we go this
                # route. If so, add it to the bad edge list.  if M' ==
                # 0 or if check_trace==True, (s==u and tr(M')==0)
                if self.check_walk( new_walk ):
                    if self.debug:
                        print "------------------------------"
                        print "BADS", self.bad_edges.bads
                        print " ** Adding BAD edgeset **"
                        print new_walk.edges
                        print new_walk.matrix
                        print "------------------------------"
                    # B = B \cup {E'}
                    self.bad_edges.add( new_walk.edges )

                    # # set M(s',t',E",l)=\emptyset for all s',t' \in V,
                    # # E' \subset E" \subset E(G), l \le k
                    # self.unverified.set_matrix_list_to_null( new_walk )
                    # continue

                # Let p = new_walk. If there exists another walk, q,
                # such that (1) p == s->u and q == s->u (share same
                # edge set), (2) |q| <= |p| (p is longer than q), (3) and
                # q.matrix = a * p.matrix, then we can ignore new_walk
                # "by induction"
                if self.unverified.reduction_exists( new_walk, debug=self.debug ):

                # We have not decided if this path is bad or good, so
                # for goodness sake, it has to added _back into the
                # queue_ of edges to be analyzed further by extension
                self.todo.append( new_walk )
                self.unverified.add( new_walk )

                # might be a slicker way to grab next path for
                # while-loop condition, but this is pretty efficient
                # and will work
                    path = self.todo[0]
                # we've exhausted our todo list! 
                except IndexError:
                if self.debug:
                    print "\n\n"

        # for walk in self.todo:
        #     self.bad_edges.add( walk.edges )

    def _make_random_edge_collection( self ):
        From the list of prohibited (bad) paths B, randomly choose one
        edge, e_i, from each p_i \in B.

        Returns collection of edges (e_1,...,e_n), where e_i \in p_i. 
        # choice requires arg to be indexable
        paths = [ choice( list(x) ) for x in self.bad_edges.bads ]
        return set( paths )

    def cut_bad_edge_sets(self, edges=None, num_edge_sets=100, **kwargs):
        Remove edges in bad_edges. Maximize entropy by checking all
        combinations of removed edges.
        # take on edge from each bad edge set and add it to a list of
        # edges to cut. Raf has found that randomly putting these
        # lists together seems to be as effective as anything...
        self.bad_combos = [ self._make_random_edge_collection() ]
        for i in range( num_edge_sets ):
            c = self._make_random_edge_collection()
            if c in self.bad_combos:
                self.bad_combos.append( c )

        # cycle through combinations looking for cut combo that
        # maximizes entropy.
        if self.verbose:
            print "Searching for best combination of edges to cut..."
            print "  Collections (one from each bad path):", self.bad_combos
        for edge_combo in self.bad_combos:
            if self.verbose:
                print "  edges cut: ", edge_combo
            # symbolic system to check entropy (copy of full system
            # with 'edge_combo' edges cut.            
            S = self._cut_edges( edge_combo )
            entropy = log_max_eigenvalue( S )
            if self.verbose:
                print "   --> resulting entropy: ", entropy
            # save the best entropy and corresponding edge_combo
            if entropy > self.entropy:
                self.entropy = entropy
                self.best_edge_combo = edge_combo
                # save the best semi-conjugate subshift found
                self.verified_symbolic_system = S

        if self.verbose:
            if self.entropy == -1 or self.entropy == 0:
                print "No positive entropy found in this region!"
                print ""

    def _cut_edges( self, edges ):
        Remove allowable transitions (edges) from full transition
        graph on regions (self.unverified_symbolic_system)
        # remove_edges_from operates in-place, so we must make a copy
        # of the full transition matrix. 
        T = self.unverified_symbolic_system.copy()
            T.remove_edges_from( edges )
        # occurs in some minimal cases when bad_combos in
        # cut_bad_edge_sets only contain one path
        except (TypeError,IndexError):
            T.remove_edge( edges[0], edges[1] )            
        return T