def calc_hot_window_score(submission_id, hot_point_window=timedelta(hours=6)): """ Retrieve vote/score information for a given submission over hot_point_window time. Count votes received in the last hot_point_window time. If this is higher than normal, the story will be considered hot. @param submission_id: the submission to calculate @param hot_point_window: timedelta object representing acceptable vote timeframe from now """ try: story_votes = dbsession.query( Vote.submission_id, func.sum(Vote.points).label('points')).filter( Vote.added_on < general.now_in_utc(), Vote.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_point_window)).filter( Vote.submission_id == submission_id).group_by( Vote.submission_id).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: # no votes on this story yet return 0 from raggregate.queries import submission story = submission.get_story_by_id(submission_id) story.hot_window_score = story_votes.points story.hot_window_score_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() dbsession.add(story) return story_votes.points
def calc_all_hot_window_scores(hot_eligible_age=timedelta(hours=48)): # by default, only stories from the last 48 hours are eligible for "hot" status stories = dbsession.query(Submission).filter( Submission.deleted == False).filter( Submission.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_eligible_age)).all() for s in stories: calc_hot_window_score( general.set_key_in_stat('mass_hot_window_timestamp', general.now_in_utc(), type='datetime') dbsession.flush() return 0
def count_story_votes(submission_id): from raggregate.queries import submission dv_num = dbsession.query(Vote).filter(Vote.points < 0).filter(Vote.submission_id == submission_id).count() story = submission.get_story_by_id(submission_id) story.downvote_tally = dv_num story.downvote_tally_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() uv_num = dbsession.query(Vote).filter(Vote.points > 0).filter(Vote.submission_id == submission_id).count() story.upvote_tally = uv_num story.upvote_tally_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() story.total_vote_tally = uv_num + dv_num story.total_vote_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() dbsession.add(story) dbsession.flush() return [dv_num, uv_num]
def calc_hot_average(hot_point_window=timedelta(hours=6)): """ Calculate the average point assignment of stories over the last hot_point_window time. """ story_votes = dbsession.query( Vote.submission_id, func.sum(Vote.points).label('points')).filter( Vote.added_on < general.now_in_utc(), Vote.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_point_window)).group_by( Vote.submission_id).all() aggregate = 0 count = 0 for sv in story_votes: aggregate += sv.points count += 1 print "aggregate: " + str(aggregate) print "count: " + str(count) if aggregate <= 0: hot_avg = 0 else: # @TODO: this floating point division is basically extraneous # but I want it to look like something is happening for now # someone who cares about performance might want to remove this # especially since we are just creating an integer further down # if this is >= 1, which it will be in most sites. # especially since decimal comparison is meaningless here; < 1 = 0 # users only vote in integers hot_avg = float(aggregate) / float(count) if hot_avg >= 1.0: hot_avg = math.floor(hot_avg) general.set_key_in_stat('hot_avg', hot_avg) general.set_key_in_stat('hot_avg_timestamp', general.now_in_utc(), type='datetime') print("hot_avg: {0}".format(hot_avg)) return hot_avg
def count_story_votes(submission_id): from raggregate.queries import submission dv_num = dbsession.query(Vote).filter(Vote.points < 0).filter( Vote.submission_id == submission_id).count() story = submission.get_story_by_id(submission_id) story.downvote_tally = dv_num story.downvote_tally_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() uv_num = dbsession.query(Vote).filter(Vote.points > 0).filter( Vote.submission_id == submission_id).count() story.upvote_tally = uv_num story.upvote_tally_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() story.total_vote_tally = uv_num + dv_num story.total_vote_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() dbsession.add(story) dbsession.flush() return [dv_num, uv_num]
def calc_all_hot_window_scores(hot_eligible_age = timedelta(hours = 48)): # by default, only stories from the last 48 hours are eligible for "hot" status stories = dbsession.query(Submission).filter(Submission.deleted == False).filter(Submission.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_eligible_age)).all() for s in stories: calc_hot_window_score( general.set_key_in_stat('mass_hot_window_timestamp', general.now_in_utc(), type = 'datetime') dbsession.flush() return 0
def recentize_contro(recalc_timediff=timedelta(seconds=1), age_timediff=timedelta(hours=48)): """ Ensure that upvote and downvote tallies of stories added in the last age_timediff time are no older than recalc_timediff time. Recalculate if so, do nothing if not. """ stories = dbsession.query(Submission).filter( Submission.deleted == False).filter(Submission.added_on > ( general.now_in_utc() - age_timediff)).filter( sqlalchemy.or_( sqlalchemy.or_( Submission.upvote_tally_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - recalc_timediff), Submission.downvote_tally_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - recalc_timediff)), sqlalchemy.or_( Submission.upvote_tally_timestamp == None, Submission.downvote_tally_timestamp == None))).all() for s in stories: count_story_votes( return 0
def get_hot_stories(hot_eligible_age=timedelta(hours=48)): """ Get a story list that is suitable for display as "hot". @param timediff: timedelta object representing hot story eligibility age """ hot_avg = general.get_key_from_stat('hot_avg')['value'] stories = dbsession.query(Submission).options( joinedload('submitter')).filter(Submission.deleted == False).filter( Submission.added_on > ( general.now_in_utc() - hot_eligible_age)).filter( Submission.hot_window_score > hot_avg).order_by( Submission.hot_window_score.desc()) return stories
def get_controversial_stories( timediff=timedelta(hours=48), contro_threshold=5, contro_min=10): """ Get a story list that is suitable for display as "controversial". @param timediff: timedelta representing controversial eligibility age @param contro_threshold: the maximum difference between up and down votes to be considered "controversial" @param contro_min: the minimum number of points required for something to appear as controversial @return: SA query ready to get list of stuff """ stories = dbsession.query(Submission).options( joinedload('submitter')).filter(Submission.deleted == False).filter( Submission.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - timediff)).filter( func.abs(Submission.upvote_tally - Submission.downvote_tally) <= contro_threshold).filter( Submission.total_vote_tally > contro_min).order_by( Submission.added_on.desc()) return stories
def calc_hot_window_score(submission_id, hot_point_window = timedelta(hours = 6)): """ Retrieve vote/score information for a given submission over hot_point_window time. Count votes received in the last hot_point_window time. If this is higher than normal, the story will be considered hot. @param submission_id: the submission to calculate @param hot_point_window: timedelta object representing acceptable vote timeframe from now """ try: story_votes = dbsession.query(Vote.submission_id, func.sum(Vote.points).label('points')).filter(Vote.added_on < general.now_in_utc(), Vote.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_point_window)).filter(Vote.submission_id == submission_id).group_by(Vote.submission_id).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: # no votes on this story yet return 0 from raggregate.queries import submission story = submission.get_story_by_id(submission_id) story.hot_window_score = story_votes.points story.hot_window_score_timestamp = general.now_in_utc() dbsession.add(story) return story_votes.points
def calc_hot_average(hot_point_window = timedelta(hours = 6)): """ Calculate the average point assignment of stories over the last hot_point_window time. """ story_votes = dbsession.query(Vote.submission_id, func.sum(Vote.points).label('points')).filter(Vote.added_on < general.now_in_utc(), Vote.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_point_window)).group_by(Vote.submission_id).all() aggregate = 0 count = 0 for sv in story_votes: aggregate += sv.points count += 1 print "aggregate: " + str(aggregate) print "count: " + str(count) if aggregate <= 0: hot_avg = 0 else: # @TODO: this floating point division is basically extraneous # but I want it to look like something is happening for now # someone who cares about performance might want to remove this # especially since we are just creating an integer further down # if this is >= 1, which it will be in most sites. # especially since decimal comparison is meaningless here; < 1 = 0 # users only vote in integers hot_avg = float(aggregate) / float(count) if hot_avg >= 1.0: hot_avg = math.floor(hot_avg) general.set_key_in_stat('hot_avg', hot_avg) general.set_key_in_stat('hot_avg_timestamp', general.now_in_utc(), type = 'datetime') print("hot_avg: {0}".format(hot_avg)) return hot_avg
def recentize_hots(hot_recalc_threshold=timedelta(hours=1), hot_point_window=None, hot_eligible_age=None): """ Recalculate the hot page every hot_recalc_threshold time. This depends on the timestamp keys placed in Stat in other calls. """ count = 0 def call_hot_average(): if hot_point_window: calc_hot_average(hot_point_window) else: calc_hot_average() def get_hot_avg_time(): hot_avg_timestamp = None try: hot_avg_timestamp = general.get_key_from_stat('hot_avg_timestamp', type='datetime') except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: call_hot_average() if type(hot_avg_timestamp) == dict: return hot_avg_timestamp['value'] else: return None hot_avg_timestamp = None while hot_avg_timestamp == None and count < 5: hot_avg_timestamp = get_hot_avg_time() count += 1 if count >= 5: print( "\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----\n\tSomething has gone tragically wrong with the hotness: AVG.\n\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----" ) hot_avg_timestamp = hot_avg_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if hot_avg_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - hot_recalc_threshold): call_hot_average() count = 0 def call_all_hot_window_scores(): if hot_eligible_age: calc_all_hot_window_scores(hot_eligible_age) else: calc_all_hot_window_scores() def get_mass_time(): mass_timestamp = None try: mass_timestamp = general.get_key_from_stat( 'mass_hot_window_timestamp', type='datetime') except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: call_all_hot_window_scores() if type(mass_timestamp) == dict: return mass_timestamp['value'] else: return None mass_timestamp = None while mass_timestamp == None and count < 5: mass_timestamp = get_mass_time() count += 1 if count >= 5: print( "\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----\n\tSomething has gone tragically wrong with the hotness: MASS.\n\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----" ) mass_timestamp = mass_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if mass_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - hot_recalc_threshold): call_all_hot_window_scores() return 0
def recentize_contro(recalc_timediff = timedelta(seconds = 1), age_timediff = timedelta(hours = 48)): """ Ensure that upvote and downvote tallies of stories added in the last age_timediff time are no older than recalc_timediff time. Recalculate if so, do nothing if not. """ stories = dbsession.query(Submission).filter(Submission.deleted == False).filter(Submission.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - age_timediff)).filter(sqlalchemy.or_(sqlalchemy.or_(Submission.upvote_tally_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - recalc_timediff), Submission.downvote_tally_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - recalc_timediff)), sqlalchemy.or_(Submission.upvote_tally_timestamp == None, Submission.downvote_tally_timestamp == None))).all() for s in stories: count_story_votes( return 0
def get_controversial_stories(timediff = timedelta(hours = 48), contro_threshold = 5, contro_min = 10): """ Get a story list that is suitable for display as "controversial". @param timediff: timedelta representing controversial eligibility age @param contro_threshold: the maximum difference between up and down votes to be considered "controversial" @param contro_min: the minimum number of points required for something to appear as controversial @return: SA query ready to get list of stuff """ stories = dbsession.query(Submission).options(joinedload('submitter')).filter(Submission.deleted == False).filter(Submission.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - timediff)).filter(func.abs(Submission.upvote_tally - Submission.downvote_tally) <= contro_threshold).filter(Submission.total_vote_tally > contro_min).order_by(Submission.added_on.desc()) return stories
def get_hot_stories(hot_eligible_age = timedelta(hours = 48)): """ Get a story list that is suitable for display as "hot". @param timediff: timedelta object representing hot story eligibility age """ hot_avg = general.get_key_from_stat('hot_avg')['value'] stories = dbsession.query(Submission).options(joinedload('submitter')).filter(Submission.deleted == False).filter(Submission.added_on > (general.now_in_utc() - hot_eligible_age)).filter(Submission.hot_window_score > hot_avg).order_by(Submission.hot_window_score.desc()) return stories
def recentize_hots(hot_recalc_threshold = timedelta(hours = 1), hot_point_window = None, hot_eligible_age = None): """ Recalculate the hot page every hot_recalc_threshold time. This depends on the timestamp keys placed in Stat in other calls. """ count = 0 def call_hot_average(): if hot_point_window: calc_hot_average(hot_point_window) else: calc_hot_average() def get_hot_avg_time(): hot_avg_timestamp = None try: hot_avg_timestamp = general.get_key_from_stat('hot_avg_timestamp', type = 'datetime') except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: call_hot_average() if type(hot_avg_timestamp) == dict: return hot_avg_timestamp['value'] else: return None hot_avg_timestamp = None while hot_avg_timestamp == None and count < 5: hot_avg_timestamp = get_hot_avg_time() count += 1 if count >= 5: print("\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----\n\tSomething has gone tragically wrong with the hotness: AVG.\n\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----") hot_avg_timestamp = hot_avg_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if hot_avg_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - hot_recalc_threshold): call_hot_average() count = 0 def call_all_hot_window_scores(): if hot_eligible_age: calc_all_hot_window_scores(hot_eligible_age) else: calc_all_hot_window_scores() def get_mass_time(): mass_timestamp = None try: mass_timestamp = general.get_key_from_stat('mass_hot_window_timestamp', type = 'datetime') except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: call_all_hot_window_scores() if type(mass_timestamp) == dict: return mass_timestamp['value'] else: return None mass_timestamp = None while mass_timestamp == None and count < 5: mass_timestamp = get_mass_time() count += 1 if count >= 5: print("\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----\n\tSomething has gone tragically wrong with the hotness: MASS.\n\t-----WARNING WARNING WARNING-----") mass_timestamp = mass_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if mass_timestamp < (general.now_in_utc() - hot_recalc_threshold): call_all_hot_window_scores() return 0