def start_and_wait_for_server(nursery: Nursery, port_generator: Iterator[Port], node: NodeConfig, retry_timeout: int) -> Optional[RunningNode]: """Start the Raiden node and waits for the REST API to be available, returns None if the script is being shutdown. """ # redirect the process output for debugging os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser(node.data_dir), exist_ok=True) stdout = open(os.path.join(node.data_dir, "stress_test.out"), "a") port = next(port_generator) api_url = f"{node.interface}:{port}" running_url = URL(f"http://{api_url}") process_args = node.args + ["--api-address", api_url] process = nursery.exec_under_watch(process_args, bufsize=UNBUFERRED, stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT) if process is not None: wait_for_status_ready(running_url, retry_timeout) return RunningNode(process, node, running_url) return None
def run(config: Config, nursery: Nursery) -> None: for i, qty_of_rooms in enumerate( batch_size(config.target_qty_of_chat_rooms, config.qty_of_new_rooms_per_iteration)): log_file = os.path.join(config.logdir, str(i)) script_args: List[str] = [ GENERATE_MESSAGES_SCRIPT, "--concurrent-messages", str(config.concurrent_messages_per_room), "--chat-rooms", str(qty_of_rooms), log_file, config.sender_matrix_server_url, config.receiver_matrix_server_url, ] nursery.exec_under_watch(script_args) time.sleep(config.wait_before_next_iteration)
def run_profiler(nursery: Nursery, running_nodes: List[RunningNode], profiler_data_directory: str) -> List[Popen]: os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser(profiler_data_directory), exist_ok=True) profiler_processes: List[Popen] = list() for node in running_nodes: args = [ "py-spy", "record", "--pid", str(, "--output", os.path.join( profiler_data_directory, f"{node.config.address}-{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}.data", ), ] profiler = Popen(args, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) nursery.exec_under_watch(profiler) return profiler_processes
def start_and_wait_for_all_servers( nursery: Nursery, port_generator: Iterator[Port], nodes_config: List[NodeConfig], retry_timeout: int, ) -> Optional[List[RunningNode]]: """Starts all nodes under the nursery, returns a list of `RunningNode`s or None if the script is shuting down. Important Note: `None` is not always returned if the script is shutting down! Due to race conditions it is possible for all processes to be spawned, and only afterwards the nursery is closed. IOW: At this stage `None` will only be returned if spawning the process fails (e.g. the binary name is wrong), however, if the subprocess is spawned and runs for some time, and *then* crashes, `None` will **not** be returned here (e.g. if the ethereum node is not available). For the second case, the `stop_event` will be set. Because of the above, for proper error handling, checking only the return value is **not** sufficient. The most reliable approach is to execute new logic in greenlets spawned with `spawn_under_watch` and let errors fall through. """ greenlets = set( nursery.spawn_under_watch(start_and_wait_for_server, nursery, port_generator, node, retry_timeout) for node in nodes_config) all_running_nodes = [] for g in gevent.joinall(greenlets, raise_error=True): running_node = g.get() if running_node is None: return None all_running_nodes.append(running_node) return all_running_nodes
def restart_network( nursery: Nursery, port_generator: Iterator[Port], running_nodes: List[RunningNode], retry_timeout: int, ) -> Optional[List[RunningNode]]: """Stop all `RunningNode`s and start them again under the nursery, returns None if the script is shuting down. """ greenlets = set( nursery.spawn_under_watch(restart_and_wait_for_server, nursery, port_generator, node, retry_timeout) for node in running_nodes) all_running_nodes = [] for g in gevent.joinall(greenlets, raise_error=True): running_node = g.get() if running_node is None: return None all_running_nodes.append(running_node) return all_running_nodes
def start_and_wait_for_all_servers( nursery: Nursery, port_generator: Iterator[Port], nodes_config: List[NodeConfig], retry_timeout: int, ) -> Optional[List[RunningNode]]: """Starts all nodes under the nursery, returns a list of `RunningNode`s or None if the script is shuting down. """ greenlets = set( nursery.spawn_under_watch(start_and_wait_for_server, nursery, port_generator, node, retry_timeout) for node in nodes_config) all_running_nodes = [] for g in gevent.joinall(greenlets, raise_error=True): running_node = g.get() if running_node is None: return None all_running_nodes.append(running_node) return all_running_nodes