예제 #1
파일: host.py 프로젝트: lzz12/railgun
    def __init__(self, uuid, hw, lang):
        #: A :class:`~railgun.common.tempdir.TempDir`, whose directory name
        #: is `uuid`.
        self.tempdir = TempDir(uuid)

        #: The uuid of the submission.
        self.uuid = uuid

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.Homework`.
        self.hw = hw

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.HwCode` of corresponding language.
        self.hwcode = hw.get_code(lang)

        #: The xml node of compiler parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.compiler_params` for more details.
        self.compiler_params = self.hwcode.compiler_params

        #: The xml node of runner parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.runner_params` for more details.
        self.runner_params = self.hwcode.runner_params

        #: The :class:`HostConfig` for the process.
        self.config = HostConfig(handid=uuid, hwid=self.hw.uuid)

        #: The acquired system account (name or uid).
        #: Railgun can be configured to run multiple submissions in
        #: different system accounts simultaneously.  This attribute
        #: stores the acquired system account, so that we can release
        #: it later.
        #: If you intend to get the `uid` and `gid` of this user,
        #: access ``config['user_id']`` and ``config['group_id']``
        #: instead.
        self.runner_user = None
예제 #2
파일: host.py 프로젝트: heyLinsir/railgun
    def __init__(self, uuid, hw, lang):
        #: A :class:`~railgun.common.tempdir.TempDir`, whose directory name
        #: is `uuid`.
        self.tempdir = TempDir(uuid)

        #: The uuid of the submission.
        self.uuid = uuid

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.Homework`.
        self.hw = hw

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.HwCode` of corresponding language.
        self.hwcode = hw.get_code(lang)

        #: The xml node of compiler parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.compiler_params` for more details.
        self.compiler_params = self.hwcode.compiler_params

        #: The xml node of runner parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.runner_params` for more details.
        self.runner_params = self.hwcode.runner_params

        #: The :class:`HostConfig` for the process.
        self.config = HostConfig(handid=uuid, hwid=self.hw.uuid)

        #: The acquired system account (name or uid).
        #: Railgun can be configured to run multiple submissions in
        #: different system accounts simultaneously.  This attribute
        #: stores the acquired system account, so that we can release
        #: it later.
        #: If you intend to get the `uid` and `gid` of this user,
        #: access ``config['user_id']`` and ``config['group_id']``
        #: instead.
        self.runner_user = None
예제 #3
파일: host.py 프로젝트: heyLinsir/railgun
class BaseHost(object):
    """The base interface for a runner host.

    A runner host will hold a working directory under ``config.TEMPORARY_DIR``,
    whose name is ``uuid``.  This directory will be automatically removed
    if :class:`BaseHost` is managed by ``with`` statement, for example::

        with BaseHost(uuid, hw, 'python') as host:

    :param uuid: The uuid of the submission.
    :type uuid: :class:`str`
    :param hw: The corresponding homework object.
    :type hw: :class:`~railgun.common.hw.Homework`
    :param lang: The programming language of this host.
    :type lang: :class:`str`

    def __init__(self, uuid, hw, lang):
        #: A :class:`~railgun.common.tempdir.TempDir`, whose directory name
        #: is `uuid`.
        self.tempdir = TempDir(uuid)

        #: The uuid of the submission.
        self.uuid = uuid

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.Homework`.
        self.hw = hw

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.HwCode` of corresponding language.
        self.hwcode = hw.get_code(lang)

        #: The xml node of compiler parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.compiler_params` for more details.
        self.compiler_params = self.hwcode.compiler_params

        #: The xml node of runner parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.runner_params` for more details.
        self.runner_params = self.hwcode.runner_params

        #: The :class:`HostConfig` for the process.
        self.config = HostConfig(handid=uuid, hwid=self.hw.uuid)

        #: The acquired system account (name or uid).
        #: Railgun can be configured to run multiple submissions in
        #: different system accounts simultaneously.  This attribute
        #: stores the acquired system account, so that we can release
        #: it later.
        #: If you intend to get the `uid` and `gid` of this user,
        #: access ``config['user_id']`` and ``config['group_id']``
        #: instead.
        self.runner_user = None

    def __enter__(self):
        #: We create the directory with mode 0777, while the owner is the owner
        #: of runner queue process.
        #: The permissions and the owner will be set to `config['user_id']`
        #: until :meth:`spawn`.
        return self

    def __exit__(self, ignore1, ignore2, ignore3):
        #: The temporary directory will be removed here.

    def spawn(self, cmdline, timeout=None):
        """Spawn an external process to execute the given commands.

        If the owner user of current process (runner queue) is `root`,
        and ``config['user_id']`` != 0, the owner of :attr:`tempdir`
        will be changed to that user, and the file system mode will
        be changed to 0700.

        :param cmdline: The command line to be executed.
        :type cmdline: :class:`str`
        :param timeout: Wait for `timeout` seconds before we kill the
            external process and claim a rejected submission.

            If this argument is not given, ``config.RUNNER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT``
            will be chosen as the timeout limit.
        :type timeout: :class:`float`

            # Before spawn the process, we've already known the process
            # user.  And we'll try to chown & chmod if our runner queue
            # runs at root privilege (otherwise we cannot change the
            # owner user).
            if os.getuid() == 0:
                # If config['user_id'] is 0, runner_user must be None,
                # where we shouldn't go any more.
                if self.config['user_id'] != 0:
                    self.tempdir.chmod(0700, True)
            # Now we can execute the host process safely!
            #print "dir : " + str(self.tempdir.path)
            #print "env : " + str(self.config.make_environ())
            return execute(
                timeout or runconfig.RUNNER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
        except ProcessTimeout:
            raise RunnerTimeout()
        except Exception:
                'Error when executing submission %(handid)s of homework '
                '%(hwid)s.' %
                {'hwid': self.hw.uuid, 'handid': self.uuid}
            raise SpawnProcessFailure()

    def set_user(self, uid, gid=None):
        """Set the user and the group in host config.

        The `uid` will be stored in ``config['user_id']`` while the `gid`
        will be stored in ``config['group_id']``.  However, if `uid` is
        given :data:`None`, all the defence based on user privileges will
        not take place.

        :param uid: The uid or name of system account.
        :type uid: :class:`int` or :class:`str`
        :param gid: The gid or group name in the system.
            If set to :data:`None`, the group of given user will be
        :type gid: :class:`int` or :class:`str`

        :raises: :class:`KeyError` if `uid` or `gid` is a :class:`str`,
            but does not exist in the system database.

        # If uid is None, set config['user_id'] and config['group_id'] to 0
        if not uid:
            self.config['user_id'] = 0
            self.config['group_id'] = 0

        # Store user name for later release
        self.runner_user = uid

        # NOTE: pwd.getpwnam and grp.getgrname does throw KeyError
        #       if given name not exist.
        if not isinstance(uid, int):
            uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid).pw_uid
        if gid is None:
            gid = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_gid
        elif not isinstance(gid, int):
            gid = grp.getgrnam(gid).gr_gid

        self.config['user_id'] = uid
        self.config['group_id'] = gid

    def compile(self):
        """Call to compile the submission.  Some programming language may
        skip this process.

    def run(self):
        """Run this submission.  All derived classes must implement this.

        :return: A :class:`tuple` of (exitcode, stdout, stderr).
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def prepare_hwcode(self):
        """Prepare the runner context by copying files from `hw/code` into
        :attr:`tempdir`.  This method should be called before
        except Exception:
                'Cannot copy code files into tempdir for homework %(hwid)s '
                'when executing submission %(handid)s.' %
                {'hwid': self.hw.uuid, 'handid': self.uuid}
            raise RuntimeFileCopyFailure()

    def extract_handin(self, archive):
        """Extract the given archive file into :attr:`tempdir`.

        The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.FileRules` defined in :attr:`hw` and
        :attr:`hwcode` will be validated on each file, so this method is

        :param archive: An extractor of the submission archive file.
        :type archive: :class:`~railgun.common.fileutil.Extractor`

            # We limit the count of files in an archive file, since too many
            # files may slow down the runner queue.
            maxCount = runconfig.MAX_SUBMISSION_FILE_COUNT
            if archive.countfiles(maxCount) > maxCount:
                raise ArchiveContainTooManyFileError()

            # If the archive file contains only one top-level directory,
            # it is likely that all the code files are placed under it.
            # So we remove the top-level directory and extract the files
            # in it directly to :attr:`tempdir`.
            onedir = archive.onedir()
            canonical_path = remove_firstdir if onedir else (lambda s: s)

            # Use the :class:`FileRules` to filter out unwanted files.
            def should_skip(path):
                path = canonical_path(path)
                # First, check the rules in HwCode
                action = self.hwcode.file_rules.get_action(
                    path, default_action=-1
                if action == FileRules.DENY:
                    raise FileDenyError(path)
                if action == FileRules.ACCEPT:
                    return False
                if action != -1:
                    # action is not None, and action != ACCEPT, this means
                    # that rules in `hwcode` rejects this file.
                    return True
                # Next, check the rules in Homework
                action = self.hw.file_rules.get_action(
                    path, default_action=FileRules.LOCK
                if action == FileRules.DENY:
                    raise FileDenyError(path)
                return (action != FileRules.ACCEPT)

            # Call utility to do the extraction.  Initial file mode is 0777,
            # and we'll correct this problem in :meth:`spawn`
            self.tempdir.extract(archive, should_skip, mode=0777)
        except RunnerError:
        except Exception:
                'Cannot extract archive into tempdir for homework %(hwid)s '
                'when executing submission %(handid)s.' %
                {'hwid': self.hw.uuid, 'handid': self.uuid}
            raise ExtractFileFailure()
예제 #4
파일: host.py 프로젝트: lzz12/railgun
class BaseHost(object):
    """The base interface for a runner host.

    A runner host will hold a working directory under ``config.TEMPORARY_DIR``,
    whose name is ``uuid``.  This directory will be automatically removed
    if :class:`BaseHost` is managed by ``with`` statement, for example::

        with BaseHost(uuid, hw, 'python') as host:

    :param uuid: The uuid of the submission.
    :type uuid: :class:`str`
    :param hw: The corresponding homework object.
    :type hw: :class:`~railgun.common.hw.Homework`
    :param lang: The programming language of this host.
    :type lang: :class:`str`
    def __init__(self, uuid, hw, lang):
        #: A :class:`~railgun.common.tempdir.TempDir`, whose directory name
        #: is `uuid`.
        self.tempdir = TempDir(uuid)

        #: The uuid of the submission.
        self.uuid = uuid

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.Homework`.
        self.hw = hw

        #: The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.HwCode` of corresponding language.
        self.hwcode = hw.get_code(lang)

        #: The xml node of compiler parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.compiler_params` for more details.
        self.compiler_params = self.hwcode.compiler_params

        #: The xml node of runner parameters.
        #: You may refer to :attr:`HwCode.runner_params` for more details.
        self.runner_params = self.hwcode.runner_params

        #: The :class:`HostConfig` for the process.
        self.config = HostConfig(handid=uuid, hwid=self.hw.uuid)

        #: The acquired system account (name or uid).
        #: Railgun can be configured to run multiple submissions in
        #: different system accounts simultaneously.  This attribute
        #: stores the acquired system account, so that we can release
        #: it later.
        #: If you intend to get the `uid` and `gid` of this user,
        #: access ``config['user_id']`` and ``config['group_id']``
        #: instead.
        self.runner_user = None

    def __enter__(self):
        #: We create the directory with mode 0777, while the owner is the owner
        #: of runner queue process.
        #: The permissions and the owner will be set to `config['user_id']`
        #: until :meth:`spawn`.
        return self

    def __exit__(self, ignore1, ignore2, ignore3):
        #: The temporary directory will be removed here.

    def spawn(self, cmdline, timeout=None):
        """Spawn an external process to execute the given commands.

        If the owner user of current process (runner queue) is `root`,
        and ``config['user_id']`` != 0, the owner of :attr:`tempdir`
        will be changed to that user, and the file system mode will
        be changed to 0700.

        :param cmdline: The command line to be executed.
        :type cmdline: :class:`str`
        :param timeout: Wait for `timeout` seconds before we kill the
            external process and claim a rejected submission.

            If this argument is not given, ``config.RUNNER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT``
            will be chosen as the timeout limit.
        :type timeout: :class:`float`

            # Before spawn the process, we've already known the process
            # user.  And we'll try to chown & chmod if our runner queue
            # runs at root privilege (otherwise we cannot change the
            # owner user).
            if os.getuid() == 0:
                # If config['user_id'] is 0, runner_user must be None,
                # where we shouldn't go any more.
                if self.config['user_id'] != 0:
                                       self.config['group_id'], True)
                    self.tempdir.chmod(0700, True)
            # Now we can execute the host process safely!
            return execute(cmdline,
                           timeout or runconfig.RUNNER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
        except ProcessTimeout:
            raise RunnerTimeout()
        except Exception:
                'Error when executing submission %(handid)s of homework '
                '%(hwid)s.' % {
                    'hwid': self.hw.uuid,
                    'handid': self.uuid
            raise SpawnProcessFailure()

    def set_user(self, uid, gid=None):
        """Set the user and the group in host config.

        The `uid` will be stored in ``config['user_id']`` while the `gid`
        will be stored in ``config['group_id']``.  However, if `uid` is
        given :data:`None`, all the defence based on user privileges will
        not take place.

        :param uid: The uid or name of system account.
        :type uid: :class:`int` or :class:`str`
        :param gid: The gid or group name in the system.
            If set to :data:`None`, the group of given user will be
        :type gid: :class:`int` or :class:`str`

        :raises: :class:`KeyError` if `uid` or `gid` is a :class:`str`,
            but does not exist in the system database.

        # If uid is None, set config['user_id'] and config['group_id'] to 0
        if not uid:
            self.config['user_id'] = 0
            self.config['group_id'] = 0

        # Store user name for later release
        self.runner_user = uid

        # NOTE: pwd.getpwnam and grp.getgrname does throw KeyError
        #       if given name not exist.
        if not isinstance(uid, int):
            uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid).pw_uid
        if gid is None:
            gid = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_gid
        elif not isinstance(gid, int):
            gid = grp.getgrnam(gid).gr_gid

        self.config['user_id'] = uid
        self.config['group_id'] = gid

    def compile(self):
        """Call to compile the submission.  Some programming language may
        skip this process.

    def run(self):
        """Run this submission.  All derived classes must implement this.

        :return: A :class:`tuple` of (exitcode, stdout, stderr).
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def prepare_hwcode(self):
        """Prepare the runner context by copying files from `hw/code` into
        :attr:`tempdir`.  This method should be called before
        except Exception:
                'Cannot copy code files into tempdir for homework %(hwid)s '
                'when executing submission %(handid)s.' % {
                    'hwid': self.hw.uuid,
                    'handid': self.uuid
            raise RuntimeFileCopyFailure()

    def extract_handin(self, archive):
        """Extract the given archive file into :attr:`tempdir`.

        The :class:`~railgun.common.hw.FileRules` defined in :attr:`hw` and
        :attr:`hwcode` will be validated on each file, so this method is

        :param archive: An extractor of the submission archive file.
        :type archive: :class:`~railgun.common.fileutil.Extractor`

            # We limit the count of files in an archive file, since too many
            # files may slow down the runner queue.
            maxCount = runconfig.MAX_SUBMISSION_FILE_COUNT
            if archive.countfiles(maxCount) > maxCount:
                raise ArchiveContainTooManyFileError()

            # If the archive file contains only one top-level directory,
            # it is likely that all the code files are placed under it.
            # So we remove the top-level directory and extract the files
            # in it directly to :attr:`tempdir`.
            onedir = archive.onedir()
            canonical_path = remove_firstdir if onedir else (lambda s: s)

            # Use the :class:`FileRules` to filter out unwanted files.
            def should_skip(path):
                path = canonical_path(path)
                # First, check the rules in HwCode
                action = self.hwcode.file_rules.get_action(path,
                if action == FileRules.DENY:
                    raise FileDenyError(path)
                if action == FileRules.ACCEPT:
                    return False
                if action != -1:
                    # action is not None, and action != ACCEPT, this means
                    # that rules in `hwcode` rejects this file.
                    return True
                # Next, check the rules in Homework
                action = self.hw.file_rules.get_action(
                    path, default_action=FileRules.LOCK)
                if action == FileRules.DENY:
                    raise FileDenyError(path)
                return (action != FileRules.ACCEPT)

            # Call utility to do the extraction.  Initial file mode is 0777,
            # and we'll correct this problem in :meth:`spawn`
            self.tempdir.extract(archive, should_skip, mode=0777)
        except RunnerError:
        except Exception:
                'Cannot extract archive into tempdir for homework %(hwid)s '
                'when executing submission %(handid)s.' % {
                    'hwid': self.hw.uuid,
                    'handid': self.uuid
            raise ExtractFileFailure()